Virginia gun control law kept AR-15 out of hands of DC shooter

yup, it's .223 caliber --one one thousandth of an inch bigger than a .22.

You'd have to have a micrometer to tell the difference.


The 5.56 NATO is essentially a .22 Caliber Projectile.

It is measured in metric terms like this: 5.56 Millimeters X 45 Millimeters.

The projectile is 5.56 mm in diameter and the casing is 45 mm tall.

It also holds around 30 grains of powder and the projectile weighs either 55 grains or (in the newer ones) 60 grains.

In the old days, they often measured bullets like the 30-30. Because it was .30 Inches in diameter and held 30 grains of powder. There was also the old 30-40, the 44-40 and 22-20 (a varmint round).

the .223 is a civilian cartridge but can be interchanged with the 5.56 It's not as hot as the Military round.

The 30-06 was a .30 caliber projectile and was developed in 1906, hence its name. It measures 7.62 X 63

Anything else?

Yeah sure. Can you show me how to insert a .223 cartridge in my .22 rifle? Or better yet how about showing me how to shoot a .22 round sr or lr in my mini-14.

Too much staggering ignorance on display when it comes to the Gun Control debate. Most of the Communist Politicians attempting to ban Guns, have absolutely no knowledge of firearms. And they are completely clueless on existing current Gun Laws. They should be eliminated from the discussion. Pampered Millionaire Communist Pols like Nancy Pelosi should not be allowed to be involved with rational discussions on firearms. Period, end of story.
Too much staggering ignorance on display when it comes to the Gun Control debate. Most of the Communist Politicians attempting to ban Guns, have absolutely no knowledge of firearms. And they are completely clueless on existing current Gun Laws. They should be eliminated from the discussion. Pampered Millionaire Communist Pols like Nancy Pelosi should not be allowed to be involved with rational discussions on firearms. Period, end of story.


It's like having Al Gore working on "science." ROFL Hey I invented the internet and global warming! ROFL
Too much staggering ignorance on display when it comes to the Gun Control debate. Most of the Communist Politicians attempting to ban Guns, have absolutely no knowledge of firearms. And they are completely clueless on existing current Gun Laws. They should be eliminated from the discussion. Pampered Millionaire Communist Pols like Nancy Pelosi should not be allowed to be involved with rational discussions on firearms. Period, end of story.


It's like having Al Gore working on "science." ROFL Hey I invented the internet and global warming! ROFL

It's all about the fear mongering. That's how most Pols get their way these days. Just scare the sheep enough, and you'll get what you want. There should be at least a minimal requirement of knowledge on firearms, before being allowed to enter rational discussions on the subject. Once an average person gets past the hysterical fear mongering, they realize that owning a Gun is actually not 'Evil' and a pretty logical thing to do these days. They just have to get past all the fear mongering rhetoric being spewed by ignorant Communist Pols like Nancy Pelosi.
What is the use of laws if the cops and other authorities refuse to do their jobs? This nut called police 6 weeks ago and told them he was hearing voices. He should have been taken right to a mental hospital. Also the cops reported this to the Navy. Yet they didn't do anything about it.
We can thank the libs for him not being taken to a mental hospital. As for the Navy?
Actually you have Mr. Conservative, Ronald Reagan, to thank for it. Because he closed all the mental hospitals, including any of those which could have accommodated Aaron Alexis and other mass shooters in the past -- and those who might emerge in the future because there is no place to properly contain them. Ronald Reagan dumped thousands of crazies onto the public streets.

Ronald Reagan, The Man From General Electric, a professional faker and tool of the corporatocracy, was one of the worst things that ever happened to this Nation.
Really? Ronald Reagan could write laws as President?

Who knew.
Of course it is about what they might do.


Who is denied purchase of a firearm with NO history of behaviour in their life that disqualifies them?

Who is denied purchase of a firearm solely on what they 'might do' someday?

I am beginning to believe you are a victim of mental retardation. What do you think the underlying reason is for denying convicted felons and people with histories of mental illness the right to bear arms?

Why are you avoiding the issue?

Someone should take your computer away from you. You are abusing it.

Why didn't you answer my question?

Do convicted pedophiles get denied work at schools, daycare centers etc., ONLY because of what they might do?

Have they done nothing themselves to lose their opportunity to work at those places?

What is wrong with you?
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

OK, for starters there is no evidence he wanted to buy an AR15. An anonymous statement is not proof. Second, if he wanted an AR15 all he had to do was comb or similar sites where he had many ARs he could easily have bought.
Third, his Remington 870 carried anywhere from 5+1 to 8+1 shells. He used 00 buck shot, 9 pellet. Each shell contains 3/4 oz of lead, or 382 grains (which is standard measure for projectiles). Thus each pellet is about 43 grains. By contrast an AR15 shoots a .223 round. That round is one projectile of about 55gr (some run 62 grains). So each bullet is roughly the equivalent of one pellet of 12ga. Which means a fully loaded 870 will carry 54 projectiles (or 81 with the extended magazine) vs. the AR with 30 projectiles in one magazine. Now tell me which one is more lethal.

The anti's get dumber with every telling.

81 shots fired with one pull of the trigger and the OP focuses on the AR-15 which the perp never tried to purchase....

Correction. That would be 81 shots for 9 pulls of the trigger. My bad.
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Me pointing out that you failed at math is me saying that the moons is made of green cheese and unicorn farts?

So your new fallback position is that you were simply citing the totally irrelevant mathematics of how many pellets in a shotgun shell equate to the number of rounds in an AR 15 where each bullet counts as 1 pellet?

lol, why then were you posting something entirely irrelevant? What was that supposed to contribute to the discussion?

How long do you think it takes to pump a shell into a shotgun?

Irrelevant. The other idiot is arguing that 9 pellets in a shotgun shell are exactly the same as having 9 rounds in an AR 15, in terms of effective killing power.

He's nuts.
One miss with a 9 projectile shotgun shell is 9 misses. One miss with an AR15 leaves 8 more chances to hit the target.

You people are really losing it.
More shocking incompetence by Government should be the issue. If they had proper security measures, these people would be alive today.
Not to derail the thread, but it is curious that most of these attacks are occurring in Communist Anti-2nd Amendment strongholds. This last one was carried out by a big Dear Leader-supporter in a Communist-dominated Anti-Gun region. Just throwing it out there.
Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15

"Aaron Alexis, who was unable to purchase the AR-15 he wanted last week because Virginia law “prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers.” Instead, he bought “a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action” — which he used in his deadly rampage Monday.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

"It’s probably worth noting that Alexis had to pump the shotgun each time he fired, and that the Remington has a standard seven-round magazine. An AR-15, on the other hand, fires a round with each pull of the trigger, with a rate of fire much faster than a shotgun’s, and typical magazines hold 20 to 30 rounds, although higher-capacity magazines — 60 to 100 rounds — are also popular. In the Newtown massacre, Adam Lanza managed to fire 155 rounds in under five minutes.
Read more at Tyrannical Virginia Gun Law Kept DC Shooter From Buying AR-15 "

But, of course, NRA teaches us that laws like this don't work, and that free access to guns saves lives....

for what it is worth the story turns out to be false

It ain't worth squat to the anti gun nutsos.
The background check finds people who have already been criminals, or who have been already determined to be mentally unfit.

This is not about what people might do.

Of course it is about what they might do.


Who is denied purchase of a firearm with NO history of behaviour in their life that disqualifies them?

Who is denied purchase of a firearm solely on what they 'might do' someday?

Nobody, which is the way I like it. You, on the other hand, want to ban everyone from buying one on the basis of what might happen.
When you said this:

12 shotgun rounds with 9 pellets per round is 108 shots with the AR-15.

If you knew anything about guns you'd know that each shot from an AR-15 occurs with one pull of the trigger,

and each can be aimed individually. No such thing happens with shotshells fired from a shotgun.

Amazing stupidity. Simply amazing. Breathtakingly amazing stupidity. Stupidity transcendent above and beyond the realm of ordinary earthbound stupidity.

Me pointing out that you failed at math is me saying that the moons is made of green cheese and unicorn farts?

So your new fallback position is that you were simply citing the totally irrelevant mathematics of how many pellets in a shotgun shell equate to the number of rounds in an AR 15 where each bullet counts as 1 pellet?

lol, why then were you posting something entirely irrelevant? What was that supposed to contribute to the discussion?

How is it irrelevant then you made a claim that a shooter could "hose" 100 rounds in the same time it takes someone with a shotgun to fire 15? Is "hose" an euphemism for aiming now, because firing off 100 rounds is not carefully aiming each round.
It's funny that these same people that are now claiming a shotgun is more effective and lethal than an AR-15 before were insisting that banning assault weapons would deny citizens the right to own that more effective AR-15 for self-defense,

and, remember,

they mocked Joe Biden for touting the effectiveness of a shotgun.

yes...people...some of us don't forget your idiotic flip flopping.

We mocked him for saying it is better for women than an AR-15, and that you should fire two shots into the air to scare people off.

That's a lie.

Which part? That he said that, or that we mocked him for it?
Look when the Federal Government wants to false-flag all the gun laws don't mean squat.

What part of shall not be infringed do they not get of the 2nd Amendment ?
Every person on this board who has ever claimed that 'shall not be infringed' means that such a denial of purchase violated the 2nd amendment

did in fact want this person to have gotten that AR15.

It is, btw, a reasonable speculation that the death toll could have easily been double or triple what was had he gone in with that rifle.
...and it could easily have been less had someone had the means to stop him.

Wrong. States should be able to restrict sales within the state to be made to their own residents only. (That might help the situation in Chicago where the thugs buy in nearby states...but I doubt it. Most of them are likely criminals already and have to get their guns on the black market.)

It's okay by me to do away with mail order guns and sales to non-residents of any one state. Local gun shops should not be restricted in any other way. And I wouldn't mind a requirement for background checks for sales at gun shows....just not for private sales or gifts to individuals legal gun owners.
Has anyone else noticed that each time a mass shooting occurs, the gun rights extremists around here escalate their extremism to an even higher level??

No. It's just you.

The nuts around here are now against any background checks whatsoever, and now against anyone with mental issues being denied the right to buy a gun

on the grounds that no one is qualified to make decisions about people's mental condition.

Isn't that fairly new? Weren't even the nuts arguing for more control of the insane back in the days of Sandy Hook?

Who makes the determination, and what is the criteria?

Liberalism may be considered a mental condition...or Conservatism...

No one sane trusts the government anymore.

On another level, if the law becomes admitting to a mental condition is tantamount to renouncing the right to own a firearm, who will voluntarily admit to it?

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