Video shows Ahmaud Arbery Was caught breaking and entering an unfinished property, then towards McMichael‘s house

So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do
You would wander thru property that's not yours?
Others did too.
The white couple worked for the construction company

And the kids on bicycles...?

And where's your link to a news article stating Arbery threw a hammer...?
I have pics of Arbery throwing the hammer, i just got off the phone with the construction company who said they had a hammer stolen and that was ppl from the construction crew

You have no pics of a flying hammer because there are none. Shit, you can't even post a link to a news article saying there was a hammer.

The hammer was def thrown.. I have still pics.
Post a link to a news article stating a hammer was thrown.

Are you too thick to do that?
Hammer hammer hammer!

The hammer doesn't matter. They had reasonable suspicion. They were right.

The burglar attacked them not because he thought they were kidnappers or anything of the sort. He attacked them because he knew who they are and they stood in the way.
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Hammer hammer hammer!

The hammer doesn't matter. They had reasonable suspicion. They were right.

The burglar attacked them not because he thought they were kidnappers or anything of the sort. He attacked them because knew who they are and they stood in the way.
Who were they? How did Arbery know who they are?
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
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and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Does the OP have any shame at all?

There is a house construction around hundred yards NW from my home.

Yesterday I saw a jogger some hundred yards SW from my home.

Executed "in case of jogger" standard operating procedure: remove the shot gun from the safe, load the gun, put the shoes on, start the car.
Hammer hammer hammer!

The hammer doesn't matter. They had reasonable suspicion. They were right.

The burglar attacked them not because he thought they were kidnappers or anything of the sort. He attacked them because he knew who they are and they stood in the way.


1 Arbery was unarmed. This means he had no hammer. No hammer appears in the film. The only place a hammer exists is in you head to justify the unjustifiable.

2 Arbery stole nothing. He did nothing wrong. One could easily argue that Because the owner was aware of trespassers and chose to do nothing about it But install a camera. The owner was so in fact allowing people like Arbery onto his property. Actually more than one person was caught on that camera checking the house out including a white couple . They no doubt thought the house was being flipped and checked out the work. Funny the McMichaels did chase down any white people. Arbery did nothing wrong and was killed for it. There was no reasonable suspicion because no crime actually occurred.

Again I’d like to point out owners have their
Friends check on their property all the time. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was checking in the property. Had the McMichaels acted reasonably they would have found out who he was first instead of jumping to conclusions.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Even if that’s true It doesn’t matter. What law required Arbery to talk to them, they aren’t the police. All they needed to do is call police and take his picture. That’s it. They should have left him alone. Personally I wouldn’t talk to two strange men either because I’m a woman and I might get raped. Arbery was a black man in racist Georgia being approached by two white dudes he didn’t know. He probably didn’t want to talk to them for fear of being attacked or killed. He was right.
So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do
You would wander thru property that's not yours?
Others did too.
The white couple worked for the construction company

And the kids on bicycles...?

And where's your link to a news article stating Arbery threw a hammer...?
I have pics of Arbery throwing the hammer, i just got off the phone with the construction company who said they had a hammer stolen and that was ppl from the construction crew

You have no pics of a flying hammer because there are none. Shit, you can't even post a link to a news article saying there was a hammer.

The hammer was def thrown.. I have still pics.
Post a link to a news article stating a hammer was thrown.

Are you too thick to do that?
Huh why do I need a article? I have the pics
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Even if that’s true It doesn’t matter. What law required Arbery to talk to them, they aren’t the police. All they needed to do is call police and take his picture. That’s it. They should have left him alone. Personally I wouldn’t talk to two strange men either because I’m a woman and I might get raped. Arbery was a black man in racist Georgia being approached by two white dudes he didn’t know. He probably didn’t want to talk to them for fear of being attacked or killed. He was right.
It appears the racism was in your mind and arbrey since skin color matters so much to the lefties
So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do
You would wander thru property that's not yours?
Others did too.
The white couple worked for the construction company

And the kids on bicycles...?

And where's your link to a news article stating Arbery threw a hammer...?
I have pics of Arbery throwing the hammer, i just got off the phone with the construction company who said they had a hammer stolen and that was ppl from the construction crew

You have no pics of a flying hammer because there are none. Shit, you can't even post a link to a news article saying there was a hammer.

The hammer was def thrown.. I have still pics.
Post a link to a news article stating a hammer was thrown.

Are you too thick to do that?
Huh why do I need a article? I have the pics
No, you have pictures of a stick you're claiming is a hammer.

Corroborate your hallucination with a news article supporting it...
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Even if that’s true It doesn’t matter. What law required Arbery to talk to them, they aren’t the police. All they needed to do is call police and take his picture. That’s it. They should have left him alone. Personally I wouldn’t talk to two strange men either because I’m a woman and I might get raped. Arbery was a black man in racist Georgia being approached by two white dudes he didn’t know. He probably didn’t want to talk to them for fear of being attacked or killed. He was right.
It appears the racism was in your mind and arbrey since skin color matters so much to the lefties

Yet it's the righties here who are being racist. Like the one saying Arbery's mother shoukd be sent back to Africa. That came from a member of your herd.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.
So he stopped on his jog, like almost any of us do
You would wander thru property that's not yours?
Others did too.
The white couple worked for the construction company

And the kids on bicycles...?

And where's your link to a news article stating Arbery threw a hammer...?
I have pics of Arbery throwing the hammer, i just got off the phone with the construction company who said they had a hammer stolen and that was ppl from the construction crew

You have no pics of a flying hammer because there are none. Shit, you can't even post a link to a news article saying there was a hammer.

The hammer was def thrown.. I have still pics.
Post a link to a news article stating a hammer was thrown.

Are you too thick to do that?
Huh why do I need a article? I have the pics
No, you have pictures of a stick you're claiming is a hammer.

Corroborate your hallucination with a news article supporting it...
Ummm ok lol ill
Stick to the images of a hammer,, Just wait until the two new videos arrive I wonder why GBI won’t release them hehe
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Even if that’s true It doesn’t matter. What law required Arbery to talk to them, they aren’t the police. All they needed to do is call police and take his picture. That’s it. They should have left him alone. Personally I wouldn’t talk to two strange men either because I’m a woman and I might get raped. Arbery was a black man in racist Georgia being approached by two white dudes he didn’t know. He probably didn’t want to talk to them for fear of being attacked or killed. He was right.
It appears the racism was in your mind and arbrey since skin color matters so much to the lefties

Yet it's the righties here who are being racist. Like the one saying Arbery's mother shoukd be sent back to Africa. That came from a member of your herd.
Which shows you not all “righties” are racist. Your herd, presumably the leftists, created the KKK.
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that.

You failed to read the police report? They did try to talk to him nicely, it did not work with the "jogger".
Even if that’s true It doesn’t matter. What law required Arbery to talk to them, they aren’t the police. All they needed to do is call police and take his picture. That’s it. They should have left him alone. Personally I wouldn’t talk to two strange men either because I’m a woman and I might get raped. Arbery was a black man in racist Georgia being approached by two white dudes he didn’t know. He probably didn’t want to talk to them for fear of being attacked or killed. He was right.
It appears the racism was in your mind and arbrey since skin color matters so much to the lefties

Yet it's the righties here who are being racist. Like the one saying Arbery's mother shoukd be sent back to Africa. That came from a member of your herd.
There are plenty of lefties using anti white language

division and hate are what you get when leftwing race hustlers control the media
and I seriously doubt any police officer told these two idiots to stop him by shooting him.
If he had not attacked the man holding the shotgun arbrey would be alive today

If Mc Michaels had minded their own business Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels had approached Arbery like a normal human being and simply asked what he was doing Arbery would be alive today.

Had the McMichaels left Arbery alone and let the cops do their job, Arbery would be alive today.

If the McMichaels hadn’t chased Arbery maybe Arbery would be alive today.

If two white McMichaels had treated Arbery like a white man he’d be alive today.

But the McMichaels didn’t do that. They saw a black man checking out the construction of a house. Something BTW other people in the neighborhood had also done both white and black. It was caught on the property owner’s camera. THE PROPERTY OWNER WAS AWARE OF TRESPASSERS. It was his job to defend and secure his own property not the McMichaels. HE CHOSE NOT TO! Instead he installed the camera. The McMichaels stuck their nose where it didn’t belong. All the should have done is call the police and let them handle it. Instead they chased and harassed Arbery for no reason. The man didn’t take anything. For all the McMichaels knew Arbery was a friend of the owner checking on the property for him. Something people do all the time. But the McMichaels didn’t care about any of that. Instead they chased and killed an innocent man. The police said Arbery had no stolen property on him. The man was just jogging when two neighborhood bullies stalked him and shot him. Even the video shows the McMichaels waiting for Arbery, truck door open as an intimidation tactic or perhaps a challenge to bait the young man. The McMichaels could have taken a picture for police. They could have followed him at a distance until the police arrived. There were 1000 better ways to deal with this THEN KILLING HIM. I hope they rot in jail. They gave the Arbery family a much harsher sentence because they will never see their loved one again.

You will also note the charge is murder and not manslaughter. Something I was surprised at because the lesser charge manslaughter would be easier to prove. I’m not sure if the police are trying to get the McMichaels acquitted by making the prosecution prove a higher charge or if there’s more proof we don’t know about.
Guess we wait and see. Hopefully the aggravated assault charge will stick and the stupid bastards will get some jail time.
The only thing I blame McMicheals for based on evidence so far was getting out of the truck

they should have followed arbrey till the cops showed up to question him

but arbrey was a naturally angry and aggressive person and its likely arbrey attacked the son who was holding the shotgun

maybe new evidence will change that but so far thats how I see it

I agree that McMichael shouldn’t have gotten out of the truck. The problem is he did and now Arbery is dead. The McMichaels instigated the entire situation. But for the actions of the McMichaels, Arbery would be alive today. The McMichaels now have to pay for that action and poor judgement. They should have let the police handle it.

They will no doubt not be found guilty of murder because the reality is they should have been charged with manslaughter unless the cops know something we don’t. I think the only charge they will be found guilty of is aggravated assault.

If Arbery did not attack a man with a shotgun, he would be alive today. In prison, but alive.

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