Virginia gun control law kept AR-15 out of hands of DC shooter

I bow to your superior knowledge of shotguns. I own 5 guns, and none of them are shotguns.

But it still has nothing to do with the issue. The shooter was denied the right to purchase a much more lethal weapon by giun laws that worked. It is too bad that such law did not also apply to to a shotgun.

It's funny that these same people that are now claiming a shotgun is more effective and lethal than an AR-15 before were insisting that banning assault weapons would deny citizens the right to own that more effective AR-15 for self-defense,

and, remember,

they mocked Joe Biden for touting the effectiveness of a shotgun.

yes...people...some of us don't forget your idiotic flip flopping.
Shut up, you ghoul. Bottom line...gun control resulted in an unarmed group of people who would have otherwise been able to defend themselves, and did nothing to prevent a lunatic from shooting the shit out of them.
I bow to your superior knowledge of shotguns. I own 5 guns, and none of them are shotguns.

But it still has nothing to do with the issue. The shooter was denied the right to purchase a much more lethal weapon by giun laws that worked. It is too bad that such law did not also apply to to a shotgun.

It's funny that these same people that are now claiming a shotgun is more effective and lethal than an AR-15 before were insisting that banning assault weapons would deny citizens the right to own that more effective AR-15 for self-defense,

and, remember,

they mocked Joe Biden for touting the effectiveness of a shotgun.

yes...people...some of us don't forget your idiotic flip flopping.

That occurred to me, as well. I found myself trying to explain why a semi-automatic rifle is more dangerous than a shotgun, to people who normally will insist that the government wants patriots to be seperated from their semi-automatic assault type weapons, though nobody has even suggested that shotguns be banned, or even seriously suggested regulating them....

Based on what I am reading here, you would think that they would be saying, "You can do what you want about the ineffective AR-15, but hands off my shotgun!".
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The Washington Times is a fos Rev. MOON rag. WTF is wrong with our media these days...loudmouth brainwashed Pubs and silly loudmouth dupes, COWARDLY LSM, POLICE AND GOD KNOWS who TERRIFIED OF THEM...A DISGRACE.... WHAT GUN WAS USED AT NEWTOWN aaarrrggghhh...

OMG you are so fucking crazy. You are the face of the modern progressive.

I love it.

So what gun did he use at Newtown...idiot.:eusa_whistle:
Your link is to a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility.

I've put up a link to the actual code itself.

Surely that can't be a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility :lol:

Here ya go sparky!

LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-308.2:2

You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

Which PROVES he could have bought an AR-15. He had a Government form of ID. He is a Contracted on a Naval base. Virginia law per your quote does not bar a US Citizen or legal resident from buying an AR-15.
I bow to your superior knowledge of shotguns. I own 5 guns, and none of them are shotguns.

But it still has nothing to do with the issue. The shooter was denied the right to purchase a much more lethal weapon by giun laws that worked. It is too bad that such law did not also apply to to a shotgun.

It's funny that these same people that are now claiming a shotgun is more effective and lethal than an AR-15 before were insisting that banning assault weapons would deny citizens the right to own that more effective AR-15 for self-defense,

and, remember,

they mocked Joe Biden for touting the effectiveness of a shotgun.

yes...people...some of us don't forget your idiotic flip flopping.

You are confused.

Think it through.

If a shooter is a mass murderer, he picks the place.

They always choose fish in a barrel...and any firearm will do for that...this asswipe just proved that this is true.

An AR is first and foremost a rifle.

A rifle is a LONG range weapon.

Pro AR folks make the argument that the AR is uniquely suited to defend against an OPPRESSIVE government.

A modular long range weapon that uses the same ammunition the government uses.

I mocked Biden because he is an idiot.

His advise wasn't to own was TO SHOOT IT off the front porch when you felt nervous.

"Buy a double barreled shotgun, and shoot two blasts...". You've now likely broken the law, endangered your neighbors and if you did need it, you have an empty shotgun dumbass!

How retarded can one man be?

[ame=""]NRA Ridicules Joe Biden's Advice on Women's Self Defense in New AD - ' BUY A SHOTGUN ' - YouTube[/ame]
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Are the Barking Moonbats REALLY trying to make a case that less people died because of Gun Control?

Oh, Puh-lease.
I've put up a link to the actual code itself.

Surely that can't be a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility :lol:

Here ya go sparky!

LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-308.2:2

You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

Which PROVES he could have bought an AR-15. He had a Government form of ID. He is a Contracted on a Naval base. Virginia law per your quote does not bar a US Citizen or legal resident from buying an AR-15.

He got into the base by using someone else's card.

Since he was there on business and it's highly unlikely anyone walks around with their birth certificate, that post is correct that the law stopped him from getting the AR.
You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

Which PROVES he could have bought an AR-15. He had a Government form of ID. He is a Contracted on a Naval base. Virginia law per your quote does not bar a US Citizen or legal resident from buying an AR-15.

He got into the base by using someone else's card.

Since he was there on business and it's highly unlikely anyone walks around with their birth certificate, that post is correct that the law stopped him from getting the AR.

He was a Contractor on the base he had Government ID. Further the store specifically stated he did not ask to buy an AR-15.
Shut up, you ghoul. Bottom line...gun control resulted in an unarmed group of people who would have otherwise been able to defend themselves, and did nothing to prevent a lunatic from shooting the shit out of them.

Indeed. The Navy personnel weren't allowed to have ammunition. If they were, the shooter would have been put down with minimal loss of life.

Contrast that with Austin in 1966 when civilians were able to stop the Tower Shooter.

The Tower Tragedy - Esquire

Our government prevents people who are TRAINED TO USE WEAPONS BY THE GOVERNMENT to protect themselves.
They make numerous different versions of the 870

This is the tactical short barreled version


You can even get it with a pistol grip and shot barrel for easy hiding and mobility



So what?

With a hacksaw I could chop mine down like that in 15 minutes.

Here's a sawed off Mossberg AT 500...


Because you were making claims the site was making up BS that he had a tactical shotgun, and play it off like it was some giant old man, elmer fudd shotgun when in fact, they do make a tactical police model.

They make a tactical model...BUT IT'S NOT CALLED AN 870 EXPRESS.

The police model is called an 870 Police.

The blog site specifically stated it was an 870 Express.

Here is the link straight to Remington...
Shut up, you ghoul. Bottom line...gun control resulted in an unarmed group of people who would have otherwise been able to defend themselves, and did nothing to prevent a lunatic from shooting the shit out of them.

Indeed. The Navy personnel weren't allowed to have ammunition. If they were, the shooter would have been put down with minimal loss of life.

Contrast that with Austin in 1966 when civilians were able to stop the Tower Shooter.

The Tower Tragedy - Esquire

Our government prevents people who are TRAINED TO USE WEAPONS BY THE GOVERNMENT to protect themselves.

Why are you spreading lies? There were armed guards there, the shooter killed them, took their guns, and went on to kill more people with them.
Your link is to a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility.

I've put up a link to the actual code itself.

Surely that can't be a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility :lol:

Here ya go sparky!

LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-308.2:2

You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

What are you babbling about? The store rep has said in interviews that Alexis never tried to purchase an AR15.

The NYT not only claims that he tried (blatant lie) but also said that an assault rifle could not possibly have been purchased because of Virginia Law.

Which is bullshit. Also picked up by other lib media. Bullshit is all they know these days.
How many of these asswipe lib outlets reported he used an AR15 and then were caught just freaking lying their asses off?

One more time

Virginia law provides that non-Virginia residents who are U.S. citizens can buy 'rifles and shotguns ... upon furnishing the dealer with proof of citizenship or status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence and one photo-identification form issued by a governmental agency of the person's state of residence and one other form of identification determined to be acceptable by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.'

A driver's license and a military ID, in Alexis' case, would have been sufficient.

Revealed: Navy Yard gunman's shotgun held six shells, purchased for $419 in Virginia | Mail Online
Here is the excerpt from the NYT article the blog site took it's information from:

The lawyer, J. Michael Slocum, said in an e-mail that Mr. Alexis bought a Remington 870 Express 12-gauge shotgun and about two boxes of ammunition, or about 24 shells. The purchases were approved after the store owner conducted the required federal background check, Mr. Slocum said.

The "tactical law enforcement" part was more bullshit.

Bullshit heaped on bullshit.
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Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

It didn't work.

This comes from a fundamental lack of understanding about firearms.

I made this EXACT argument in reference to how stupid it was to try to ban AR-15's.

I have a Remington 870 Express...and while your Reactionary web blog cited in the OP calls it a "Tactical Police Weapon"...the truth is the 870 is simply a cheaper version of the 870 Wingmaster...probably the most popular water fowl hunting firearm in the world.

It has also likely taken more deer than any other single brand of firearm.

Remington® 870 Express 12 Gauge w/28'' Barrel Shotgun | Bass Pro Shops


Is anyone considering banning this weapon?

I think that you must be on the wrong thread. First of all, nobody is suggesting on here that any weapon be banned.

Second, on a personal note....are you serious about hunting deer with a SHOTGUN? Do you bring gunny sacks to haul home the pieces? What is the deer doing while you creep up to 10 feet from him? I understand that you can load these things with slugs, but for crying out loud, you could kill an elephant with that!

You don't know anything about guns, do you?
Here is the excerpt from the NYT article the blog site took it's information from:

The lawyer, J. Michael Slocum, said in an e-mail that Mr. Alexis bought a Remington 870 Express 12-gauge shotgun and about two boxes of ammunition, or about 24 shells. The purchases were approved after the store owner conducted the required federal background check, Mr. Slocum said.

The "tactical law enforcement" part was more bullshit.

Bullshit heaped on bullshit.

The article said that it had a short barrell.

The shooter did not have access to a hacksaw?
Your link is to a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility.

I've put up a link to the actual code itself.

Surely that can't be a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility :lol:

Here ya go sparky!

LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-308.2:2

You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

Did you read what you posted? The law requires exactly the same ID for renting a gun as it does for selling one. The NYT article clearly says he rented the AR-15, the law wouldn't have stopped him from buying it if he had the ID to rent it. Therefore, by your own posting, the OP article is wrong.
I've put up a link to the actual code itself.

Surely that can't be a radical right wing propaganda site with 0 credibility :lol:

Here ya go sparky!

LIS > Code of Virginia > 18.2-308.2:2

You should have read it shitstain.

In addition, no dealer shall sell, rent, trade or transfer from his inventory any assault firearm to any person who is not a citizen of the United States or who is not a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence. To establish citizenship or lawful admission for a permanent residence for purposes of purchasing an assault firearm, a dealer shall require a prospective purchaser to present a certified birth certificate or a certificate of birth abroad issued by the United States State Department, a certificate of citizenship or a certificate of naturalization issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, an unexpired U.S. passport, a United States citizen identification card, a current voter registration card, a current selective service registration card, or an immigrant visa or other documentation of status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.

On top of a photo ID, you also have to present a birth certificate, passport, or another government form of ID to get an assault rifle.

As usual your propaganda site is wrong.

What are you babbling about? The store rep has said in interviews that Alexis never tried to purchase an AR15.

The NYT not only claims that he tried (blatant lie) but also said that an assault rifle could not possibly have been purchased because of Virginia Law.

Which is bullshit. Also picked up by other lib media. Bullshit is all they know these days.
How many of these asswipe lib outlets reported he used an AR15 and then were caught just freaking lying their asses off?

One more time

Virginia law provides that non-Virginia residents who are U.S. citizens can buy 'rifles and shotguns ... upon furnishing the dealer with proof of citizenship or status as a person lawfully admitted for permanent residence and one photo-identification form issued by a governmental agency of the person's state of residence and one other form of identification determined to be acceptable by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.'

A driver's license and a military ID, in Alexis' case, would have been sufficient.

Revealed: Navy Yard gunman's shotgun held six shells, purchased for $419 in Virginia | Mail Online


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