Video: riot police applauded for arresting ANTIFA traffic blockers

I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.
In your opinion it is unethical, immoral and evil. I'm not saying we should kill every single person with a left bent, I am saying kill and or round up the agitators and their financiers, preferably they would surrender peacefully.
Don't go overboard. We have laws in place. Now use them!
I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.

They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.

I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.
In your opinion it is unethical, immoral and evil. I'm saying we should kill every single person with a left bent, I am saying kill and or round up the agitators and their financiers, preferably they would surrender peacefully.

And after you have killed me (because I have a left bent ((according to the new speak)) in that I believe that people should be free to do as they please so long as they harm no one else), who do you decide you don't like next? That's the problem with government. They need people to hate so that they can retain power. After they have killed off all of the producers the scum that are left come after the government so they change the focus of their attacks till there is no one left to kill.
The meme I tend to post often shows how it is all done not to mention why, Bill Ayers that bastard is king of of this communist bs.
If some would really, really take the time to read this and not just the title it could point out the social engineering we have been encountering meaning the protesters paid to go out and cause destruction.

Much of this behavior is starting in the schools, often at home the dumbed down liberal generation the same ones who admire Bill Ayers taught their kids this now that they are parents they are passing it onto today's youth and the next generation is going to be ten times worse if we can't bring down this NWO bullshit..

View attachment 108800

Yes, and you have to teach the kids otherwise. You have to expose the bill ayers scum for what they are. But do it in a non violent way. Once the bullet has left the barrel of the gun you can't call it back. And once that bullet has flown this country would be forever changed. And not in a good way.

Have you ever watched this before ? 25 million dead ...............the bastards actually admit it.

No, I hadn't. Thanks for posting it up.

A lot of people forgot that Bill Ayers had ties with weather underground .

I didn't. He's a POS for sure. I would love to see him rotting in jail for the crimes he committed.
I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.

They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.
I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.
In your opinion it is unethical, immoral and evil. I'm saying we should kill every single person with a left bent, I am saying kill and or round up the agitators and their financiers, preferably they would surrender peacefully.

And after you have killed me (because I have a left bent ((according to the new speak)) in that I believe that people should be free to do as they please so long as they harm no one else), who do you decide you don't like next? That's the problem with government. They need people to hate so that they can retain power. After they have killed off all of the producers the scum that are left come after the government so they change the focus of their attacks till there is no one left to kill.
I edited that later to say "I am *not*"
I respect the right to protest. I don't respect you if you impede, shame or harm others while doing it.
If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.

No one is talking about arresting people we simply dont like, but arresting groups of people with a clear track record for mass slaughter surpassing that of the Nazis.

If some child molester says he is going to get into his car and go find a child and rape them, I think killing the bastard will save a life, but according to you, I have to wait for him to actually do it and his declaration of intent is insufficient?

I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.
In your opinion it is unethical, immoral and evil. I'm not saying we should kill every single person with a left bent, I am saying kill and or round up the agitators and their financiers, preferably they would surrender peacefully.
Don't go overboard. We have laws in place. Now use them!
It doesn't look like we have laws in place when people feel free to destroy private property and attack people en mass.
The meme I tend to post often shows how it is all done not to mention why, Bill Ayers that bastard is king of of this communist bs.
If some would really, really take the time to read this and not just the title it could point out the social engineering we have been encountering meaning the protesters paid to go out and cause destruction.

Much of this behavior is starting in the schools, often at home the dumbed down liberal generation the same ones who admire Bill Ayers taught their kids this now that they are parents they are passing it onto today's youth and the next generation is going to be ten times worse if we can't bring down this NWO bullshit..

View attachment 108800

Yes, and you have to teach the kids otherwise. You have to expose the bill ayers scum for what they are. But do it in a non violent way. Once the bullet has left the barrel of the gun you can't call it back. And once that bullet has flown this country would be forever changed. And not in a good way.

Have you ever watched this before ? 25 million dead ...............the bastards actually admit it.

No, I hadn't. Thanks for posting it up.

A lot of people forgot that Bill Ayers had ties with weather underground .

I didn't. He's a POS for sure. I would love to see him rotting in jail for the crimes he committed.

Well, he visited the White House but look at the spin on it below:
"The White House offered no commentary about the list, except to clarify that visitors by the names of William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were not the same two men who stirred controversy for Mr. Obama in his campaign."

White House Visitor Log Lists Stars and C.E.O.’s
I respect the right to protest. I don't respect you if you impede, shame or harm others while doing it.
But that is the point to their agitation by stopping traffic and making themselves into a nuisance.

They do not merely protest but they do things to piss everyone off, inconvenience them and cost the government money.

Fuck that; just shoot the bastards and I am not joking.
I've tried to think of ways this could be resolved without violence, but then I realized that those solutions would be met with violence.

I believe it would be perfectly legal to outlaw communism and socialism because they are subversive, they seek to destroy the framework of this nation..but if we did that they will still get violent in response.

If they meet you with violence you defend yourself. But no more than that. Using the power of government to round up those who you don't like is unethical, immoral, and evil. Anyone who desires that sort of outcome is quite simply stupid and incapable of even basic thinking.

They seek to destroy society, they hate everything Western Civilisation stands for, this is a rabid dog with rabies situation, do you allow a rabid dog with rabies to be running around on the streets?
We aren't any better than they are if we don't follow our laws.

Jackson at some point you're going to have to make a choice.

To take the blue pill or to take the red pill. You'd be advised to take the red pill.


One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional. And ultimately it is destructive.

"One dimensional thinking is always one dimensional."

I'm not meaning one dimensional thinking.

I'm meaning the Blue Pilled can continue to keep their hands in the sand about these violent Communists and the Agitators and those who finance them or they can become Red Pilled and wake up to reality that this isn't a Children's Tea Party and these subversive and dangerous parasites to Western Civilisation cannot be dealt with with a slap on the wrist and a fine and a few years in prison.
I respect the right to protest. I don't respect you if you impede, shame or harm others while doing it.
They shouldn't even give these groups permits, they know what they're going to do.

The woman march, regardless of how vile it was...was peaceful. Give them permits, fine. Don't give a bunch of Soros zombies a damned permit!
The communist terrorist organization ANTIFA is financed by George Soros. Mr. Soros should be arrested and tried in Hague for funding terrorism since ANTIFA is wide spread in Europe, thus became an international terrorist organization, where it was "imported" from into the U.S.

George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit -
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
Yes, and you have to teach the kids otherwise. You have to expose the bill ayers scum for what they are. But do it in a non violent way. Once the bullet has left the barrel of the gun you can't call it back. And once that bullet has flown this country would be forever changed. And not in a good way.

Have you ever watched this before ? 25 million dead ...............the bastards actually admit it.

No, I hadn't. Thanks for posting it up.

A lot of people forgot that Bill Ayers had ties with weather underground .

I didn't. He's a POS for sure. I would love to see him rotting in jail for the crimes he committed.

Well, he visited the White House but look at the spin on it below:
"The White House offered no commentary about the list, except to clarify that visitors by the names of William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright were not the same two men who stirred controversy for Mr. Obama in his campaign."

White House Visitor Log Lists Stars and C.E.O.’s

LOL you should listen to Alex corner this bastard Bill Ayers , the sob is such a liar too.

Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes and do it in response to the felonious violent protests he organizes and sends into unsuspecting peaceful US cities.
The communist terrorist organization ANTIFA is financed by George Soros. Mr. Soros should be arrested and tried in Hague for funding terrorism since ANTIFA is wide spread in Europe, thus became an international terrorist organization, where it was "imported" from into the U.S.

George Soros funds the Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, anti-European, left-wing agit -
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
Gawwwwwd do I hope so.
Soros is on President Trump's 'To Do' list.
Don't worry. When the President seizes every fucking nickle Soros has in US banks the party will be over for the Nazi!
I am pretty sure that Trump can pull that off with RICO statutes and do it in response to the felonious violent protests he organizes and sends into unsuspecting peaceful US cities.
That would be so sweet.
Maybe someone will do a 'Nice truck' on these sub human scum balls.
Who knows.
"A gerbil climbed up my leg and I just keep pressing my foot on the excelerater your Honor".

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