
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
Viral spanking mom: "Anything I have to do for my kids, I'll do it"

I spent a few minutes looking for the 'viral video' alleged to feature Brittanie Thomas, a young, SELFISH, immature, apathetic, incompetent, emotionally or mentally ill single Texas mom of five kids aged one thru twelve, viciously assaulting her 7 y/o son in front of school officials.

Apparently the orig vid has been buried by the media and search engines. Anyways, I found these vids produced by sensible citizens.

Texas mom beats child at school' Nov 8, 2019 ~T2Y Exclusive

I believe the time has come to begin installing wi-fi video cameras in the 'common area' of homes where Primary Child Caregivers have established a public record for failing to responsibly raise our Nation's most precious assets, and apparently require intensive supervision by an outside authority.
Another of my beliefs is echoed by Kimberly Platt, who points out the 7 y/o victim was apparently being neglected, maltreated and showed signs of physical abuse, yet school teachers and officials DID NOTHING to INVESTIGATE & PREVENT the young grade schooler's traumatic upbringing.

Sadly, even though by LAW, teachers are required to Report Cases of Suspected Child Abuse, I'm sure no ACTION will be taken against his teacher or her supervisors. GRRR...

"I'm tired of females making excuses for their poor behavior while their kids are suffering" ~Kimberly Platt

#CPSRemovedchildren #Childrenremoved #MotherArrested

'Child beaten on FB live at School removed' • Nov 12, 2019 ~Kimberly Platt

Related video:

"How black Women sabotage their sons"
~Law of Polaris

Stacey Patton, Colin Kaepernick, Stop Whupping.jpg
Stacey Patton, Colin Kaepernick NO HATE.jpg

I don't know how anyone can listen to that child scream and do nothing.

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