Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

PC, thanks for the rep. And I am glad that you are expanding your vision, even if it is still uneven. The point simply is that the OP is far too narrow. The OP appropriately should be that "Violence as a political tool for incorporation of values in the colonies and the United States crosses the entire political spectrum." As it stands today, the violence will more than likely come from the right.

This argument doesn't hold up.

One only need attend a Tea Party rally to know this is hogwash.

Yet when you attend a La Raza rally or an NAACP convention....well it pretty much speaks for itself.
Yes, I am. How many names of liberals who are not violently opposed to Israel do I need to provide to refute


See, this post is a major disqualifier in terms of your knowledge...

opposition to Israel is a left wing postition.

Since most Jewish-Americans are left of center, and since most Jewish-Americans are not 'opposed' to Israel,

you claim is easily disposed of.

Many Jewish-Americans live in New York which is a hotbed for liberalism. They are in many cases conservative but tend to vote Democrat. Also Israel has little in common with many Jewish-Americans. Once Jewish-Americans start getting blown up in markets and on buses...they'll change their tune quickly.
It has been reported today that the Left has increased their death threats against various Arizona public officials to a now daily occurrence. Violence does have its home on the Left. It's true.
You've learned well, from FAUX Noise....presenting a premise, while referencing yourself.

How crafty. :rolleyes:
it has been reported today that the left has increased their death threats against various arizona public officials to a now daily occurrence. Violence does have its home on the left. It's true.

It should be fairly-obvious that LibocalypseNow is the reporter.

FAUX Noise does this all-the-time!!

[Baader Meinhof: more on left wing anti-Semitism – Prospect Magazine Prospect Magazine

Henceforth, be clear, anti-Israel bias is one of the tell-tale signatures of the left.

So in the highlighted, you are making an argument that one person was an anti-Israel is leftist because she calls Israel 'Nazi', thus it's another example of this theory about the left being violence's home.

Since she is calling Israel rightwing, thus her opposition to that classifies her as leftwing?

Fair enough?

In using that argument however, you unequivocally acknowledge that the Nazis were rightwing.

Thus the sum total of the violence committed in the name and spirit of NAZISM thus qualifies as RIGHTWING VIOLENCE.

That alone overwhelmingly refutes the claim in your OP that violence has its home on the left.

While regularly wrong- although never in doubt, it is soooo very cute that your posts allow me the opportunity to puncture one left wing meme-balloon after another.
Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

1. There was no Israel in the Nazi era...
Isn't it exhilarating when you learn something new?

2. Nazism was an offshoot of the same fascism that gave the world progressivism, environmenetalism, communism, and the other totalitarianisms.

a. The origins of Progressivism are to be found in Germany, as the early Progressives either studied in Germany, or had teachers who did so. Hegel’s views are primary here. This legacy included:

The state over the individual.
“As would be expected by the socialist part of National Socialism, the guiding principle of Nazi economics was that all property belongs to the people, the Volk, and was to be used only for the good of the people. Just as one’s body is no longer one’s private possession but rather belongs to the whole community, economic property was no longer anyone’s private possession but to be used by State permission and only for the good of the people.” Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz

Did you know that the German translation of 'National Socialism' gave us the term 'nazi'?

b. [Goldberg] states that both modern liberalism and fascism descended from progressivism, and that prior to World War II, "fascism was widely viewed as a progressive social movement with many liberal and left-wing adherents in Europe and the United States".[2] Goldberg has told interviewers that the title Liberal Fascism comes "directly from a speech that H.G. Wells gave to the Young Liberals at Oxford in 1932."[3][4][5] Goldberg claims that Wells had stated that he wanted to "assist in a kind of phoenix rebirth" of liberalism as an "enlightened Nazism."
Liberal Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. ‘’’the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speech delivered by H. G. Wells, one of the most important and influential progressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted to re-brand liberalism as “liberal fascism” and even “enlightened Nazism.” He believed these terms best described his own political views — views that deeply informed American progressivism and New Deal liberalism.
Basically, Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order. Only an authoritarian, technocratic elite can do so."
Liberal Fascism: Wings Over the World Edition — Crooked Timber

Pay careful attention to the line from c. above..."Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order."

This, my friend, is the very essence of the OP...Some members of the left, absorbing Well's ideas, go so far as to see political assassination as consistent with the religious ferver of their ideology.

...I can't thank you enough!
PC, thanks for the rep. And I am glad that you are expanding your vision, even if it is still uneven. The point simply is that the OP is far too narrow. The OP appropriately should be that "Violence as a political tool for incorporation of values in the colonies and the United States crosses the entire political spectrum." As it stands today, the violence will more than likely come from the right.

This argument doesn't hold up.

One only need attend a Tea Party rally to know this is hogwash.

Yet when you attend a La Raza rally or an NAACP convention....well it pretty much speaks for itself.

That's your opinion, but you cannot document that the right has not been stupid the last two years. No NAACP convention advocates violence: why? because there is no evidence of it. I have been to Tea Party rallies here, where the deputies had to escort a few away for being too physical. La Raza has its moments as do militia outfits of the right.

You need to learn how to do your own research.
Did anyone else notice that amongst the mountain of stupidity of the OP there was this little nugget,

it was described as a list of presidential assassinations, and Bobby Kennedy was included. Apparently PC is not aware that Bobby Kennedy was never president.

Oh, are the BEST!

Don't forget to register as my lobbyist.

In March 1968, Kennedy began a campaign for the presidency and was a front-running candidate of the Democratic Party. In the California presidential primary on June 4, Kennedy defeated Eugene McCarthy, a fellow U.S. Senator from Minnesota. Following a brief victory speech delivered just past midnight on June 5 at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Did anyone else notice that amongst the mountain of stupidity of the OP there was this little nugget,

it was described as a list of presidential assassinations, and Bobby Kennedy was included. Apparently PC is not aware that Bobby Kennedy was never president.

Oh, are the BEST!

Don't forget to register as my lobbyist.

In March 1968, Kennedy began a campaign for the presidency and was a front-running candidate of the Democratic Party. In the California presidential primary on June 4, Kennedy defeated Eugene McCarthy, a fellow U.S. Senator from Minnesota. Following a brief victory speech delivered just past midnight on June 5 at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I know Bobby Kennedy ran for president. So did Phil Gramm. I doubt that if Phil Gramm were gunned down tomorrow many sane people would add him to the list of American presidential assassinations...

...although I'm now convinced you might.

ANYONE else here want to join PC in her belief that the assassination of Bobby Kennedy was the assassination of an American president?

PLEASE sign in!!!
[Baader Meinhof: more on left wing anti-Semitism – Prospect Magazine Prospect Magazine

Henceforth, be clear, anti-Israel bias is one of the tell-tale signatures of the left.

So in the highlighted, you are making an argument that one person was an anti-Israel is leftist because she calls Israel 'Nazi', thus it's another example of this theory about the left being violence's home.

Since she is calling Israel rightwing, thus her opposition to that classifies her as leftwing?

Fair enough?

In using that argument however, you unequivocally acknowledge that the Nazis were rightwing.

Thus the sum total of the violence committed in the name and spirit of NAZISM thus qualifies as RIGHTWING VIOLENCE.

That alone overwhelmingly refutes the claim in your OP that violence has its home on the left.

While regularly wrong- although never in doubt, it is soooo very cute that your posts allow me the opportunity to puncture one left wing meme-balloon after another.
Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

1. There was no Israel in the Nazi era...
Isn't it exhilarating when you learn something new?

2. Nazism was an offshoot of the same fascism that gave the world progressivism, environmenetalism, communism, and the other totalitarianisms.

a. The origins of Progressivism are to be found in Germany, as the early Progressives either studied in Germany, or had teachers who did so. Hegel’s views are primary here. This legacy included:

The state over the individual.
“As would be expected by the socialist part of National Socialism, the guiding principle of Nazi economics was that all property belongs to the people, the Volk, and was to be used only for the good of the people. Just as one’s body is no longer one’s private possession but rather belongs to the whole community, economic property was no longer anyone’s private possession but to be used by State permission and only for the good of the people.” Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz

Did you know that the German translation of 'National Socialism' gave us the term 'nazi'?

b. [Goldberg] states that both modern liberalism and fascism descended from progressivism, and that prior to World War II, "fascism was widely viewed as a progressive social movement with many liberal and left-wing adherents in Europe and the United States".[2] Goldberg has told interviewers that the title Liberal Fascism comes "directly from a speech that H.G. Wells gave to the Young Liberals at Oxford in 1932."[3][4][5] Goldberg claims that Wells had stated that he wanted to "assist in a kind of phoenix rebirth" of liberalism as an "enlightened Nazism."
Liberal Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. ‘’’the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speech delivered by H. G. Wells, one of the most important and influential progressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted to re-brand liberalism as “liberal fascism” and even “enlightened Nazism.” He believed these terms best described his own political views — views that deeply informed American progressivism and New Deal liberalism.
Basically, Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order. Only an authoritarian, technocratic elite can do so."
Liberal Fascism: Wings Over the World Edition — Crooked Timber

Pay careful attention to the line from c. above..."Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order."

This, my friend, is the very essence of the OP...Some members of the left, absorbing Well's ideas, go so far as to see political assassination as consistent with the religious ferver of their ideology.

...I can't thank you enough!

Incoherent rambling.

Were the Nazis rightwing or not? It's a simple question. See if you can answer it with something at least in the general vicinity of a yes or no, and in the neighborhood of 1000 words or less.
Last edited:
PC, until you can link conclusively your claim that "This, my friend, is the very essence of the OP...Some members of the left, absorbing Well's ideas, go so far as to see political assassination as consistent with the religious ferver of their ideology", then you are not making any sensible contribution at all. You just as easily could link the Carlist monarchists in Spain to the GOP today by that association.

Purported association is not evidential unless you can provide the factual links.
See, this post is a major disqualifier in terms of your knowledge...

opposition to Israel is a left wing postition.

Since most Jewish-Americans are left of center, and since most Jewish-Americans are not 'opposed' to Israel,

you claim is easily disposed of.

Many Jewish-Americans live in New York which is a hotbed for liberalism. They are in many cases conservative but tend to vote Democrat. Also Israel has little in common with many Jewish-Americans. Once Jewish-Americans start getting blown up in markets and on buses...they'll change their tune quickly.

Okay, so that substantial enclave of Jewish-American liberals New York City, who are mostly supportive of Israel, represents a massive refutation of PC's crazy contention.

Or, are you agreeing with PC's proclamation that all opposition to Israel is leftwing?
PC, thanks for the rep. And I am glad that you are expanding your vision, even if it is still uneven. The point simply is that the OP is far too narrow. The OP appropriately should be that "Violence as a political tool for incorporation of values in the colonies and the United States crosses the entire political spectrum." As it stands today, the violence will more than likely come from the right.

This argument doesn't hold up.

One only need attend a Tea Party rally to know this is hogwash.

Yet when you attend a La Raza rally or an NAACP convention....well it pretty much speaks for itself.

That's your opinion, but you cannot document that the right has not been stupid the last two years. No NAACP convention advocates violence: why? because there is no evidence of it. I have been to Tea Party rallies here, where the deputies had to escort a few away for being too physical. La Raza has its moments as do militia outfits of the right.

You need to learn how to do your own research.

Were those that were escorted away protesters or actual attendees? No evidence of violence has been produced at any rallies even though false accusations of racial statements and use of the "N" word were claimed by black congressmen this year.

La Raza advocates taking over large swaths of the United States through non-violent means. If they attempt this let me assure you violence will be the result. However just like any race based group they profit from hate.

The NAACP throws around racism like they own it. If the speakers were White one would think they were attending a KKK rally...where it's fair to assume is a focal point for racial violence. The NAACP is trying to remain relevant. Their bigotry poisons the minds of it's members and possibly leads to events like the mass-murders of white workers by a Aftrican-American at a beer distributor this week. Obama himself has caused racially charged protests to take place in Arizona.

The side-effects of all of this racially charged rhetoric has been violent protests and in some cases murder. Instead of advocating peace and harmony they advocate separation and division. The Tea Party just wants to stop the government from spending and over taxing them. They don't mention race or dividing up the United States into groups.

My suggestion asshole is that you look at those you support a bit closer before you start pointing a finger at those on the other side.
Can we mention the Ku Klux Klan, America's most 'renowned' rightwing organization, historically speaking,

and list every murder they committed under their banner as examples of 'assassinations'?

Now that PC has broadened the definition of what a president is, I feel that comparable degrees of loosening of definitions should be de rigueur in this thread.

Anyone want to argue that the KKK wasn't/isn't rightwing, and/or argue that they don't have a history of violence?

Comon, conservatives, your support for PC in this thread is conspicuously meager.
I am sure that PC will permit her readers to decide whether Bobby was a presidential assassination.

At least two of her readers state strongly he is not.
Mud, in other words, you have no evidence at all. And, by the by, the national crisis is the reactionary far right's desire to overturn the electoral process. The rest of us use elections.
And explain all of this to the fundamentalist Muslims.

Americans on medical team killed in Afghanistan (AP) AP - Ten members of a medical team, including six Americans, were shot and killed by militants as they were returning from providing eye treatment and other health care in remote villages in northern Afghanistan, a spokesman for the team said Saturday.
Did anyone else notice that amongst the mountain of stupidity of the OP there was this little nugget,

it was described as a list of presidential assassinations, and Bobby Kennedy was included. Apparently PC is not aware that Bobby Kennedy was never president.

Oh, are the BEST!

Don't forget to register as my lobbyist.

In March 1968, Kennedy began a campaign for the presidency and was a front-running candidate of the Democratic Party. In the California presidential primary on June 4, Kennedy defeated Eugene McCarthy, a fellow U.S. Senator from Minnesota. Following a brief victory speech delivered just past midnight on June 5 at The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan.
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes I know Bobby Kennedy ran for president. So did Phil Gramm. I doubt that if Phil Gramm were gunned down tomorrow many sane people would add him to the list of American presidential assassinations...

...although I'm now convinced you might.

ANYONE else here want to join PC in her belief that the assassination of Bobby Kennedy was the assassination of an American president?

PLEASE sign in!!!

How about 'President-in-waiting"...

And this 'so called' error is the best you can do?

You've backed away from any argument that Sirhan-ditto wasn't motivated by a left wing perspective, very wise: you now accept that it is the left that specializes in attacks on, and boycotts of, Israel. you would like to argue that your partner-in-ideology never assumed that Senator R. Kennedy would be President, and this was his best,,,so to speak- 'shot' at him?
I that your latest, position?

"He had just won the Californian primary for the presidency. He was on his way to the White House.

But at 12.15am, just after he had given a victory speech, he was shot at close range by a 24-year-old Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, in the kitchen of The Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles."
Assassination: The night Bobby Kennedy was shot - Americas, World - The Independent

The Senator won California, was projected to, therefore, beat Humphrey and McCarty, and on his way to the presidency...

and you want to throw him off my list of presidential about adding insult to injury!

Mean, mean, heartless lefties.
So in the highlighted, you are making an argument that one person was an anti-Israel is leftist because she calls Israel 'Nazi', thus it's another example of this theory about the left being violence's home.

Since she is calling Israel rightwing, thus her opposition to that classifies her as leftwing?

Fair enough?

In using that argument however, you unequivocally acknowledge that the Nazis were rightwing.

Thus the sum total of the violence committed in the name and spirit of NAZISM thus qualifies as RIGHTWING VIOLENCE.

That alone overwhelmingly refutes the claim in your OP that violence has its home on the left.

While regularly wrong- although never in doubt, it is soooo very cute that your posts allow me the opportunity to puncture one left wing meme-balloon after another.
Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

1. There was no Israel in the Nazi era...
Isn't it exhilarating when you learn something new?

2. Nazism was an offshoot of the same fascism that gave the world progressivism, environmenetalism, communism, and the other totalitarianisms.

a. The origins of Progressivism are to be found in Germany, as the early Progressives either studied in Germany, or had teachers who did so. Hegel’s views are primary here. This legacy included:

The state over the individual.
“As would be expected by the socialist part of National Socialism, the guiding principle of Nazi economics was that all property belongs to the people, the Volk, and was to be used only for the good of the people. Just as one’s body is no longer one’s private possession but rather belongs to the whole community, economic property was no longer anyone’s private possession but to be used by State permission and only for the good of the people.” Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz

Did you know that the German translation of 'National Socialism' gave us the term 'nazi'?

b. [Goldberg] states that both modern liberalism and fascism descended from progressivism, and that prior to World War II, "fascism was widely viewed as a progressive social movement with many liberal and left-wing adherents in Europe and the United States".[2] Goldberg has told interviewers that the title Liberal Fascism comes "directly from a speech that H.G. Wells gave to the Young Liberals at Oxford in 1932."[3][4][5] Goldberg claims that Wells had stated that he wanted to "assist in a kind of phoenix rebirth" of liberalism as an "enlightened Nazism."
Liberal Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. ‘’’the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speech delivered by H. G. Wells, one of the most important and influential progressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted to re-brand liberalism as “liberal fascism” and even “enlightened Nazism.” He believed these terms best described his own political views — views that deeply informed American progressivism and New Deal liberalism.
Basically, Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order. Only an authoritarian, technocratic elite can do so."
Liberal Fascism: Wings Over the World Edition — Crooked Timber

Pay careful attention to the line from c. above..."Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order."

This, my friend, is the very essence of the OP...Some members of the left, absorbing Well's ideas, go so far as to see political assassination as consistent with the religious ferver of their ideology.

...I can't thank you enough!

Incoherent rambling.

Were the Nazis rightwing or not? It's a simple question. See if you can answer it with something at least in the general vicinity of a yes or no, and in the neighborhood of 1000 words or less.

Left wing as they come.
While regularly wrong- although never in doubt, it is soooo very cute that your posts allow me the opportunity to puncture one left wing meme-balloon after another.
Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

1. There was no Israel in the Nazi era...
Isn't it exhilarating when you learn something new?

2. Nazism was an offshoot of the same fascism that gave the world progressivism, environmenetalism, communism, and the other totalitarianisms.

a. The origins of Progressivism are to be found in Germany, as the early Progressives either studied in Germany, or had teachers who did so. Hegel’s views are primary here. This legacy included:

The state over the individual.
“As would be expected by the socialist part of National Socialism, the guiding principle of Nazi economics was that all property belongs to the people, the Volk, and was to be used only for the good of the people. Just as one’s body is no longer one’s private possession but rather belongs to the whole community, economic property was no longer anyone’s private possession but to be used by State permission and only for the good of the people.” Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz

Did you know that the German translation of 'National Socialism' gave us the term 'nazi'?

b. [Goldberg] states that both modern liberalism and fascism descended from progressivism, and that prior to World War II, "fascism was widely viewed as a progressive social movement with many liberal and left-wing adherents in Europe and the United States".[2] Goldberg has told interviewers that the title Liberal Fascism comes "directly from a speech that H.G. Wells gave to the Young Liberals at Oxford in 1932."[3][4][5] Goldberg claims that Wells had stated that he wanted to "assist in a kind of phoenix rebirth" of liberalism as an "enlightened Nazism."
Liberal Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. ‘’’the title Liberal Fascism comes from a speech delivered by H. G. Wells, one of the most important and influential progressive and socialist intellectuals of the 20th century. He wanted to re-brand liberalism as “liberal fascism” and even “enlightened Nazism.” He believed these terms best described his own political views — views that deeply informed American progressivism and New Deal liberalism.
Basically, Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order. Only an authoritarian, technocratic elite can do so."
Liberal Fascism: Wings Over the World Edition — Crooked Timber

Pay careful attention to the line from c. above..."Wells believed parliamentary democracy is incapable of bringing about a proper political order."

This, my friend, is the very essence of the OP...Some members of the left, absorbing Well's ideas, go so far as to see political assassination as consistent with the religious ferver of their ideology.

...I can't thank you enough!

Incoherent rambling.

Were the Nazis rightwing or not? It's a simple question. See if you can answer it with something at least in the general vicinity of a yes or no, and in the neighborhood of 1000 words or less.

Left wing as they come.

You are either mental or just amusing yourself by pretending to be in order to annoy people.

There is no other rational explanation. No rational person seriously believes the Nazis were leftist by any rational definition of the word left.

btw, you're not even original or creative. Conservative loons on internet forums trying to portray the Nazis as liberals are as old as the internet. Hell, I remember having a blast skewering our resident teapartysamurai, about 4 years ago, over on hannity forums, when she, in one of her former incarnations, was trying to make the case the Nazis were liberals.

Grow up.

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