Viewers Found Her "Too Extreme and Right Wing"

Not a fan of The View. I agree with Gracie wholeheartedly in her description of clucking hens - and as a woman, I never found it a particularly flattering way to "view" what happens when women get together to talk.

I think its hysterical that Elizabeth would be thought of as "too extreme." How amusing that it seems to be those individuals who screech loudest about "the chilling effect" this or that is having on our national discourse seem to be most threatened by ONE member of a panel who was frequently shouted down by not one, or two...but three or four of her co-hosts. Gee - that's so extreme...a 4-1 liberal/conservative ratio.

How sad that, agree or disagree with her politics...just hearing an opinion that differs from your own is too much for these people to handle. THAT is what the conversation should really be about...not whether these women are attractive enough, skinny enough, or look good enough for you to fantasize about fucking.
Not a fan of The View. I agree with Gracie wholeheartedly in her description of clucking hens - and as a woman, I never found it a particularly flattering way to "view" what happens when women get together to talk.

I think its hysterical that Elizabeth would be thought of as "too extreme." How amusing that it seems to be those individuals who screech loudest about "the chilling effect" this or that is having on our national discourse seem to be most threatened by ONE member of a panel who was frequently shouted down by not one, or two...but three or four of her co-hosts. Gee - that's so extreme...a 4-1 liberal/conservative ratio.

How sad that, agree or disagree with her politics...just hearing an opinion that differs from your own is too much for these people to handle. THAT is what the conversation should really be about...not whether these women are attractive enough, skinny enough, or look good enough for you to fantasize about fucking.
You're right! But still, the only one "doable" was Elizabeth.
Sigh. I would love to see pics of the men bashing the women and who claim is "doable" to them. Makes ya wonder if those guys are doable to most women, doesn't it?

So come on. Lessee some pics of youse.
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Can't say I've ever watch the program but I will say that, if viewers won't watch it because they disagree with one person on a panel, then the viewers are some of the stupidest liberals in the country.

Whoopi believes the moon landings are a hoax, that is more than enough to keep me from watching it.
Unbelieveable. You completely ignore the article. The audience did not like her. It is her market value to the people who own the show, not what she looks like. :cuckoo:

I don't watch the show and don't really care. I just know how catty fat liberal women are.

I don't watch the show either, but I have read this thread. It seems to me this thread is laden with white, right wing men cackling and being catty about the value of women, i.e., that it is in their looks, size, and shape rather than anything else. So, pot calling kettle black is what you appear to be. Let's see what you all look like. I suppose you must be slim and fit and good looking, all of you conservative men on here who are having fits about what the women on this program look like, or you wouldn't be so catty about what others look like.

Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).
She was right-wing?

Just because someone opposes Obama doesn't make someone a conservative. There are plenty of libertarians who don't understand the relationship between fiscal responsibility and social responsibility.

Hasselbeck had questionable positions on abortion, homosexual marriage, and the War on Drugs. I wouldn't call her right-wing.

in your biased opinion they were questionable
Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).

tolerant liberal alert ^
Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).

So, she's married to a football player? Gosh, that means she must have a giant intellect. Wow! How could they treat her like this! :eusa_boohoo:
Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).

tolerant liberal alert ^

GayBikerBoy is a sad little stoner.
Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).

you really are a chauvinist pig
disgraceful if you are a service member
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I've always thought that Elisabeth was too good for those bitter, catty women on The View. She should go to Fox.

Yeah.............because FAUX Nooze is the paragon of good women.

Wanna talk about the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil known as Palin?

You only want good looking women on FAUX Nooze, because you're hoping that you can look up their skirt.

Wanna talk about Gretchen Carlson? She's flanked by two dudes, who constantly make sexist remarks, hoping she's gonna flash her cooch to the audience.

That's why old white guys watch that crap.

yep. the network of old white guys.

As to the OP, she was there because she brought controversy (ratings=ad revenue) & she had a decent rack and she was/is; quelle surprise, a blonde :rolleyes: a rw blonde? Who woulda' guessed :up:

quelle surprise

You hate white people
What kind of drooling idiots cannot watch a program because one person on it does not mirror their views.

I totally agree with you - but there are A LOT of posters on this forum who are obsessed with partisan media, and apparently refuse to watch, read or listen to anything that is not politically slanted to their own extreme positions. I think that's idiotic, myself.

Funnily enough, I had thought you might have been one of them!


Can you please limkit the mindless aphorisms and spam-of-the-day type posting?
And that's why I watch MSNBC, listen to NPR, and read many liberal newspapers and blogs.

It's the easiest way of affirming that, yep, libprogs are generally fuckin' idiots.:cuckoo:

Of course, reading through threads like these, that are started by libprog idiots, and the responses made by their fellow librog idiots, is another way of affirming that libprogs are generally fuckin' idiots.:cuckoo:
Yanno...............there was a time when I actually watched the View voluntarily.

However................when Hassle Bitch became too partisan (about 3 years ago) I decided to quit watching.

I also delighted in every sack that was delivered to the Seattle Seahawks (when her husband was quarterback).

tolerant liberal alert ^

GayBikerBoy is a sad little stoner.
He's in the military, a biker, watches football and gay?! Oh well, I suppose it's stereotyping, but still...:eek:

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