Video: riot police applauded for arresting ANTIFA traffic blockers

Every protest organizer should get permits to protest and there should be a group of police officers on site to ensure they follow city laws about not vandalizing and or clocking traffic. A heavy fine and mandatory jail sentences for those who cannot follow laws would be appropriate.

The Antifa are not protesters Jackson, they're violent Communists, you don't want to give them permits, they have NO intention of being peaceful, their modus operandi is turn up and begin violence, especially smashing things up, burning things and attacking the police with home made missiles.

But according to our laws, they have a right to protest. Let them begin the violence and break our laws. Make them serve mandatory jail sentences and place hefty fines on them that have to be paid before they get out. That would make a difference.

the problem is when they do this, Soro's bails them out, innocent ppl are hurt if not killed, it all tends to drag other violent idiots into their same way of thinking.

They aren't protesting they are communist paid off to cause destruction on purpose.

At least the dickheads now have a record with the police as agitators. I would say it's really going to screw up their employment chances but I doubt they planned on working anyway.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Hilarious that the Antifa say they are Anti-Fascist when it's THEM and ONLY them who are acting like Fascists.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

Typical of the left, “Antifa,” ironically enough stands for anti-fascist. But their violence and thuggery define fascism.

Now we find that these brownshirts are bring paid by their country’s Socialists (how Hitlerian). These protests are vicious and violent. The Antifa get paid €45 an hour to demonstrate for the SPD (Socialist Party in Germany). Hitler’s political party was the National Socialist Party. Same thing.

If you research #demogeld or #dankeantifa on Twitter, there are a huge number of people getting paid to demonstrate for SPD Socialist Party of Germany.

Early this week, my column on Germany’s “right wing hooligans” exposed the fraud being advanced by the Merkel-media, and questioned the legitimacy of bogus news reports. Anti-jihad demos are being framed as violent, “far-right” – evocative of the Nazis. However, the leftist counter protesters, the Antifa, are recorded as destroying, attacking and wilding. Large groups of left-wing Antifa thugs have terrorized the same streets earlier (see here) where the “right-wingers” are supposed to have run amok.

Violent Pro-Migration Antifa Protesters Being PAID $50 AN HOUR By Germany Socialist Party #dankeantifa #Hitlerian - The Geller Report
Nope. That's the methods of the totalitarian scum. We are NOT them. We only kill to defend life.

Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.
Nope. That's the methods of the totalitarian scum. We are NOT them. We only kill to defend life.

Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Video out of Portland shows people cheering and applauding riot police after they arrested a group of Antifa leftists who were blocking traffic.

The protesters were blocking traffic at the intersection of Southwest Yamhill and 6th Avenue. Motorists and one bus driver appear irate as the anarchists scream and lean on vehicles.

View attachment 108791

Video: Riot Police Applauded For Arresting Antifa Traffic Blockers

Pretty much anyone who isn't a communist would agree to their arrest. These trouble making losers should all sit and rot. Useless to society .
Sentence them to labor...building The Wall.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

They are violent Communists, Marxist-Leninists and Trotskyites mixed in with fanatical Anarchists.

They are human filth.
Nope. That's the methods of the totalitarian scum. We are NOT them. We only kill to defend life.

Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.
Nope. That's the methods of the totalitarian scum. We are NOT them. We only kill to defend life.

Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
Scholars who have studied fascism and fascism alone for years are not as sure as you are.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Nipping communism in the bud with a few well executed disappearances is sure to save countless lives.

No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)
No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)
Mussolini even said he would be a socialist until he died. He believed he was one the whole time.
Not long ago I had to look up what the use of "antifa" was, a word I never heard before. Turns out it's a portmanteau for "anti-fascist".

After figuring that out, I'm confused how people sling around "antifa" like it's an insult or something to be ashamed of. Proud antifa here, pussy pants.

So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.
No, it's not. It just breeds a new batch of imbeciles. If you want to win that war you have to think long term and non destructive. Take a look at the hell hole of the middle east. It has been going on for thousands of years and it will not stop till one side figures out that working together to improve ALL of their lives is better than trying to blow the other guy up. We quite literally have thousands of years of your style of thinking to show it doesn't work.
Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)

Fascism is diametrically opposed to to state ownership of capital and equality in economic outcomes.
Hillary is more similar to a fascist than Trump. Especially economically.

How do you figure? Fascism is rooted in nationalism and right wing politics and economic beliefs. That doesn't describe Hillary Clinton.
Benito Mussolini was a life long socialist. Corporatism is a form of National syndicalism. Syndicalism is leftist, not right wing. All you leftists have to prove your claim that he was right wing is "He was a nationalist"... Well nationalism isn't solely a right wing nationalists are left wing for example.

No, there really isn't any confusion or disagreement about Big F, Italian Fascism being right wing. If someone doesn't agree with that, then there really isn't a lot to talk about. It would be like me pointing to a cow and saying "That's a cow", and you saying "No, it's just a really big mouse".
I've read that Italian Fascists called themselves socialists and nationalists :)
Mussolini even said he would be a socialist until he died. He believed he was one the whole time.

Before he was kicked out of the Socialist Party and became a Fascist. People just engage in labeling things they don't like socialist or fascist, but let's try and have a little integrity here.

Here's the original point I was making. If you're going on about 'Antifas', you're complaining about people who are by definition anti fascist. That's what it means.

Does that mean you're pro Fascist? Not necessarily, but maybe.
So you are a Communist?

A Communist as well as a Sock.

Um, no, I would just be anti fascist. That's generally considered a good thing to be, not a fascist. Unless you're a supporter of Cheeto Benito?

Get it...Cheeto Benito....cuz he's all weirdly orange like a Cheeto, and Benito Mussolini was basically the founding father of modern fascism....

Then WTF are you babbling about, you haven't a clue what you're talking about and you are embarrassing yourself commenting things such as this:

"Proud antifa here,"

There are many of us who have been monitoring the Antifa human filth for several years and also helping our respective Law Enforcement in Europa and now in America with intelligence about Antifa.

We know more about the Antifa than the Antifa know about themselves, we told them the day of reckoning would come, they refused to even THINK that the pendulum would swing Rightwards and now it has and now it's game on and they are crapping themselves.

Law Enforcement hate the Antifa human filth as much as we do, the police and the Riot Police know that we support them and respect them.

The Antifa might as well just collectively fold and give up, if not, they know what's going to happen.

So you're pro-Fascist then? I mean, if you're against people who are anti-Fascist....probably specious reasoning, but it stands to reason.

What makes people who are anti-Fascist "human filth"?

What does "Antifa" (capitalized for some reason) mean to you?

I'm a Right-Wing Nationalist, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism.

Nationalism is Patriotism, love of Nation and love of your people and of your Heritage and Culture and putting your Nation FIRST and putting your own people FIRST and protecting your borders.

It's only the Leftist MSM and Neo-Marxist Professors who brainwash people into thinking that Nationalism and Patriotism are bad things.

This is because Leftists hate their Nation and wish to see NO Nation exist, hence the No Borders Movement and the Open Borders Movement, without a border there is NO Nation, also Leftists are not Patriots, if you hate your Nation and burn your flag or urinate on your flag and enable, apologise for, defend and give aid and comfort to the enemies of your Nation and people you are not a Patriot, you are a Traitor, see the Leftists love-in with Islamism and Radical Islam in particular.
Point blank....if you are not a nationalist for your nation then you are anti-your nation.

That is incredibly lazy and sloppy thinking.

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