Vigilante Justice; Brought to you by the Political Right.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Good piece in Today's Times about the Texas heartbeat bill and what it will mean long term.

As we saw with the 1/6 insurrection attempt, the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and other right wing heroes....the strategy (or at least the result) is that the GOP is creating vigilantes to do what the courts have barred the government from doing.

From the piece:


Its behind a paywall so I doubt many will read it. But its worth your time if you're interested.

Actually, Obama is the one who started this kind of thing. It was B. Hussein O who started running Public Service Announcements telling the people "if you see something, say something".

Further, Sleepy Joe has expanded this immensely. How many are being incarcerated without bail for phony "insurrections" because their neighbors snitched on them?

If the libs don't like it, they shouldn't have started it.
Actually, Obama is the one who started this kind of thing. It was B. Hussein O who started running Public Service Announcements telling the people "if you see something, say something".

Further, Sleepy Joe has expanded this immensely. How many are being incarcerated without bail for phony "insurrections" because their neighbors snitched on them?

If the libs don't like it, they shouldn't have started it.
Yeah, that was for actual crimes or suspicious activity.

All of the 1/6 arrestees were arrested because they broke the law.
Good piece in Today's Times about the Texas heartbeat bill and what it will mean long term.

As we saw with the 1/6 insurrection attempt, the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and other right wing heroes....the strategy (or at least the result) is that the GOP is creating vigilantes to do what the courts have barred the government from doing.

From the piece:

View attachment 535209

Its behind a paywall so I doubt many will read it. But its worth your time if you're interested.

Well, Blue States can use it against guns
Allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers, gun shops and private gun owners for the damages done by their guns.
Well, Blue States can use it against guns
Allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers, gun shops and private gun owners for the damages done by their guns.
Yeah, the piece gets into that as well; you can sue places that don't require everyone wear masks (is one of the examples they bring up)...or if you're aware of someone actively cheating on their taxes...

It would be a sad development.
Good piece in Today's Times about the Texas heartbeat bill and what it will mean long term.

As we saw with the 1/6 insurrection attempt, the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and other right wing heroes....the strategy (or at least the result) is that the GOP is creating vigilantes to do what the courts have barred the government from doing.

From the piece:

View attachment 535209

Its behind a paywall so I doubt many will read it. But its worth your time if you're interested.

That’s right, bitch. Our side is willing to fight for this country and our rights.

If you don’t like it, move to Africa or China.
Well, Blue States can use it against guns
Allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers, gun shops and private gun owners for the damages done by their guns.
And the USSC will rule against the person and state, so why even waste taxpayer dollars on this nonsense?
Good piece in Today's Times about the Texas heartbeat bill and what it will mean long term.

As we saw with the 1/6 insurrection attempt, the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and other right wing heroes....the strategy (or at least the result) is that the GOP is creating vigilantes to do what the courts have barred the government from doing.

From the piece:

View attachment 535209

Its behind a paywall so I doubt many will read it. But its worth your time if you're interested.

Based on the premise and logic of the article about restricting individual rights, if they were intellectually honest, they would have included ANTIFA.
Yeah, the piece gets into that as well; you can sue places that don't require everyone wear masks (is one of the examples they bring up)...or if you're aware of someone actively cheating on their taxes...

It would be a sad development.

You should realize we have been living in a snitch state for nearly a hundred years if not more, so if you believe this is new, well it ain’t…

People used to snitch on people by claiming they were communist, and other things, so why should you be surprised with today society?
The way to fight this is for a big state like California to enact a law that allows anyone to sue a police department for brutality. The supreme court will get off their asses then.
Actually, Obama is the one who started this kind of thing. It was B. Hussein O who started running Public Service Announcements telling the people "if you see something, say something".

Further, Sleepy Joe has expanded this immensely. How many are being incarcerated without bail for phony "insurrections" because their neighbors snitched on them?

If the libs don't like it, they shouldn't have started it.
Your treason is unacceptable. In fact the notion of reporting suspicious activity was a reaction to 9-11 and that was under the Dubya Administration. And Dubya was right about that. You white-rights cannot speak without lying apparently. At least you never do.

His name is not "Sleepy Joe". He speaks coherently, unlike Trump, pronounces words correctly, unlike Trump, and speaks about things other than his own ego, unlike Trump.

Yes, I have reported white-rights to the FBI and will continue to do so. You are all traitors, violent insurrectionists, fascists, racists, misogynists and really unsuited for life in a democratic free society. Russia awaits, traitor.
Your treason is unacceptable. In fact the notion of reporting suspicious activity was a reaction to 9-11 and that was under the Dubya Administration. And Dubya was right about that. You white-rights cannot speak without lying apparently. At least you never do.

His name is not "Sleepy Joe". He speaks coherently, unlike Trump, pronounces words correctly, unlike Trump, and speaks about things other than his own ego, unlike Trump.

Yes, I have reported white-rights to the FBI and will continue to do so. You are all traitors, violent insurrectionists, fascists, racists, misogynists and really unsuited for life in a democratic free society. Russia awaits, traitor.
So you report every bald headed white guy that does not bow and worship the ground you walk on…

You are no better than those you whine and bitch about!
That’s right, bitch. Our side is willing to fight for this country and our rights.

If you don’t like it, move to Africa or China.
Watch your mouth, boy. Your side are violent traitors who are hysterically afraid of too many non-white people, and are seething with perverse hatred and fear of women. You are a pack of sick puppies and many of us are about fed up with your crap, your violence, your treasonous attitudes, and your loudmouthed threatening of nearly everyone.

You are going to shut up. If not today soon. We are going to make life very uncomfortable for you scum. That has already begun. We are going after all Trumpoid businesses. Trumpoids will be ostracized. We decent democratic folks are no longer going to tolerate your disruption, your threats, and your idiocy.

YOU, boy, sit down and shut your mouth right now. That is not a request.
So you report every bald headed white guy that does not bow and worship the ground you walk on…

You are no better than those you whine and bitch about!
I report traitors planning insurrection. I reported locals involved in the Charlottesville riot. And if you express treason I'll report you, traitor.

I'm a real patriot, unlike you lie-soaked Trumpoid misfit incel arrested-adolescent numbnuts.

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