Violence Is The Language They Speak

....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.
And you can BET, that had it been someone that identified as a republican that had a HIT LIST of DEMOCRATS in his pocket, and HUNTED DOWN and SHOT DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS, the left would STILL be ON FIRE about it. We'd hear about it for the NEXT 6 MONTHS, and they'd use it as a RALLYING CRY for YEARS. As it is, the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA MEDIA TRASH MACHINE has already put it behind them.

The double standard, the hypocrisy, the CORRUPT MORAL CHARACTER of DEMOCRATS is on full display for the entire nation to see, for the entire world, and people DO see it.
...but a radicalized terrorist would-be snowflake assassin ambushing Republicans while carrying a GOP 'hit list'?!

"Nothing to see here...move along."
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I don't see in his (Trump's) comments actual violence, such as how Libs beat and bloodied Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES or calls for a Presidential assassination as snowflakes did refardibg Trump.

I don't see terrorist would-be assassin Republicans stalking, anbushing, and trying to gun down as many GOP reps as possible...

Nice try, though, snowflake...
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....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.


And now for reality....
...better sit down, this is gonna be crushing.

1. Did you notice I pointed out real, actual violence the Left, your kind, here: every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

2. Assassination of nonpresidential political figures
  1. MLK was killed by a ‘right winger,’ true…
  2. Malcolm X killed by (left wingers) Black Muslims.
  3. Political violence on a massive scale in the US- not rhetorical, but real violence,- was committed by the Weathermen. And not only were they embraced by the establishment, cheered on by the media, but would be welcomed at any Democrat gathering. The current President launched his career at the home of two of them.
  4. Black Panthers
  5. Black Liberation Army…
  6. Waverly Brown, killed by liberal ‘revolutionaries’ in the Brinks robbery, 1981
  7. Robert Fassnacht, was a physics post-doctoral researcher who was killed by the bombing of Sterling Hall on August 24, 1970 on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus… As a protest against the Vietnam War, Robert Fassnacht - Wikipedia
  8. Throughout our history, only two senators and two congressmen have been assassinated. The first and last were killed by Democrats for political reasons. (The other two, for nonpolitical reasons.) Republican James Hinds of Arkansas was killed in 1868 by secretary of the Democratic Committee for Monroe County and KKK member, George A. Clark. Democrat representative Leo Ryan was shot in 1978 by Jim Jones left-wing cult in Guyana. The other two were Senator Huey Long, and Senator Robert Kennedy (for supporting aid to Israel). CRS Congress Deaths | Congressional Research Service | Government Of The United States
The easiest way to recognize that Liberals know their side is the most violent is to see how often they blame the Right.

3. Environmentist activist, the Unibomber....A lone bomber terrorized the nation for nearly 20 years, planting bombs that killed three Americans and injured many more before his capture in 1996.

4. WASHINGTON (AP) -- An armed man walked into the Washington headquarters of a conservative Christian lobbying group Wednesday morning and was confronted by a security guard, whom he shot in the arm before being wrestled to the ground, authorities said.

It wasn't immediately known whether the confrontation was related to the work of the Family Research Council, which strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion.

The Family Research Council advocates conservative positions on social issues and strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion.

5. Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with "Don’t tread on me" printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him, “What kind of ****** are you?” before the attack.

"It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked," he said. SEIU Thugs Beat Up Town Hall Protester | Sweetness & Light

Police report here:

6. The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat. Ann Coulter: GOD HATES JUDGES [Fred Phelps cult assaults Matthew Snyder's funeral]

Ready to admit that your side is the home of atavistic scum?
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I don't see in his comments actual violence, such as how Libs beat and bloodied Trump supporters AT TRUMP RALLIES or calls for a Presidential assassination as snowflakes did refardibg Trump.

I don't see terrorist would-be assassin Republicans stalking, anbushing, and trying to gun down as many GOP reps as possible...

Nice try, though, snowflake...

What it reveals is that even Leftist dopes feel the embarrassment...and have to try to equate talk with actual violence.
Let's add these non-presidential assassinations by Leftists.

g. Sirhan Sirhan, who killed Robert Kennedy, was a Palestinian who hated Kennedy’s support of Israel.

h. Arthur Bremer shot George Wallace in 1972, due to Wallace’s support for segregation.
Basic Famous People

Upon his release, Bremer showed no remorse: “ ‘shooting segregationist dinosaurs’ is not like shooting people because ‘they are extinct by act of God.’ This mention of God was the only blemish on Bremer’s otherwise impeccable liberal credentials.” Coulter, “Guilty,” p. 260.

i. Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, tried to shoot President Ford because she was incensed about the plight of the California redwoods.

j. Sara Jane Moore also tried to kill President Ford because “the government had declared war on the left.” ABC7 News - KGO Bay Area and San Francisco News

k. John Hinckley shot President Reagan to impress a girl. The jury found him “not guilty by reason of insanity.” “
…which is as good a definition of liberalism as I’ve heard.”
Coulter, “Guilty.” P. 260.
9. All must bend the neck and the knee to the Collective, as represented by Big Government.

The idea is Germanic.....not American.

It can be seen in the acolytes of the Democrat/Liberal demigod, Frankllin Roosevelt.

The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future."Folsom and Folsom, "FDR Goes To War."

And, not to march lock-step....or goose-step..... is treason!
And the penalty for treason......

"Liberals frequently complain that conservatives disseminate propaganda to their secretly racist supporters via “dog whistle” tactics, which send the desired message in coded language or gestures. The same liberals have dispensed with high-frequency whistles in favor of a simpler message: “Treason!”

Following the now-debunked February 14 New York Times report that Trump’s campaign had been in direct contact with Russian agents before the election, a late-night host commented, “It’s funny because it’s treason.” Comedian Rosie O’Donnell led an anti-Trump rally outside the White House, declaring, “He is going down and so will all of his administration. The charge is treason.”
Incitement to Violence
As the above poster lies, so does the corrupt news media, controlled and operated by Liberal suck-ups.

Today on Stephanopoulos' 'This Week,' he played a sound byte of the President, and used it to lead into a discussion of the attempt to kill Republicans by the Leftist.
The implication was as clear as it is false.
Giffords was shot by a madman who was 'educated' in a Leftwing school funded by Obama.

On 'Meet The Press,' we find this characterization of the attempted slaughter, "Gabby Giffords, and Steve Scalise, a Democrat and a Repulican' attempt by the fake news industry to make it seem that the Left and the Right are equally responsible for violence.
False: it is the Left.

On Fox, when a guest gave a list of examples of attacks, killings, murder by Leftists, Chris Wallace had the gall to interrupt with 'You're not saying it's all due to one side, are you?'
Of course it is.
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....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.

I don't like the tone of your post.

Come back when you've learned how to speak to your betters.
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.

I don't like the tone of your post.

Come back when you've learned how to speak to your betters.

You have such potential to lead, such amazing energy to put into these posts, and yet you settle for being PC, PC. You could help to change the world, yet all you do is post things that orthodox right wingers will agree with. That's not courage, my fellow citizen. Dare to take a stand and get people to communicate with each other. Be a small part of the change and really get something done! The posts you make are not readable after 2-3 sentences, it's like a movie everyone's seen before. But, if you step out of the bubble and post something different, something that intends to connect, your energy will be so much more constructive for society. Even people of average intelligence can make a difference with a sufficient amount of energy and effort. You clearly have all of these attributes, but do you have the courage to lead?
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.

I don't like the tone of your post.

Come back when you've learned how to speak to your betters.

You have such potential to lead, such amazing energy to put into these posts, and yet you settle for being PC, PC. You could help to change the world, yet all you do is post things that orthodox right wingers will agree with. That's not courage, my fellow citizen. Dare to take a stand and get people to communicate with each other. Be a small part of the change and really get something done! The posts you make are not readable after 2-3 sentences, it's like a movie everyone's seen before. But, if you step out of the bubble and post something different, something that intends to connect, your energy will be so much more constructive for society. Even people of average intelligence can make a difference with a sufficient amount of energy and effort. You clearly have all of these attributes, but do you have the courage to lead?

Unlike you, with your corrupt desire to placate, I am guided by one thing and one thing only: truth.

Your lack of courage is evident, I am fearless.

If you doubt what I say....try to find anything in my posts that is not 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Otherwise.....take a walk.
1. Universities are bastions of intolerance, they prefer riots to honest debate
2. The MSM, aka city dwellers, all seem to have "Trump derangement syndrome"
3. Trump voters still support the policies we voted for
4. Gun control never works, controlling criminals works (Sandyhook, dumb mom buys crazy kid an AR, then the school's security doors were not used properly. i.e they let the crazy kid in)

You're on a roll!!

Don't stop there!
Liberalfilth have gotten so violent because it's a long-term effect of their diet of muslim semen (because they're behaving exactly like muslim inbreds, perhaps even worse). There's no way a person can embrace a sadistic evil of Pisslam's magnitude for years and NOT have its vicious evil rub off on them, leaving a big, black stain on their souls. Or whatever passes for liberalfilth souls. Just look at the horrified reactions of liberal pigs whenever Trump uses the phrase, "putting American interests first." Liberal humanoid malignancies are so used to putting Pisslam interests first ,under Typhoid Barry, they fly into a panicked rage if someone doesn't indulge their muslim cocksucking.

Yes, I've seen over and over again for years how utterly livid (sometimes SOBBING, like my own Obama-rimming liberal family members) liberalfilth get when you point out proven, human rights atrocity FACTS about the Islam to which they became humanoid condoms.

Before any liberalfilth chime in to defend Islassholery, I have studied this Nazi-bloodbath's doctrine, history and practices for several years. Ergo, I know THOUSANDS of horrifying facts about that PURE hate ideology that liberal putrescence do not.
Not only don't Liberals eschew violence....they encourage it.

10. " Reputable figures in the media have normalized radical, violent discourse. Popular television writer/producer David Simon tweeted this week, “If Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller and is allowed to do so, pick up a goddamn brick. That's all that’s left to you.”

Writing in The Nation, Natasha Lennard praised street violence as “kinetic beauty,” and Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters, exhorted, “Don’t play footsie with proto-fascism. Fucking smash it.” A protestor at a rally in New York City’s Tompkins Square Park held a sign reading, “Hug a refugee (with permission); Punch a Nazi (with precision.)”

[The savagery of the Left is validated, made permissible, by the most trivial of justifications.]

Every policy difference, no matter how trivial, has been cast as a matter of life and death. .... rolling back federal guidelines on transgender bathroom signage will cause more teenagers to kill themselves, according to ThinkProgress.

Abandonment of the non-enforceable and voluntary Paris Accord on Climate Change will doom the world to “catastrophe” and imminent mass extinction, according to Jill Stein."
Incitement to Violence
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.

I don't like the tone of your post.

Come back when you've learned how to speak to your betters.

You have such potential to lead, such amazing energy to put into these posts, and yet you settle for being PC, PC. You could help to change the world, yet all you do is post things that orthodox right wingers will agree with. That's not courage, my fellow citizen. Dare to take a stand and get people to communicate with each other. Be a small part of the change and really get something done! The posts you make are not readable after 2-3 sentences, it's like a movie everyone's seen before. But, if you step out of the bubble and post something different, something that intends to connect, your energy will be so much more constructive for society. Even people of average intelligence can make a difference with a sufficient amount of energy and effort. You clearly have all of these attributes, but do you have the courage to lead?

Unlike you, with your corrupt desire to placate, I am guided by one thing and one thing only: truth.

Your lack of courage is evident, I am fearless.

If you doubt what I say....try to find anything in my posts that is not 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Otherwise.....take a walk.
Honestly, I don't read your posts closely enough to care about the substance, I've heard it all before. It isn't courageous to tell people what they want to hear then crow about it. It's courageous to create a vision of how you would like American culture to be and to systematically and incrementally move towards it. Courageous people don't sit on the sidelines and post, they try to change the world. You could leverage your middling intelligence so much beyond by thinking creatively and strategically about what you want rather than simply repeating bromides we all have heard before. Grab hold of your potential and redefine America in your image!

Incidentally, one ironic thing I"ve noticed about your posts is that they are often in "list" form. You know who used to write his opinions in "list" form oftentimes? Harry Blackmun. Just another way you are behaving like a liberal.
....proving that the Left has no way to document the value and rectitude of their doctrines.
Another of the irrefutable axioms is that, in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

1. When the ideas of the Left and the Right are compared, the weight of experience makes it clear and evident that the Right wins. If this were not the case, the Left would not have to default to murder, mayhem, violence and shutting down opposing voices.

2. When they can, they silence opposition,...e.g., gag orders, clearly in opposition to the first amendment.
Control of the media makes it possible to lie by both omission and by commission.
Rather than cogent arguments, disputing and/or refuting the Right's protagonists, the response is, more often, anger and vulgarity.

3. But the dispositive indication that the Left knows it cannot win by argument, experience, or explanation is the default to violence.

The evidentiary timeline, from then to now:

a. Then: Every presidential assassin in the history of the nation has been a liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

b. Now: The attempted massacre of the GOP House baseball team by an avowed progressive.

4. "...their incendiary demands for “massive resistance” since November have been an open plea for the escalation of words into violent action. The daily repetition that President Trump is an illegitimate usurper who stole the election through collusion with foreign powers has been a hypnotic incantation in search of an Oswald: a siren call for an assassin.

5. It's easy "to find extremist rhetoric from influential people whose appeals for violence are only partially veiled. In March, former attorney general Loretta Lynch made a brief video in which she called for people “who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on and even being rolled back” to follow the example of freedom fighters of the past. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. ....We can do this again.” The Senate Democrats shared Lynch’s call for street action leading to bloody sacrifice on their Facebook page."

6. "At the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, Angela Davis’s appeal for militancy was met with cheers. “Over the next months and years we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations,” announced Davis, who in 1970 bought the shotgun used two days later to murder a judge. “Those who still defend the supremacy of white male hetero-patriarchy had better watch out,” she concluded. At the same event, pop legend Madonna spoke about her fantasies of “blowing up the White House.”
Incitement to Violence

What we have seen is the Democrat's/Liberal's political movement morph into a blood cult which brooks no restrictions of any kind to their victory.

None whatsoever.
And it goes far in explaining their affinity for the 7th barbarians of the Middle East, too.

I was just thinking, what would the world be like if you took say 20% of the time you put into your screeds and devoted it to demonstrating the courage to find a way to disagree with people without resorting to hate and condemnation? Ironically, you are fostering the blood cult you decry. Try it. Two times out of ten post something that is intended to demonstrate the kind of culture you want. Demonstrate the courage to not give in to name calling.

I don't like the tone of your post.

Come back when you've learned how to speak to your betters.

You have such potential to lead, such amazing energy to put into these posts, and yet you settle for being PC, PC. You could help to change the world, yet all you do is post things that orthodox right wingers will agree with. That's not courage, my fellow citizen. Dare to take a stand and get people to communicate with each other. Be a small part of the change and really get something done! The posts you make are not readable after 2-3 sentences, it's like a movie everyone's seen before. But, if you step out of the bubble and post something different, something that intends to connect, your energy will be so much more constructive for society. Even people of average intelligence can make a difference with a sufficient amount of energy and effort. You clearly have all of these attributes, but do you have the courage to lead?

Unlike you, with your corrupt desire to placate, I am guided by one thing and one thing only: truth.

Your lack of courage is evident, I am fearless.

If you doubt what I say....try to find anything in my posts that is not 100% accurate, correct, and true.

Otherwise.....take a walk.
Honestly, I don't read your posts closely enough to care about the substance, I've heard it all before. It isn't courageous to tell people what they want to hear then crow about it. It's courageous to create a vision of how you would like American culture to be and to systematically and incrementally move towards it. Courageous people don't sit on the sidelines and post, they try to change the world. You could leverage your middling intelligence so much beyond by thinking creatively and strategically about what you want rather than simply repeating bromides we all have heard before. Grab hold of your potential and redefine America in your image!

Incidentally, one ironic thing I"ve noticed about your posts is that they are often in "list" form. You know who used to write his opinions in "list" form oftentimes? Harry Blackmun. Just another way you are behaving like a liberal.

Be sure to get back to me when you grow a spine.

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