Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

While an argument can be made that at it's extremes, the political spectrum forms a circle, where statism can be identified with both parties (an argument that you should have made), there is no conclusive benefit in taking that position...

Rather, the identifying feature that corrals all totalist views is the priority of the state over the is no accident that Nazi coins had the motto '“Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" which means 'the common good before self interest.'

Now it remains for you to argue that the right, the Founders, the DoI, the Constitution is based on restricing the power of the state, in favor of the individual.

If you cannot do that, you lose: national socialism, nazism, is a left wing totalist philosophy.

Here a few nails for your coffin:

1. Fascism is a religion of the state. It is totalitarian in that it assumes everything is political and holds that any action by the state is justified to achieve the common good. It takes responsibility for all aspects of life, including our health and well-being, and seeks to impose uniformity of thought and action, whether by force or through regulation and social pressure. Everything, including the economy and religion, must be aligned with its objectives. Any rival identity is defined as the enemy. American liberalism embodies all of these aspects of fascism. Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism, p. 23

2. Although Stanley Payne's definition is far more detailed, Gentile's may be good enough:

Emilio Gentile: A mass movement, that combines different classes, but is predominantly of the middle classes, which sees itself as having a mission of national regeneration, is in a state of war with its adversaries and seeks a monopoly of power by using terror, parliamentary tactics, and compromise to create a new regime, destroying democracy. Stanley Payne, Fascism: Comparison and Definition (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1980), p. 5 n.6

3. . Another early policy given high priority by the Nazi government was the organizing of all German businesses into cartels. The argument was that—in contrast to the disorderliness and egoism of free market capitalism—centralization and state control would increase efficiency and a sense of German unity. In July of 1933, membership in a cartel became compulsory for businesses, and by early 1934 the cartel structure was re-organized and placed firmly under the direction of the German government. Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz

4.. . The popular meaning of nazism is controlled by the left, so its use appears as a cudgel to beat political opponents, as in the following versions:
a. Al Gore and the environmentalists imply same when they compare global-warming skeptics to Holocaust deniers.

b. Hollywood uses the term to mean ‘anything liberals don’t like.’

c. On NBC’s ‘West Wing’ support for school choice was labeled ‘fascist’.

d. Charlie Rangel claimed that the GOP’s 1994 Contract With America was more extreme than Nazism.

e. In 2000 President Clinton called the Texas GOP platform a ‘fascist tract.’
f. “…some on the left are dusting off the political vocabulary of the 1920's and 30's to describe policies of the Bush administration… ”The Latest Obscenity Has Seven Letters -

g. NYTimes reporter Chris Hedges book: “American Fascists: The Christian Right…”

h. “Behind Israel's Neo-Nazi Violence” TIME

Should you need any further explanation...sorry I cannot aid in comprehension, I remain at your service.
Citing Jonah Goldberg as an expert on anything is ludicrous.

This is really a junior varsity level of about counter citations.

No, PC, Goldberg is a loon; there is no need for rebuttal citations.

This would be the same thing if some one cited you as an expert, for that would be far beyond being silly.
The answer here to Bucs needs be very short. Reactionaries want to revise history and typify liberal and conservative (right and left), with a new set of belief-structures. These new belief-structures allow redefinitions of critical concepts so that they can create a new paradigm that models their political biases. The great weakness of the reactionary right is to envision a paradigm running linearly from left (authoritarian) to right (freedom).

One way to understand PC and buscs is to go take the quiz at The Political Compass - Test to see where you fit in the modern political paradigm. This paradigm supplants the linear model.

I'll start by saying those statements I posted are fact. I don't profess to know much about stuff that I don't know much about. Cars, women, computers, foreign language, medicine, I have no clue. Football, guns, law enforcement, WW2 history (my hobby), I do. And what I posted is all factually accurate.

Now, you said we have tried on the right to define the paradigm of left (authoritarian) to right (freedom). I disagree. The paradigm going totally right does not equal freedom. It equals anarchy, survival of the fittest. Thats NOT good, and it's NOT freedom. Freedom includes a relative freedom from fear. For a female to go for an early morning jog before work without worrying about getting raped. Thats freedom. Total right anarchy does not allow that. And I strongly oppose libertarian rightwingers who want absolute no government, as that would not work.

Freedom also includes being free to let your teenager drive his car to school for the first time alone, without worrying that some jackasses are gonna be drag racing on the public street and kill your kid. A small, responsible government is necessary for that freedom to exist. Absolute freedom would create crippling fear also. Thats why the right appreciates cops and soldiers so much more than most of the left, because we know our ideal society wouldn't be possible without cops and soldiers to enforce these common sense laws regarding personal safety. As for some of the insane statutes that have been made law also, well, thats another thread.

For my favorite way to describe this, is an analogy to health:

Far left ideology is like cancer. It creeps in, slowly and steadily, eating away at the body. Symptoms grow slowly more painful, until one day, it's totally taken over and death is unavoidable.

Far right ideology is like a massive heart attack. It all collapses at once, panic ensues, chaos follows, and survivability is basically a roll of the dice.

Neither is good. We are always in the 50% +/- 10% range to the right or left, but always creeping one way or another. Currently, our government is creeping left at an ever increasing pace. Thats bad. Just as it would be bad if a far right president came in and began slashing police departments, highway maintenance and fire departments just for the sake of small government.

Just don't treat our cancer by saying a heart attack would be worse. Treat the damn cancer.
"You must spread some Rep around etc." :clap2:
Bucs90 weak analysis reveals his error, the America "cancer" in fact being the far reactionary right.
You really need to stop pretending that things are true just because you say them.
I encourage all to take the assessment at The Political Compass - Test and see if it matches generally one's perceived self-analysis with the model.
What's your score? Let's see how "conservative" you really are. :lol:

My score:

Your political compass

Economic Left/Right: 5.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.51
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The disclosure appears in a new chapter to the paperback edition of my book “In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect,” which hits bookstores Aug. 3.

The hardcover edition reported that threats against Obama rose by as much as 400 percent compared with when President Bush was in office. Although threats fluctuate, the level continues to be at high enough levels to call for the threat task force. Many of the threats are from racists who have no connection with politics.

Death Threats Against Obama Rise!


Registered Republican hard right wing conservative Timothy McVeigh is second only to Bin Laden, who was let go and given a 9 year "head start".

OMG! Would ya' just look who's posting real, adult stuff!!!

It's deanie-weanie!

Why, I'm just so proud of you, deanie, I could just spit!!

Wait...let me brush away this tear. (sniff)

Just remember all the years you walked away with "Dumbest Poster on USMB"!!
Here is a post beyond your usual warped opinion, and a legit reference....Ron Kessler, no less. I read Kessler on Newsmax...

A real rebuttal to the idea that President Obama is not under any more threat than any other President...good job: rep on the way!

And you even left out the usual '6% of scientists are Republicans' nonsense!
Little deanie is growing up!

But, of course, wrong.
While Mr. Kessler is a respected journalist, this reference from CBS sort of throws the analysis into the dust bin:

"The Boston Globe report last month noting that the threats against Mr. Obama have fallen back to typical levels, Mark Hosenball of Newsweek writes that the reports of a 400 percent increase in threats can be traced back to a book about the Secret Service published earlier this year by author Ronald Kessler.
Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And you might want to review this one:
"Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told Congress today that the Secret Service took responsibility for the security breach and that three officers involved in the incident are currently suspended. He also said, however, that recent claims about higher threat levels against the president have been inaccurate and Mr. Obama was not at risk the night of the state dinner.

Mr. Obama acknowledged in the interview that "the system didn't work the way it was supposed to." (may 20, 2010)

Read more: Secret Service posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So, in summary, the left wing template is that the folks of the United States are a downright nasty - to quote the First Lady, bunch out to harrass and assassinate minorities...and you folks buy this stuff like it was on sale.

So, deanie, since CBS, Newsweek, and the Boston Globe...conservatives none, all discount your post, are you going to do the honorable thing and admit that it is in error?
Citing Jonah Goldberg as an expert on anything is ludicrous.

This is really a junior varsity level of about counter citations.

No, PC, Goldberg is a loon; there is no need for rebuttal citations.

This would be the same thing if some one cited you as an expert, for that would be far beyond being silly.

See, now you're slipping back to the old jakey...

Nothing but personal attack.
Now, don't get me wrong, I like personal attack if its funny and if it's ancillary to a dispositive post...not this empty clutch of phrases.

Here, let me help: Loon

a.a bout of uninhibited and eccentric behaviour. In this sense the noun is derived from the following verb.

b.a crazy, eccentric or silly person. This word is, in its modern usage, a convergence of three sources. It is both a shortening of lunatic and the name of an American diving bird with a cry like a demented laugh. In addition, it probably also recalls an archaic Middle English and later Scottish dialect word, loun, meaning a rogue. The late Keith Moon, drummer with the English rock group The Who, who was notorious for his wild and outrageous behaviour, was dubbed ‘Moon the loon’ in the late 1960s by acquaintances and the press.
loon definition

Now, could you provide a handful of examples of Mr. Goldberg's looniness....?

Otherwise, you must accept the label of 'mala fide.'
The disclosure appears in a new chapter to the paperback edition of my book “In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect,” which hits bookstores Aug. 3.

The hardcover edition reported that threats against Obama rose by as much as 400 percent compared with when President Bush was in office. Although threats fluctuate, the level continues to be at high enough levels to call for the threat task force. Many of the threats are from racists who have no connection with politics.

Death Threats Against Obama Rise!


Registered Republican hard right wing conservative Timothy McVeigh is second only to Bin Laden, who was let go and given a 9 year "head start".

OMG! Would ya' just look who's posting real, adult stuff!!!

It's deanie-weanie!

Why, I'm just so proud of you, deanie, I could just spit!!

Wait...let me brush away this tear. (sniff)

Just remember all the years you walked away with "Dumbest Poster on USMB"!!
Here is a post beyond your usual warped opinion, and a legit reference....Ron Kessler, no less. I read Kessler on Newsmax...

A real rebuttal to the idea that President Obama is not under any more threat than any other President...good job: rep on the way!

And you even left out the usual '6% of scientists are Republicans' nonsense!
Little deanie is growing up!

But, of course, wrong.
While Mr. Kessler is a respected journalist, this reference from CBS sort of throws the analysis into the dust bin:

"The Boston Globe report last month noting that the threats against Mr. Obama have fallen back to typical levels, Mark Hosenball of Newsweek writes that the reports of a 400 percent increase in threats can be traced back to a book about the Secret Service published earlier this year by author Ronald Kessler.
Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

And you might want to review this one:
"Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan told Congress today that the Secret Service took responsibility for the security breach and that three officers involved in the incident are currently suspended. He also said, however, that recent claims about higher threat levels against the president have been inaccurate and Mr. Obama was not at risk the night of the state dinner.

Mr. Obama acknowledged in the interview that "the system didn't work the way it was supposed to." (may 20, 2010)

Read more: Secret Service posts - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

So, in summary, the left wing template is that the folks of the United States are a downright nasty - to quote the First Lady, bunch out to harrass and assassinate minorities...and you folks buy this stuff like it was on sale.

So, deanie, since CBS, Newsweek, and the Boston Globe...conservatives none, all discount your post, are you going to do the honorable thing and admit that it is in error?

I suspect that it's the Obama administration itself that wants to squash any controversy or distraction that takes focus away from fixing the Republican disasters that brought this country to it's knees.

To say there have been less threats? Nonsense. Look at the startling number of threatening signs at "Tea Party" events.

I don't remember left wing pastors advising their "flock" to pray the president die of cancer: - Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death

Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.

"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday.
when in the course of human events
scocialists tried but made no sense
on the eighteenth of april in seventy-five
hardly a man is now alive,
who remebers that famous day and year?
mayor mcCheese, hey grab me a beer !
Last edited:
Let's examine PC's nonsense.

See, now you're slipping back to the old jakey...I have always opposed your half-baked reactionary positions masquerading as conservatism.

Nothing but personal attack. Just take a look above to see what the hypocrite PC does with rdean's posting. Telling PC that she is a political loon is not personal but rather a professional assessment.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like personal attack if its funny and if it's ancillary to a dispositive post...not this empty clutch of phrases. The attack was not personal, but her's are always personal.

And the rest is simple personal attack.

PoliticalChic has a facileness with words that at times fools one in to thinking she knows what she is thinking about.

She does not.

She is a member of that far right political tribe that is trying to create their own reality and their own definitions, and then foist that off on normal, mainstream Americans. - Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death

Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.

"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday.


The federal government is moving to quash the denomination's tax-exempt status.
Bucs90 weak analysis reveals his error, the America "cancer" in fact being the far reactionary right.

I encourage all to take the assessment at The Political Compass - Test and see if it matches generally one's perceived self-analysis with the model.

You know, you could offer a rebuttal to my points including counter arguments, facts and examples to back them up, alternate points of view, analysis, etc.

History has shown left wing politics slowly rots a country, economically and morally. The slide of a nation to left wing government mimics by exact definition a cancer. - Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death

Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.

"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday.


The federal government is moving to quash the denomination's tax-exempt status.

Yep, pretty sick. Just as bad as the Columbia U law class that jump up cheering upon the mistaken news that the Reagan assassination attempt had actually killed him. You didn't hear that one did you? It's because the only person who spoke out was the lone conservative in the class.

He also stated that he, and ALL his classmates, agreed that they don't remember a classmate named Barry Obama. Funny huh? - Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death

Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.

"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday.


The federal government is moving to quash the denomination's tax-exempt status.

Yep, pretty sick. Just as bad as the Columbia U law class that jump up cheering upon the mistaken news that the Reagan assassination attempt had actually killed him. You didn't hear that one did you? It's because the only person who spoke out was the lone conservative in the class.

He also stated that he, and ALL his classmates, agreed that they don't remember a classmate named Barry Obama. Funny huh?

Yup, (1) the report is urban legend by wackos of the far right to stigmatize good Americans, and (2) Barry Obama was not in a class where such an incident never happened.

Bucs90, you are a poseur.
Can we mention the Ku Klux Klan, America's most 'renowned' rightwing organization, historically speaking,

and list every murder they committed under their banner as examples of 'assassinations'?

Now that PC has broadened the definition of what a president is, I feel that comparable degrees of loosening of definitions should be de rigueur in this thread.

Anyone want to argue that the KKK wasn't/isn't rightwing, and/or argue that they don't have a history of violence?

Comon, conservatives, your support for PC in this thread is conspicuously meager.

So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?

Next question, has there every been an organization with the US that committed more violence than the KKK has in its history?
Let's examine PC's nonsense.

See, now you're slipping back to the old jakey...I have always opposed your half-baked reactionary positions masquerading as conservatism.

Nothing but personal attack. Just take a look above to see what the hypocrite PC does with rdean's posting. Telling PC that she is a political loon is not personal but rather a professional assessment.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like personal attack if its funny and if it's ancillary to a dispositive post...not this empty clutch of phrases. The attack was not personal, but her's are always personal.

And the rest is simple personal attack.

PoliticalChic has a facileness with words that at times fools one in to thinking she knows what she is thinking about.

She does not.

She is a member of that far right political tribe that is trying to create their own reality and their own definitions, and then foist that off on normal, mainstream Americans.

That would be 'facility.' Thank you.

Now, Jakey, you must have missed this part...

"Now, could you provide a handful of examples of Mr. Goldberg's looniness....?

Otherwise, you must accept the label of 'mala fide.' "

So, when can I expect that list of examples?

Isn't it interesting how easily the left falls into the 'echo-chamber-fallacy,' where they assume that just because they say it, no matter how slanderous, (i.e. Mr Goldberg is a 'loon'), they need provide no evidence or examples...

almost like they believe they are above the rest of the debating universe.

But, it does seem to follow from the "Liberal Playbook"..

Rule #2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

Rule #5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
b. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
c. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
d. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. This was started by a [conservative, republican, earlier] administration.
f. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “I’m only interested in discourse.”
g. If and when totally busted, jam hands down into side pockets, gaze up at the sky, whistle softly, and amble off into the sunset.

Rule #6. Claim to misunderstand, obfuscate, deflect and change the subject, and, if all else fails, allege that you misspoke.
a. Remember, left-wingers may make a ‘mistake,’ for right-wingers, it is a lie!
b. When relating a series of events that lead to a conclusion, if it is a right-wing conclusion, we must never see the connection!
c. Any exposure of detrimental information must be referred to as either ‘fear-tactics,’ or ‘red-baiting.’
d. No matter how strong the opposition argument or data, always respond with “you falsely claimed…” or “I exposed your lies…” of “I destroyed your argument…” or 'that's just your opinion' etc.

Rule #9. Remember, as a liberal, you never have to apologize, be accurate, nor have any knowledge. No matter how many times your talking points are shown to be wrong, continue to repeat them.

Rule #10. Remember the gullible and grumbling always identify with vague terms like ‘hope’ ‘change’ ‘new’ ‘empathy’ and ‘better.’
a. There is, at no time, a requirement that arguments, statements, or positions be, in any dimension, partnered with either truth or reality.
b. “A deliberately-conceived ‘myth’ should be used to sway crowds.” Georges Sorel.

Now, I admit that I codified the above, but I think Jakey did a really good job of following the bolded ones!

Left-wing props for Jakey! Hip Hip Hooray!
facileness: Definition, Synonyms from facileness noun The ability to perform without apparent effort: ease , easiness , effortlessness , facility , readiness.
Political Chic can easily be recognized in 2, 4, and 9 of Internet Argument Techniques | and employs imitations of some of the others.

PC, when you are ready to debate using mainstream terminology and definitions, I will be glad to. But, no, young missy, we are not going to allow you to pull your "PoliticalChic In Wonderland" routine here.

We will be waiting. - Phoenix Pastor Draws Protests After Telling Church He Prays for Obama's Death

Pastor Steven Anderson stood by his sermon in an interview with MyFOXPhoenix, which reports that the pastor continues to encourage his parishioners to join him in praying for the president's death.

"I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today," he told MyFOXPhoenix on Sunday.


The federal government is moving to quash the denomination's tax-exempt status.

Good, it's not soon enough.
Okay, for those of you who comically believe the Nazis were not a rightwing regime,

can you name some regimes that were in fact rightwing?

Well, if you want rightwing as a polar opposite to the Nazis, meaning extreme right anarchist, you'd have to go back a long way. The current areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan in which the government has NO control would be an anarchist example. The people in charge are the ones with the most guns and most numbers. The Pakistani gov't has no control over some parts, and the tribes rule themselves. The survival of the strongest, or most radical.

The original colonies maybe. Indians, colonists, etc, but no formal government. Again, survival of the fittest. The polar right opposite of total left wing fascism is anarchy, lack of any government control. I suppose some could even argue Mexico is nearing that status. The drug cartels have more power than the government in some spots. Or even are the government.

But the Nazis being a far left regime is factual, not comical. They are right there along with the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc.

The thing that misleads some liberals is that American style far left progressives are using compassion and smiling faces rather than guns and violence to gain power.

And yes, the KKK is a right wing extremist group. They hate all things government, including cops.

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