Video shows election cheater making video of his cheating so he could get paid $10 for each vote

Trump's reference to selling ballots for $10 significantly misstates a claim made by a conservative group – which has also not been verified by election officials. True the Vote, a conservative organization that defines itself as a voter integrity group and has previously filed 2020 election lawsuits backing Trump, claims a person who it has refused to publicly identify was paid $10 each for ballots that he gathered from others.

Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that people were paid $10 per ballot in Georgia’s November 2020 election because it is misleading and unproven. This assertion from Trump is based on a complaint about ballot harvesting, which has prompted an investigation by the Georgia’s Secretary of State office. True the Vote has not identified the witness who claims he was paid, and the group is not alleging that the ballots themselves were fraudulent. Georgia investigators previously looked into a similar allegation and said there was not enough evidence to justify an investigation.
It's lies 24/7 by the Right.

This guy made a video of himself illegally dropping other people's ballots into dropboxes so he could get paid $10 for each vote. The organization that made the video of the guy making the video says it has enough videos of enough people dropping off enough of other people's votes, illegally, in enough states, that the total number of these votes is big enough in enough states that if they were all rejeted due to their illegality, Trump would be the winner of the election.

NEW VIDEO: VoterGA Releases Video of Georgia Ballot Trafficker Holding Up His Ballots and Taking a Photo Before Dumping Them in Ballot Dropbox​

January 29, 2022

On Friday, VoterGA investigator David Cross released a sample of Gwinnett County drop box surveillance footage that his group acquired via FOIA request.

In the video, you can clearly see the man snapping a photo of his hand filled with ballots before he dumped them in the ballot dropbox.

Now, why would he do that?

Oh but the Demonrats here say that is NO EVIDENCE with their desperate hail marys they throw.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Ballot harvesting is illegal in GA, the State is currently building cases against more than 250 harvesters. How loud will you cry when they are charged?
The ironic thing is, the rural letter carrier is allowed to "harvest ballots".
Why can people drop as many ballots as they want into a mail box, but not a drop box.
The ironic thing is, the rural letter carrier is allowed to "harvest ballots".
Why can people drop as many ballots as they want into a mail box, but not a drop box.

They can't legally dumbass, it's the harvesting that's illegal. But I guess surveillance cameras will now need to be placed covering mail boxes as well. Thanks for pointing out a flaw in the system.

Not only was the election stolen, but the stealers made investigators file FOIA request to obtain this tape. Democrats and never Trump neocons are still covering up all the voting fraud they did. Lock em up.
This guy made a video of himself illegally dropping other people's ballots into dropboxes so he could get paid $10 for each vote. The organization that made the video of the guy making the video says it has enough videos of enough people dropping off enough of other people's votes, illegally, in enough states, that the total number of these votes is big enough in enough states that if they were all rejeted due to their illegality, Trump would be the winner of the election.

NEW VIDEO: VoterGA Releases Video of Georgia Ballot Trafficker Holding Up His Ballots and Taking a Photo Before Dumping Them in Ballot Dropbox​

January 29, 2022

On Friday, VoterGA investigator David Cross released a sample of Gwinnett County drop box surveillance footage that his group acquired via FOIA request.

In the video, you can clearly see the man snapping a photo of his hand filled with ballots before he dumped them in the ballot dropbox.

Now, why would he do that?

How stupid are you????? So he can make a video for Gateway Pundit, doofus!!!

Why did Trump steal classified documents???? So he could get himself arrested and play victim.

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