Video Survives After Denver Cops Beat Man, Snatch Camera and Delete Footage

Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

So Asslips...when ya gonna break out your "white chicks want black cock" routine for these fairies?

BTW, Lonestar would take you apart like a tinkertoy set, boy.
Is that what you and he do to each other? i dont care if you are gay but I'm not into homosexual threesomes. Try someone else.
Is that what you and he do to each other? i dont care if you are gay but I'm not into homosexual threesomes. Try someone else.

Oh, you're "gay" alright along with a half dozen other mental you sit here trying to lecture whites about how tough it's been for you pretend's really all you're comfortable talking about because you don't know anything about much of anything're a laughingstock here and everywhere.
The child wasn't but it was the child's parents that put him in danger were indeed breaking the law.

As for raiding the wrong house, rare events can and do happen.

Yes, and sometimes (albeit very rarely) police break the law as well, and need to be held to a higher standard when they do. Unfortunately they are not, which begets more criminality among the police.

Yes they do and they are punished accordingly.

Rarely. There are too many reports, and videos, of police misconduct that are either swept under the rug (like almost occurred with this one), or the police are incredulously exonerated (Rodney King, recent Cleveland playground, or recent NY choke hold).

There should be a higher standard.

Laws must be equally applied.
But the are not!!!

Not when there is a blue wall of officers protecting officers who violate our rights. A cop can arrest you and, when handcuffing you can get away with beating the hell out of you simply by saying you resisted. Or, jump on your back and put you in a fatal choke hold, and get away with it simply by saying you were resisting.

We as society rightly give more credence to their testimony than to the "average" citizens testimony, but this should come with the expectation that they be held to a HIGHER standard of honesty. Unfortunately the latter part of that social contract has failed.

They were attempting to prevent the destruction of evidence that could have potently killed the guy. Would you rather have a broke jaw and live of die?
They could have potentially killed the guy. They have ways of retrieving the evidence that dont utilize body blows to the head.

Did he die?
What does that have to do with the point he could have?

He didn't. You have no point. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't matter. Facts are what matters.

Fact the subject was attempting to swallow a large amount of heroin.
Fact the police attempting to stop the subject.
Fact the man is still alive, in jail, but alive.
Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

Fact is they did pummel him and he deserved it.
They could have potentially killed the guy. They have ways of retrieving the evidence that dont utilize body blows to the head.

Did he die?
What does that have to do with the point he could have?

He didn't. You have no point. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't matter. Facts are what matters.

Fact the subject was attempting to swallow a large amount of heroin.
Fact the police attempting to stop the subject.
Fact the man is still alive, in jail, but alive.
Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

Fact is they did pummel him and he deserved it.
You sound like and abused child. The CO's abused you nightly didnt they?. No he didnt deserve it. Neither did you even though they told you that.
Did he die?
What does that have to do with the point he could have?

He didn't. You have no point. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't matter. Facts are what matters.

Fact the subject was attempting to swallow a large amount of heroin.
Fact the police attempting to stop the subject.
Fact the man is still alive, in jail, but alive.
Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

Fact is they did pummel him and he deserved it.
You sound like and abused child. The CO's abused you nightly didnt they?. No he didnt deserve it. Neither did you even though they told you that.

Stay on topic, it isn't about me or your insecurities.
What does that have to do with the point he could have?

He didn't. You have no point. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't matter. Facts are what matters.

Fact the subject was attempting to swallow a large amount of heroin.
Fact the police attempting to stop the subject.
Fact the man is still alive, in jail, but alive.
Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

Fact is they did pummel him and he deserved it.
You sound like and abused child. The CO's abused you nightly didnt they?. No he didnt deserve it. Neither did you even though they told you that.

Stay on topic, it isn't about me or your insecurities.
I am on topic. You deflected when you started reliving your days of abuse at the hands of the CO's that beat you. You didnt deserve to be beaten no matter how dumb you are.
Candy-asses bat GUANO and Asslips whimpering about PO-lice much lamer can it get? :uhoh3:

So you're cool with breaking jaws and tackling pregnant women to the pavement.

Why am I not surprised.

You seem to be cool with making shit up.

No shit need be "made up". It's already on video. Despite police suppression of evidence.
Now if you too are OK with that take yer boyfriend and go in on an apartment in Pyonyang.
Again you prove my point. Police are not supposed to be the ass kicking bull. Those are the BAD GUYS in society. Ass kicking bulls can stomp people who mess with them, but they can also hurt a lot of innocent bystanders.

Police are supposed to protect and serve.
Don't break the law and you won't get your ass kicked by the police.
I know you are a convict but the police must have kicked your ass pretty hard for you to have become brainwashed into thinking kicking someones ass is their job. The point is that they deliberately attempted to erase the footage. If they were doing things the right way why would they need to delete the footage?

Forensic experts in Ferguson has stated that M Brown wasn't running away and didn't have his hands up. People who aren't experts still dont believe it because they don't want to. That means things were done the right way and still not accepted.
MB DID HAVE HIS HANDS UP in the air, momentarily...even officer Wilson testified that MB did have his hands up.... again, momentarily.... and then brought his hands down to the chest level.....

so your facts or what you think are facts, are INCORRECT.
Usually the biggest actual bad-asses are the quietist guys in the room. Never knew a SEAL who bragged about how big & bad they were.

But thank you for proving my point. Police are not supposed to be ASS KICKERS, they are supposed to protect and serve.

See, this is why threads like this are FAGGOT THREADS....bellyaching twinks who don't know shit about anything. Who's the "quietest guy in the room" means what? Nothing.....who's talking about a S.E.A.L.? I've known a couple and you haven' you're talking out your fairy ass. "to serve and protect" is what's written on the side of the patrol car.....a cop's motto, GET HOME ALIVE TONIGHT. You want your negroes to be a protected class, tell them to act like decent citizens and to police their own neighborhoods. As long as there is a HUGE criminal class of negroes, innocent blacks will be hassled to see what they're up's a thin blue punks don't really want what you're asking for because YOU are more afraid of the thug element than we are.....we'll defend don't know how.

Nope, no Texan logic there. The size of the penis is inversely proportional to the amount of bluster, and you lonestar, have so much bluster you must have a vagina (no offense to those ladies out there)

Unless, of course, you are one of those ass kicking bulls with a which case I can see why you so vigorously defend police brutality.

By the way, use Google to find out what a Boatswain is.....
Candy-asses bat GUANO and Asslips whimpering about PO-lice much lamer can it get? :uhoh3:

I would think you would get along famously with Milkweed and Guano.

Three idiots in a pod.

And this was police brutalitiy
Sorry but thats your buddy. He stinks just like you do....only worse.

He's not my buddy Milkweed. He's an idiot just the same as you. His being a conservative has nothing to do with that fact.
Candy-asses bat GUANO and Asslips whimpering about PO-lice much lamer can it get? :uhoh3:

I would think you would get along famously with Milkweed and Guano.

Three idiots in a pod.

And this was police brutalitiy
Sorry but thats your buddy. He stinks just like you do....only worse.

He's not my buddy Milkweed. He's an idiot just the same as you. His being a conservative has nothing to do with that fact.
I didnt know he was a conservative. That really puts him in your camp. I thought he was your buddy because he is a moron like you.
Candy-asses bat GUANO and Asslips whimpering about PO-lice much lamer can it get? :uhoh3:

I would think you would get along famously with Milkweed and Guano.

Three idiots in a pod.

And this was police brutalitiy
Sorry but thats your buddy. He stinks just like you do....only worse.

He's not my buddy Milkweed. He's an idiot just the same as you. His being a conservative has nothing to do with that fact.
I didnt know he was a conservative. That really puts him in your camp. I thought he was your buddy because he is a moron like you.

LOL @ milkweed using the old "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on to you " routine.
Another example of law enforcement negligence in liberal land? The mayor of Denver is a ....gasp....Black guy. Typical of cowardly democrats he is silent about his role in alleged Police brutality.
Candy-asses bat GUANO and Asslips whimpering about PO-lice much lamer can it get? :uhoh3:

I would think you would get along famously with Milkweed and Guano.

Three idiots in a pod.

And this was police brutalitiy
Sorry but thats your buddy. He stinks just like you do....only worse.

He's not my buddy Milkweed. He's an idiot just the same as you. His being a conservative has nothing to do with that fact.
I didnt know he was a conservative. That really puts him in your camp. I thought he was your buddy because he is a moron like you.

LOL @ milkweed using the old "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks on to you " routine.
Tell you what. You keep that POS on your side of the fence. He smells up the place.
Did he die?
What does that have to do with the point he could have?

He didn't. You have no point. Woulda, coulda, shoulda doesn't matter. Facts are what matters.

Fact the subject was attempting to swallow a large amount of heroin.
Fact the police attempting to stop the subject.
Fact the man is still alive, in jail, but alive.
Fact. They didnt have to pummel him to stop the object and possibly kill him. How badly did the CO beat you in prison to cause your brain damage?

Fact is they did pummel him and he deserved it.
You sound like and abused child. The CO's abused you nightly didnt they?. No he didnt deserve it. Neither did you even though they told you that.

Yes he deserved it.

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