Video tells us all we need to know about the political divide in this country


Isn't that an image of the Nazi socialist bootlick who ran down the Marxist socialist bootlicks in Charlottsville?

OMG! Was the car badly hurt?
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Further proof we're a dumbed-down people. I've been paying mortgage since 1984. Sometimes the loan is sold and/or admin. elsewhere. big deal, they always got it right. Until now anyway.

I received a statement two weeks ago alerting me of said change. Got an escrow shortage notice today from the former. I prefer to pay shortages right way then pay interest on it. I received another welcome notice from the new company too. So I tried to register on-line to square up. Nope, doesn't know me. Some bogus message of course, because Info. Systems is fucked up too.

I called, gave some info......Course nothing but an automation that essentially said "Welcome. We can't take your fucking payment until on or after October 7th, gosh we're trying. We promise not to tack on a late penalty cuz we're so fucked".

Here we are in this age of GREAT BIG data bases and "simplicity"................shit replacing our brains and that.

We used to be better.
You'll never defuse it until you get rid of all the Democrats. Look at what Schiff Face did by lying about every word Trump said and presented that to Congress. Look how the Obama people used our federal investigative agencies and courts to make sure an opponent didn't win. Look at how Hillary not only escaped being charged, but allowed to run for President.

How can there be anything but hate?

On the right, the voters clearly sent a message to their party about their feelings of establishment representatives, and moving more to constitutionalism. On the left, they are finally embracing Socialism and even allowing them to take over the party and is running a Socialist a second time for presidency. The US Communist Party has endorsed their last three presidential candidates, and their mandate sounds almost exactly the the whacks in the Democrat party today.

So where is the middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism? There is none. It's like trying to find the middle ground between Israel and the Palestinians.

Some folks are still living in a dream world. The mounting threat against the prosperity, stability and liberty of America has never been so obvious. The education system is turning these mindless, hateful and violent fools out like sausages. The political left must be defeated.

It's a tough route to fight against brainwashing. I find it amazing and frightening at the very same time.

In discussions about the now famous Ukrainian phone call, I see people telling us they read things that aren't there. Now if it were a 200 page document, not available to everybody, It would be more understandable they are told by their puppet masters what to think. But a five page transcript that is littering the internet? It's in front of anybody that has the ten minutes to read it.

Like Schiff Face, they are saying there are things in the transcript that were never there. Ask them to point out where Trump said X, and they can't do it.

But this is how successful brainwashing has been for the Democrat party. When they have people not only to the point of seeing things, but believing them as well, how do you battle such control over people?

But the men and patriots did not fall for the brainwashing and it will be them to stop what caused this

Low logics voting in crooks is the cause

The patriots will stop that harm like the founders did
You know, on Sunday the 13th of October, Discovery is starting a 6 part series titled "Why We Hate". I'm guessing that there are a few people on this board that would benefit from watching it. Me included. I'd like to know why there is so much hate right now, as well as how to defuse it.
You already know the answer...hatewing radio.
You know, on Sunday the 13th of October, Discovery is starting a 6 part series titled "Why We Hate". I'm guessing that there are a few people on this board that would benefit from watching it. Me included. I'd like to know why there is so much hate right now, as well as how to defuse it.

Let me help you. I know the answer. Pick up your remote and change the channel. Rent a movie that's funny as hell, smoke a fat bleezer, then go sleep for 8 hours. Then go grab a fishing pole and one child. Two if your a bad ass and spend the whole day fishing. Then go home and recuperate and do it again the next day followed by another. Only watch local news, no cable. Next thing you know you will feel very little hate.
You know, on Sunday the 13th of October, Discovery is starting a 6 part series titled "Why We Hate". I'm guessing that there are a few people on this board that would benefit from watching it. Me included. I'd like to know why there is so much hate right now, as well as how to defuse it.
You already know the answer...hatewing radio.


There is no hate against the murder of us babies by the democrats

That proves all reasonable people should always hate them for being murderers

This can never change

They even cover up and lie on science so they can murder the babies

The fetus has its own dna proving it’s his body and not the mothers
Not hating them is very immoral

Liars and murderers

Always hate harm to stop harm
You know, on Sunday the 13th of October, Discovery is starting a 6 part series titled "Why We Hate". I'm guessing that there are a few people on this board that would benefit from watching it. Me included. I'd like to know why there is so much hate right now, as well as how to defuse it.
You already know the answer...hatewing radio.
Then I watch just once morsel of billions on the Propaganda TV and entertainment industry. A 90 pound black female beating the crap out of a few 250 pound white buffed former special forces guys who are now white supremacists and that sets me on the truth. This is the norm....over and over and over. I will never believe them again. You can almost predict the formula programming now. It comes in a few ways but the results are the same. We are like Idiocracy now.
I think this is more accurate.

Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
I think this is more accurate.

Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
I think this is more accurate.

Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
I'd like to know why there is so much hate right now, as well as how to defuse it.

Simple, The hate comes from patriots towards the communist morons destroying what was a Fine country before they got some power. I believe only a civil war will defuse it.
I think this is more accurate.

Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
I think this is more accurate.

Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
....from your hardcore right wing political perspective.
Can always count on MAC playing daddy to people that are probably older than he is...............LOL

The so called adult in the room.............

Anyone who argues is obviously a child.........yet nations and countries go to War with each other.........when all reasonable negotiation has ended...........The Far left is UNREASONABLE.........have better luck arguing to a dang tree..........and If they try to shove their agenda down our throats...................................

It will not be little kids as you imagine going toe to will be adults who have had enough of their shit........

This divide is as bad or worse than the Civil War........If all we had were Black Powder Weapons and swords we'd already be going at.........
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
....from your hardcore right wing political perspective.
. are full of it............and the examples are real..................we've done that time and again before.............

Got the same news for you.................we can flood any thread with the violence of Liberals on the record for all to see.........while the left struggles to find many on ours.................

I wonder why that is Mac.....................might be because they are the ones doing the shit.......and our side is now defending people like you can say we need to sit here and take it............BS.

They respect our rights or they will get no respect in return...............We are over being polite and nice about it.........Just the way it is now.................And it's going to get worse if they keep pushing..................and you know it.
You've been worked up into a hysterical froth by the wrong people.

You've into bought their schtick like a child buys into professional wrestling.

We're witnessing the result of that.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
....from your hardcore right wing political perspective.
. are full of it............and the examples are real..................we've done that time and again before.............

Got the same news for you.................we can flood any thread with the violence of Liberals on the record for all to see.........while the left struggles to find many on ours.................

I wonder why that is Mac.....................might be because they are the ones doing the shit.......and our side is now defending people like you can say we need to sit here and take it............BS.

They respect our rights or they will get no respect in return...............We are over being polite and nice about it.........Just the way it is now.................And it's going to get worse if they keep pushing..................and you know it.

And by the way, I've never said "you need to sit there and take it".

Once again, you folks make stuff up about my positions.
Baloney...............I've doing these boards for decades now........and the left NEVER CHANGES.............You can't negotiate with them............their obsession with shoving their agenda down our throats will not end well........

We are fed up with their BS............their Lies...their violence..........and trying deprive us our rights to assemble and speak our minds as prescribed by the Constitution...........

They keep pushing...........pushing.........they need to knock it the fuck off...........or someday there is going to be a serious disagreement in this country.........Put them on a dang leash................This isn't Europe and this isn't being Childish as you always say...............

The American people are VERY ANGRY..........and are at the end of tolerating their BS..............You know it no matter how much you push your middle of the road BS.............They need to grow the fuck up.
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
....from your hardcore right wing political perspective.
. are full of it............and the examples are real..................we've done that time and again before.............

Got the same news for you.................we can flood any thread with the violence of Liberals on the record for all to see.........while the left struggles to find many on ours.................

I wonder why that is Mac.....................might be because they are the ones doing the shit.......and our side is now defending people like you can say we need to sit here and take it............BS.

They respect our rights or they will get no respect in return...............We are over being polite and nice about it.........Just the way it is now.................And it's going to get worse if they keep pushing..................and you know it.

And by the way, I've never said "you need to sit there and take it".

Once again, you folks make stuff up about my positions.
Baloney...........we see through your BS...........Mr. Chief Shifting Bull
Yet another great example of my point.
You are a fraud.............and you will always be one. There is a great divide in this country now...........Most of us are picking sides........

The Dems are off their rockers and have abused the powers of this government to the point of Lunacy........They pay protesters to start shit and then blame the other side for any conflicts...........This is a tactic of accusing others of what you are doing yourself.

You don't see the Tea Party or Conservative groups going to their rallies and causing riots and physically attacking them. That is now lock stock and barrel Liberal Lunacy. Those examples are many.............not so much for their side. Americans see this and are abandoning that party in droves. The Far left has shown their true colors and it's UGLY.

They don't deserve to be the leaders of a BoyScout Troop
....from your hardcore right wing political perspective.
. are full of it............and the examples are real..................we've done that time and again before.............

Got the same news for you.................we can flood any thread with the violence of Liberals on the record for all to see.........while the left struggles to find many on ours.................

I wonder why that is Mac.....................might be because they are the ones doing the shit.......and our side is now defending people like you can say we need to sit here and take it............BS.

They respect our rights or they will get no respect in return...............We are over being polite and nice about it.........Just the way it is now.................And it's going to get worse if they keep pushing..................and you know it.

And by the way, I've never said "you need to sit there and take it".

Once again, you folks make stuff up about my positions.
Baloney...........we see through your BS...........Mr. Chief Shifting Bull
You're more than welcome to point out any lies or inconsistencies of mine.

Or you can just keep making stuff up. Whatever makes you feel better.

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