Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
I asked you earlier to explain where you heard these men were on the phone with the cops while they were chasing him.
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
Never. I hope these vile, hateful, racist motherfucker pigs die in prison.

I saw all I needed to see. These two morons, and their friend who filmed the murder, chased this man down and shot him dead. They also deserve to die. Do they fry them in Georgia?
Ok terrorist
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
I asked you earlier to explain where you heard these men were on the phone with the cops while they were chasing him.
Its in every link
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.

What makes you think they won't be exonerated? Did these guys have clean records? It looks like they have a solid defense.
They got caught hunting down, and murdering a black man on video. The public will never stand for their release from prison.

So many things they could have done to address the situation besides what they did, which led to murder.

They thought they were tough, fierce hunters. Protectors of the world. They don't even know how to properly handle their weapons.

I don't think the jury is going to see it the way you apparently do.

It isn't up to the "public" here, its up to DA to present evidence and to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. The "public" is lynch mobs- this is about the Law and evidence and actual proof.
And 12 Glynn County, Georgia jurors. Yes?

Generally speaking, juries are chosen from the jurisdiction where the alleged offense occurred. so,yes
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
I have done the same thing so many times. I never thought of it as breaking and entering because it was already wide open. I've never had anyone question me or even stop me.
Lol what!? Is it your property? Construction ppp always leave equipment behind, obviously the neighborhoods looked out for this Construction company except for the stolen hammer

No. Obviously the vigilantes went too far.

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You

Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood two brave men confronted him.View attachment 334209 You
All we need is for Paul Harvey to say "And now for the rest of the story....."
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol hahah Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns

Were you there? How do you know that is why they brought guns? He didn't have a hammer, but if he did, that still doesn't justify murder.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
I have done the same thing so many times. I never thought of it as breaking and entering because it was already wide open. I've never had anyone question me or even stop me.
Lol what!? Is it your property? Construction ppp always leave equipment behind, obviously the neighborhoods looked out for this Construction company except for the stolen hammer

No. Obviously the vigilantes went too far.
How do? They just said stop
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
I asked you earlier to explain where you heard these men were on the phone with the cops while they were chasing him.
Its in every link
All they say was a 911 call was made by someone, not that the shooters were on the phone while chasing the guy. Quit lying.
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
I asked you earlier to explain where you heard these men were on the phone with the cops while they were chasing him.
Its in every link
All they say was a 911 call was made by someone, not that the shooters were on the phone while chasing the guy. Quit lying.
I believe the caller
Was calling his sons name. Im
Not fishing for you .
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol LOLOL Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns


You don't even know what it is and it was on the ground before Arbery jogged past it.

You're nuts, comrade. :cuckoo:

No I have pics of him throwing it, ive posted 3 times .. yoir just trolling .. no wonder the black community is high in crime you encourage this behavior so racist. Your just a racist troll .. sad

You must have posted that at Stormfront, because I haven't seen it here.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
New evidence was released today of a security video witnessing AA canvassing a building entrance to garage came out five minutes later with something that look like a tool or weapon call it what you want he then ran neighbors witnessed it neighbors called the cops followed the suspect who is carrying a weapon. The suspect and violently attacked one of the heroes. During the struggle he jumped the gun and killed himself

Canvassing a building entrance? He walked up to a garage that didn't have it's door installed yet dumb ass.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol LOLOL Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns


You don't even know what it is and it was on the ground before Arbery jogged past it.

You're nuts, comrade. :cuckoo:

No I have pics of him throwing it, ive posted 3 times .. yoir just trolling .. no wonder the black community is high in crime you encourage this behavior so racist. Your just a racist troll .. sad

You must have posted that at Stormfront, because I haven't seen it here.

Ok troll one more time FD4B5702-7033-4643-A330-B817468317DC.jpeg9F7C2CDD-A9FF-45DB-9AF7-4DFA674098D9.jpeg
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Actually what made this such a big story was because the killers were not being prosecuted. The crime occurred some 2 months ago but only became big news when video emerged showing they lied about how Arbery was hunted down.
What was the crime they committed?

They committed murder. The police already said the dead guy committed no crime.
New evidence was released today of a security video witnessing AA canvassing a building entrance to garage came out five minutes later with something that look like a tool or weapon call it what you want he then ran neighbors witnessed it neighbors called the cops followed the suspect who is carrying a weapon. The suspect and violently attacked one of the heroes. During the struggle he jumped the gun and killed himself

Canvassing a building entrance? He walked up to a garage that didn't have it's door installed yet dumb ass.
He was inside for 5 mins came out running with a object.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
I have done the same thing so many times. I never thought of it as breaking and entering because it was already wide open. I've never had anyone question me or even stop me.
Lol what!? Is it your property? Construction ppp always leave equipment behind, obviously the neighborhoods looked out for this Construction company except for the stolen hammer

No. Obviously the vigilantes went too far.
How do? They just said stop

Saying stop doesn't kill anybody dumb ass.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
I have done the same thing so many times. I never thought of it as breaking and entering because it was already wide open. I've never had anyone question me or even stop me.
Lol what!? Is it your property? Construction ppp always leave equipment behind, obviously the neighborhoods looked out for this Construction company except for the stolen hammer

No. Obviously the vigilantes went too far.
How do? They just said stop

Saying stop doesn't kill anybody dumb ass.
No the warding off a burglar of a possible theft of the shotgun caused his death, the white man was just strongerc
, and handled the criminal
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Well here we have the expected creation of a reason to murder a black man. Too bad everything these racists say is not true and the GBI has charged these 2 men with murder. This story is about two racist Georgia white men who took up arms and killed a black man based on a racist presumption.

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Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
how often do joggers go jogging in kahki shorts?

i'm going to wait for an entire story before i take a side. but as usual, left and right line up to face off, each having a side and someone screaming GO.

The libs did start this. Really, this story is about someone getting shot on the street in small Georgia city. Neither party to the shooting is connected, the motive has yet to be determined. Those who say the shooters are "white supremacists" are talking shit, as no one knows and it would seem unlikely. People get shot every day of the weeks somewhere, there was nothing remarkable about this , except for the race of the actors

Picking a story, and forcing it into a predetermined template is what the libs always do.
Well here we have the expected creation of a reason to murder a black man. Too bad everything these racists say is not true and the GBI has charged these 2 men with murder. This story is about two racist Georgia whit man who took up arms and killed a black man based on a racist presumption.


Do you have any proof of this alleged motive- that these defendants are racist? Or are you just assuming? There was no evidence that either of these men were card carrying members of the Triple K or the American Nazi Party. They weren't wearing the traditional sheets and conical hat, or the official Hugo Boss designed National Socialist uniform during the video or afterwards
These perfect Trumpbots are going to die in prison, hopefully soon.

No one knows what the political bent of the accused are in this case, why the assumption they are Trump voters?

The fact that this incident happened in a majority-black city , with a Liberal black mayor, tells me that there is probably nothing here, or the libs would have busted these guys long before this week.
Why are you jumping to their defense? They made the decision to be vigilantes and now they will pay. Thousands of black men in the south ended up hanging from a tree because men just like these thought themselves worthy to be judge, jury and executioner. That shit will not be allowed to happen again. It's also a pretty safe bet these douchebags were Trump supporters, how could they not be?
Lol are you bringing slavery up into this? The guys witnessed somebody broke into a house started to run away with stuff in his pocket, A hammer fell out they stopped at the stop sign and wanted to hold them until the police came.. And the black I’ll try to take the gun
Your new heroes don't have a leg to stand on.
Not with the video shows, View attachment 334271
Last time I checked theft does not warrant the death sentence. You see someone breaking in some place you call the police, not bubba and his daddy. Vigilantism has a long and deeply racist past in that part of the country and way too many cold-blooded murderers never saw the inside of a courtroom. Go ahead and defend these shitheads and forfeit the last shred of decency the right possesses.
Does being a good Samaritan warrant death? Or a death sentence
When you decide to take the law in your own hands you also take responsibility for your actions. Cops can get away with killing people because the law protects them. These men were not officers of the law and as private citizens they have committed a homicide. I can accept that these guys never meant to kill but they did and now they must pay.
They called the cops, they followed the guy, There was a struggle for the gun and the robber was shot
What did he rob?
WHO did he rob?

Definition of robbery

: the act or practice of robbing specifically : larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat

Just stop. You don't even know the difference between a robber and a burglar. They don't teach that in Russia?

Both robbery and burglary are serious felonies. But burglary is less serious if its a non-residential building and there is no one there. In either case, you are likely to be shot if you engage in it. People don't go for that shit nowadays, particularly in nice areas like Brunswick, GA.
Those goobers will never see the outside of a prison cell. Deservedly so. Hope it was worth it to them.

They sure looked like scared little bitches in their mug shots.
For political reasons? Are you a terrorist?

You're sundowning awfully early in the day.
You want these guys in jail
Because they got your profile of a southern republican.. you
Are doing it for political reasons ,, you Are by definition supporting terrorism
Not MY profile. But certainly one of the many profiles of a southern republican.

I want them in prison because they chased down, and murdered a man.

There are many southern republicans who fit the same profile. I'm not hollering for them all to go to prison. Only the murderers. Though I am never surprised when something like this happens and it involves a white southern republican.
They witnessed a Burglary they follow the Burglar while on the phone with the cops they saw the robber with a weapon they brought guns with them the suspect tried to take a gun jolted it and was shot and killed. Stop your hate of these two heroes
I asked you earlier to explain where you heard these men were on the phone with the cops while they were chasing him.
Its in every link
All they say was a 911 call was made by someone, not that the shooters were on the phone while chasing the guy. Quit lying.
I believe the caller
Was calling his sons name. Im
Not fishing for you .
We'll see, if you are correct it means the police covered for these men. Better pray to God this isn't the case.
Does the OP have any shame at all?
You racist sob you turned it into something about Race when It was just two guys going after a man they saw leaving the house he broke into.. democrats have no limits to your racism

He walked into an open house that was under construction to have a look. He didn't break and enter anything. The police already determined that. Nobody lived there, and there were no furnishings or anything else. He broke no law by taking a peek at the new house being built.
Sad democrats rushed to judgment, this guy was robbing houses and for the protection of the neighborhood

He didn't "break into" a construction site, the construction site wasn't "secured" because there weren't any doors on the building yet. So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do when we see a new building going up, and he took a look.

Hey, check with the rest of the Right Wing Jackals, they are throwing these guys to the wolves.

The video shows the black male going through a garage going down the side of the house entering the house for five minutes comes out was caught by a neighbor begins to run towards McMichael’s house, then you see a white truck follow the black guy. You racist sob .. All you Democrats want to do is divide us by race so you can continue the conquer and control of blacks. Sick. Thank God Candace Owens won’t let that happen

Actually, you dumb bubba rednecks excusing shit like this makes it easy. Shooting a guy for merely peaking into a half-finished house? You don't belong in this neighborhood, boy!
Do you run with Untied combat boots on and a hammer in your khaki shorts and then throw the hammer as you’re caught? View attachment 334268View attachment 334269
That's not a hammer, retard. And it was in the street before Arbery jogged past it. Not to mention, if he actually had a hammer, why would he toss it as he's approaching a guy with a gun?

Lol how does that video disprove anything lol LOLOL Desperate or what

It shows he didn't throw down a hammer.

Umm so how did it end up on the ground? They saw him with the hammer that’s why they brought guns


You don't even know what it is and it was on the ground before Arbery jogged past it.

You're nuts, comrade. :cuckoo:

No I have pics of him throwing it, ive posted 3 times .. yoir just trolling .. no wonder the black community is high in crime you encourage this behavior so racist. Your just a racist troll .. sad

You must have posted that at Stormfront, because I haven't seen it here.

Ok troll one more time View attachment 334419View attachment 334420

The police report said he was wearing sneakers, but didn't mention a hammer.

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