Virginia Halts Concealed Carry Reciprocity With 25 States

Really? Then how many guns should she have owned that would have stopped it?

Well, if she had ZERO guns, that would have stopped it. Because he wouldn't have any guns to go to the school. Or shoot her when she was having her coffee. (Of course, no one counts Nancy Lanza as a victim, because she enabled his crime spree. So did her gun dealer. And the NRA)

I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?
You didn't even show that. But what are we dealing with here? Simple facts?

Oh, the sky is blue, must have been painted because blue paint is also blue.

Come off it. Do you want to debate, or merely peddle nonsense?

Well read 2aguy's posts. He had it all right there for ya.

He's on ignore. Generally he doesn't have "it all", he actually is very liberal with the truth, often talking complete nonsense. Hence why he's no ignore.

So, if YOU want to debate, let's debate, if you want to ride on someone else's back, then sorry, it doesn't wash with me.

I see, so what would you like me to do, repost everything he already posted?

You can post all the facts you want to these far left drones, they will never learn it. We will always have the same arguments because the far left drones refuse to grow up and learn facts over their religious dogma.

All they know are narratives as it is written in their scriptures..


"Well I can't see it because I have him on ignore." Well, take him off ignore and read what he posted. I never put anybody on ignore so I never had to take anybody off of it, but I imagine it can't be that hard to do.

No, he's on ignore for a reason and he'll stay that way. If YOU have a point to make, YOU make it, I'm not discussing anything with him, but I'll talk to you IF you have a point to make and you can back it up. Can you? If you can't, that's fine.
Really? Then how many guns should she have owned that would have stopped it?

Well, if she had ZERO guns, that would have stopped it. Because he wouldn't have any guns to go to the school. Or shoot her when she was having her coffee. (Of course, no one counts Nancy Lanza as a victim, because she enabled his crime spree. So did her gun dealer. And the NRA)

I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?

Seeing as the right think that if there is a 1 in a billion chance of a Muslim woman turning up in a burka and hiding a weapon underneath it in the US then there is sufficient reason to ban burkas, then a one in eighty million chance should be worth taking then, right?
It doesn't make me happy. What would make me happy is that you back up your statements with sources to your "facts".

I already did that. Fact: most mass shootings take place in gun-free zones. How is that not a fact?

You didn't even show that. But what are we dealing with here? Simple facts?

Oh, the sky is blue, must have been painted because blue paint is also blue.

Come off it. Do you want to debate, or merely peddle nonsense?

Well read 2aguy's posts. He had it all right there for ya.

He's on ignore. Generally he doesn't have "it all", he actually is very liberal with the truth, often talking complete nonsense. Hence why he's no ignore.

So, if YOU want to debate, let's debate, if you want to ride on someone else's back, then sorry, it doesn't wash with me.
When someone cites something with links you do not get to ignore it and then demand another source nor claim that person did not cite a source. Your question has been answered several times by several posters with cites to back them up.

Is this a debate, or you just want to prove yourself right.
I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?

Pretty much. We banned LAWN DARTS after only a few kids got killed with them.


33,000 gun deaths a year, and we can't seem to get reasonable controls on them.

So just to save time, "But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to have guns, so they put in the constitution".

The Founding Slave rapists also thought slavery was a wonderful idea, Congress should select the president, and bleeding someone for strep throat was a great idea.
I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?

Pretty much. We banned LAWN DARTS after only a few kids got killed with them.


33,000 gun deaths a year, and we can't seem to get reasonable controls on them.

So just to save time, "But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to have guns, so they put in the constitution".

The Founding Slave rapists also thought slavery was a wonderful idea, Congress should select the president, and bleeding someone for strep throat was a great idea.

Lawn darts are not protected by the US Constitution nor were they ever needed for self-defense. They were toys; guns are not toys.

At least I give you credit for your honesty. So many times liberals claim they are not for getting rid of all guns. You are living proof liberals are.

But maybe you can do me a favor: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that reads WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME and get back to us in a few months to let us know how that works out. Because banning all guns would give you the exact same results; the criminals being armed, and you not.
I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?

Pretty much. We banned LAWN DARTS after only a few kids got killed with them.


33,000 gun deaths a year, and we can't seem to get reasonable controls on them.

So just to save time, "But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to have guns, so they put in the constitution".

The Founding Slave rapists also thought slavery was a wonderful idea, Congress should select the president, and bleeding someone for strep throat was a great idea.


Total number of accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505

How many guns in the country at that time....over 320 million in private hands in over 90 million homes with over 11 million people carrying them for self defense.

the rest of the gun deaths....21,000 gun suicides.... vs. 19,974 suicides committed without guns....

And 8,454 gun murders.....the majority of which are violent career criminals murdering other criminals...

But keep lying joe....facts, the truth and reality do not support your beliefs so you have to say something to push your just can't be the truth.
I see. So your idea is that nobody should own a gun because of the one out of eighty million chance they have a screwed up kid that might kill them and steal their guns?

Pretty much. We banned LAWN DARTS after only a few kids got killed with them.


33,000 gun deaths a year, and we can't seem to get reasonable controls on them.

So just to save time, "But, but, but the Founding Slave Rapists wanted us to have guns, so they put in the constitution".

The Founding Slave rapists also thought slavery was a wonderful idea, Congress should select the president, and bleeding someone for strep throat was a great idea.

Actually, no they didn't think Slavery was a good idea...the colonists who believed it was went on to become democrats.....the other colonists became republicans and wrote into our Constitution the end of the slave trade with the hope the institution would die off.....

but again, the truth, facts and reality don't support your beliefs...but keep on keepin on with your lies....
Dallas Texas just got a visit from the 3% club. They are there to feed the homeless. But that's not why they are there. They are packing everything from handguns to some pretty sophisticated Assault Rifles. I mean, openly. They are there protesting the Texas ruling about feeding the homeless. And they are breaking the law doing it. While, in my mind, the law is stupid, using it to promote their own brand of vigilanteeism is just plain wrong. They could have give a much better message by leaving their guns at home. Texas doesn't need the mess like Nevada had at one time. And if you don't believe Texas won't call out the State Guard if the Governor thinks it's necessary to clean the place up, don't kid yourself.

look for more States to do the same as Virginia due to the 3% club.
Lawn darts are not protected by the US Constitution nor were they ever needed for self-defense. They were toys; guns are not toys.

See, they can' t help themselves. They think that badly written Militia amendments overrule common sense. Because they thought 18th century militiamen needed access to muskets, that means crazy people today should have an unfettered right to machine guns. Becomes some fool l in a powdered wig who shit in a chamber pot said so.

At least I give you credit for your honesty. So many times liberals claim they are not for getting rid of all guns. You are living proof liberals are.

Well, uh. NO. First, I'm not really that liberal. Up until 2008, when a rich asshole fucked up my life, I was pretty conservative. Now I know better. I realize that until we crush the gun nuts and the religious nuts, they are going to keep fucking the working man. Demonstrating to you that your gun and your bible are kind of useless is the first step.

Secondly, we can have a discussion about who can have guns under what circumstances. I'd really have no problem having gun laws like Germany or Canada (Where gun ownership IS allowed, but under very sensible strictures) rather than Japan or the UK (where guns are completely banned).

But maybe you can do me a favor: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that reads WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME and get back to us in a few months to let us know how that works out. Because banning all guns would give you the exact same results; the criminals being armed, and you not.

Guy, I've had my house broken into. They simply waited until they knew I wasn't home and broke in. It's no big deal. Insurance covers it. Since a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, the gun is the unacceptable risk.

Now, since no gun thread would be complete with Dick Tiny chiming in...

Actually, no they didn't think Slavery was a good idea...the colonists who believed it was went on to become democrats.....the other colonists became republicans and wrote into our Constitution the end of the slave trade with the hope the institution would die off.....

Please point out where "The end of the slave trade" was written into the constitution. No such thing was done, and in fact, Slave states entered the union AFTER the constitution was signed. The fact is, the liberals in the North made compromise after compromise with the conservatives in the South to Expand Slavery (Look up the Missouri compromise, the Fugitive Slave Act, etc.)

It's what happens when an evil decides it has "rights".

Total number of accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505

How many guns in the country at that time....over 320 million in private hands in over 90 million homes with over 11 million people carrying them for self defense.

Okay, the thing was, we manufactured MILLIONS of lawn darts, but banned them after only a handful of children died.

So if you apply the lawn dart rule or the baby crib rule or the "anything else in the home that kills children" rule to guns, guns lose.

Total number of accidental gun deaths in 2013.... 505

How many guns in the country at that time....over 320 million in private hands in over 90 million homes with over 11 million people carrying them for self defense.

Okay, the thing was, we manufactured MILLIONS of lawn darts, but banned them after only a handful of children died.

So if you apply the lawn dart rule or the baby crib rule or the "anything else in the home that kills children" rule to guns, guns lose.

Yeah, Democrats banned lawn darts--not Republicans. And if I remember the story correctly, it wasn't a government initiative, it was pushed through by a father who lost his daughter by a lawn dart and petitioned Congress to make them illegal. He must have been a liberal because he wanted government to replace the parental personal responsibility he didn't have.
Lawn darts are not protected by the US Constitution nor were they ever needed for self-defense. They were toys; guns are not toys.

See, they can' t help themselves. They think that badly written Militia amendments overrule common sense. Because they thought 18th century militiamen needed access to muskets, that means crazy people today should have an unfettered right to machine guns. Becomes some fool l in a powdered wig who shit in a chamber pot said so.

At least I give you credit for your honesty. So many times liberals claim they are not for getting rid of all guns. You are living proof liberals are.

Well, uh. NO. First, I'm not really that liberal. Up until 2008, when a rich asshole fucked up my life, I was pretty conservative. Now I know better. I realize that until we crush the gun nuts and the religious nuts, they are going to keep fucking the working man. Demonstrating to you that your gun and your bible are kind of useless is the first step.

Secondly, we can have a discussion about who can have guns under what circumstances. I'd really have no problem having gun laws like Germany or Canada (Where gun ownership IS allowed, but under very sensible strictures) rather than Japan or the UK (where guns are completely banned).

But maybe you can do me a favor: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that reads WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME and get back to us in a few months to let us know how that works out. Because banning all guns would give you the exact same results; the criminals being armed, and you not.

Guy, I've had my house broken into. They simply waited until they knew I wasn't home and broke in. It's no big deal. Insurance covers it. Since a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, the gun is the unacceptable risk.

Now, since no gun thread would be complete with Dick Tiny chiming in...

Actually, no they didn't think Slavery was a good idea...the colonists who believed it was went on to become democrats.....the other colonists became republicans and wrote into our Constitution the end of the slave trade with the hope the institution would die off.....

Please point out where "The end of the slave trade" was written into the constitution. No such thing was done, and in fact, Slave states entered the union AFTER the constitution was signed. The fact is, the liberals in the North made compromise after compromise with the conservatives in the South to Expand Slavery (Look up the Missouri compromise, the Fugitive Slave Act, etc.)

It's what happens when an evil decides it has "rights".

Yes Joe, now you're starting to get it. They burglarized your home while you weren't there. Why? Because criminals are afraid of getting gunned down if they break into a home that's occupied.

But I have some bad news for you I'm afraid: this country was built on the ideas and morals of those powdered wig people that shit in chamber pots. It's what our entire country is all about. It's why our country is the greatest place on earth to live within only a few hundred years compared to places that have existed for thousands of years. Those powdered wig men are why I'm allowed to have my gun and Bible and you don't have to. Where would we all be today if not for those powdered wig people?

As for your tiny dick obsession, the people with guns are not the ones with tiny dicks--the people that are afraid of armed citizens are.
Yeah, Democrats banned lawn darts--not Republicans. And if I remember the story correctly, it wasn't a government initiative, it was pushed through by a father who lost his daughter by a lawn dart and petitioned Congress to make them illegal. He must have been a liberal because he wanted government to replace the parental personal responsibility he didn't have.

Actually, you are a little confused (as always) on the sequence of events. Lawn Darts were initially ILLEGAL in the United States. Then the Consumer Products Safety Commission made a compromise that as long as they weren't marketing them as "Toys", it was okay to sell them. The manufacturers broke this agreement many times. The father who led the fight had no idea there were lawn darts in a box of toys he had bought second hand. The CPSC THEN reinstated its ban in 1988. This was NOT Congress, this was political appointees made by RONALD REAGAN.

Then again, we don't have a lobby scaring people into buying lawn darts to compensate for tiny dicks, so even common sense Republicans could ban them.
Yes Joe, now you're starting to get it. They burglarized your home while you weren't there. Why? Because criminals are afraid of getting gunned down if they break into a home that's occupied.

Well, no, they don't want people to IDENTIFY THEM, and home invasion carries a much heavier penalty than burglary.

If your argument were correct, then the UK or Japan would have thousands of home invasions because they know none of those people have guns. In fact, they have far less than we do.

But I have some bad news for you I'm afraid: this country was built on the ideas and morals of those powdered wig people that shit in chamber pots. It's what our entire country is all about. It's why our country is the greatest place on earth to live within only a few hundred years compared to places that have existed for thousands of years. Those powdered wig men are why I'm allowed to have my gun and Bible and you don't have to. Where would we all be today if not for those powdered wig people?

Where would we be? We'd be CANADIANS. If you want to visit an alternate universe where the Founding Slave Rapists lost, it's called "Canada". They have all the freedoms we have. They have universal health care (Meaning they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate) and crazy people have a hard time getting guns, so they don't have hundreds of mass shootings a year.

and, no, the United States hasn't been the greatest place on Earth to live in decades.

As for your tiny dick obsession, the people with guns are not the ones with tiny dicks--the people that are afraid of armed citizens are.

then why does the gun industry put out advertisements like THIS:


someone is "Compensating".
Yes Joe, now you're starting to get it. They burglarized your home while you weren't there. Why? Because criminals are afraid of getting gunned down if they break into a home that's occupied.

Well, no, they don't want people to IDENTIFY THEM, and home invasion carries a much heavier penalty than burglary.

If your argument were correct, then the UK or Japan would have thousands of home invasions because they know none of those people have guns. In fact, they have far less than we do.

But I have some bad news for you I'm afraid: this country was built on the ideas and morals of those powdered wig people that shit in chamber pots. It's what our entire country is all about. It's why our country is the greatest place on earth to live within only a few hundred years compared to places that have existed for thousands of years. Those powdered wig men are why I'm allowed to have my gun and Bible and you don't have to. Where would we all be today if not for those powdered wig people?

Where would we be? We'd be CANADIANS. If you want to visit an alternate universe where the Founding Slave Rapists lost, it's called "Canada". They have all the freedoms we have. They have universal health care (Meaning they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate) and crazy people have a hard time getting guns, so they don't have hundreds of mass shootings a year.

and, no, the United States hasn't been the greatest place on Earth to live in decades.

As for your tiny dick obsession, the people with guns are not the ones with tiny dicks--the people that are afraid of armed citizens are.

then why does the gun industry put out advertisements like THIS:


someone is "Compensating".

Wrong as usual Joe. Criminals don't avoid breaking into homes for identification purposes. A simple Halloween mask could prevent identification. They don't break into homes because of resistance and the fact we in this country are allowed to use equal firepower for protection. That's why when you do hear of home invasions by an unknown intruder, it's usually defenseless people such as the sick or elderly.

And don't be such a bragger about the infant mortality rate in Canada--home of Socialist healthcare:

Early infant mortality in Canada called 2nd worst in developed world
Some First Nations populations register mortality rates up to four times the national average
The Canadian Press Posted: May 08, 2013 11:24 AM ET Last Updated: May 08, 2013 11:22 AM ET

Early infant mortality in Canada called 2nd worst in developed world
Lawn darts are not protected by the US Constitution nor were they ever needed for self-defense. They were toys; guns are not toys.

See, they can' t help themselves. They think that badly written Militia amendments overrule common sense. Because they thought 18th century militiamen needed access to muskets, that means crazy people today should have an unfettered right to machine guns. Becomes some fool l in a powdered wig who shit in a chamber pot said so.

At least I give you credit for your honesty. So many times liberals claim they are not for getting rid of all guns. You are living proof liberals are.

Well, uh. NO. First, I'm not really that liberal. Up until 2008, when a rich asshole fucked up my life, I was pretty conservative. Now I know better. I realize that until we crush the gun nuts and the religious nuts, they are going to keep fucking the working man. Demonstrating to you that your gun and your bible are kind of useless is the first step.

Secondly, we can have a discussion about who can have guns under what circumstances. I'd really have no problem having gun laws like Germany or Canada (Where gun ownership IS allowed, but under very sensible strictures) rather than Japan or the UK (where guns are completely banned).

But maybe you can do me a favor: Hang a huge sign on your front porch that reads WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOME and get back to us in a few months to let us know how that works out. Because banning all guns would give you the exact same results; the criminals being armed, and you not.

Guy, I've had my house broken into. They simply waited until they knew I wasn't home and broke in. It's no big deal. Insurance covers it. Since a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, the gun is the unacceptable risk.

Now, since no gun thread would be complete with Dick Tiny chiming in...

Actually, no they didn't think Slavery was a good idea...the colonists who believed it was went on to become democrats.....the other colonists became republicans and wrote into our Constitution the end of the slave trade with the hope the institution would die off.....

Please point out where "The end of the slave trade" was written into the constitution. No such thing was done, and in fact, Slave states entered the union AFTER the constitution was signed. The fact is, the liberals in the North made compromise after compromise with the conservatives in the South to Expand Slavery (Look up the Missouri compromise, the Fugitive Slave Act, etc.)

It's what happens when an evil decides it has "rights".

Guy, I've had my house broken into. They simply waited until they knew I wasn't home and broke in. It's no big deal. Insurance covers it. Since a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy, the gun is the unacceptable risk.

An Englishman's home is his dungeon

Various reassuring types, from police spokesmen to the Economist, described the stabbing of the Moncktons as a "burglary gone wrong". If only more burglaries could go right, they imply, this sort of thing wouldn't happen.

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term. Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present. But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing. Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.

These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.
Yes Joe, now you're starting to get it. They burglarized your home while you weren't there. Why? Because criminals are afraid of getting gunned down if they break into a home that's occupied.

Well, no, they don't want people to IDENTIFY THEM, and home invasion carries a much heavier penalty than burglary.

If your argument were correct, then the UK or Japan would have thousands of home invasions because they know none of those people have guns. In fact, they have far less than we do.

But I have some bad news for you I'm afraid: this country was built on the ideas and morals of those powdered wig people that shit in chamber pots. It's what our entire country is all about. It's why our country is the greatest place on earth to live within only a few hundred years compared to places that have existed for thousands of years. Those powdered wig men are why I'm allowed to have my gun and Bible and you don't have to. Where would we all be today if not for those powdered wig people?

Where would we be? We'd be CANADIANS. If you want to visit an alternate universe where the Founding Slave Rapists lost, it's called "Canada". They have all the freedoms we have. They have universal health care (Meaning they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate) and crazy people have a hard time getting guns, so they don't have hundreds of mass shootings a year.

and, no, the United States hasn't been the greatest place on Earth to live in decades.

As for your tiny dick obsession, the people with guns are not the ones with tiny dicks--the people that are afraid of armed citizens are.

then why does the gun industry put out advertisements like THIS:


someone is "Compensating".

Britian has a horrible problem with burglaires, rapes and robbery......more than we do...

Crime rates in England and Wales 'worse than US'

England and Wales has one of the worst crime rates among developed nations for rapes, burglaries and robberies, a United Nations report found.

The study for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime found England and Wales had more burglaries and robberies per 100,000 people than the United States in 2006.

But offenders were locked up for shorter periods than in comparable countries, the research showed.
Britian has a horrible problem with burglaires, rapes and robbery......more than we do...

no, they don't.

They simply count them differently.

For instance, the US has a lower percentage of reports of rape, because the British don't shame the victim like we have a lovely habit of doing in this country.

And don't be such a bragger about the infant mortality rate in Canada--home of Socialist healthcare:

More misinformation from the Trailer Park...

IN fact, Canada has a rate of 4 per 100,000 births, the US has a rate of 6 per 100,000 births.

Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) | Data | Table

Which of course, had nothing do with my point that we would be living in some totalitarian hellhole if not for the assholes in the Powdered Wigs.

In fact, quite the contrary, their INSISTENCE on continuing Slavery, which had already been banned in the United Kingdom, is the root of many of the problems we have today.
Yes Joe, now you're starting to get it. They burglarized your home while you weren't there. Why? Because criminals are afraid of getting gunned down if they break into a home that's occupied.

Well, no, they don't want people to IDENTIFY THEM, and home invasion carries a much heavier penalty than burglary.

If your argument were correct, then the UK or Japan would have thousands of home invasions because they know none of those people have guns. In fact, they have far less than we do.

But I have some bad news for you I'm afraid: this country was built on the ideas and morals of those powdered wig people that shit in chamber pots. It's what our entire country is all about. It's why our country is the greatest place on earth to live within only a few hundred years compared to places that have existed for thousands of years. Those powdered wig men are why I'm allowed to have my gun and Bible and you don't have to. Where would we all be today if not for those powdered wig people?

Where would we be? We'd be CANADIANS. If you want to visit an alternate universe where the Founding Slave Rapists lost, it's called "Canada". They have all the freedoms we have. They have universal health care (Meaning they live longer and have a lower infant mortality rate) and crazy people have a hard time getting guns, so they don't have hundreds of mass shootings a year.

and, no, the United States hasn't been the greatest place on Earth to live in decades.

As for your tiny dick obsession, the people with guns are not the ones with tiny dicks--the people that are afraid of armed citizens are.

then why does the gun industry put out advertisements like THIS:


someone is "Compensating".
You're delusional candy Ass has gotten best of you....

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