Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

In my opinion it's only a matter of time before a Leftist nutter follows through on their death threats against Arizona public officials. It's very sad.

I have not heard of anything like that. Please provide some proof. Or are you just making it up???

There's been a hit out on that sheriff forever. More than one, I do believe.

They say it's a Mexican drug cartel.

Now comes word a Mexican drug cartel has put out a $1 million bounty on the iron-fisted sheriff. That’s right; last week a Mexican drug lord from the Juarez cartel, incensed by the way Sheriff Joe’s posses are fouling up the illegal drugs his “mules” are sneaking through the desert, sent word he’d pay $1 million (in U.S. dollars, not pesos) to anyone who would bring him Joe Arpaio’s head.

“Just a million?” the 78-year-old sheriff reportedly harrumphed, “The last time I had a hit put out on me it was for $5 million. The economy must be bad down in Mexico,” he added before calmly going about this business. "I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing. It doesn’t matter to me.”

8/5/2010 - Roy Exum: The Bounty On Sheriff Joe - Opinion -
Another empty post...your specialty.

Rather than cofront the work of Georges Sorel, you actually think your little personal attacks hold some sort of meaning?

Or that folks on your side will say 'Good boy, you go get 'er'....
and ingore the fact that you have no intelligent defense.

Well, they may say that, but they know you are no more than a fool who cannot come to grips with the fact that, historically your side is the one that is responsible for the violence that I outlined.

And, since it's birth in the French Revolution, and through syndicalism, fascism, nazism, progressivism, environmentalism, etc, the violence has always been part of the recipe.

You have no answer to this, do you....your expertise does not extent to ideas, only invective.

And your support of obscurantism is all you have left.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to enlighten others.

you still want to ram with me, ruminant?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ram with me?‬‎[/ame]

How hallucinatory to think that I am competing with you...

you aren't near my level!

You allow one to comment on the distinction between uneducated, and ignorant.

Nothing wrong with being uneducated: I deal with it daily, learning something new each day.

You, on the other hand, see no reason to learn, to accept instruction in areas where you have been mislead, or have not been lead at all. Thus you represent the poster child for ignorance.

Hint: a more erudite response would be to research, and find possibly, a connection between, say conservativism and and some necessary, or gratuitous use of violence.

As far as butting heads with you, it is only to use same as a vehicle to allow the correct knowledge to be disseminated, as it is, no doubt, clear to all, that you have no knowledge in this area.

you are right for once. you are not near my level.

you still think "your" OP was dead on, when it was actually dead on arrival.
But, but, but...Once upon a time someone who watched Fox News did something bad. And a tea partier used a bad word.

Great post PC.

And-And-And weren't they wrong once, too?? TSK!!! :eusa_whistle:

And yes, what a great post. :)
PC is a bit above conhog's intellectual level but not much, but her handmaids Chanel and AquaAthena are the fine products of Ms. Dearie's Finishing School. All three of you are moon maids and indeed entertaining.
Why "thank you darling" now excuse me while I catch Obama bragging about his "recovery" :)
Why "thank you darling" now excuse me while I catch Obama bragging about his "recovery" :)

You are welcome, and if we had McCain and the former policies in place this country would be in a disaster worse than the Great Depression.

But I digress: PC's OP was violence is endemic to leftism. Horseshit. It's American to the bone throughout the political spectrum.
PC is a bit above conhog's intellectual level but not much, but her handmaids Chanel and AquaAthena are the fine products of Ms. Dearie's Finishing School. All three of you are moon maids and indeed entertaining.

Whereas you clearly pad your posts with substance.

I'm sure you do.

Somewhere, at some time. You must have.
Why "thank you darling" now excuse me while I catch Obama bragging about his "recovery" :)

You are welcome, and if we had McCain and the former policies in place this country would be in a disaster worse than the Great Depression.

But I digress: PC's OP was violence is endemic to leftism. Horseshit. It's American to the bone throughout the political spectrum.


Her examples were dead on.

Do you have some?

d. John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, seemed to have no affiliation other than opposition to a third term. Theodore Roosevelt shot in Milwaukee — This Day in History — 10/14/1912

Left out: Schrank was a devout Christian, a Bible scholar, who said his attempt to assassinate Roosevelt was in revenge for the assassination of McKinley, as in McKinley the conservative Republican.

In re-evaluating the responses of the 'loyal opposition,' I hate to admit it but this was one of the best ...

you produced a valid counter argument to this item in the OP...

You should have gone further and produced an outline of right wing views and made the possible, and strong, argument that his background was more right wing than left wing...

I'll add a rep as soon as I get a chance.

Good start, Carby.
Sirhan Sirhan was a liberal?

Is this a joke thread? I mean, I know, generally Pchic's threads are jokes unintentionally, but this is really so retarded that it can't be meant to have been serious,

can it?

Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

Yes, I am. How many names of liberals who are not violently opposed to Israel do I need to provide to refute


See, this post is a major disqualifier in terms of your knowledge...

opposition to Israel is a left wing postition.
The OP can be expanded, though, to document that political violence has always been endemic in American culture as a tool of incorporation. An uneven, if very interesting, read is Jeffory A. Clymer, America's Culture of Terrorism: Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word (2004).
Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

Yes, I am. How many names of liberals who are not violently opposed to Israel do I need to provide to refute


See, this post is a major disqualifier in terms of your knowledge...

opposition to Israel is a left wing postition.

Why can't you back that up with evidence? And back up your original claim, not your fallback attempt.
Did anyone else notice that amongst the mountain of stupidity of the OP there was this little nugget,

it was described as a list of presidential assassinations, and Bobby Kennedy was included. Apparently PC is not aware that Bobby Kennedy was never president.
Geez, I almost didn't see the forest for the trees.

Sirhan Sirhan killed Bobby Kennedy, the consummate liberal, because of Kennedy's support for Israel.

PoliticalChic claims liberals don't support Israel.

uh, err, ummmm, liberal Bobby Kennnedy...supported killed for it...

What's the next level up from 'daft'? Mental? lolol

Since the Rasmussen poll posted earlier seems not to have made a dent on your lack of knowledge, here is some further notes...

"In a clear demonstration of just how “progressive” they really are, the Anti-Israel left is hard at working trying to revive the medieval blood libel. First the Swedish daily Aftonbladet repeated Palestinian Arab propaganda about medically impossible organ thefts, and then the left wing Counterpunch magazine run by Saddam supporter Alexander Cockburn printed an article actually using medieval blood libels against Jews as proof. "
Why Left Wing Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism

Why Does Israel Get So Much More Left-Wing Criticism than France?
Sasha Volokh is right to point out that not all left-wing criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic or otherwise biased, even in cases where the critics attack Israel while ignoring other government that are guilty of similar offenses to a much greater extent.
The Volokh Conspiracy - Why Does Israel Get So Much More Left-Wing Criticism than France?

Over the next few decade there would be further expressions of left-wing anti-Semitism in West Germany. For example, after Black September kidnapped and killed the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Ulrike Meinhof celebrated the massacre as an anti-imperialist strike against what she called “Israel’s Nazi fascism”.
Baader Meinhof: more on left wing anti-Semitism – Prospect Magazine Prospect Magazine

Don't hesitate to let me know if you require further remediation.

Most astounding is not your ignorance, but your willingness to expose it to all...

Henceforth, be clear, anti-Israel bias is one of the tell-tale signatures of the left.

d. John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, seemed to have no affiliation other than opposition to a third term. Theodore Roosevelt shot in Milwaukee — This Day in History — 10/14/1912

Left out: Schrank was a devout Christian, a Bible scholar, who said his attempt to assassinate Roosevelt was in revenge for the assassination of McKinley, as in McKinley the conservative Republican.

It wouldn't let me add a rep for this one...

but keep up the good work.
The OP can be expanded, though, to document that political violence has always been endemic in American culture as a tool of incorporation. An uneven, if very interesting, read is Jeffory A. Clymer, America's Culture of Terrorism: Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word (2004).

I like the new pic Jakey...which one is you?

This post is better than your usual work..who wrote it for you?
But, seriously, Jakey, if I said anything to insult you, please believe me.

But why stop at the suggestion of what you could do.."can be expanded." Why didn't you?

I recall explaining corporatism to you in an earlier thread, and I like the idea of expanding the thread...but you are left with the problem of combating the section of the OP that specifically names assassins and links same to presidential assassination.

And I really like that you suggest a source for further reading!

PC, thanks for the rep. And I am glad that you are expanding your vision, even if it is still uneven. The point simply is that the OP is far too narrow. The OP appropriately should be that "Violence as a political tool for incorporation of values in the colonies and the United States crosses the entire political spectrum." As it stands today, the violence will more than likely come from the right.
[Baader Meinhof: more on left wing anti-Semitism – Prospect Magazine Prospect Magazine

Henceforth, be clear, anti-Israel bias is one of the tell-tale signatures of the left.

So in the highlighted, you are making an argument that one person was an anti-Israel is leftist because she calls Israel 'Nazi', thus it's another example of this theory about the left being violence's home.

Since she is calling Israel rightwing, thus her opposition to that classifies her as leftwing?

Fair enough?

In using that argument however, you unequivocally acknowledge that the Nazis were rightwing.

Thus the sum total of the violence committed in the name and spirit of NAZISM thus qualifies as RIGHTWING VIOLENCE.

That alone overwhelmingly refutes the claim in your OP that violence has its home on the left.
Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

Yes, I am. How many names of liberals who are not violently opposed to Israel do I need to provide to refute


See, this post is a major disqualifier in terms of your knowledge...

opposition to Israel is a left wing postition.

Since most Jewish-Americans are left of center, and since most Jewish-Americans are not 'opposed' to Israel,

you claim is easily disposed of.

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