Violence of September the 6th!

Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

So if I follow, you are suggesting liberals have a hard time on message boards because they can't be violent here?
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." "
Read more at Marxist Quotes from Hillary Clinton

Speaking at a fundraiser, Hillary Clinton tells her loyal subjects and fellow well-to-do democrats what she has planned for them, how she knows what's best for them, etc..

With that superior attitude, she might as well be speaking from the Presidential debate podium. And she will, while half the country fawns and moistens themselves over her every word.

The "Common Good" isn't an idea unique to Marx, though it seems you hoped to make that nexus for the uninformed. It's as old as Aristoltle, Aquinas and elaborated in the thinking of 16th and 17th century philosophy, which helped form the thinking of our founders.

What you perceive about me and what's real may be two entirely separate things. For instance, I've never called her a Marxist. However, I have most certainly made it known over the years that I don't want anymore Bushes and certainly not anymore Clintons running the country. Two families have no business ruling a free country for 20+ years.

Do you agree or disagree?

Yeah, so what. Speaking the truth is what then Sen. Clinton did, and BTW, aren't you of the set which argues the poor must pay more (in taxes and fees)? Isn't that a takeaway? Your set wants to take away the right of working people to bargain collectively, to unionize and eliminate the minimum wage, allowing more and greater exploitation of the working poor; your set even hopes to take the right to vote away, using nefarious means.
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." "
Read more at Marxist Quotes from Hillary Clinton

Speaking at a fundraiser, Hillary Clinton tells her loyal subjects and fellow well-to-do democrats what she has planned for them, how she knows what's best for them, etc..

With that superior attitude, she might as well be speaking from the Presidential debate podium. And she will, while half the country fawns and moistens themselves over her every word.

The "Common Good" isn't an idea unique to Marx, though it seems you hoped to make that nexus for the uninformed. It's as old as Aristoltle, Aquinas and elaborated in the thinking of 16th and 17th century philosophy, which helped form the thinking of our founders.

What you perceive about me and what's real may be two entirely separate things. For instance, I've never called her a Marxist. However, I have most certainly made it known over the years that I don't want anymore Bushes and certainly not anymore Clintons running the country. Two families have no business ruling a free country for 20+ years.

Do you agree or disagree?

First of all posting a link from Marxist quotes from Hillary Clinton and denying you're not calling her a communist is disengenous.

Who rules the country is a question best left to its own thread.
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

If that were'd have very little difficulty in rebutting the OP....

But, you haven't been able to do so.

BTW....the OP is not about 'solutions,' but simply revealing the truth about Leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists, Nazis,......etc.

The truth gnaws away at the indoctrinated, i.e., you.....
...but you aren't educated enough to mount an attack.


You know how thorough I am.

Let me warn you in advance: Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.
Trotskite Stephen Schwartz, who wrote for the National Review (A NeoCon Publication) tries to explain away his past by claiming to have "evolved".

Now where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, from the OTHER Trotskyites, the Liberals.

If you wanna' believe that then you ALSO have to believe Obama "evolved" away from the teachings of Frank Marshal Davis and Rev. Wright.

Trotskycons National Review Online

You're kinda silly. I guess because you've never evolved.

Yeah, so what. Speaking the truth is what then Sen. Clinton did, and BTW, aren't you of the set which argues the poor must pay more (in taxes and fees)? Isn't that a takeaway? Your set wants to take away the right of working people to bargain collectively, to unionize and eliminate the minimum wage, allowing more and greater exploitation of the working poor; your set even hopes to take the right to vote away, using nefarious means.

"Yeah, so what."

This is comedy gold!

What happened to your oblique denial, as "where are the links and context?"

Now you're slinking off with you tail between your legs???

Don't ever change.
What you perceive about me and what's real may be two entirely separate things. For instance, I've never called her a Marxist. However, I have most certainly made it known over the years that I don't want anymore Bushes and certainly not anymore Clintons running the country. Two families have no business ruling a free country for 20+ years.

Do you agree or disagree?

First of all posting a link from Marxist quotes from Hillary Clinton and denying you're not calling her a communist is disengenous.

Are you not familiar with Snopes? Is that where this miscommunication on your part is coming from?
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you," Sen. Clinton said. "We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." "
Read more at Marxist Quotes from Hillary Clinton

Speaking at a fundraiser, Hillary Clinton tells her loyal subjects and fellow well-to-do democrats what she has planned for them, how she knows what's best for them, etc..

With that superior attitude, she might as well be speaking from the Presidential debate podium. And she will, while half the country fawns and moistens themselves over her every word.

The "Common Good" isn't an idea unique to Marx, though it seems you hoped to make that nexus for the uninformed. It's as old as Aristoltle, Aquinas and elaborated in the thinking of 16th and 17th century philosophy, which helped form the thinking of our founders.

What you perceive about me and what's real may be two entirely separate things. For instance, I've never called her a Marxist. However, I have most certainly made it known over the years that I don't want anymore Bushes and certainly not anymore Clintons running the country. Two families have no business ruling a free country for 20+ years.

Do you agree or disagree?

First of all posting a link from Marxist quotes from Hillary Clinton and denying you're not calling her a communist is disengenous.

Who rules the country is a question best left to its own thread. she a communist?

Are you going to quibble and say only a socialist?

Wait....didn't she write "It Takes A Commune"
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

If that were'd have very little difficulty in rebutting the OP....

But, you haven't been able to do so.

BTW....the OP is not about 'solutions,' but simply revealing the truth about Leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists, Nazis,......etc.

"The Truth"?

The truth gnaws away at the indoctrinated, i.e., you.....
...but you aren't educated enough to mount an attack.


You know how thorough I am.

Let me warn you in advance: Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

I actually have a life, lazy I'm not. To argue with a narcissist isn't sane (review the conclusion of doing the same thing over and over again).
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

If that were'd have very little difficulty in rebutting the OP....

But, you haven't been able to do so.

BTW....the OP is not about 'solutions,' but simply revealing the truth about Leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists, Nazis,......etc.

"The Truth"?

The truth gnaws away at the indoctrinated, i.e., you.....
...but you aren't educated enough to mount an attack.


You know how thorough I am.

Let me warn you in advance: Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

I actually have a life, lazy I'm not. To argue with a narcissist isn't sane (review the conclusion of doing the same thing over and over again).

So....tell me again: who put the gun to your head and forced you to subscribe to the thread?

Right.....and now you wave a white flag.

Let's see. Who will I vote for in November?

Democrats who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "Progressives".


Republicans who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "NeoCons".
Let's see. Who will I vote for in November?

Democrats who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "Progressives".


Republicans who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "NeoCons". is a colossal mistake to equate the two.

Look at the border when you consider your decision.
Let's see. Who will I vote for in November?

Democrats who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "Progressives".


Republicans who despise the Constitution and it's limits and call themselves "NeoCons".

The GOP lost what little support I had left for them when they nominated Romney for the Presidential bid. I will be voting third party for at least the next 16 years.
As shown above, Hillary Clinton battled under the misapprehension that they can change human do all Leftists.

And the failed Sec'y of State Clinton learned from both Alinsky, and Georges Sorel.

4. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered.
Georges Sorel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. Sometimes incomprehensible spirit behind the French "syndicalist" movement that sparked in 1895 in an attempt to recapture the initiative away from reformist state socialists and bring the workers' movement back to its roots in the revolutionary anarcho-socialism of Proudhon and Bakunin that had so shaken the world back in the 1840s and 1850s.

b. Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress".
Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production.

In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after.

c. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress. Georges Sorel Facts information pictures articles about Georges Sorel

"....He supported belief in myths....."
Enter Hillary, stage Left.
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

If that were'd have very little difficulty in rebutting the OP....

But, you haven't been able to do so.

BTW....the OP is not about 'solutions,' but simply revealing the truth about Leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists, Nazis,......etc.

"The Truth"?

The truth gnaws away at the indoctrinated, i.e., you.....
...but you aren't educated enough to mount an attack.


You know how thorough I am.

Let me warn you in advance: Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

I actually have a life, lazy I'm not. To argue with a narcissist isn't sane (review the conclusion of doing the same thing over and over again).

So....tell me again: who put the gun to your head and forced you to subscribe to the thread?

Right.....and now you wave a white flag.


Gee, I would have thought you would have accused me of waving a red flag; but, I digress. The point being, arguing with a narcissist is insane, and I'm sane.
Anyone need me to provide a quote from Hillary Clinton proclaiming the same view?
You mean this one?

Link and context missing. Oh, what a surprise!

Why are you so lazy?

How about you provide a defense for your heroine, and supply said context.

My "heroine"? Sorry, I don't use drugs, though I suspect you do. If you don't, maybe you should.

So.....we agree that, in addition to your other inadequacies, you are also lazy?

We agree on very little. That little box which limits your thinking is locked, new ideas and pragmatic solutions are not able to get in, for you lack the key to open your mind - that key is imagination.

If that were'd have very little difficulty in rebutting the OP....

But, you haven't been able to do so.

BTW....the OP is not about 'solutions,' but simply revealing the truth about Leftists, Liberals, socialists, communists, Nazis,......etc.

"The Truth"?

The truth gnaws away at the indoctrinated, i.e., you.....
...but you aren't educated enough to mount an attack.


You know how thorough I am.

Let me warn you in advance: Keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

I actually have a life, lazy I'm not. To argue with a narcissist isn't sane (review the conclusion of doing the same thing over and over again).

So....tell me again: who put the gun to your head and forced you to subscribe to the thread?

Right.....and now you wave a white flag.


Gee, I would have thought you would have accused me of waving a red flag; but, I digress. The point being, arguing with a narcissist is insane, and I'm sane.

If you're and example of sane, I'll stick with what I have.

Since you have yet to reply to anything in the OP, you must post as Obama did...."present."

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