Virginia Halts Concealed Carry Reciprocity With 25 States

Britian has a horrible problem with burglaires, rapes and robbery......more than we do...

no, they don't.

They simply count them differently.

For instance, the US has a lower percentage of reports of rape, because the British don't shame the victim like we have a lovely habit of doing in this country.

And don't be such a bragger about the infant mortality rate in Canada--home of Socialist healthcare:

More misinformation from the Trailer Park...

IN fact, Canada has a rate of 4 per 100,000 births, the US has a rate of 6 per 100,000 births.

Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) | Data | Table

Which of course, had nothing do with my point that we would be living in some totalitarian hellhole if not for the assholes in the Powdered Wigs.

In fact, quite the contrary, their INSISTENCE on continuing Slavery, which had already been banned in the United Kingdom, is the root of many of the problems we have today.

Apples and oranges.

Your list is for babies dying within one year of life whereas the article I posted was about babies dying the same day. You can't blame the medical care system for what goes on in a child's life in a years time. You can on the first day because babies are mostly born in hospitals.

And when have we ever "shamed" a rape victim unless she was found to be lying about the rape in the first place?

Slavery has nothing to do with today. Have you ever met a slave in our country? Do you know anybody that has? Slavery is a cheap left-wing excuse for failure.
Apples and oranges.

Your list is for babies dying within one year of life whereas the article I posted was about babies dying the same day. You can't blame the medical care system for what goes on in a child's life in a years time. You can on the first day because babies are mostly born in hospitals.

Well, no, not really. The fact is, most of the problems that cause infant mortality often have their roots during pregnancy, and when you don't provide proper pre-natal care to 1/4 of your population, as we don't, you are going to have a bad result. Which is why the US Has the HIGHEST INFANT MORTALITY rate in the industrialized world.

And when have we ever "shamed" a rape victim unless she was found to be lying about the rape in the first place?

Not that i think you are capable of being educated, but...

The Important Word We Need To Talk About

For a blatant example of how slut-shaming leads to rape culture, look to the aforementioned stories. First of all, let's break down what exactly rape culture constitutes. Rape culture is blaming the victim rather than rapist for the assault, and saying that the victim did something to provoke the attack. Rape culture teaches women to not get raped, rather than teaching men not to rape. Rape culture involves sympathizing with the rapist -- as many did in the recent Steubenville rape case, by lamenting the fact that their "promised futures were ruined." Rape culture is dangerous because it leads to the victim not speaking out about the rape, and the rapists therefore not getting in trouble.

About half of rapes are being reported, and only 3 percent of rapists spend at least one day in jail. Rape culture is when the victims are blamed for "asking for it" by wearing the wrong clothes, being out at night, walking alone, being flirtatious or pretty, or any number of other things. Slut-shaming contributes to the idea that girls who are more flirty or provocative deserve less respect than girls who aren't, and that leads to the idea that something they did lead to them being raped.

Slavery has nothing to do with today. Have you ever met a slave in our country? Do you know anybody that has? Slavery is a cheap left-wing excuse for failure.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Of course, 400 years of second class citizenship is going to have an effect on people.
Apples and oranges.

Your list is for babies dying within one year of life whereas the article I posted was about babies dying the same day. You can't blame the medical care system for what goes on in a child's life in a years time. You can on the first day because babies are mostly born in hospitals.

Well, no, not really. The fact is, most of the problems that cause infant mortality often have their roots during pregnancy, and when you don't provide proper pre-natal care to 1/4 of your population, as we don't, you are going to have a bad result. Which is why the US Has the HIGHEST INFANT MORTALITY rate in the industrialized world.

And when have we ever "shamed" a rape victim unless she was found to be lying about the rape in the first place?

Not that i think you are capable of being educated, but...

The Important Word We Need To Talk About

For a blatant example of how slut-shaming leads to rape culture, look to the aforementioned stories. First of all, let's break down what exactly rape culture constitutes. Rape culture is blaming the victim rather than rapist for the assault, and saying that the victim did something to provoke the attack. Rape culture teaches women to not get raped, rather than teaching men not to rape. Rape culture involves sympathizing with the rapist -- as many did in the recent Steubenville rape case, by lamenting the fact that their "promised futures were ruined." Rape culture is dangerous because it leads to the victim not speaking out about the rape, and the rapists therefore not getting in trouble.

About half of rapes are being reported, and only 3 percent of rapists spend at least one day in jail. Rape culture is when the victims are blamed for "asking for it" by wearing the wrong clothes, being out at night, walking alone, being flirtatious or pretty, or any number of other things. Slut-shaming contributes to the idea that girls who are more flirty or provocative deserve less respect than girls who aren't, and that leads to the idea that something they did lead to them being raped.

Slavery has nothing to do with today. Have you ever met a slave in our country? Do you know anybody that has? Slavery is a cheap left-wing excuse for failure.

Are you some kind of fucking retard? Of course, 400 years of second class citizenship is going to have an effect on people.

Really? Then how are all these foreigners making out opening up businesses, getting an advanced education, making investments? They could tell you stories about what being a second-class citizen is really about. They could also tell you about what poverty is about. Hint: they didn't have Obama Phones and SNAP's cards.

And yet the come here, many with only a few dollars in their pockets, barely able to communicate because they haven't learned our language yet, and become productive Americans, staying out of trouble, contributing to our society instead of taking away.

Do you know how my beverage store owner from India spent his Christmas? Just like he spent Thanksgiving: working.

Yep, he opened the store at 9:00 am and didn't leave until 8:00 pm. The only reason he closed so early is because it was Christmas and business died down quite a bit.

As for Americans? Oh, the job doesn't pay enough, I don't like the hours, I don't want to take a drug screening test, I don't like the kind of work, I don't want to work over 40 hours a week.................

Black communities (like all communities) create their own environment by their own doing. No slave owners told them to rob stores to the point they close down, to have riots in the street, to attack teachers and make drug sales an everyday school event, to throw their garbage on streets and tree lawns, to shoot each other in heated arguments........

And then to top it all off, blacks vote for Democrats who are ushering in foreigners to take their jobs away from them.

Oh, and BTW, thanks for your opinion piece on rape, but that's all it was, an opinion piece.
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Really? Then how are all these foreigners making out opening up businesses, getting an advanced education, making investments? They could tell you stories about what being a second-class citizen is really about. They could also tell you about what poverty is about. Hint: they didn't have Obama Phones and SNAP's cards.

Except they do no such thing. These "foreigners" come to this country usually with a fair deal of resources and advanced education from their home countries that are usually better than what a lot of American can get.

Like I said, you are really some kind of retard. Did you eat paint chips as a child?
Really? Then how are all these foreigners making out opening up businesses, getting an advanced education, making investments? They could tell you stories about what being a second-class citizen is really about. They could also tell you about what poverty is about. Hint: they didn't have Obama Phones and SNAP's cards.

Except they do no such thing. These "foreigners" come to this country usually with a fair deal of resources and advanced education from their home countries that are usually better than what a lot of American can get.

Like I said, you are really some kind of retard. Did you eat paint chips as a child?

Obviously you never talked to those foreigners nor worked with them. I do. We have plenty of them around here.

Only a retard like you wouldn't be able to figure out that the reason they came here is because they couldn't earn sufficient money nor get a sufficient education. That's why they came here to the land of opportunity where they could acquire such things.
Obviously you never talked to those foreigners nor worked with them. I do. We have plenty of them around here.

Only a retard like you wouldn't be able to figure out that the reason they came here is because they couldn't earn sufficient money nor get a sufficient education. That's why they came here to the land of opportunity where they could acquire such things.

Hey, do you know how a lot of these Indians get by? They send their poor wives off to work at some factory for a pretty minimal wage on an assembly line so they can get health insurance for the family while Pradip is trying to get the liquor store off the ground. I've seen it, twice! (also a good reason not to work in Manufacturing, because if they are cheating the folks on the assembly line, they are cheating the folks in the office, too.)

And more often than not, they come here because some greedy-ass corporation who wouldn't hire an American fought to get an H1B visa for them initially.

But them Darkies, they must be lazy, not because a black name is 50% less likely to get called in for an interview than a white name.
Obviously you never talked to those foreigners nor worked with them. I do. We have plenty of them around here.

Only a retard like you wouldn't be able to figure out that the reason they came here is because they couldn't earn sufficient money nor get a sufficient education. That's why they came here to the land of opportunity where they could acquire such things.

Hey, do you know how a lot of these Indians get by? They send their poor wives off to work at some factory for a pretty minimal wage on an assembly line so they can get health insurance for the family while Pradip is trying to get the liquor store off the ground. I've seen it, twice! (also a good reason not to work in Manufacturing, because if they are cheating the folks on the assembly line, they are cheating the folks in the office, too.)

And more often than not, they come here because some greedy-ass corporation who wouldn't hire an American fought to get an H1B visa for them initially.

But them Darkies, they must be lazy, not because a black name is 50% less likely to get called in for an interview than a white name.

A bunch of horse ship.

When I advertise one of my apartments, I do so on CraigsList. Why? Because then I don't have to go through the scrutiny of discrimination when selecting applicants.

Some of the e-mails I get are frightening. Grown adults that don't have the ability to write a letter better than an 8 year old. Their grammar is pathetic, their spelling is even worse, and most computers today have automatic spell check. Their punctuation is hideous.

Many of them I don't even respond to, but during the housing bubble when we landlords got the most screwing, I had no choice. I had to interview anybody that expressed an interest.

During the interview, we chit-chat; BS about any ole thing. What I found out is that these black people who sent me those e-mails were high school graduates. It's alarming.

The housing bubble popped and many people no longer want to own their own home. It's a landlords dream. However, I often think back to those e-mails I received; how many I deleted because I considered those people too stupid to rent an apartment to.

If I won't even interview them for an apartment based on their atrocious e-mails, how do any of these people get an interview with an employer filling out a job application that way? It's amazing any of them had a job.

So when I see these phony statistics how blacks are not interviewed for a job based on race, I know there is much more to the story than that.
Britian has a horrible problem with burglaires, rapes and robbery......more than we do...

no, they don't.

They simply count them differently.

For instance, the US has a lower percentage of reports of rape, because the British don't shame the victim like we have a lovely habit of doing in this country.
I notice that you didn't bother to back that up.

Perhaps you would like to show how they count burglaries where the resident was at home differently than they count them here.
If you are an Alabama wife beater, don't be going to Virginia with a gun. Y'all hear now?

I live in Nevada, but my CWP is from South Carolina because that is where I lived when I had it issued. Nevada has a reciprocity agreement with South Carolina so my CWP is good here until it expires in 2017. If the State Attorney General suddenly decreed Nevada would no longer honor CWPs from SC suddenly I'd no longer legally be able to carry despite the fact I've only ever fired either of my guns at a gun range and I've never been arrested for anything in my life.

As I said before, I suspect this is nothing more than a lame attempt by a gun grabbing leftist to push an agenda they can't win on when it comes to a vote by the people and you, for what ever reason, seem to be swallowing it hook, line, and sinker.

I'm also curious how the Attorney General of Virginia can suddenly just wave his hand and declare this. In Nevada, these agreements are voted on by the legislature. His action may not even be legal.

Sounds like it wouldn't be terribly difficult for you to get one issued by Nevada if your SC card became void... and it sounds like you would have no problem passing a national standard for a permit.

I think that's the point and I think that a national standard that all the states can recognize is a good idea both for folks like you who obey the law, and for the folks who work in law enforcement trying to deal with the assholes who don't.
A bunch of horse ship.

When I advertise one of my apartments, I do so on CraigsList. Why? Because then I don't have to go through the scrutiny of discrimination when selecting applicants.

Some of the e-mails I get are frightening. Grown adults that don't have the ability to write a letter better than an 8 year old. Their grammar is pathetic, their spelling is even worse, and most computers today have automatic spell check. Their punctuation is hideous....

So when I see these phony statistics how blacks are not interviewed for a job based on race, I know there is much more to the story than that.

wow, so you advertise on Craig's list? How White Trash of you.

That said, the study I cited did not include "hideous e-mails", or any of the other things that you use to justify your racism.

The study had the SAME Resume, Same experience, same companies, same education. Half of them had names like "Emily" and "Greg", and the other half had names like "Lakisha" and "Jamal"

Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination

We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perception of race, each resume is assigned either a very African American sounding name or a very White sounding name. The results show significant discrimination against African-American names: White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase. Applicants living in better neighborhoods receive more callbacks but, interestingly, this effect does not differ by race. The amount of discrimination is uniform across occupations and industries. Federal contractors and employers who list Equal Opportunity Employer' in their ad discriminate as much as other employers. We find little evidence that our results are driven by employers inferring something other than race, such as social class, from the names. These results suggest that racial discrimination is still a prominent feature of the labor market.

Now, for those playing along at home, I have a side business where I write resumes for people. And often, what I see is pretty atrocious from all races. People who drop what is obviously a company produced job description into the resume. People listing their hobbies as job qualifications. People using spell check so I get things like "Costumer Service" (You help people pick out their costumes?)

Most of these people have college. A lot of them are white.

I would say, though, that what I see in follow up matches the study I cited. White folks are more likely to get interviews than black folks.
I notice that you didn't bother to back that up.

Perhaps you would like to show how they count burglaries where the resident was at home differently than they count them here.

I don't usually bother citing studies, because you guys ignore them. You live in your own fantasy worlds of NRA Propaganda that the rest of the world that doesn't let every yahoo own a gun is somehow less safe than we are.

Cop in the Hood: Burglary, Guns, and the UK

One of the thing 2nd-Amendment advocates love pointing out is the England has a much higher burglary rate than the US. Best I can tell this is due the mostly to the publications of one professor.

The subtext (or main text) of the more guns equals fewer burglaries argument, of course, is that if the government restricts guns (the U.K. has strict gun control laws) then burglars become fearless and break into our home, steal our property, and rape our children.

In the US, thanks to God and guns, we shoot our burglars. Ergo there are fewer burglaries. Hence our properties (and children) are safe.

Well best I can figure (looking at those pesky figures we call "facts") burglary in the U.S. is much more common than burglary in the U.K.

So why the confusion? Over here in England and Wales (that's a statistical unit in the U.K., which is really what I'm refering to when I say the U.K.), if you're trying to get into a property with intent to "cause damage," that's burglary. "Attempted burglaries" are counted as burglaries in the U.K. Not in the U.S. In the U.K., you don't have tosteal something to be a burglar. You don't even have to break in!

Now I'm not here to tell you which is a better definition of burglary. Frankly, I don't give a damn. But I do want to point out that the official stats for burglary in the U.K. are going to be much higher than the official stats for burglary in the U.S. because burglary in the U.K. is defined much more broadly.

In the U.S., a UCR-defined burglary means you broke into a place to commit theft. In the U.S., criminal trespassing as a seperate charge. In the U.K. it's burglary. In the U.K., even attempted criminal trespassing is burglary. That makes a big difference in the stats.
I notice that you didn't bother to back that up.

Perhaps you would like to show how they count burglaries where the resident was at home differently than they count them here.

I don't usually bother citing studies, because you guys ignore them. You live in your own fantasy worlds of NRA Propaganda that the rest of the world that doesn't let every yahoo own a gun is somehow less safe than we are.

Cop in the Hood: Burglary, Guns, and the UK

One of the thing 2nd-Amendment advocates love pointing out is the England has a much higher burglary rate than the US. Best I can tell this is due the mostly to the publications of one professor.

The subtext (or main text) of the more guns equals fewer burglaries argument, of course, is that if the government restricts guns (the U.K. has strict gun control laws) then burglars become fearless and break into our home, steal our property, and rape our children.

In the US, thanks to God and guns, we shoot our burglars. Ergo there are fewer burglaries. Hence our properties (and children) are safe.

Well best I can figure (looking at those pesky figures we call "facts") burglary in the U.S. is much more common than burglary in the U.K.

So why the confusion? Over here in England and Wales (that's a statistical unit in the U.K., which is really what I'm refering to when I say the U.K.), if you're trying to get into a property with intent to "cause damage," that's burglary. "Attempted burglaries" are counted as burglaries in the U.K. Not in the U.S. In the U.K., you don't have tosteal something to be a burglar. You don't even have to break in!

Now I'm not here to tell you which is a better definition of burglary. Frankly, I don't give a damn. But I do want to point out that the official stats for burglary in the U.K. are going to be much higher than the official stats for burglary in the U.S. because burglary in the U.K. is defined much more broadly.

In the U.S., a UCR-defined burglary means you broke into a place to commit theft. In the U.S., criminal trespassing as a seperate charge. In the U.K. it's burglary. In the U.K., even attempted criminal trespassing is burglary. That makes a big difference in the stats.

A hot burglary is more common in the U.K.....they don't care that the people are home because the people can't stop them, and they know the response times of the cops....studies show.....
I notice that you didn't bother to back that up.

Perhaps you would like to show how they count burglaries where the resident was at home differently than they count them here.

I don't usually bother citing studies, because you guys ignore them. You live in your own fantasy worlds of NRA Propaganda that the rest of the world that doesn't let every yahoo own a gun is somehow less safe than we are.

Cop in the Hood: Burglary, Guns, and the UK

One of the thing 2nd-Amendment advocates love pointing out is the England has a much higher burglary rate than the US. Best I can tell this is due the mostly to the publications of one professor.

The subtext (or main text) of the more guns equals fewer burglaries argument, of course, is that if the government restricts guns (the U.K. has strict gun control laws) then burglars become fearless and break into our home, steal our property, and rape our children.

In the US, thanks to God and guns, we shoot our burglars. Ergo there are fewer burglaries. Hence our properties (and children) are safe.

Well best I can figure (looking at those pesky figures we call "facts") burglary in the U.S. is much more common than burglary in the U.K.

So why the confusion? Over here in England and Wales (that's a statistical unit in the U.K., which is really what I'm refering to when I say the U.K.), if you're trying to get into a property with intent to "cause damage," that's burglary. "Attempted burglaries" are counted as burglaries in the U.K. Not in the U.S. In the U.K., you don't have tosteal something to be a burglar. You don't even have to break in!

Now I'm not here to tell you which is a better definition of burglary. Frankly, I don't give a damn. But I do want to point out that the official stats for burglary in the U.K. are going to be much higher than the official stats for burglary in the U.S. because burglary in the U.K. is defined much more broadly.

In the U.S., a UCR-defined burglary means you broke into a place to commit theft. In the U.S., criminal trespassing as a seperate charge. In the U.K. it's burglary. In the U.K., even attempted criminal trespassing is burglary. That makes a big difference in the stats.

And more on Hot Burglaries in the U.K.....

Burglary victims attacked in their own home once every 30 minutes

A householder is attacked by a violent burglar every 30 minutes.
The shocking statistic exposes for the first time the epidemic of terrifying intruder confrontations taking place in Britain.

It will intensify demands for householders to be given greater protection if they use force to protect themselves and their family against a burglar.

In the wake of the case of Munir Hussain, who was jailed and later freed for beating a raider, ministers insisted it was extremely rare for a person to find themselves in trouble with the police for fighting back against a burglar.

But with householders suffering violence on 23,000 occasions last year, campaigners say the case for a change to the law is growing ever stronger.

The Tories, who compiled the figures, have given a manifesto commitment to review the law, which currently allows a householder to respond with 'reasonable force'.

Under one option being considered, a burglary victim who took on an intruder could only be prosecuted if they used 'grossly disproportionate force'.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'These figures are an alarming indication of the culture of violence that has built up in our society.

'It just goes to show how important it is that we change the law to give proper protection to householders who defend themselves and their families against a violent intruder in their homes.

'The Government promised to change the law, but then didn't. We will.'

The figures emerged in an analysis of official crime statistics. Last year, the number of domestic burglaries recorded by police in England and Wales rose for the first time in six years, from 280,694 in 2007-08 to 284,427.

The British Crime Survey provides more information on the nature of burglaries than those recorded in police crime figures.

According to the BCS, householders came face-to-face with burglars in 20 per cent of domestic burglaries last year. That translates one every ten minutes. In other cases, either no one was at home or the victim was at home but unaware they were being burgled and did not see the offender.

Of the burglaries in which the victim came face-to-face with the intruder, violence was either used or threatened in 59 per cent of crimes.

A hot burglary is more common in the U.K.....they don't care that the people are home because the people can't stop them, and they know the response times of the cops....studies show.....

Yeah, Dick Tiny, now if you can actually back that up with a NON-Gun Nut website, you might be on to something.

The point is, the British use the word "burglary" to describe trespass, vandalism and burglary. We call them three separate things in this country.

So we have 300 million guns and 2 million people in prison, and we have higher crime rates than the UK, which has almost NO guns and only about 70,000 people in prison. HOw does that work again, if guns and prisons make us so much safer?
A hot burglary is more common in the U.K.....they don't care that the people are home because the people can't stop them, and they know the response times of the cops....studies show.....

Yeah, Dick Tiny, now if you can actually back that up with a NON-Gun Nut website, you might be on to something.

The point is, the British use the word "burglary" to describe trespass, vandalism and burglary. We call them three separate things in this country.

So we have 300 million guns and 2 million people in prison, and we have higher crime rates than the UK, which has almost NO guns and only about 70,000 people in prison. HOw does that work again, if guns and prisons make us so much safer?

The UK population is about one-fifth of ours and half of our prisons are filled with drug offenders. The prison population in the UK has doubled in the last 20 years. In fact the current prison population is now in the 90,000 area.
I notice that you didn't bother to back that up.

Perhaps you would like to show how they count burglaries where the resident was at home differently than they count them here.

I don't usually bother citing studies, because you guys ignore them. You live in your own fantasy worlds of NRA Propaganda that the rest of the world that doesn't let every yahoo own a gun is somehow less safe than we are.

Cop in the Hood: Burglary, Guns, and the UK

One of the thing 2nd-Amendment advocates love pointing out is the England has a much higher burglary rate than the US. Best I can tell this is due the mostly to the publications of one professor.

The subtext (or main text) of the more guns equals fewer burglaries argument, of course, is that if the government restricts guns (the U.K. has strict gun control laws) then burglars become fearless and break into our home, steal our property, and rape our children.

In the US, thanks to God and guns, we shoot our burglars. Ergo there are fewer burglaries. Hence our properties (and children) are safe.

Well best I can figure (looking at those pesky figures we call "facts") burglary in the U.S. is much more common than burglary in the U.K.

So why the confusion? Over here in England and Wales (that's a statistical unit in the U.K., which is really what I'm refering to when I say the U.K.), if you're trying to get into a property with intent to "cause damage," that's burglary. "Attempted burglaries" are counted as burglaries in the U.K. Not in the U.S. In the U.K., you don't have tosteal something to be a burglar. You don't even have to break in!

Now I'm not here to tell you which is a better definition of burglary. Frankly, I don't give a damn. But I do want to point out that the official stats for burglary in the U.K. are going to be much higher than the official stats for burglary in the U.S. because burglary in the U.K. is defined much more broadly.

In the U.S., a UCR-defined burglary means you broke into a place to commit theft. In the U.S., criminal trespassing as a seperate charge. In the U.K. it's burglary. In the U.K., even attempted criminal trespassing is burglary. That makes a big difference in the stats.

Maybe it has nothing to do with guns:

The offence of burglary is set out in s.9 of the Theft Act 1968. There are two offences of burglary created under s.9. Burglary under s.9(1)(a) and burglary under s.(9)(1)(b). In many instances the same conduct could amount to an offence under both sections but not always. There is also an offence of aggravated burglary under s.10 of the Theft Act 1968. The maximum sentence for burglary is 14 years imprisonment in the case of dwellings and 10 years all other buildings. Aggravated burglary carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.


Hell, in the US, most don't even get fourteen years for rape. Life imprisonment for aggravated burglary? We only give life sentences to murderers in the US.
A bunch of horse ship.

When I advertise one of my apartments, I do so on CraigsList. Why? Because then I don't have to go through the scrutiny of discrimination when selecting applicants.

Some of the e-mails I get are frightening. Grown adults that don't have the ability to write a letter better than an 8 year old. Their grammar is pathetic, their spelling is even worse, and most computers today have automatic spell check. Their punctuation is hideous....

So when I see these phony statistics how blacks are not interviewed for a job based on race, I know there is much more to the story than that.

wow, so you advertise on Craig's list? How White Trash of you.

That said, the study I cited did not include "hideous e-mails", or any of the other things that you use to justify your racism.

The study had the SAME Resume, Same experience, same companies, same education. Half of them had names like "Emily" and "Greg", and the other half had names like "Lakisha" and "Jamal"

Are Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination

We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers. To manipulate perception of race, each resume is assigned either a very African American sounding name or a very White sounding name. The results show significant discrimination against African-American names: White names receive 50 percent more callbacks for interviews. We also find that race affects the benefits of a better resume. For White names, a higher quality resume elicits 30 percent more callbacks whereas for African Americans, it elicits a far smaller increase. Applicants living in better neighborhoods receive more callbacks but, interestingly, this effect does not differ by race. The amount of discrimination is uniform across occupations and industries. Federal contractors and employers who list Equal Opportunity Employer' in their ad discriminate as much as other employers. We find little evidence that our results are driven by employers inferring something other than race, such as social class, from the names. These results suggest that racial discrimination is still a prominent feature of the labor market.

Now, for those playing along at home, I have a side business where I write resumes for people. And often, what I see is pretty atrocious from all races. People who drop what is obviously a company produced job description into the resume. People listing their hobbies as job qualifications. People using spell check so I get things like "Costumer Service" (You help people pick out their costumes?)

Most of these people have college. A lot of them are white.

I would say, though, that what I see in follow up matches the study I cited. White folks are more likely to get interviews than black folks.

Very well, lets say what you claim is true. The next question would be why? Why do employers try to avoid interviewing blacks?

I'll give you a hint: an employers favorite color is green. The employee that makes him the most green is that employers favorite employee.
A hot burglary is more common in the U.K.....they don't care that the people are home because the people can't stop them, and they know the response times of the cops....studies show.....

Yeah, Dick Tiny, now if you can actually back that up with a NON-Gun Nut website, you might be on to something.

The point is, the British use the word "burglary" to describe trespass, vandalism and burglary. We call them three separate things in this country.

So we have 300 million guns and 2 million people in prison, and we have higher crime rates than the UK, which has almost NO guns and only about 70,000 people in prison. HOw does that work again, if guns and prisons make us so much safer?

You dumb twit......the daily mail.....
A hot burglary is more common in the U.K.....they don't care that the people are home because the people can't stop them, and they know the response times of the cops....studies show.....

Yeah, Dick Tiny, now if you can actually back that up with a NON-Gun Nut website, you might be on to something.

The point is, the British use the word "burglary" to describe trespass, vandalism and burglary. We call them three separate things in this country.

So we have 300 million guns and 2 million people in prison, and we have higher crime rates than the UK, which has almost NO guns and only about 70,000 people in prison. HOw does that work again, if guns and prisons make us so much safer?

Nope. the U.K. is 2x as violent as the United States and their gun crime rate rose right after the confiscation and is now back where it was before the confiscation...why? Because their criminals don't murder each other.....ours do. And that has nothing to do with guns, that is just a cultural difference since U.K. criminals can get guns too.....
The UK population is about one-fifth of ours and half of our prisons are filled with drug offenders. The prison population in the UK has doubled in the last 20 years. In fact the current prison population is now in the 90,000 area.

Which is actually STILL pretty low for a country with 70 million people. Compare that to the US, where we have 2 million people in prison and another 7 million on probation or parole. Oh, that number has QUADRUPLED since Ronnie Reagan was President.

Hell, in the US, most don't even get fourteen years for rape. Life imprisonment for aggravated burglary? We only give life sentences to murderers in the US.

Thanks to the idiotic "Three Strikes" laws, we've given people life sentences for stealing a slice of Pizza

So, no, the argument that we aren't punishing people hard enough doesn't fly, either.

Very well, lets say what you claim is true. The next question would be why? Why do employers try to avoid interviewing blacks?

I'll give you a hint: an employers favorite color is green. The employee that makes him the most green is that employers favorite employee.

I'll give you a hint. Some of them are racist assholes. Others just simply want to hire people who are like themselves.

But frankly, I've seen enough guys who promote their drinking buddy or hire the girl with the big tits to know that hiring is never done with Spock-like logic. In fact, most companies that I've seen interview by committee these days. The job I just got required four people to interview me in an industry where I am already well known.

So if an employer passes over Jamal to get to Greg, even if Jamal had a nicer resume, I'm usually going to assume racism.

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