Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
But the people in red control the food and have most of the guns.
and they know how to hunt.
they know how to dress a deer.
they know how to grow food.

i'm going to put my money on that crowd for long term survival over this one.

84% of millennials say they can’t change a light bulb
Can you imagine those coffee shop pajama boys out in the wilderness trying to survive?

Those little pussy boys would be crying for their mamas and become food in short order.

my fat aging ass wouldn't not be having fun but i could figure it out.
You would have an advantage.

I ride off all my fat stores on my carbon fiber, man-powered hog.

I would need to gather food immediately.

The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.

You can fix gun violence by banning guns.

Gun violence is small price to pay for being tyranny proof. Maybe democrats even have a point that younger people should not have as easy access to guns, since this is not really necessary to defend against tyranny. Of course, democrats are tyrants and want to ban guns exactly for that reason, they do not care about gun violence one bit.

It would be a good deal between the parties to increase the voting age and gun buying age to 25 in my opinion. Democrats would never agree to it, precisely because they don't give a shit about gun violence.
Dems to push bill raising minimum age to buy assault-style weapons
The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
But the people in red control the food and have most of the guns.
and they know how to hunt.
they know how to dress a deer.
they know how to grow food.

i'm going to put my money on that crowd for long term survival over this one.

84% of millennials say they can’t change a light bulb
Can you imagine those coffee shop pajama boys out in the wilderness trying to survive?

Those little pussy boys would be crying for their mamas and become food in short order.

my fat aging ass wouldn't not be having fun but i could figure it out.
You would have an advantage.

I ride off all my fat stores on my carbon fiber, man-powered hog.

I would need to gather food immediately.

i'd likely load up my jeep cherokee 4x4 and head to the country somewhere. the urban decay of a holocaust would be immense.

would be hard for a vast majority of millennials to "uber" out that way. can you imagine if they did try? they'd be somewhere where the "wilderness" first begins (30-40 miles outside a major city?) and then mad cause their wifi isn't working and their phones about to die and they have zero idea how to have uber eats bring them something.
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Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
did you not watch the video of the lady who co-sponsored a bill on mag capacity and has zero idea how they work?

you need a big cup of shut the fuck up this morning.

She knows enough about the results, mass murder in an instant, and that these weapons have no peaceful use in U.S. society, or in any society for that matter. This doesn't take a rocket scientist.
If they have no use, why do our police and military have better, more powerful/deadly versions of them?

Do you not see the problem with a serious imbalance in power? Who is this government representing?

It does not surprise me that you think the way you do. Once a commie always a commie, I suppose.


There is no "serious imbalance of power" given that the police and the military have, up until this point, been authorized by We The People to have them to protect us, so long as we have faith in their individual integrity and patriotism.

Now problems have arisen as to whom this government is representing. The orange whore and pigpence and the rest of the republicans are not representing the rest of us. Should we all get this weaponry now and form militias to protect our communities from them?

Your reference to me as being a "commie" shows how ignorant you are as to what the term means and as to who I am and what my thoughts are regarding how the economy should be run. Given that, I can't think of you as an American of good character.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.
The most promising option is a national permit-to-purchase, or PTP, policy requiring people to obtain a permit, contingent on passing a background check, before buying a firearm.

a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
did you not watch the video of the lady who co-sponsored a bill on mag capacity and has zero idea how they work?

you need a big cup of shut the fuck up this morning.

She knows enough about the results, mass murder in an instant, and that these weapons have no peaceful use in U.S. society, or in any society for that matter. This doesn't take a rocket scientist.
If they have no use, why do our police and military have better, more powerful/deadly versions of them?

Do you not see the problem with a serious imbalance in power? Who is this government representing?

It does not surprise me that you think the way you do. Once a commie always a commie, I suppose.


There is no "serious imbalance of power" given that the police and the military have, up until this point, been authorized by We The People to have them to protect us, so long as we have faith in their individual integrity and patriotism.

Now problems have arisen as to whom this government is representing. The orange whore and pigpence and the rest of the republicans are not representing the rest of us. Should we all get this weaponry now and form militias to protect our communities from them?

Your reference to me as being a "commie" shows how ignorant you are as to what the term means and as to who I am and what my thoughts are regarding how the economy should be run. Given that, I can't think of you as an American of good character.
this the same police that will stand down and let anti-fa attack people? this the protection you're advocating?

as for "commie" references - shit dude. the left will name call you to DEATH if they disagree with you. most "extreme" people will. funny you're bitching about name calling while doing the "orange whore pigpence" shit.
Now problems have arisen as to whom this government is representing. The orange whore and pigpence and the rest of the republicans are not representing the rest of us. Should we all get this weaponry now and form militias to protect our communities from them?
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Yes, you should!!!

Were you expecting a different response?

The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.

You can fix gun violence by banning guns.

Gun violence is small price to pay for being tyranny proof. Maybe democrats even have a point that younger people should not have as easy access to guns, since this is not really necessary to defend against tyranny. Of course, democrats are tyrants and want to ban guns exactly for that reason, they do not care about gun violence one bit.

It would be a good deal between the parties to increase the voting age and gun buying age to 25 in my opinion. Democrats would never agree to it, precisely because they don't give a shit about gun violence.
Dems to push bill raising minimum age to buy assault-style weapons
from your article:

"The bipartisan bill, expected to be introduced by Rep. Anthony Brown (D-Md.) Wednesday, would prohibit anyone younger than 21 from buying semi-automatic rifles"

so someone 20 years old. old enough to be in the military, can't buy a .22 rifle?

this is stupid and pushing things too far. this is why you have militia grouping up. what this bill is trying to do is make ANY semi-automatic gun now classified as an "Assault Rifle" and that isn't how this works.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.

You can fix gun violence by banning guns.

Gun violence is small price to pay for being tyranny proof. Maybe democrats even have a point that younger people should not have as easy access to guns, since this is not really necessary to defend against tyranny. Of course, democrats are tyrants and want to ban guns exactly for that reason, they do not care about gun violence one bit.

It would be a good deal between the parties to increase the voting age and gun buying age to 25 in my opinion. Democrats would never agree to it, precisely because they don't give a shit about gun violence.
Dems to push bill raising minimum age to buy assault-style weapons

I'd like a bill attached raising voting age to 30, and restricted to those not receiving government benefits, Social Security and Veteran's benefits excepted. After all, we were forced into that deal.
And how many of these Trump hating douche bag hoes all said " they aren't taking the guns" . lmfao If these assholes think they are taking our guns like other European countries if they think more FALSE FLAG GUN KILLING bs is going to make us give up our 2nd amendment these bitches have another thing coming gawd these ppl are lunatic morons.
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The comments are the most interesting part. I believe Northam and friends truly do not realize what they will awaken.

Dems deliver how-to lesson in 'quid pro quo' ... on guns - WND
I'm a supporter of gun control AND civil liberty. I think a compromise is very possible, here's what I'd propose:
  1. The sanctuary counties can enact whatever rules they want, inside the borders of that county.
  2. The sanctuary counties will NOT interfere with or undermine other Virginia counties' gun control measures.
In practice the sanctuary counties can have open carry, no registration, bump stocks, etc., within their counties even if they violate state rules. They'd have to comply with state gun sales regulations for non-county citizens. Any county gun owner must comply with all state and local county regulations when they take their firearms out of their sanctuary counties. Any county gun owner who moves from their sanctuary counties to another VA county must bring their firearms into compliance with their new county rule.

In summary, you can do what you want in your county so long as you do what I want in my county.
No. The 2nd amendment is clear. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Now problems have arisen as to whom this government is representing. The orange whore and pigpence and the rest of the republicans are not representing the rest of us. Should we all get this weaponry now and form militias to protect our communities from them?
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Yes, you should!!!

Were you expecting a different response?


Those of us who are decent, ethical, patriotic, non-violent Americans do not want to go this route. I don't know how to proceed against these filthy thugs who have no regard for anything.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.
The most promising option is a national permit-to-purchase, or PTP, policy requiring people to obtain a permit, contingent on passing a background check, before buying a firearm. In their recent review of dozens of scientific studies analyzing gun laws, Daniel W. Webster of Johns Hopkins University and Garen J. Wintemute of the University of California at Davis, concluded: “The type of firearm policy most consistently associated with curtailing the diversion of guns to criminals and for which some evidence indicates protective effects against gun violence is PTP for handguns.”

In Missouri, the 2007 repeal of a PTP law was associated with a 14 percent increase in the murder rate and an increase of 16 percent in the firearm-related suicide rate. Studies that examined Connecticut’s 1995 PTP law found that it was associated with a 40 percent reduction in the state’s firearm homicide rate and a 15 percent reduction in firearm suicides. Further, no “substitution effect” was observed in either Missouri or Connecticut, meaning criminals didn’t switch to other weapons when they failed to obtain firearms.

Then we should make everyone pay for training and a permit for every right enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

Want cops to obtain a search warrant? GEt a permit for your 4th amendment rights

Want to vote? Take a class and get a permit.
So I'll put you in the column of 'not interested in reducing gun violence'. I guess not *all* want to end gun violence.

I'm pretty sure fewer than 40,000 people a year die from voting.
Now problems have arisen as to whom this government is representing. The orange whore and pigpence and the rest of the republicans are not representing the rest of us. Should we all get this weaponry now and form militias to protect our communities from them?
ABSOLUTELY!!!! Yes, you should!!!

Were you expecting a different response?


Those of us who are decent, ethical, patriotic, non-violent Americans do not want to go this route. I don't know how to proceed against these filthy thugs who have no regard for anything.
well since you have no regard for their rights, this is what they do. in effect, you're being the very person you hate.

that would explain quite a bit actually.

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