Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.

Uh yeah they are

It's been standing room only at county venues
it's going to be difficult to ignore the trolls but this is certainly something to watch closely. PUSH meets SHOVE around gun control vs. gun rights. i have to side with the gun owners on this one 100%. the law is way too vague and can make you a criminal if you even own a gun that can accept a large capacity mag, even if you don't own one.

many bolt action rifles will accept a 10 round mag also, how would this fit into their equation?

people who simply do not understand guns are trying to tell gun owners how it is and what laws need to be in place and time and time again all they do is show their ignorance over the very topic they're trying to control.

the person who is the co-sponsor if the high capacity mag ban doesn't even know they're NOT disposable. 3 minute mark she says once used, they're done. people who do not understand guns or how they work have zero business trying to legislate them.

The leadership of the democrat party...that's one group......the various anti-gun groups, they all want to ban all guns from private say otherwise is to lie or not have a clue....
I guess I don't have a clue. Which anti-gun groups want to ban all guns from private citizens?

The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
The common thing within fascism- it’s always starting with we need to grab their guns.
Americans having to build sanctuary cities for Americans in America.

Now that is bullshit. This is what happens when you let people lie to you that your country is a country of immigrants.

The Virginia situation is 100% down to immigrants who vote against American values.
99.999% at most. I was born here and so were my parents. However, I like to think I vote FOR American values.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
The comments are the most interesting part. I believe Northam and friends truly do not realize what they will awaken.

Dems deliver how-to lesson in 'quid pro quo' ... on guns - WND
I'm a supporter of gun control AND civil liberty. I think a compromise is very possible, here's what I'd propose:
  1. The sanctuary counties can enact whatever rules they want, inside the borders of that county.
  2. The sanctuary counties will NOT interfere with or undermine other Virginia counties' gun control measures.
In practice the sanctuary counties can have open carry, no registration, bump stocks, etc., within their counties even if they violate state rules. They'd have to comply with state gun sales regulations for non-county citizens. Any county gun owner must comply with all state and local county regulations when they take their firearms out of their sanctuary counties. Any county gun owner who moves from their sanctuary counties to another VA county must bring their firearms into compliance with their new county rule.

In summary, you can do what you want in your county so long as you do what I want in my county.
the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise. they've demonized guns and their owners for so long they likely feel their way or the highway. writing bills that simply more or less ban semi-automatic guns period isn't going to fly.

but it does fall in line with almost every single gun debate i've been involved in with people who don't understand guns.

can you define why
all semi-automatic guns fire as fast as you can pull the trigger
no. you need the feds up your hineyhole to get a license for that and you can't buy those in the store like you can an AR15 or other rifles
and? a VW can look like a Porsche but it ain't

now let me ask you - what makes the AR different from a .22 rifle, outside the size of the bullet?

when they finally realize they can't name a single trait of the AR15 that isn't shared with many other guns and there simply isn't a good way to differentiate the AR by law other than to just start banning them by name cause you hate them, they *do* to a T resort to simply banning semi-automatic rifles cause they all fire fast.

then their head explode as i play a video of a man shooting a 6 shooter revolver, 12 rounds in like 3 seconds.

so they don't want a compromise. they want them gone as if that will fix our violence issues.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

They are lying.....

Fact vs. fiction on background checks and the gun control debate

Furthermore, there is no real scientific evidence among criminologists and economists that background checks actually reduce crime. In fact, a 2004 National Academy of Sciences panel concluded that the Brady background checks didn't reduce any type of violent crime. Nor have other later studies found a beneficial effect.

The number of criminals stopped by the checks is also quite small. In 2010, there were over 76,000 initial denials, but only 44 of those were deemed worthy for prosecution and only 13 individuals were convicted. Even those 13 cases don’t tend to be the “dangerous” criminals Obama claims are being stopped.
You and Fox are entitled to your opinions.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
Bullshit. Like “stay out of our bedrooms” never became letting old men into bathrooms with little girls in just a few short years.

There has NEVER been any Leftard who has drawn a line on gun grabbing.

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
did you not watch the video of the lady who co-sponsored a bill on mag capacity and has zero idea how they work?

you need a big cup of shut the fuck up this morning.
Americans having to build sanctuary cities for Americans in America.

Now that is bullshit. This is what happens when you let people lie to you that your country is a country of immigrants.

The Virginia situation is 100% down to immigrants who vote against American values.
99.999% at most. I was born here and so were my parents. However, I like to think I vote FOR American values.
If you vote to diminish the individual right to arms, you hate-fuck American values.

And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
Let me know when your ATM’s spit out some food, fuel, electricity etc.
Most of the blue areas are major ports
Not difficult to bring in supplies
The comments are the most interesting part. I believe Northam and friends truly do not realize what they will awaken.

Dems deliver how-to lesson in 'quid pro quo' ... on guns - WND
I'm a supporter of gun control AND civil liberty. I think a compromise is very possible, here's what I'd propose:
  1. The sanctuary counties can enact whatever rules they want, inside the borders of that county.
  2. The sanctuary counties will NOT interfere with or undermine other Virginia counties' gun control measures.
In practice the sanctuary counties can have open carry, no registration, bump stocks, etc., within their counties even if they violate state rules. They'd have to comply with state gun sales regulations for non-county citizens. Any county gun owner must comply with all state and local county regulations when they take their firearms out of their sanctuary counties. Any county gun owner who moves from their sanctuary counties to another VA county must bring their firearms into compliance with their new county rule.

In summary, you can do what you want in your county so long as you do what I want in my county.
the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise. they've demonized guns and their owners for so long they likely feel their way or the highway. writing bills that simply more or less ban semi-automatic guns period isn't going to fly.

but it does fall in line with almost every single gun debate i've been involved in with people who don't understand guns.

can you define why
all semi-automatic guns fire as fast as you can pull the trigger
no. you need the feds up your hineyhole to get a license for that and you can't buy those in the store like you can an AR15 or other rifles
and? a VW can look like a Porsche but it ain't

now let me ask you - what makes the AR different from a .22 rifle, outside the size of the bullet?

when they finally realize they can't name a single trait of the AR15 that isn't shared with many other guns and there simply isn't a good way to differentiate the AR by law other than to just start banning them by name cause you hate them, they *do* to a T resort to simply banning semi-automatic rifles cause they all fire fast.

then their head explode as i play a video of a man shooting a 6 shooter revolver, 12 rounds in like 3 seconds.

so they don't want a compromise. they want them gone as if that will fix our violence issues.
re: "the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise"

Well I don't see the other side wanting a compromise: Dickey Amendment
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
If they want to ban ANY guns, they really want to ban them all. That is the logical end result. Why? Because, guns are not the fucking problem. Those people are either naïve or dishonest or both. It's likely both.

Last edited:

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
did you not watch the video of the lady who co-sponsored a bill on mag capacity and has zero idea how they work?

you need a big cup of shut the fuck up this morning.

What is so hard?
50 bullets go in.....50 bullets come out

Do you actually think that the entire population of these "sanctuary counties" supports these gangs? The people forming these gangs are not in any position to interpret the Constitution. I doubt that any of these people could stand up and make a serious constitutional argument.

If I've got a question about the Constitution, should I flag down the nearest patrol car and ask the officer in it? Or perhaps go to a local school and find a teacher?

When the Virginia House and Senate have had republican majorities, were we not expected to obey their laws? If gillespie and his republican thugs had won, would you have expected us to obey them?

I guess you think that those in republican controlled states need not acknowledge and obey anything the legislature says. All of us, of whatever demographic group, will bear that in mind.
a lot of words salad to say you think nobody understands the Constitution other than lawmakers. who actually do not understand the Constitution

You don't understand what it takes to make a legal argument based on precedent, do you? Try writing a brief, with footnotes. From your comment, I take it that you think that lawmakers in republican-controlled states don't understand the Constitution. I probably would agree with you there. Lawyers, rather than lawmakers, study to understand the Constitution. If I want an answer to a question about the Constitution, I'll turn to an expert, somebody like Laurence Tribe.

Same goes for other issues. For example, if I need an answer to a medical question, I'll go to the organizations of medical professions. If I need an answer to a question about structural engineering, I'll turn to societies of professional engineers.

You seem to want a society that is operated by some beer-drinkers sitting in the back of Charlie's garage somewhere who have no background in anything.
did you not watch the video of the lady who co-sponsored a bill on mag capacity and has zero idea how they work?

you need a big cup of shut the fuck up this morning.

What is so hard?
50 bullets go in.....50 bullets come out
you may want to watch the video before exercising your god given right to be a dumbass.

she said once they mag has been emptied, it gets thrown away. she had ZERO idea they are reusable.

god damn you're just a tit-less troll.
The democrat party. Everytown for gun safety. Mom's Demand Action. The Violence Policy Center......Gifford's group....
Except not one of those groups want to ban all guns from private citizens. They all want to end gun violence and advocate for common sense gun laws. Are you in favor of gun violence and against common sense?
we *all* want to end gun violence but like you're not going to fix drunk driving by banning cars, you won't cure violence by banning guns.

now - why don't you prop up some "common sense" gun laws and show me YOUR version of it? that would at least give us a baseline.

You can fix gun violence by banning guns.

Gun violence is small price to pay for being tyranny proof. Maybe democrats even have a point that younger people should not have as easy access to guns, since this is not really necessary to defend against tyranny. Of course, democrats are tyrants and want to ban guns exactly for that reason, they do not care about gun violence one bit.

It would be a good deal between the parties to increase the voting age and gun buying age to 25 in my opinion. Democrats would never agree to it, precisely because they don't give a shit about gun violence.
The comments are the most interesting part. I believe Northam and friends truly do not realize what they will awaken.

Dems deliver how-to lesson in 'quid pro quo' ... on guns - WND
I'm a supporter of gun control AND civil liberty. I think a compromise is very possible, here's what I'd propose:
  1. The sanctuary counties can enact whatever rules they want, inside the borders of that county.
  2. The sanctuary counties will NOT interfere with or undermine other Virginia counties' gun control measures.
In practice the sanctuary counties can have open carry, no registration, bump stocks, etc., within their counties even if they violate state rules. They'd have to comply with state gun sales regulations for non-county citizens. Any county gun owner must comply with all state and local county regulations when they take their firearms out of their sanctuary counties. Any county gun owner who moves from their sanctuary counties to another VA county must bring their firearms into compliance with their new county rule.

In summary, you can do what you want in your county so long as you do what I want in my county.
the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise. they've demonized guns and their owners for so long they likely feel their way or the highway. writing bills that simply more or less ban semi-automatic guns period isn't going to fly.

but it does fall in line with almost every single gun debate i've been involved in with people who don't understand guns.

can you define why
all semi-automatic guns fire as fast as you can pull the trigger
no. you need the feds up your hineyhole to get a license for that and you can't buy those in the store like you can an AR15 or other rifles
and? a VW can look like a Porsche but it ain't

now let me ask you - what makes the AR different from a .22 rifle, outside the size of the bullet?

when they finally realize they can't name a single trait of the AR15 that isn't shared with many other guns and there simply isn't a good way to differentiate the AR by law other than to just start banning them by name cause you hate them, they *do* to a T resort to simply banning semi-automatic rifles cause they all fire fast.

then their head explode as i play a video of a man shooting a 6 shooter revolver, 12 rounds in like 3 seconds.

so they don't want a compromise. they want them gone as if that will fix our violence issues.
And, what you described is why I think we are dealing with idiots or liars.

The comments are the most interesting part. I believe Northam and friends truly do not realize what they will awaken.

Dems deliver how-to lesson in 'quid pro quo' ... on guns - WND
I'm a supporter of gun control AND civil liberty. I think a compromise is very possible, here's what I'd propose:
  1. The sanctuary counties can enact whatever rules they want, inside the borders of that county.
  2. The sanctuary counties will NOT interfere with or undermine other Virginia counties' gun control measures.
In practice the sanctuary counties can have open carry, no registration, bump stocks, etc., within their counties even if they violate state rules. They'd have to comply with state gun sales regulations for non-county citizens. Any county gun owner must comply with all state and local county regulations when they take their firearms out of their sanctuary counties. Any county gun owner who moves from their sanctuary counties to another VA county must bring their firearms into compliance with their new county rule.

In summary, you can do what you want in your county so long as you do what I want in my county.
the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise. they've demonized guns and their owners for so long they likely feel their way or the highway. writing bills that simply more or less ban semi-automatic guns period isn't going to fly.

but it does fall in line with almost every single gun debate i've been involved in with people who don't understand guns.

can you define why
all semi-automatic guns fire as fast as you can pull the trigger
no. you need the feds up your hineyhole to get a license for that and you can't buy those in the store like you can an AR15 or other rifles
and? a VW can look like a Porsche but it ain't

now let me ask you - what makes the AR different from a .22 rifle, outside the size of the bullet?

when they finally realize they can't name a single trait of the AR15 that isn't shared with many other guns and there simply isn't a good way to differentiate the AR by law other than to just start banning them by name cause you hate them, they *do* to a T resort to simply banning semi-automatic rifles cause they all fire fast.

then their head explode as i play a video of a man shooting a 6 shooter revolver, 12 rounds in like 3 seconds.

so they don't want a compromise. they want them gone as if that will fix our violence issues.
re: "the problem is i don't see the left *wanting* a compromise"

Well I don't see the other side wanting a compromise: Dickey Amendment
because they've dealt with the left long enough to know if they give an inch they will take a mile. they've long since said that the left is coming after ALL guns and normally the left has said NO - NO WE ARE NOT.

now they are and the "fear" has been proven.

dickey that, son.

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