Violence Is The Language They Speak

I have to admit liberals scare the hell out of me. Their intolerance is shocking, that Bernie Sanders guy trying to shoot down innocent peeps, well, its speaks volumes for human nature and the need for gun control.

No,'s not about guns.
If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.'s about Democrat-control

The problem you've highlighted would be solved if no Leftist.....Democrat, Liberals, Progressive, Socialist, Nazi, Fascist or Communist where ever...EVER......allowed to attain a position of political power.

Violence is embedded in their politics, and if not guns, they would encourage the easily led to stomp out any opposition.
Then we'd be worried about boots.
I hate to be contradictory, but YES, it IS about GUNS. We are all weak and prone to human flaws. We don't need guns in this society anymore, they are a an anachronism. One we are better off leaving in the past.

Please don't ever feel you need to apologize for disagreeing with me...
I'm not a Liberal, and never mind defending my position.

"We don't need guns in this society anymore."

1. As we gave seen, there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
QED....the rest of us do need guns.

2. Licensed gun owners are the most law-abiding of citizens. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  2. Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas
  3. ( .00086%)
3. The CDC studied laws throughout the country, and found: “In summary, the Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence.”

4. According to the National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the rate of Defensive Gun Uses can be projected nationwide to approximately 2.5 million per year -- one Defensive Gun Use every 13 seconds.

5. And....I don't want any politician...nor you....deciding whether I need a gun.
I'll decide that.
I respectfully disagree. This is a cyclical argument based on the notion "We can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals'. Yes, we can. Why NOT? We just need to actually work harder to remove them from our society, it would take time and effort. And determination. Something we seem to lack as a culture.


Does that mean you're going to secure the borders inspectng every item coming into the United States and dismantle every machine shop, even the private ones, in the United States?

That is the only way you can keep firearms out of the hands of criminals.


Please don't ever feel you need to apologize for disagreeing with me...
I'm not a Liberal, and never mind defending my position.

"We don't need guns in this society anymore."

1. As we gave seen, there is no way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
QED....the rest of us do need guns.

2. Licensed gun owners are the most law-abiding of citizens. They would lose their permits for any weapons-related infraction. It doesn’t happen
  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  2. Few crimes committed by concealed-carry permit holders in Kansas
  3. ( .00086%)
3. The CDC studied laws throughout the country, and found: “In summary, the Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence.”

4. According to the National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the rate of Defensive Gun Uses can be projected nationwide to approximately 2.5 million per year -- one Defensive Gun Use every 13 seconds.

5. And....I don't want any politician...nor you....deciding whether I need a gun.
I'll decide that.
I respectfully disagree. This is a cyclical argument based on the notion "We can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals'. Yes, we can. Why NOT? We just need to actually work harder to remove them from our society, it would take time and effort. And determination. Something we seem to lack as a culture.

"We can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals'. Yes, we can."


Clearly I'm speaking to a child, one who has lost contact with reality.

Have a nice day.
Umm, OK, Why are you sinking to condescension now? That solves nothing.

"Why are you sinking to condescension now?"
I was pointing the kindest way possible....that your IQ has devolved to a single digit.

"That solves nothing."
Keeping you out of an adult conversation is the solution.

This remains the most counter-intuitive statement of the day.
Maybe the week.
""We can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals'. Yes, we can."
Please, relax. calling me a child, that's flattering as hell , but sets a negative tone, don't you think? OK. Firearms are cool, and I understand people's fetish for them to a degree. We have to get past that obsession for fire arms, THAT is the real problem here. It's like trying to quit smoking, but on a cultural level.

"...calling me a child, that's flattering as hell..."
Happy to flatter you.

Unfortunately, the element being suggested as being childlike is your intellect and understanding of the world.

And here you prove my point:
"Firearms are cool..."

"people's fetish for them to a degree. We have to get past that obsession for fire arms,"
While earlier I found your comment a paragon of stupidity....I see you have the ability to dig even deeper in that precinct.

If you ever get around to obtaining a book that doesn't come with crayons...try this:
Stated earlier:
Trump’s opponents in the media, academia, and politics can pretend that their calls for radical action were meant metaphorically or in a nonviolent sense.
But they are the ones who opened this box of fear, panic, and rage. Let them take responsibility for the climate that now exists."
Incitement to Violence

" Reputable figures in the media have normalized radical, violent discourse..."

And, doubling down:

"It's hard to determine whether some liberals are tone deaf or just downright mean. MSNBC hostess Joy-Ann Reid almost certainly falls into the latter category.

Reid was on with NAACP board member Rev. William J. Barber II when the conversation turned to Rep. Steve Scalise, who was lying in a hospital bed in critical condition at the time.

The host and her guest accused Scalise of "extremism" because he wants marriage to be between a man and a woman, he voted for the House health care bill, and he co-sponsored a bill to repeal the ban on semi-automatic weapons.

No, really."
MSNBC Host Labels Rep. Scalise an 'Extremist' While He Lies in Hospital Bed

Get the message? He deserved killing 'cause he disagrees with Liberals.
The OP makes the claim that the resort to violence by Progressives, Liberals, Democrats is not only consistent with that of the 7th century barbarians that they support in their policies....but explains why they see nothing wrong with the barbarism:

"What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too."

Any doubt of the truth therein is abolished by this from Gatestone:

"For many Palestinians, the stabbing murder of a 23-year-old Israeli Border Police officer in Jerusalem on June 16 is an act of "heroism" that proves that the "revolution against the Zionist entity will continue until the liberation of Palestine, from the (Mediterranean) sea to the (Jordan) river."

For many Palestinians, the three terrorists who murdered the young woman, Hadas Malka, are "heroes" and "martyrs" who will be rewarded by Allah in Paradise."
Palestinians Praise Terror Attack

The same support of violence can be seen in the MSNBC Joy Reid quote in post #64.
I have to admit liberals scare the hell out of me. Their intolerance is shocking, that Bernie Sanders guy trying to shoot down innocent peeps, well, its speaks volumes for human nature and the need for gun control.

No,'s not about guns.
If guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.'s about Democrat-control

The problem you've highlighted would be solved if no Leftist.....Democrat, Liberals, Progressive, Socialist, Nazi, Fascist or Communist where ever...EVER......allowed to attain a position of political power.

Violence is embedded in their politics, and if not guns, they would encourage the easily led to stomp out any opposition.
Then we'd be worried about boots.
I hate to be contradictory, but YES, it IS about GUNS. We are all weak and prone to human flaws. We don't need guns in this society anymore, they are an anachronism. One we are better off leaving in the past.

Wow. So, what if were a sword? Or a sharpened pencil? What about bare hands? The human predilection for violence has no preference on what kind of weapon is used. For pete's sakes, Cain killed Abel with a rock. The drive to kill is fueled by hatred and savage emotions, by motives, want, or need, not by the weapon.

What a terrible argument.
This from a scion of the modern Democrat Party:

"Mere days after a Bernie Sanders supporter shot Congressman Steve Scalise and two black members of his police detail, a Connecticut professor posted a Medium article on Facebook declaring: "Let Them F*cking Die." The professor went on to write that white people are "inhuman a**holes" who still prop up a "white supremacy system," so black people should not help them if their lives are in danger.

"I'm fed the f*ck up with self identified 'white's' [sic] daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslim, and sexual and racially oppressed people," Johnny Eric Williams, associate professor of sociology at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., posted on Facebook Sunday, Campus Reform reported. "The time is now to confront these inhuman a**holes and end this now."
Prof. Calls Whites 'Inhuman A**holes,' Tells Blacks to 'Let Them F*cking Die'

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