Virginia gun control law kept AR-15 out of hands of DC shooter

This is what the gun nuts can't understand...

They are quick to point out the largely laughable and false premise that "Guns prevent crime" supposedly thousands of time an hour.

Yet when you point out that existing gun laws do prevent additional's "you can't prove a negative"...

Let me get this straight. You two are claiming that this murder spree is proof that gun control laws work.

Had the "victims" been armed in this situation, they would have been able to defend themselves. Turning a group of people into a shooting gallery for whacked out insane murders is not gun control. It's typical libtard stupidity.

Being progressive is really confusing ain't it?:cuckoo:

Not for them it isn't. Now if they had the capacity to actually think they'd see how stupid they sound.

Thus once again proving quote #3 below...
Every person on this board who has ever claimed that 'shall not be infringed' means that such a denial of purchase violated the 2nd amendment

did in fact want this person to have gotten that AR15.

It is, btw, a reasonable speculation that the death toll could have easily been double or triple what was had he gone in with that rifle.

Bingo. I don't care if he bought a Howitzer. There are laws against murder and assault. People who don't obey them do so at their own risk.

You, too, are a potential criminal. Wouldn't it be nice if you could be arrested for it? Wouldn't it be nice if you couldn't purchase what you want on the free market because of something you might do?

WTF is wrong with you?

You'd have us all in one prison or another.

The background check finds people who have already been criminals, or who have been already determined to be mentally unfit.

This is not about what people might do.

Of course it is about what they might do.

Are you bereft of reason?

It's beginning to look that way.

You should not be able to buy computer equipment. Your lack of reasoning skills might affect the young.
Well, It appear, Missouri, that your entire argument is based on your opinion that the New York Times and CBS lied.


Have you heard that the second plane that hit the towers was a fraud?

Adios. I have to figure out how my new IRobot vacuum cleaner works....

Well, as it turns out, it was a great argument, as the NYT was lying and there is no such law.

The gun grabbers had to try to salvage something from this.

A standard 12 gauge shotgun, legally purchase, a shooter who passed a background check, no "Assault Rifle", no high capacity confirms everything we've been telling you guys.

How can you push "assault weapons" bans, high capacity magazine bans and universal background checks using this incident as a springboard?

The only way possible.

Lies and misinformation.

This article is just another example.

We can't trust the government.

We can't trust the media to report accurate information.

And we can't trust police officials to release accurate information or correct false information in a timely manner.
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

It didn't work.

This comes from a fundamental lack of understanding about firearms.

I made this EXACT argument in reference to how stupid it was to try to ban AR-15's.

I have a Remington 870 Express...and while your Reactionary web blog cited in the OP calls it a "Tactical Police Weapon"...the truth is the 870 is simply a cheaper version of the 870 Wingmaster...probably the most popular water fowl hunting firearm in the world.

It has also likely taken more deer than any other single brand of firearm.

Remington® 870 Express 12 Gauge w/28'' Barrel Shotgun | Bass Pro Shops


Is anyone considering banning this weapon?

I think that you must be on the wrong thread. First of all, nobody is suggesting on here that any weapon be banned.

Second, on a personal note....are you serious about hunting deer with a SHOTGUN? Do you bring gunny sacks to haul home the pieces? What is the deer doing while you creep up to 10 feet from him? I understand that you can load these things with slugs, but for crying out loud, you could kill an elephant with that!

You use deer slugs when you hunt deer with a shotgun. I am appalled at the ignorance shown by the anti-gunners on this thread. The OP piece is a pastiche of lies cobbled together by someone with no knowledge of firearms.

The thread has gone downhill from there.

If we're in a banning mood, we should ban people with no knowledge of firearms from discussing gun laws.
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Bingo. I don't care if he bought a Howitzer. There are laws against murder and assault. People who don't obey them do so at their own risk.

You, too, are a potential criminal. Wouldn't it be nice if you could be arrested for it? Wouldn't it be nice if you couldn't purchase what you want on the free market because of something you might do?

WTF is wrong with you?

You'd have us all in one prison or another.

The background check finds people who have already been criminals, or who have been already determined to be mentally unfit.

This is not about what people might do.

Of course it is about what they might do.


Who is denied purchase of a firearm with NO history of behaviour in their life that disqualifies them?

Who is denied purchase of a firearm solely on what they 'might do' someday?
Has anyone else noticed that each time a mass shooting occurs, the gun rights extremists around here escalate their extremism to an even higher level??
This bullshit thread is still going?

It's an embarrassment. The blatant lies in the media were so quickly caught out.
When did I make that claim?

When you said this:

12 shotgun rounds with 9 pellets per round is 108 shots with the AR-15.

If you knew anything about guns you'd know that each shot from an AR-15 occurs with one pull of the trigger,

and each can be aimed individually. No such thing happens with shotshells fired from a shotgun.

Amazing stupidity. Simply amazing. Breathtakingly amazing stupidity. Stupidity transcendent above and beyond the realm of ordinary earthbound stupidity.

Me pointing out that you failed at math is me saying that the moons is made of green cheese and unicorn farts?

So your new fallback position is that you were simply citing the totally irrelevant mathematics of how many pellets in a shotgun shell equate to the number of rounds in an AR 15 where each bullet counts as 1 pellet?

lol, why then were you posting something entirely irrelevant? What was that supposed to contribute to the discussion?
Has anyone else noticed that each time a mass shooting occurs, the gun rights extremists around here escalate their extremism to an even higher level??

No. It's just you.

The nuts around here are now against any background checks whatsoever, and now against anyone with mental issues being denied the right to buy a gun

on the grounds that no one is qualified to make decisions about people's mental condition.

Isn't that fairly new? Weren't even the nuts arguing for more control of the insane back in the days of Sandy Hook?
I bow to your superior knowledge of shotguns. I own 5 guns, and none of them are shotguns.

But it still has nothing to do with the issue. The shooter was denied the right to purchase a much more lethal weapon by giun laws that worked. It is too bad that such law did not also apply to to a shotgun.

It's funny that these same people that are now claiming a shotgun is more effective and lethal than an AR-15 before were insisting that banning assault weapons would deny citizens the right to own that more effective AR-15 for self-defense,

and, remember,

they mocked Joe Biden for touting the effectiveness of a shotgun.

yes...people...some of us don't forget your idiotic flip flopping.

We mocked him for saying it is better for women than an AR-15, and that you should fire two shots into the air to scare people off.

That's a lie.
the bullet is .22 caliber...that's a fact.

yup, it's .223 caliber --one one thousandth of an inch bigger than a .22.

You'd have to have a micrometer to tell the difference.


The 5.56 NATO is essentially a .22 Caliber Projectile.

It is measured in metric terms like this: 5.56 Millimeters X 45 Millimeters.

The projectile is 5.56 mm in diameter and the casing is 45 mm tall.

It also holds around 30 grains of powder and the projectile weighs either 55 grains or (in the newer ones) 60 grains.

In the old days, they often measured bullets like the 30-30. Because it was .30 Inches in diameter and held 30 grains of powder. There was also the old 30-40, the 44-40 and 22-20 (a varmint round).

the .223 is a civilian cartridge but can be interchanged with the 5.56 It's not as hot as the Military round.

The 30-06 was a .30 caliber projectile and was developed in 1906, hence its name. It measures 7.62 X 63

Anything else?
Has anyone else noticed that each time a mass shooting occurs, the gun rights extremists around here escalate their extremism to an even higher level??

No. It's just you.

The nuts around here are now against any background checks whatsoever, and now against anyone with mental issues being denied the right to buy a gun

on the grounds that no one is qualified to make decisions about people's mental condition.

Isn't that fairly new? Weren't even the nuts arguing for more control of the insane back in the days of Sandy Hook?

Alexis passed two background checks to purchase his shotgun.

As far as his mental issues go you can just blame the fucking Navy for giving him security clearance and not doing jack shit when a policeman called Navy personnel at this base to let them know Alexis was going koo koo bye bye.

By the way the police notified the Navy 6 weeks in advance of his rampage that the man was seriously bonkers. AND they did nothing.

This is like Major Hassan Part Deux. He was loonier than a shit house rat and turning into a radical Islamist and the freaking military did nothing about him either.

And a lot of people are dead.
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The background check finds people who have already been criminals, or who have been already determined to be mentally unfit.

This is not about what people might do.

Of course it is about what they might do.


Who is denied purchase of a firearm with NO history of behaviour in their life that disqualifies them?

Who is denied purchase of a firearm solely on what they 'might do' someday?

I am beginning to believe you are a victim of mental retardation. What do you think the underlying reason is for denying convicted felons and people with histories of mental illness the right to bear arms?

Why are you avoiding the issue?

Someone should take your computer away from you. You are abusing it.
When you said this:

12 shotgun rounds with 9 pellets per round is 108 shots with the AR-15.

If you knew anything about guns you'd know that each shot from an AR-15 occurs with one pull of the trigger,

and each can be aimed individually. No such thing happens with shotshells fired from a shotgun.

Amazing stupidity. Simply amazing. Breathtakingly amazing stupidity. Stupidity transcendent above and beyond the realm of ordinary earthbound stupidity.

Me pointing out that you failed at math is me saying that the moons is made of green cheese and unicorn farts?

So your new fallback position is that you were simply citing the totally irrelevant mathematics of how many pellets in a shotgun shell equate to the number of rounds in an AR 15 where each bullet counts as 1 pellet?

lol, why then were you posting something entirely irrelevant? What was that supposed to contribute to the discussion?

How long do you think it takes to pump a shell into a shotgun?
Me pointing out that you failed at math is me saying that the moons is made of green cheese and unicorn farts?

So your new fallback position is that you were simply citing the totally irrelevant mathematics of how many pellets in a shotgun shell equate to the number of rounds in an AR 15 where each bullet counts as 1 pellet?

lol, why then were you posting something entirely irrelevant? What was that supposed to contribute to the discussion?

How long do you think it takes to pump a shell into a shotgun?

I love how the left just eats up arguing about shit they have no understanding of.

They should stick with things they can understand.... Gay marriage, birth control, free tampons...

Yeah :cool:
Has anyone else noticed that each time a mass shooting occurs, the gun rights extremists around here escalate their extremism to an even higher level??

No. It's just you.

The nuts around here are now against any background checks whatsoever, and now against anyone with mental issues being denied the right to buy a gun

on the grounds that no one is qualified to make decisions about people's mental condition.

Isn't that fairly new? Weren't even the nuts arguing for more control of the insane back in the days of Sandy Hook?

A judge would be, in a court designed for the purpose of determining someone's mental competency.

The only way to remove a right from a person is via due process.
Everyone should have a Conceal/Carry Permit. It's a wise move these days. And it's your Constitutional Right. The Communist Anti-2nd Amendment assholes will not be there to save you when the SHTF. Morons like Pelosi & Piers Morgan will be far too busy partying on their private jets and yachts to help you out. So i wouldn't listen to them or count on them to save you. Arm and protect yourself and your family. Don't just leave it all to chance.

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