Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?
I can't believe anyone's dumb enough to make the argument that the KKK IS rightwing. :cuckoo:

The “inhuman outrages” perpetuated upon
African Americans in the South were largely committed
through the Democrats’ Ku Klux Klan.
It is indisputable historical fact that the Klan
was started by Democrats. In fact, during congressional
hearings on the subject, one prominent
Democrat testified that the Ku Klux Klan “belongs
to . . . our party – the Democratic Party.”
And the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan
was prominent Democrat Nathan Bedford
Forrest, an honoree at the 1868 Democratic National
Convention. Recall also that every Democrat
in Congress voted against the 1871 bill to punish
Klan violence (see note on p. 8 about this bill).
Why were blacks so often the target of Klan
violence? According to African American U. S.
Rep. John Roy Lynch: “More colored than white
men are thus persecuted simply because they constitute
in larger numbers the opposition to the
Democratic Party.” African American U. S. Rep.
Richard Cain of South Carolina, a bishop of the
AME denomination, agreed, declaring: “The bad
blood of the South comes because the Negroes
are Republicans. If they would only cease to be
Republicans and vote the straight-out Democratic
ticket there would be no trouble. Then the
bad blood would sink entirely out of sight.” It
was these Democratic and Klan “inhuman outrages”
to which Republicans here object.
This is a very interesting document. It provides a glimpse into the history of the Democratic and Republican parties' views on civil rights using their own words published at the time, immune to spin and cries of "taken out of context!"

Read through it and see the fantastic historical revisions that have been foisted on America by the left.
Can we mention the Ku Klux Klan, America's most 'renowned' rightwing organization, historically speaking,

and list every murder they committed under their banner as examples of 'assassinations'?

Now that PC has broadened the definition of what a president is, I feel that comparable degrees of loosening of definitions should be de rigueur in this thread.

Anyone want to argue that the KKK wasn't/isn't rightwing, and/or argue that they don't have a history of violence?

Comon, conservatives, your support for PC in this thread is conspicuously meager.

So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?

Next question, has there every been an organization with the US that committed more violence than the KKK has in its history?

Yes. ELF. Left wing Earth Liberation Front. Holds the record for most violent terrorist attacks within US soil.

Not in any way trying to deflect the evil of the right wing KKK. I wish all the Klansmen would slip into the ocean and never make it back up. Just posting an answer.

I'd also argue that the Klan is no more an organization than is the Hells Angels, Bloods, Crips, etc. I seriously doubt the Klan has more total acts of violence than the Angels, or some of those large street gangs. But who knows, maybe they come close. More disgusting acts of violence for sure though.
Rule #2. Refuse to accept the statements of any opposing view, from individuals or media, unless reliably liberal.

Rule number one of partisan hack. Exaggerate and overinflate an opponent's tactic to reach some bullshit extreme then pretend that's reality. For example if someone thinks an author with an ultra-conservative bias isn't a good source then pretend they'll only accept people with a liberal bias, being a dishonest little shit that you are.

Now, I admit that I codified the above, but I think Jakey did a really good job of following the bolded ones!

Rule number 2, you get the write the playbook and the definition of your opponents (i.e. all liberals do this, and I know this despite the fact that I'm not a liberal). Now some may call this completely dishonest, and they'd be totally right.
So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?
I can't believe anyone's dumb enough to make the argument that the KKK IS rightwing. :cuckoo:

The “inhuman outrages” perpetuated upon
African Americans in the South were largely committed
through the Democrats’ Ku Klux Klan.
It is indisputable historical fact that the Klan
was started by Democrats. In fact, during congressional
hearings on the subject, one prominent
Democrat testified that the Ku Klux Klan “belongs
to . . . our party – the Democratic Party.”
And the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan
was prominent Democrat Nathan Bedford
Forrest, an honoree at the 1868 Democratic National
Convention. Recall also that every Democrat
in Congress voted against the 1871 bill to punish
Klan violence (see note on p. 8 about this bill).
Why were blacks so often the target of Klan
violence? According to African American U. S.
Rep. John Roy Lynch: “More colored than white
men are thus persecuted simply because they constitute
in larger numbers the opposition to the
Democratic Party.” African American U. S. Rep.
Richard Cain of South Carolina, a bishop of the
AME denomination, agreed, declaring: “The bad
blood of the South comes because the Negroes
are Republicans. If they would only cease to be
Republicans and vote the straight-out Democratic
ticket there would be no trouble. Then the
bad blood would sink entirely out of sight.” It
was these Democratic and Klan “inhuman outrages”
to which Republicans here object.
This is a very interesting document. It provides a glimpse into the history of the Democratic and Republican parties' views on civil rights using their own words published at the time, immune to spin and cries of "taken out of context!"

Read through it and see the fantastic historical revisions that have been foisted on America by the left.

I think the identity of Republican and Democrat swapped each other sometime in the Civil Rights Era. Reps of then are today's Dems, and vice versa.

I just can see Klansmen driving a Prius, preaching about climate change, proclaiming a need to keep borders open, demanding gay marriage rights, advocating the takeover of healthcare by the government, and apologizing to Muslims.

But hey, one thing the left and the Klan have in common? They've both supported eugenics!!
Can we mention the Ku Klux Klan, America's most 'renowned' rightwing organization, historically speaking,

and list every murder they committed under their banner as examples of 'assassinations'?

Now that PC has broadened the definition of what a president is, I feel that comparable degrees of loosening of definitions should be de rigueur in this thread.

Anyone want to argue that the KKK wasn't/isn't rightwing, and/or argue that they don't have a history of violence?

Comon, conservatives, your support for PC in this thread is conspicuously meager.

So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?

Next question, has there every been an organization with the US that committed more violence than the KKK has in its history?

What does " every been an organization with the US" mean?

Does that mean 'within'? Oh.

Ya know, Carby...sometimes I get the sense that you are peeking in my window.
One of the books that I am currently studying is James Chace's "1912," which covers E.V.Debs, of the Socialist Party.

And, of course, his presidential campaign includes passages about the most violent organization in the US, the 'wobblies.'

Now, as an illiterate, you aren't aware of 'Big Bill' Haywood, and the International Workers of the World, and there isn't enough space to teach you, but...

1. "During its heyday before and for a decade after WWI, the IWW had a most unsavory reputation for violence."
JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

2. The Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) was a radical organization in the United States that was most active between the turn of the century and the 1930s. The Wobblies, as they were known, believed there must be radical changes in American capitalism to improve the oppressive conditions that workers faced. Many I.W.W. members believed in socialist or communist ideology and some advocated whatever means necessary to effect change, including sabotage and violence... ::: Centralia Massacre Collection :::

3. "Defining Sabotage
In 1914 the organization began to publish multiple-language editions of leaflets, newspapers and stickers that advocated sabotage. The term had been used to describe a range of tactics: striking, slowing down work, or even property destruction. Historians still debate what the I.W.W. meant by "sabotage." Some believe that the I.W.W. advocated violence and assassination in their push for "direct action," while others believe the I.W.W.'s concept of sabotage was more innocent. In a famed sticker designed by Ralph Chapin, the image of a wooden shoe (sabot in Dutch, the root word for "sabotage") and an I.W.W. sun appear over a quote from William Haywood: "Sabotage means to push back, pull out or break off the fangs of Capitalism." Predictably, the I.W.W.'s sabotage resulted in supression. By 1917 some twenty states had adopted laws which criminalized acts of sabotage or violence with a political end."
American Experience | Emma Goldman | People & Events | PBS

4. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or the Wobblies) is an international union. At its peak in 1923, the organization claimed some 100,000 members in good standing, and could marshal the support of perhaps 300,000 workers.
Industrial Workers of the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, let's be clear: this anti-capitalism union was left wing.

And, since I understand actual scholarly work is beyond you, I recommend the Dos Passos "U.S.A." Trilogy, which is excellent literature, and pretty good history. It covers the period.

But it is high school level, so you may not be ready for it.
I think the identity of Republican and Democrat swapped each other sometime in the Civil Rights Era. Reps of then are today's Dems, and vice versa.

I just can see Klansmen driving a Prius, preaching about climate change, proclaiming a need to keep borders open, demanding gay marriage rights, advocating the takeover of healthcare by the government, and apologizing to Muslims.

But hey, one thing the left and the Klan have in common? They've both supported eugenics!!

Swapped? To some extent. However, the document I linked shows clearly the GOP's commitment to civil rights since its inception. Democrats can't say that. Well, they do, but they're lying.
My fellow board member, Rinata, disputed this statement; " are unaware of the fact that it is the left that is typically and repeatedly responsible for actual violence in our society..."

One of those political themes, supported by the left-wing press, and readily believed by the easily-led, is that political violence is suckled in the bosom of right wing cabals…

Let’s investigate the veracity of this view.

1. The current spin:

a. There are more death threats aimed at President Obama: “At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi "crashed" the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said. Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

b. McCain-Palin rallies? The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., reports that the Secret Service can find no evidence that anyone shouted “Kill him!” in reference to Barack Obama at a recent Palin event (via Little Green Footballs).
The story was originally reported by a competitor, the Scranton Times-Tribune, which is standing by its reporter, David Singleton:
Mr. Singleton said the remark came from his right, amid booing that followed Mr. Hackett’s mention of Mr. Obama.
“ very distinctly heard, ‘Kill him!’ Male voice,” he said. “It was definitely back in the back.”
Media Nation So what about those death threats?

c. During the Bush presidency, liberals had actually produced books and movies about the fantasy of President Bush being assassinated.

2. Historic review:
every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

a. John Wilkes Booth was opposed to President Lincoln’s Republican war policies. THE MURDERER OF MR. LINCOLN. - Extraordinary Letter of John Wilkes Booth Proof that He Meditated His Crime Months Ago His Excuses for the Contemplated Act His Participation in the Execution of John Brown. Commissioners of Public Charities and Correct

b. Charles J. Guiteau, who shot President James Garfield, was part of a utopian commune, the Oneida Community, where free love was practiced. Ackerman, “Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield,” p.135

c. Leon Czolgosz, who killed President McKinley, was a socialist and anarchist, whose act was instigated by a speech he heard by socialist Emma Goldman. American Experience | Emma Goldman | Transcript | PBS

d. John Schrank, who shot and wounded Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, seemed to have no affiliation other than opposition to a third term. Theodore Roosevelt shot in Milwaukee — This Day in History — 10/14/1912

e. Giuseppe Zangara, who came close to killing President Roosevelt in 1933, (he killed Mayor Cermak) hated the rich and sought to “make even with the capitalists.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Assassination Attempt - FBI Freedom of Information Act Files - Miami Public Pages

f. Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot JFK, had been a communist ever since he read a communist pamphlet about the Rosenbergs.

g. Sirhan Sirhan, who killed Robert Kennedy, was a Palestinian who hated Kennedy’s support of Israel.

h. Arthur Bremer shot George Wallace in 1972, due to Wallace’s support for segregation. Arthur Bremer Biography from Basic Famous People - Biographies of Celebrities and other Famous People Upon his release, Bremer showed no remorse: “ ‘shooting segregationist dinosaurs’ is not like shooting people because ‘they are extinct by act of God.’ This mention of God was the only blemish on Bremer’s otherwise impeccable liberal credentials.” Coulter, “Guilty,” p. 260.

i. Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, tried to shoot President Ford because she was incensed about the plight of the California redwoods. Gerald Ford Oultived His Obituary Writer

j. Sara Jane Moore also tried to kill President Ford because “the government had declared war on the left.” Interview: Woman Who Tried To Assassinate Ford 1/03/07 |

k. John Hinckley shot President Reagan to impress a girl. The jury found him “not guilty by reason of insanity.” “”…which is as good a definition of liberalism as I’ve heard.” Coulter, “Guilty.” P. 260.

Welcome to the real world, Rinata.

Sorry, but your argument lacks merit. You take the premise, that the left is more violent than the right. Then as evidence you present isolated examples which prove nothing. The opposition can easily dig up more isolated examples that shows the right is more violent, again proving nothing. What a waste of time...
PoliticalChic is among the reactionary Illiterati who attempt to create a new reality and set of definitions from their asses. No respecting historian, political scientist, or researcher will play the silly game of let's "reinvent American terminology and history with guidelines and goal posts."
Okay, for those of you who comically believe the Nazis were not a rightwing regime,

can you name some regimes that were in fact rightwing?

Well, if you want rightwing as a polar opposite to the Nazis, meaning extreme right anarchist, you'd have to go back a long way. The current areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan in which the government has NO control would be an anarchist example. The people in charge are the ones with the most guns and most numbers. The Pakistani gov't has no control over some parts, and the tribes rule themselves. The survival of the strongest, or most radical.

The original colonies maybe. Indians, colonists, etc, but no formal government. Again, survival of the fittest. The polar right opposite of total left wing fascism is anarchy, lack of any government control. I suppose some could even argue Mexico is nearing that status. The drug cartels have more power than the government in some spots. Or even are the government.

But the Nazis being a far left regime is factual, not comical. They are right there along with the USSR, China, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc.

The thing that misleads some liberals is that American style far left progressives are using compassion and smiling faces rather than guns and violence to gain power.

And yes, the KKK is a right wing extremist group. They hate all things government, including cops.

No, bucs90, right wing does not mean some form of social and political anarchism. That is a terminology for which you will find no support among the literati of the professions. But wackos, like you and PC, are trying to create a new paradigm. But, hey, those who are informed won't permit it.
PoliticalChic is among the reactionary Illiterati who attempt to create a new reality and set of definitions from their asses. No respecting historian, political scientist, or researcher will play the silly game of let's "reinvent American terminology and history with guidelines and goal posts."

Well, now, that depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
Okay, for those of you who comically believe the Nazis were not a rightwing regime,

can you name some regimes that were in fact rightwing?

Think about it.

Look at the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.

The Republican party is 90% white, mostly Christian. If someone such as Michael Steele makes a comment that doesn't follow party line, get it, "party line", they are slapped down immediately.

The Democrats are made up of groups that simply aren't welcome in the Republican party. Gays, feminists, atheist, liberals. Currently the Republicans are targeting Hispanics. They have a history of targeting blacks. The Democratic party is VERY pro education.

There are very few groups that aren't welcome in the Democratic party. But look at the ones that aren't. KKK, Aryan Nation. Doesn't matter anyway, these groups will always vote Republican.

Now, look at the history of regimes. They hate "different". They destroy the educated. (college professors voted 12 to 1 for Obama).

Look at Iran. The church is the true head of state. But the government is actually a sort of "theocratic democracy" where the church approves the candidates. Many on the right want to do that here. Possibly even the majority of the Republican Party.

I don't understand why someone would compare the left to foreign regimes when clearly, it's the right they most resemble.

I just handed the entire right wing an enormous


facileness: Definition, Synonyms from facileness noun The ability to perform without apparent effort: ease , easiness , effortlessness , facility , readiness.

Ah, now we enter the area of liteary style...and you are in trouble.

Read the pertinent sentence with both words and see which is a smoother, more satisfactory reading.

1. PoliticalChic has a facileness with words that at times fools one in to thinking she knows what she is thinking about.

2. PoliticalChic has a facility with words that at times fools one in to thinking she knows what she is thinking about.

Of course, the sentence makes no sense: "fools one in to thinking she knows what she is thinking about."

Are you arguing that I don't know what I am thinking about?
You're going to get me arrested for felony laughter.
Nope, PC, you are wrong on diction and syntax as you are on semantics and terminology.
Last edited:
Can we mention the Ku Klux Klan, America's most 'renowned' rightwing organization, historically speaking,

and list every murder they committed under their banner as examples of 'assassinations'?

Now that PC has broadened the definition of what a president is, I feel that comparable degrees of loosening of definitions should be de rigueur in this thread.

Anyone want to argue that the KKK wasn't/isn't rightwing, and/or argue that they don't have a history of violence?

Comon, conservatives, your support for PC in this thread is conspicuously meager.

So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?

Next question, has there every been an organization with the US that committed more violence than the KKK has in its history?

What does " every been an organization with the US" mean?

Does that mean 'within'? Oh.

Ya know, Carby...sometimes I get the sense that you are peeking in my window.
One of the books that I am currently studying is James Chace's "1912," which covers E.V.Debs, of the Socialist Party.

And, of course, his presidential campaign includes passages about the most violent organization in the US, the 'wobblies.'

Now, as an illiterate, you aren't aware of 'Big Bill' Haywood, and the International Workers of the World, and there isn't enough space to teach you, but...

1. "During its heyday before and for a decade after WWI, the IWW had a most unsavory reputation for violence."
JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

2. The Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) was a radical organization in the United States that was most active between the turn of the century and the 1930s. The Wobblies, as they were known, believed there must be radical changes in American capitalism to improve the oppressive conditions that workers faced. Many I.W.W. members believed in socialist or communist ideology and some advocated whatever means necessary to effect change, including sabotage and violence... ::: Centralia Massacre Collection :::

3. "Defining Sabotage
In 1914 the organization began to publish multiple-language editions of leaflets, newspapers and stickers that advocated sabotage. The term had been used to describe a range of tactics: striking, slowing down work, or even property destruction. Historians still debate what the I.W.W. meant by "sabotage." Some believe that the I.W.W. advocated violence and assassination in their push for "direct action," while others believe the I.W.W.'s concept of sabotage was more innocent. In a famed sticker designed by Ralph Chapin, the image of a wooden shoe (sabot in Dutch, the root word for "sabotage") and an I.W.W. sun appear over a quote from William Haywood: "Sabotage means to push back, pull out or break off the fangs of Capitalism." Predictably, the I.W.W.'s sabotage resulted in supression. By 1917 some twenty states had adopted laws which criminalized acts of sabotage or violence with a political end."
American Experience | Emma Goldman | People & Events | PBS

4. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or the Wobblies) is an international union. At its peak in 1923, the organization claimed some 100,000 members in good standing, and could marshal the support of perhaps 300,000 workers.
Industrial Workers of the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, let's be clear: this anti-capitalism union was left wing.

And, since I understand actual scholarly work is beyond you, I recommend the Dos Passos "U.S.A." Trilogy, which is excellent literature, and pretty good history. It covers the period.

But it is high school level, so you may not be ready for it.

google abuse is a tragic spectacle

The question was can you name an American organization more violent than the rightwing KKK?

I'll take the above as a no.
Nah, PC is a poseur, NYC. I wonder if she graduated from Liberty or Patrick Henry or Bob Jones University.
So did anyone make an argument that the KKK isn't rightwing?

Next question, has there every been an organization with the US that committed more violence than the KKK has in its history?

What does " every been an organization with the US" mean?

Does that mean 'within'? Oh.

Ya know, Carby...sometimes I get the sense that you are peeking in my window.
One of the books that I am currently studying is James Chace's "1912," which covers E.V.Debs, of the Socialist Party.

And, of course, his presidential campaign includes passages about the most violent organization in the US, the 'wobblies.'

Now, as an illiterate, you aren't aware of 'Big Bill' Haywood, and the International Workers of the World, and there isn't enough space to teach you, but...

1. "During its heyday before and for a decade after WWI, the IWW had a most unsavory reputation for violence."
JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

2. The Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.) was a radical organization in the United States that was most active between the turn of the century and the 1930s. The Wobblies, as they were known, believed there must be radical changes in American capitalism to improve the oppressive conditions that workers faced. Many I.W.W. members believed in socialist or communist ideology and some advocated whatever means necessary to effect change, including sabotage and violence... ::: Centralia Massacre Collection :::

3. "Defining Sabotage
In 1914 the organization began to publish multiple-language editions of leaflets, newspapers and stickers that advocated sabotage. The term had been used to describe a range of tactics: striking, slowing down work, or even property destruction. Historians still debate what the I.W.W. meant by "sabotage." Some believe that the I.W.W. advocated violence and assassination in their push for "direct action," while others believe the I.W.W.'s concept of sabotage was more innocent. In a famed sticker designed by Ralph Chapin, the image of a wooden shoe (sabot in Dutch, the root word for "sabotage") and an I.W.W. sun appear over a quote from William Haywood: "Sabotage means to push back, pull out or break off the fangs of Capitalism." Predictably, the I.W.W.'s sabotage resulted in supression. By 1917 some twenty states had adopted laws which criminalized acts of sabotage or violence with a political end."
American Experience | Emma Goldman | People & Events | PBS

4. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or the Wobblies) is an international union. At its peak in 1923, the organization claimed some 100,000 members in good standing, and could marshal the support of perhaps 300,000 workers.
Industrial Workers of the World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, let's be clear: this anti-capitalism union was left wing.

And, since I understand actual scholarly work is beyond you, I recommend the Dos Passos "U.S.A." Trilogy, which is excellent literature, and pretty good history. It covers the period.

But it is high school level, so you may not be ready for it.

google abuse is a tragic spectacle

The question was can you name an American organization more violent than the rightwing KKK?

I'll take the above as a no.

Aren't you astounded at how little you know?
We are astounded at how you are attempting to skew what you learned, PC.

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