Video: riot police applauded for arresting ANTIFA traffic blockers

Free speech rights should not extend to those who advocate the direct or indirect harm of the public, IMO.
Because the COTUS of this country specify's that the PEOPLE can do what they want so long as they don't harm someone else. I believe, and support that document. The second they go beyond talking, and implement action, then I have no problem dealing with them. It's as simple as that. You either hold to the values of the Founding Fathers, or you don't. I do.
Then if we are speaking about communists, as you should well know, they are all about nothing other than revolution, violence and the use of conspiracy and sedition.

By your own definition they should not be covered under the First Amendment.

Political speech by definition is protected under the First Amendment. According to your broad interpretation many here, myself included, could have been arrested and incarcerated by the obummer admin were the First Amendment not in place. There's a big difference between talking about your grievances, and actually plotting to blow up buildings and kill people. When they cross THAT line, then they are fair game.
Subversion is not political speech.

I agree. i believe I addressed that issue when i stated PLANNING for an action opens them up for arrest. Or did you all miss that part?

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