Virginia Governor's race - This could be the beginning

This is literally the tenth thread you have done on exactly the same topic. Dude, you're obsessed. Are you Terry McAuliffe? Maybe his mother? I mean, what gives?

The last poll from Emerson college shows it a dead heat. 42% to 40%.

L-E-T I-T G-O.
The last poll I saw showed it a dead heat..

You must be looking at the wrong poll. The Cuch is going down...

But there is even worse news for the GOP in the election. READ THIS!

If Robert Sarvis (VA) gets 10% of the popular vote, the Libertarian Candidate will automatically be in the debates next election cycle. : Libertarian

Virginia is usually pretty split on Republican/Democrat. In our current gubernatorial election, our Republican candidate is anti-gay and anti-choice. Our Democrat candidate is anti-gun and pro big government. What am I to do...

Well, turns out there is a Libertarian candidate who has sucked a lot of votes (If the media is to be believed) from the Republican candidate. Currently polling at 9%, the Libertarian (Who has not been allowed to participate in any of the debates) is doing unusually well in this state.

But the interesting thing to me, and the thing that may absolutely get my vote, is that if the candidate gets 10% of the popular vote, then the candidate for that party next election cycle will automatically be permitted in the debates. To me, this is huge. As much as people complain about the two party system, I currently see a vote for Sarvis as a way to ensure that more people get to hear from the Libertarians next election. It currently looks like, either way, the stereotype Democrat is going to be elected this term. I figure I might as well throw my vote in to get the "unelectable third party" into the spotlight.

If Sarvis gets 10%, the Libertarians is automatically in the next debates.

I am praying that he does get the 10%; it will be a better thing for our state to have more than just the "big two" parties being represented in the debates.
Ken Cuccinelli Shows How to Lose the Virginia Governor's Race to Terry McAuliffe - US News and World Report

The GOP needs to decide if they want to continue to allow the TP to call the shots, This race is a perfect example of what they could be facing.

the beginning of what?.....electing lowlifes as Governors?...

The beginning of the beat down the GOP is going to suffer when they allow the Baggers to drag them around by the nose.

so electing pieces of shit as a Governor is ok as long as he is from my party? that what i am seeing here?....
If Cuch were winning, the TP would be patting each other on the back. But since he is down in the polls and looks like toast, he is not a TP guy.....funny.
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Ken Cuccinelli Shows How to Lose the Virginia Governor's Race to Terry McAuliffe - US News and World Report

The GOP needs to decide if they want to continue to allow the TP to call the shots, This race is a perfect example of what they could be facing.

Cuccinelli is not a Tea Party member.

You miss the point.

Whatever the source of the extremism, be it TPM idiocy or the usual nonsense from the social right, a majority of the voters will understandably and correctly reject a republican candidate advocating that extremism.

but yet they wont reject the piece of shit running against him because ....well he is from my party....

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