Virginia gun control law kept AR-15 out of hands of DC shooter

Funny, this guy managed to shoot almost 30 people with a shotgun, killing roughly half of them, and you want me to believe that a .22 is more deadly.

By the way, 12 shotgun rounds with 9 pellets per round is 108 shots with the AR-15.

Except that all 9 come out at once and at 15 yards only make a pattern about a foot in diameter. you don't get to spread them across 9 people.

He was firing from the third floor down on a first floor cafeteria area, the spread is a bit more than 12 inches at that distance.

Want to try again?

And he can individually aim each pellet? That's your claim. Prove it.
Except that all 9 come out at once and at 15 yards only make a pattern about a foot in diameter. you don't get to spread them across 9 people.

He was firing from the third floor down on a first floor cafeteria area, the spread is a bit more than 12 inches at that distance.

Want to try again?

And he can individually aim each pellet? That's your claim. Prove it.

He made no such claim. He simply is pointing out that 9 pellets each capable of ending a life are released and that 3 stories up the spread is much more then 12 inches. But it does not matter the man did not try to buy an AR15. Probably because he knew he was not a good shot with it. The shotgun gave him the best chance of inflicting maximum damage.
That's 2 out of 2 that support the mentally deranged having access to any guns they desire.

and who are you to decide who is mentally deranged and who is not?

It takes one to know one?

I guess he took this childish playground retort to heart.

I think he honestly does not understand ( or does not care) the Pandora box to be opened by reporting the diagnoses to the ATF or FBI or whatever by "concerned citizens" even if they are medical professionals.
Now that the facts have been checked and found to be faulty will the OP admit his mistake? Or will he do as liberals typically do and continue with the charade?

Well, I know it is silly, but I tend to give more credibility to the New York Times than I do the "Hot Air" Blog.

As for comparing the damage that the shooter could have done with a ar-15 with a 100 drum cartradge to the damage done with an 8 shot pump shot gun, you can't be serious. The guy had pulled the fire alarm. Every single person in the building was racing for the halls and stairwells. He would not have had to aim at all. Every time he pulled the trigger he would have hit someone.

Credibility? The New York Times? Can you say, "Jayson Blair"?

Oh, but they say what you want to hear, and that's all it takes for you to laud someone as "credible", isn't it? You just roll over and yell, "Lie to me some more! I love it!"

How about before you go ranting about the New York Fishwrapper as though it can be believed, and expecting others to respond to it on that basis, we do a bit of fact-checking, hmm?

The first line says: “The gunman who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials.”

Problem is, Virginia law says nothing of the sort. Like most states, Virginia allows purchase by out-of-state residents; it just requires more identification.

Kinda funny that leftist dimwits think we should accept their "wisdom" on what the gun laws SHOULD be, when they can't even be bothered to know what they currently ARE.
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

But of course, that same gun control law didn't keep that shotgun he used to kill 12 people out of his hands. That is of little consolation. You're an idiot for trying to turn this into a political issue. Your logic is flawed, your reasoning is flawed. People like you really piss me off.

Repeat after me:

Gun control does not work.

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Again, the whole premise of this thread is based on a lie.....

Did the Navy Yard shooter try to buy an AR-15? « Hot Air

Hoo boy.... Had to edit my ill-fated jaunt into market type-setting out.

Jut go to the link :)

I'm waiting to see if anyone ALSO points out that they lied about Virginia's gun laws.

I will. Of course it's being reported that the NYT made an "error" in its story as compared to lying. Nonetheless, their report was bullshit.

Citing two senior law enforcement officials, The New York Times erroneously reported on Tuesday that the gunman was prevented from buying the semi-automatic rifle because Virginia laws ban the sale of such weapons to buyers from other states.

No such law in fact exists.

Virginia law provides that non-Virginia residents who are U.S. citizens can buy 'rifles and shotguns ... upon furnishing the dealer with proof of citizenship or status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence and one photo-identification form issued by a governmental agency of the person's state of residence and one other form of identification determined to be acceptable by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.'

A driver's license and a military ID, in Alexis' case, would have been sufficient.

Revealed: Navy Yard gunman's shotgun held six shells, purchased for $419 in Virginia | Mail Online
I don't believe anything about this yet- some accounts say he rented a rifle etc etc, and I NEVER heard of a sniper killing anyone with a shotgun...and that's what he was as far as I CAN TELL, SHOOTING PEOPLE 3 STORIES BELOW IN THA ATRIUM. how fecked up is our media these days, loudmouth Pub propaganda and terrified LSM. WTF...
Except that all 9 come out at once and at 15 yards only make a pattern about a foot in diameter. you don't get to spread them across 9 people.

He was firing from the third floor down on a first floor cafeteria area, the spread is a bit more than 12 inches at that distance.

Want to try again?

And he can individually aim each pellet? That's your claim. Prove it.

When did I make that claim?
I don't believe anything about this yet- some accounts say he rented a rifle etc etc, and I NEVER heard of a sniper killing anyone with a shotgun...and that's what he was as far as I CAN TELL, SHOOTING PEOPLE 3 STORIES BELOW IN THA ATRIUM. how fecked up is our media these days, loudmouth Pub propaganda and terrified LSM. WTF...

WTF franco?

Please stfu now. Thank you!
That's 2 out of 2 that support the mentally deranged having access to any guns they desire.

The shooter had no criminal convictions and was not judged mentally deranged by any Doctor or mental institution. How do you stop him from buying a gun?

This is the problem with the countries gun laws being so lax, a nutjob like Alexis was able to get a gun to go on a shooting spree, legally.

Mental health professionals should have the ability to report to the ATF so the mentally ill can not get guns.

As it is now, you have to be found mentally incompetent by a judge for that to happen, which means you have to commit a crime first before they do that.

No, dimwit, this is the problem with droolers like you focusing on the tools instead of the lunatics wielding them. We will never deal effectively with this problem until we stop letting fools like you have any part in the discussion.
I don't believe anything about this yet- some accounts say he rented a rifle etc etc, and I NEVER heard of a sniper killing anyone with a shotgun...and that's what he was as far as I CAN TELL, SHOOTING PEOPLE 3 STORIES BELOW IN THA ATRIUM. how fecked up is our media these days, loudmouth Pub propaganda and terrified LSM. WTF...


You are just too easy to take out. He had two other guns that he took from officers he shot.

Here ya go sparky...............

He revealed that law enforcement sources have told him a second gun Alexis allegedly fired from a fourth-floor pedestrian overpass belonged to a Washington Metropolitan Police officer whom he also shot.

'It was MPD,' Mark said. 'They couldn't find the gun when they took him to the hospital.'

'This isn't a gun control thing,' he added. 'It's about how do you make sure police can hold on to their weapons.'

'Everybody was thinking about helping the wounded officer, and no one thought about securing the gun.'

It's unclear whether the officer was struck with the shotgun, or with a Glock handgun that Alexis reportedly took from yet another armed agent.

Revealed: Navy Yard gunman's shotgun held six shells, purchased for $419 in Virginia | Mail Online

I'm sure that you will let us know when that happens. In the meantime, I trust CBS news more than the source that said that he was not refused permission to buy the gun in Virginia... which was, (and I am NOT making this up!) the "Hot Air" blog, as well as a blog called the Washington Times..

For such an egregious error, the entire premise for the article is a lie, I would hope a retraction would come. I don't expect one as they have no integrity.

You can trust CBS but the Virginia statutes don't lie. Perhaps you missed it but I posted the actual Virgina law covering the rental and purchase of "assault firearms" with a link.

The OP / NYT article did lie and the CBS article is lumped in too . . .

Virgina law makes no distinction between state resident or non-resident renting or purchasing the firearm:

§ 18.2-308.2:2.B.1 (in part):

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.


I'm sure that you will let us know when that happens. In the meantime, I trust CBS news more than the source that said that he was not refused permission to buy the gun in Virginia... which was, (and I am NOT making this up!) the "Hot Air" blog, as well as a blog called the Washington Times..

For such an egregious error, the entire premise for the article is a lie, I would hope a retraction would come. I don't expect one as they have no integrity.

You can trust CBS but the Virginia statutes don't lie. Perhaps you missed it but I posted the actual Virgina law covering the rental and purchase of "assault firearms" with a link.

The OP / NYT article did lie and the CBS article is lumped in too . . .

Virgina law makes no distinction between state resident or non-resident renting or purchasing the firearm:

§ 18.2-308.2:2.B.1 (in part):

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Not buying it, Abat. Your quoted law is not the entire law of Virginia. In fact, such a restriction may very well be a condition of their obtaining a dealer's license...which the dealer could lose if he sold to an out of Virginia resident of the USA.
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

It didn't work.

This comes from a fundamental lack of understanding about firearms.

I made this EXACT argument in reference to how stupid it was to try to ban AR-15's.

I have a Remington 870 Express...and while your Reactionary web blog cited in the OP calls it a "Tactical Police Weapon"...the truth is the 870 is simply a cheaper version of the 870 Wingmaster...probably the most popular water fowl hunting firearm in the world.

It has also likely taken more deer than any other single brand of firearm.

Remington® 870 Express 12 Gauge w/28'' Barrel Shotgun | Bass Pro Shops


Is anyone considering banning this weapon?
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I'm sure that you will let us know when that happens. In the meantime, I trust CBS news more than the source that said that he was not refused permission to buy the gun in Virginia... which was, (and I am NOT making this up!) the "Hot Air" blog, as well as a blog called the Washington Times..

For such an egregious error, the entire premise for the article is a lie, I would hope a retraction would come. I don't expect one as they have no integrity.

You can trust CBS but the Virginia statutes don't lie. Perhaps you missed it but I posted the actual Virgina law covering the rental and purchase of "assault firearms" with a link.

The OP / NYT article did lie and the CBS article is lumped in too . . .

Virgina law makes no distinction between state resident or non-resident renting or purchasing the firearm:

§ 18.2-308.2:2.B.1 (in part):

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Not buying it, Abat. Your quoted law is not the entire law of Virginia. In fact, such a restriction may very well be a condition of their obtaining a dealer's license...which the dealer could lose if he sold to an out of Virginia resident of the USA.

All righty, then. Why don't you cite for us this spiffy law your little Times epistle is referring to, since you're the one making affirmative statements about how it "prevented" something. Please cite us the SPECIFIC law, complete with a link to a credible site where we might verify it (because, unlike you reading the NY Times, we don't just believe anything we're told).
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

It didn't work.

This comes from a fundamental lack of understanding about firearms.

I made this EXACT argument in reference to how stupid it was to try to ban AR-15's.

I have a Remington 870 Express...and while your Reactionary web blog cited in the OP calls it a "Tactical Police Weapon"...the truth is the 870 is simply a cheaper version of the 870 Wingmaster...probably the most popular water fowl hunting firearm in the world.

It has also likely taken more deer than any other single brand of firearm.

Remington® 870 Express 12 Gauge w/28'' Barrel Shotgun | Bass Pro Shops


Is anyone considering banning this weapon?

I think that you must be on the wrong thread. First of all, nobody is suggesting on here that any weapon be banned.

Second, on a personal note....are you serious about hunting deer with a SHOTGUN? Do you bring gunny sacks to haul home the pieces? What is the deer doing while you creep up to 10 feet from him? I understand that you can load these things with slugs, but for crying out loud, you could kill an elephant with that!
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I'm sure that you will let us know when that happens. In the meantime, I trust CBS news more than the source that said that he was not refused permission to buy the gun in Virginia... which was, (and I am NOT making this up!) the "Hot Air" blog, as well as a blog called the Washington Times..

For such an egregious error, the entire premise for the article is a lie, I would hope a retraction would come. I don't expect one as they have no integrity.

You can trust CBS but the Virginia statutes don't lie. Perhaps you missed it but I posted the actual Virgina law covering the rental and purchase of "assault firearms" with a link.

The OP / NYT article did lie and the CBS article is lumped in too . . .

Virgina law makes no distinction between state resident or non-resident renting or purchasing the firearm:

§ 18.2-308.2:2.B.1 (in part):

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Not buying it, Abat. Your quoted law is not the entire law of Virginia. In fact, such a restriction may very well be a condition of their obtaining a dealer's license...which the dealer could lose if he sold to an out of Virginia resident of the USA.

Your OP is based on bullshit. Sorries.

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