Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

Message to Father Slime,
Did you notice all these other folks who fight in public...?

How about you?
What is the disability that prevents you from doing so? Gutless?
No private messages...c'mon out front punk.
Here's why you're ......oh, I'd say..........a 3rd grader's intelligence level:

Noone SAID the left doesn't have Violence. And here you are, in your responses, arguing against what noone ever said. Don't you feel like a fucking fool?

Don't get it yet?

All anyone's telling you is...........IT EXISTS ON BOTH SIDES.


Because you take the phrase: "it exists on both sides"....................................and your COUNTER-ARGUMENT is "so...the black panthers don't do this...there's not a movie about killing bush...KILLING BABIES IS OK THEN? .etc...etc..yadda yadda yadda."


Yea you're pretty f*cking delusional. You're just spinning yer wheels now. You're stuck on stupid for sure. Keep spinning though. Have fun. :)

No, I'm of sound mind because I'm rational and can see that violence comes from both sides.

You're a delusional twit because you're obsessed with politics and your ideaology so much so that your brain-cell is convinced violence only comes from the left. Also, it doesn't help that you don't know how to read and comprehend well., not signed man. That would make me all giddy though, lol.

Serioulsy,just stop embarrassing yourself. You have already proven the OP correct. Violence does have its home on the Left. Continuing to rant about the other side having violence too doesn't make it right. You just keep on proving the OP correct yet you're still spinning your delusional chit,which proves that you're not nearly as smart as you think you are. Personally i'm guessing you're like 12 or 13yrs old or something like that. Your rants do seem pretty immature & hostile. That's usually an indication that the poster is a child. It's a big give away. So just stop spinning your wheels. Cause you're clearly stuck on stupid at this point.
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

anything in error?

start with the title, then go line by line. it is full of it. and you are full of it. question remains, when will you realize it.
I love it when dummies come here pretending to be so smart. One poster just keeps on proving the OP correct and doesn't even know it. Yet this same poster actually believes they're a genius. Funny stuff. :)
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

You're a tool. There were a lot of errors, with links as backing, pointed out to you. You avoided those posts, and picked and chose the ones to respond to that weren't in logical refutation of the OP.

Your thread title is wrong.

A wise man/woman would say: Violence has it's home on the planet.

An unobjective person would point to violence examples on one side of a political spectrum, while not discussing the other, to make an unobjective point. This sort of discussion leads to nothing but logical fallacies and further political divisiveness. It serves as nothing.

As far as your "facts," it's common knowledge that Boothe assasinated Lincoln as a plot to further the Confederacy's war efforts, and he had co-conspirators. He has writings about this, himself, and it's documented history. You don't get to cherry-pick tidbits that assail him as being on "the left" when it's typically a Southern Conservative's household (if any) donning the Confederate flag, and typically pussies on "the left" who decry it.
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

anything in error?

start with the title, then go line by line. it is full of it. and you are full of it. question remains, when will you realize it.

This makes, what...6 or 7 vapid, empty posts....

are you afraid to be specific?
. Two months ago, Richard Poplawski, a right-wing extremist, allegedly gunned down three police officers in Pittsburgh, in part because he feared the non-existent "Obama gun ban." A few weeks ago, Scott Roeder, another right-wing extremist, allegedly assassinated Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. A few hours ago, Von Brunn, another right-wing extremist, allegedly opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

There are other recent examples that bear similar characteristics. This story out of Tennessee from last year continues to haunt.

Knoxville police Sunday evening searched the Levy Drive home of Jim David Adkisson after he allegedly entered the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six others during the presentation of a children's musical. [...]

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.

Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his "hatred of the liberal movement," Owen said. "Liberals in general, as well as gays."

The Washington Monthly

Does this post not exist as a counter to where "violence's home" is?

Of course that's a silly conclusion based on this post, but it's certainly a post counter to the thread-title, and it's futile to exercise a "post for post" battle of examples of violence from both sides. This thread-premise is a classic logical fallacy. It's classic stereo-typing, and also ill-found stereotyping being that the MAJORITY of people, in general, do NOT practice in "violence."
How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

anything in error?

start with the title, then go line by line. it is full of it. and you are full of it. question remains, when will you realize it.

This makes, what...6 or 7 vapid, empty posts....

are you afraid to be specific?

ok, little one.

"violence has its home on the left" for starters. then your house of cards breaks by the sheer partisan stupidity of this now corrected statement.
the whole OP is cherry-picked, rigged data which is incorrect in many parts, all presented to you many times in this thread. you, as always, ignore it.
so don't pretend you'd like to dance. you can't when you jumped into the harbor with cement shoes like you did with "your" OP. all you can do is drown and wriggle and flail.
murka and murkin arms have caused more death and destruction in the world than all other nations combined.
Your tax dollars support slaughter of civilians and enslavement by murka and it's corporate owners...
Wake up.
You are next.
anything in error?

start with the title, then go line by line. it is full of it. and you are full of it. question remains, when will you realize it.

This makes, what...6 or 7 vapid, empty posts....

are you afraid to be specific?

ok, little one.

"violence has its home on the left" for starters. then your house of cards breaks by the sheer partisan stupidity of this now corrected statement.
the whole OP is cherry-picked, rigged data which is incorrect in many parts, all presented to you many times in this thread. you, as always, ignore it.
so don't pretend you'd like to dance. you can't when you jumped into the harbor with cement shoes like you did with "your" OP. all you can do is drown and wriggle and flail.

1.cherry-picked, means that you don't like it...

2. data which is incorrect in many parts...means you couldn't actually find any 'incorrect data'

3. That's it?

What a loser.
. Two months ago, Richard Poplawski, a right-wing extremist, allegedly gunned down three police officers in Pittsburgh, in part because he feared the non-existent "Obama gun ban." A few weeks ago, Scott Roeder, another right-wing extremist, allegedly assassinated Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. A few hours ago, Von Brunn, another right-wing extremist, allegedly opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

There are other recent examples that bear similar characteristics. This story out of Tennessee from last year continues to haunt.

Knoxville police Sunday evening searched the Levy Drive home of Jim David Adkisson after he allegedly entered the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six others during the presentation of a children's musical. [...]

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.

Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his "hatred of the liberal movement," Owen said. "Liberals in general, as well as gays."

The Washington Monthly

Does this post not exist as a counter to where "violence's home" is?

Of course that's a silly conclusion based on this post, but it's certainly a post counter to the thread-title, and it's futile to exercise a "post for post" battle of examples of violence from both sides. This thread-premise is a classic logical fallacy. It's classic stereo-typing, and also ill-found stereotyping being that the MAJORITY of people, in general, do NOT practice in "violence."

Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

You're a tool. There were a lot of errors, with links as backing, pointed out to you. You avoided those posts, and picked and chose the ones to respond to that weren't in logical refutation of the OP.

Your thread title is wrong.

A wise man/woman would say: Violence has it's home on the planet.

An unobjective person would point to violence examples on one side of a political spectrum, while not discussing the other, to make an unobjective point. This sort of discussion leads to nothing but logical fallacies and further political divisiveness. It serves as nothing.

As far as your "facts," it's common knowledge that Boothe assasinated Lincoln as a plot to further the Confederacy's war efforts, and he had co-conspirators. He has writings about this, himself, and it's documented history. You don't get to cherry-pick tidbits that assail him as being on "the left" when it's typically a Southern Conservative's household (if any) donning the Confederate flag, and typically pussies on "the left" who decry it.

This makes, what...6 or 7 vapid, empty posts....

are you afraid to be specific?

ok, little one.

"violence has its home on the left" for starters. then your house of cards breaks by the sheer partisan stupidity of this now corrected statement.
the whole OP is cherry-picked, rigged data which is incorrect in many parts, all presented to you many times in this thread. you, as always, ignore it.
so don't pretend you'd like to dance. you can't when you jumped into the harbor with cement shoes like you did with "your" OP. all you can do is drown and wriggle and flail.

1.cherry-picked, means that you don't like it...

2. data which is incorrect in many parts...means you couldn't actually find any 'incorrect data'

3. That's it?

What a loser.

you cherry-picked my post, that means you did not like it, hahaha.
why confront you with evidence when you evade deflect or ignore said evidence.
and you still think "your" OP deserves something else but derision.:lol:
ok, little one.

"violence has its home on the left" for starters. then your house of cards breaks by the sheer partisan stupidity of this now corrected statement.
the whole OP is cherry-picked, rigged data which is incorrect in many parts, all presented to you many times in this thread. you, as always, ignore it.
so don't pretend you'd like to dance. you can't when you jumped into the harbor with cement shoes like you did with "your" OP. all you can do is drown and wriggle and flail.

1.cherry-picked, means that you don't like it...

2. data which is incorrect in many parts...means you couldn't actually find any 'incorrect data'

3. That's it?

What a loser.

you cherry-picked my post, that means you did not like it, hahaha.
why confront you with evidence when you evade deflect or ignore said evidence.
and you still think "your" OP deserves something else but derision.:lol:

Flimsy and diaphanous.

The 'hahaha' was the best part.

ya got nuttin'
Message to Father Slime,
Did you notice all these other folks who fight in public...?

How about you?
What is the disability that prevents you from doing so? Gutless?
No private messages...c'mon out front punk.

I all ready did, what are you blind or something?
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

You're a tool. There were a lot of errors, with links as backing, pointed out to you. You avoided those posts, and picked and chose the ones to respond to that weren't in logical refutation of the OP.

Your thread title is wrong.

A wise man/woman would say: Violence has it's home on the planet.

An unobjective person would point to violence examples on one side of a political spectrum, while not discussing the other, to make an unobjective point. This sort of discussion leads to nothing but logical fallacies and further political divisiveness. It serves as nothing.

As far as your "facts," it's common knowledge that Boothe assasinated Lincoln as a plot to further the Confederacy's war efforts, and he had co-conspirators. He has writings about this, himself, and it's documented history. You don't get to cherry-pick tidbits that assail him as being on "the left" when it's typically a Southern Conservative's household (if any) donning the Confederate flag, and typically pussies on "the left" who decry it.

skipped, X2.
. Two months ago, Richard Poplawski, a right-wing extremist, allegedly gunned down three police officers in Pittsburgh, in part because he feared the non-existent "Obama gun ban." A few weeks ago, Scott Roeder, another right-wing extremist, allegedly assassinated Dr. George Tiller in Kansas. A few hours ago, Von Brunn, another right-wing extremist, allegedly opened fire at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

There are other recent examples that bear similar characteristics. This story out of Tennessee from last year continues to haunt.

Knoxville police Sunday evening searched the Levy Drive home of Jim David Adkisson after he allegedly entered the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church and killed two people and wounded six others during the presentation of a children's musical. [...]

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of "the liberal movement," and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning.

Adkisson, 58, of Powell wrote a four-page letter in which he stated his "hatred of the liberal movement," Owen said. "Liberals in general, as well as gays."

The Washington Monthly

Does this post not exist as a counter to where "violence's home" is?

Of course that's a silly conclusion based on this post, but it's certainly a post counter to the thread-title, and it's futile to exercise a "post for post" battle of examples of violence from both sides. This thread-premise is a classic logical fallacy. It's classic stereo-typing, and also ill-found stereotyping being that the MAJORITY of people, in general, do NOT practice in "violence."

skipped, X2.
Another PC thread where she attempts to smear liberals with guilt by association what a shock!

Hey anyone remember the time she bitched and moaned about liberals attacking them? Gee I wonder why that could be.

How about actually making a point, Slime,,,

Name it: anything in error in the OP?

Do In have to stick to 'Slime,' or can I use your full name, Primordial Ooze.

Your entire post is full of shit.

Let's start with the opening

"it is the left that is typically and repeatedly responsible for actual violence in our society...""

What's your evidence to support this conclusion, no statistics no numbers of any kind just talking about a handful of assassins over a span of many decades.

There's been tons more violence in our society over the decades than those assassins, where's your proof that the left was responsible for that? Oh wait you didn't bring any.

Speaking of which where's all your bitching and moaning about right-wing violence like say the recent abortion murders?

So 'the left is responsible for violence' is now basically a guilt by association fallacy.

Which is all you ever post, whines moans and guilt by association.

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