Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?
Any communist government anywhere in the world during the Cold War was a threat to the United States and we were fully justified in moving against them.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.

So you're another fucking foreigner?

The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.

That's like saying democrats hate America. You don't like the truth and you know it. It's a fact and the government has conned you since then.
Shut up you silly fool.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.

That's like saying democrats hate America. You don't like the truth and you know it. It's a fact and the government has conned you since then.
Shut up you silly fool.
you can not change the fact that democrats sold out the South and enabled the North to invade.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.

That's like saying democrats hate America. You don't like the truth and you know it. It's a fact and the government has conned you since then.
Shut up you silly fool.
Fuck off nut job. Democrats are just a patriotic as Republicans, they just have a different view on how to get from A to B. You root against us. All your posts are critical of my country. You are not our friend.
Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your won troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.
And you don’t lie to the American people to engage in a senseless war and wrap yourself in the American Flag while doing it.

Jane Fonda was more patriotic than the war hawks
democrats lied then and they lie now...LBJ god awrful horrible excuse for a president
Jane Fonda was right about her objection to the war
Millions died unnecessarily

Blame Bob Hope
When we have troops is the field, you don't go to the war zone to be photographed with the enemy supporting the enemy of your own troop, and making propaganda use of captured US troops unless you are a traitorous, spoiled bitch. She will always be Hanoi Jane.

The only way to save the lives of those US troops is to expose the Pentagon as the real enemy.
Anyone again Fonda was guilty of causing the murder not only of innocent Vietnamese, but of US GIs as well.
Ho Chi Minh was the hero of all Vietnam, for defeating the French and liberating the country.
Violating the peace accord between France and Vietnam by getting Diem to depose Bau Dai was one of the worst crimes in history.
Jane not only did the right thing, but she gained nothing by it and it was one of the most selfless acts of the century.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

Sorry, but that is really silly.
Vietnam was not attacking us, but we illegally prevented elections and supported dictators like Diem preventing democracy in Vietnam.
We murdered almost 3 million innocent Vietnamese.

And yes we were beaten in 1975 when Nixon gave up and removed all US troops from Vietnam.

But why we were beaten is more important.
Which is that the Vietnamese were fighting for freedom, and we were only fighting to war profit contracts.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.

That's like saying democrats hate America. You don't like the truth and you know it. It's a fact and the government has conned you since then.
Shut up you silly fool.
you can not change the fact that democrats sold out the South and enabled the North to invade.

ALL of Vietnam loved Ho Chi Minh as the hero who defeated the French and liberated the country.
There was no south or north.
All of Vietnam supported Ho Chi Minh.

We instead supported Diem in preventing democracy and establishing an evil dictatorship.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

You can believe what you want. America invaded the country for no reason other than attempt to stop communism. It failed miserably and were beaten resoundingly accumulating thousands of unnecessary deaths. US elections were also a part as the government had everyone fearful of a communist takeover in DC. It still lingers today.

You invaded a nation and no justification can change that.

On this date in history, in 1944, America invaded France for no other reason than because we were intent on stopping national Socialism.

Thousands died in that effort as well.

Its true that America wasn't successful in the Vietnam excursion as opposed to the French effort.

But in both cases, there was no direct attack on America, but it was done to stymie efforts of totalitarians pieces of shit from achieving world conquest.

I agree entirely with you but to invade another country is never appropriate.
The Americans had allies then all for the common cause.
Good talking. Cheers.

America had allies in Vietnam as well, you know.
We know that Collin was rooting against us, a great reason we should not have fought Germany in WWII.

That's like saying democrats hate America. You don't like the truth and you know it. It's a fact and the government has conned you since then.
Shut up you silly fool.
Fuck off nut job. Democrats are just a patriotic as Republicans, they just have a different view on how to get from A to B. You root against us. All your posts are critical of my country. You are not our friend.

You don't know who I am.
Don't give me that United front crap when it is common knowledge repubmicand hate democrats because you ignorantly associate them with communism. What a load of crap.
I'm not critical. I'm simply telling the truth which you never seen to mention but gloss over it continuously.
You're the type of hate filled Republican no one would want as s friend. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You don't care about the underprivileged or blacks.
You couldn't care if democrats were eliminated. Yet you think I should be a friend of that shit.
So YOU fuck off you brain dead ignorant fool. I won t be taking my instructions from you boy. You don't frighten me with your rubbish.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

Sorry, but that is really silly.
Vietnam was not attacking us, but we illegally prevented elections and supported dictators like Diem preventing democracy in Vietnam.
We murdered almost 3 million innocent Vietnamese.

And yes we were beaten in 1975 when Nixon gave up and removed all US troops from Vietnam.

But why we were beaten is more important.
Which is that the Vietnamese were fighting for freedom, and we were only fighting to war profit contracts.
we removed all but advisors by 1972.
The job of the citizen is to elect wise leaders who will make wise decisions and ,if they fail to do this to do this, replace them with someone better.
It is up to “wise leaders” to convince the public that their decision to risk the lives of their children is justified

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
Oh please. When exactly was the last time you made a policy decision for the Nation? You can vote for who you like but whoever gets elected/appointed makes the decisions. And I think you're fooling yourself if you think anyone gives a crap what your foreign policy opinions past, present or future are.

Trust us, we have our reasons has not worked out well over the last 50 years
At times yes and at times no. But better by far than "listening to the voice of the people" as Congress claimed to do re; Vietnam.
Voters made a policy decision in Vietnam

Get the Fuk out

When did they do that?

Yet I was in Vietnam in 1970, go figure commie.

Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.

America left Vietnam completely defeated. Their folly to eradicate communism in another country was a waste of 55000 lives and hundreds of thousands of injuries. The military left like a kicked dog.
The democrats had absolutely nothing to do with that. That's a typical Republican view wanting to blame democrats for everything. How pathetic.
I lived through it. When the US pulled out, the North was defeated, Haiphong harbor was blocked by mines, the rail and road links to the PRC were destroyed, North Vietnam wasn't receiving any supplies from the USSR or the PRC anymore. it was out of weapons' and ammo, it's people were nearing starvation, and the Viet Cong were completely destroyed. The North sued for peace on the US's terms in Paris. By any objective standards The People's Republic of Vietnam was defeated.

Defeated my foot. You guys left with your tail between legs like a kicked dog. 55,000 died because the government wanted to flex their muscle against communists and it failed.
The US negotiated a withdrawal where they wouldn’t attack us while we drawing down our troops.
That is hardly a victory.

Didn‘t matter if we waited another five years or twenty years, S Vietnam was still going to lose

Why do you say that?
S Vietnam was corrupt and inept
They wouldn’t have held out regardless of how long we stayed and how many lives we lost

Same will happen in Afghanistan

Something is getting overlooked here. We invaded another country to overthrow the political system we didn't like.
We were beaten at a very high cost.

Why don't we invade China. They have the same system. Maybe north Korea.

The perceived easy target wasn't so easy.
What I hate is how those soldiers who died were portrayed as dying defending the nation and democracy. What a load of crap.
What country are you talking about?
When-since WWII-have we invaded a country for that reason?
When exactly do you claim we were beaten?
You don't get to decide why another person fights, what they die for, or what they believe in. Had I died in Vietnam I would have done so believing I was defending my country as was my duty. I believed that then and believe that now. Who are you to claim differently? You have no clue what is necessary to defend this Country. You just like to run your mouth about things you cannot comprehend. It would be better for you to avoid slandering American boys who die for us all.

They are very febrile justifications.
You invaded a country that showed no aggression towards America.
It's impossible to suggest you were defending the country. That's military propaganda to bolster justification for massive deaths for no reason.

I'm not slandering anyone. It's a fact and still is even if it's uncomfortable for you to accept.
So tell me what is necessary to defend the country when the VC never attacked America? You invaded their country because Republican governments wanted to suppress those evil communists. America was resoundingly beaten. The casualties were breathtaking and the VC were still willing and able to continue. People were demonstrating at home against a testosterone filled folly destined for failure and it did.

So spin it all You like, it's a fact.

Would you like to start on Iraq and how GWB told you all he was giving them freedom?

Like the Germans and Japanese in the 1940's, the Communist Party was on a mission of World Conquest, including the VietCong.

As part of their operation, the Communist North Vietnamese sought to exterminate and conquer the peaceful South Vietnamese people.

The US government determined it was a good place to stop the Communists, so that's where the battle was fought.

That is silly.
The Germans fought in WWII because the Allies in WWI started the war by assassinating Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, won the war by illegally starving the civilian population, and they robbed the Germans blind in the disgusting Treaty of Versailles.
The Japanese fought for similar reasons, in that we illegally were embargoing oil, iron, coal, etc.

There is no such thing as "South Vietnamese People".
All of Vietnam supported Ho Chi Minh, as the hero who liberated the country from the French.
There was no communist threat, and the only threat was the US Military Industrial Complex.

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