Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

Flimsy and diaphanous.

The 'hahaha' was the best part.

ya got nuttin'

air is getting scarce, huh. luckily for you, your head is full of it. if you were interested, you'd not ignore what others posted who decided to help you realize your errors.

skippy, skippy, skip skip.


My what? Errors? I never make mistakes. I thought I did once, but I was mistaken.

"air is getting scarce, huh. luckily for you, your head is full of it."
I get's like a joke, only different.

Is it true that you post to drown out the voices in your head?
Now, isn't that better than that "air" thing?

I suggest you look at post #214...careful, or you might learn something.

if you have to pad your own shoulder, it means you are very lonely. on the bottom of the harbor.
3. Post #6, left wing organizations responsible for actual violence, not imaginary threats, outside of presidential assassinations, including police and ordinary citizens.
Did I mention left wing?

All that still doesn't count for one fraction of all the violence the country has had, which you continue to claim is responsible from the left.

About as much as two drops of paint cover a wall.

The political leanings of most murderers for starters, you want to pretend violence is only done by people on the left, show me that's so.

"...right-wing violence like say the recent abortion murders?"
I'm a rightwinger, bonehead, if there are such examples of right wing violence, that would be your job....No?

So you wish to ignore those right wing murderers for as long as possible? Figures.

1. "...doesn't count for one fraction of all the violence the country has had,.."
Where are your stats?

2. "...The political leanings of most murderers for starters..."
No wonder you can't produce a coherent's not murderers and their political leanings...its those WITH political leanings, and whether these political assassins are left or right...
Can you see the difference?
I didn't think so.

3. "...So you wish to ignore those right wing murderers ..."
Another lacunae!!! The debate is to enforce one view or another....
Not both at once!

And- you have produced no data to support your side of the argument.,,,
How long have you been here????

Now, I know that this is beyond you, but for actual readers, let me show you the philosophical origins of violence as a political tool...and from whence it stems.

4. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5. . In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after. Georges Sorel

6. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress.

So, you see it is at the very beginnings of leftist ideology that the need to incorporate violence was impressed by Sorel...further Mussolini incorporated the ideas of Sorel’s syndicalism to create his brand of fascism.
Syndicalism is similar to socialism but included violent, direction action.

I accept that you, Slimey, will be unable to see 4-5-and 6 as dispositive of the claim that it is the left that is the home for violence...simply claim that you didn't understand it. Anybody who reads your posts will believe it.

The Fascists were rightwingers. You just refuted yourself as well as anyone else here has refuted you.
How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

You're a tool. There were a lot of errors, with links as backing, pointed out to you. You avoided those posts, and picked and chose the ones to respond to that weren't in logical refutation of the OP.

Your thread title is wrong.

A wise man/woman would say: Violence has it's home on the planet.

An unobjective person would point to violence examples on one side of a political spectrum, while not discussing the other, to make an unobjective point. This sort of discussion leads to nothing but logical fallacies and further political divisiveness. It serves as nothing.

As far as your "facts," it's common knowledge that Boothe assasinated Lincoln as a plot to further the Confederacy's war efforts, and he had co-conspirators. He has writings about this, himself, and it's documented history. You don't get to cherry-pick tidbits that assail him as being on "the left" when it's typically a Southern Conservative's household (if any) donning the Confederate flag, and typically pussies on "the left" who decry it.

skipped, X2.

Skipped, X3.
air is getting scarce, huh. luckily for you, your head is full of it. if you were interested, you'd not ignore what others posted who decided to help you realize your errors.

skippy, skippy, skip skip.


My what? Errors? I never make mistakes. I thought I did once, but I was mistaken.

"air is getting scarce, huh. luckily for you, your head is full of it."
I get's like a joke, only different.

Is it true that you post to drown out the voices in your head?
Now, isn't that better than that "air" thing?

I suggest you look at post #214...careful, or you might learn something.

if you have to pad your own shoulder, it means you are very lonely. on the bottom of the harbor.
Did you mean 'pat yourself on the shoulder'?


I hope you read that post...don't be afraid of learning something new, even if it defeats your argument.

See, the problem is that those of you on the left have a major lack in terms of a comprehensive view of your political position.

You may have a valid judgement as to discrete and specifics areas, but I'd bet you did not understand the provenance of the ideology, or how is corresponds to conditions today.

For example, you were certainly unaware of the input of Sorel (post #214), and, therefore of the meaning of violence to the left...

In the larger picture, it validates the OP.
My what? Errors? I never make mistakes. I thought I did once, but I was mistaken.

"air is getting scarce, huh. luckily for you, your head is full of it."
I get's like a joke, only different.

Is it true that you post to drown out the voices in your head?
Now, isn't that better than that "air" thing?

I suggest you look at post #214...careful, or you might learn something.

if you have to pad your own shoulder, it means you are very lonely. on the bottom of the harbor.
Did you mean 'pat yourself on the shoulder'?


I hope you read that post...don't be afraid of learning something new, even if it defeats your argument.

See, the problem is that those of you on the left have a major lack in terms of a comprehensive view of your political position.

You may have a valid judgement as to discrete and specifics areas, but I'd bet you did not understand the provenance of the ideology, or how is corresponds to conditions today.

For example, you were certainly unaware of the input of Sorel (post #214), and, therefore of the meaning of violence to the left...

In the larger picture, it validates the OP.

here is a pro-tip. ignore me, as i will only mock you further, ruminant.

dance with the posters who were specifically challenging your regurgitated bullshit, you have work to do.
if you have to pad your own shoulder, it means you are very lonely. on the bottom of the harbor.
Did you mean 'pat yourself on the shoulder'?


I hope you read that post...don't be afraid of learning something new, even if it defeats your argument.

See, the problem is that those of you on the left have a major lack in terms of a comprehensive view of your political position.

You may have a valid judgement as to discrete and specifics areas, but I'd bet you did not understand the provenance of the ideology, or how is corresponds to conditions today.

For example, you were certainly unaware of the input of Sorel (post #214), and, therefore of the meaning of violence to the left...

In the larger picture, it validates the OP.

here is a pro-tip. ignore me, as i will only mock you further, ruminant.

dance with the posters who were specifically challenging your regurgitated bullshit, you have work to do.

Another empty post...your specialty.

Rather than cofront the work of Georges Sorel, you actually think your little personal attacks hold some sort of meaning?

Or that folks on your side will say 'Good boy, you go get 'er'....
and ingore the fact that you have no intelligent defense.

Well, they may say that, but they know you are no more than a fool who cannot come to grips with the fact that, historically your side is the one that is responsible for the violence that I outlined.

And, since it's birth in the French Revolution, and through syndicalism, fascism, nazism, progressivism, environmentalism, etc, the violence has always been part of the recipe.

You have no answer to this, do you....your expertise does not extent to ideas, only invective.

And your support of obscurantism is all you have left.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to enlighten others.
Logical fallacy: Group A has violent offenders. Group B has violent offenders. Violence has its home with group A. /thread.
Did you mean 'pat yourself on the shoulder'?


I hope you read that post...don't be afraid of learning something new, even if it defeats your argument.

See, the problem is that those of you on the left have a major lack in terms of a comprehensive view of your political position.

You may have a valid judgement as to discrete and specifics areas, but I'd bet you did not understand the provenance of the ideology, or how is corresponds to conditions today.

For example, you were certainly unaware of the input of Sorel (post #214), and, therefore of the meaning of violence to the left...

In the larger picture, it validates the OP.

here is a pro-tip. ignore me, as i will only mock you further, ruminant.

dance with the posters who were specifically challenging your regurgitated bullshit, you have work to do.

Another empty post...your specialty.

Rather than cofront the work of Georges Sorel, you actually think your little personal attacks hold some sort of meaning?

Or that folks on your side will say 'Good boy, you go get 'er'....
and ingore the fact that you have no intelligent defense.

Well, they may say that, but they know you are no more than a fool who cannot come to grips with the fact that, historically your side is the one that is responsible for the violence that I outlined.

And, since it's birth in the French Revolution, and through syndicalism, fascism, nazism, progressivism, environmentalism, etc, the violence has always been part of the recipe.

You have no answer to this, do you....your expertise does not extent to ideas, only invective.

And your support of obscurantism is all you have left.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to enlighten others.

you still want to ram with me, ruminant?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ram with me?‬‎[/ame]
God you're an idiot.

PC's op was dead on, as have her subsequent posts been. And all I see from the left are childish baseless insults and lies.

It has been reported today that the Left has increased their death threats against various Arizona public officials to a now daily occurrence. Violence does have its home on the Left. It's true.
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it has been reported today that the left has increased their death threats against various arizona public officials to a now daily occurrence. Violence does have its home on the left. It's true.

it has been reported today that the left has increased their death threats against various arizona public officials to a now daily occurrence. Violence does have its home on the left. It's true.


You miss the point. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's still easily pointed out that there's plenty of right wing violence also, and so the "has its home" statement is simply partisan hackery at its finest.

If I didn't intend to push these guys' buttons, I'da just ignored this shit. But it's quite the gift, how delusional a partisan can be :lol:
In my opinion it's only a matter of time before a Leftist nutter follows through on their death threats against Arizona public officials. It's very sad.
In my opinion it's only a matter of time before a Leftist nutter follows through on their death threats against Arizona public officials. It's very sad.
Like the right-wing extremist who Killed Dr. Tiller? It's very sad.
In my opinion it's only a matter of time before a Leftist nutter follows through on their death threats against Arizona public officials. It's very sad.

Richard Poplawski, a right-wing extremist, allegedly gunned down three police officers in Pittsburgh, in part because he feared the non-existent "Obama gun ban." A few weeks ago, Scott Roeder, another right-wing extremist, allegedly assassinated Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. A few hours ago, Von Brunn, another right-wing extremist, allegedly opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Too bad they followed through. Indeed, quite sad.
In my opinion it's only a matter of time before a Leftist nutter follows through on their death threats against Arizona public officials. It's very sad.

Knoxville police Sunday evening searched the Levy Drive home of Jim David Adkisson after he allegedly entered the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six others during the presentation of a children's musical. [...]

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.

Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his "hatred of the liberal movement," Owen said. "Liberals in general, as well as gays."

Sad, indeed. Eat shit, libocalypse. You're a hack who only sees violence as "sad" from one side, for political points. Your existence, is what's sad.
The saddest thing is that this Administration has fomented & manufactured this whole racial-tension thing. It's the Saul Alinsky "Community Organizer" way i guess. Just more Divide & Conquer from the Democrats. Is having the power really worth all this hate & division? This Administration will have blood on their hands if anything happens to any Arizona public official. It is very sad but it is what it is.
You're not saddened, you're a twit. You're "fake" sad, to show your disapproval of "teh other team" like a little twat grade-schooler. You're not a MAN, and that you'd take place in a "violence has its home on the left" thread, and AGREE with it..............means your ignorant "sad" ass mocks all of the VICTIMS, read: Dead Bodies, of RIGHT WING extremists, of which there are plenty. You need a lesson in growing up, kid. Maybe it won't happen until a tragedy strikes YOUR life, but you and PC need help.

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