Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.


This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.

No, no. There is no such thing as unjust laws. Fugitive slaves were criminals.


This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.


Was that you with the sign?

This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.


Was that you with the sign?
We accept your surrender.



This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.


Was that you with the sign?
There ya go skippy... when you start LOSING the debate, find a picture because you've got NOTHING ELSE.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?

The Second Amendment is the law. As part of the Constitution, which is this nation's highest law, it takes precedence over all lesser laws.

It is those who are attempting to enact and enforce lesser laws which violate the Second Amendment who are not law-abiding.

This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
If the radical leftist try and subvert our CONSTITUTION, get that, MORON, our CONSTITUTION, then it's time for LAW ABIDING CITIZENS to TAKE UP ARMS.


Was that you with the sign?
We accept your surrender.



I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to surrender.
And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work

"He who has the guns, will get the gold"

"He who has the guns, makes the rules"

Words to live by.
And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work

"He who has the guns, will get the gold"

"He who has the guns, makes the rules"

Words to live by.
Here's something to think about imagine lawmakers going up against gun owners most viciously the way they're doing right now. Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population
And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
that may happen but those ri=ch people will find their homes burned to the ground when it does lol
And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
No ones does without electricity...
And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
No ones does without electricity...
That's why you keep large amounts of cash on hand
If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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