Vietnam is similar to Ukraine

The Cold War cost the West trillions of dollars and now the Ukrainians are kicking the Russian asses for the cost of a few old stock anti tank missiles.
I just told you what the trillions of $$$$ were about, making a few people very rich, and if you think the Ukrainians are winning you are deluded., you believe your own propaganda.
If Russia had wanted to take over Ukraine they wouldn't have tried it with 150k troops, why would they want Bandera infested Western Ukraine? it's the Polish who are after that, and you sound like you still think the War in Vietnam was a good idea, are you insane? did it ever cross your mind that the NVA were fighting to defend their Country? the Vietnamese had already smashed the French Colonialists and the idiots in the Whitehouse thought it a good idea to take their place, how did that work out? and you have not learnt your lesson by the sound of it.
You can make a very thin case that the Viet Cong were defending their country. But not the NVA, the NVA was an invading army armed, equipped and trained by the Soviets and to a lesser extent Communist China.
You can make a very thin case that the Viet Cong were defending their country. But not the NVA, the NVA was an invading army armed, equipped and trained by the Soviets and to a lesser extent Communist China.
No it was not an invading Army, not when that border had no legal standing, it was an army of National liberation, i hope you do know there should have been elections in Vietnam in 1956 agreed under the Geneva accords, the Regime in the South backed out encouraged by the US, they backed out because Ho Chi Minh would have won that election to unite the Country, that border between North and South was only meant to be temporary under that Geneva agreement until the election that never took place, so a war of liberation was the only choice left.

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