Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
Ya can't eat MONEY, bubble head. People don't survive and fight wars on PLASTIC, and if you haven't noticed, they DON'T GROW FOOD IN CITIES.
...What? People fight and survive on money, that's like the main point of money. People haven't used bartering for stuff in the United States as their main source of food or other things for a long time. Governments use money to buy everything Soldiers use to survive...
When was the last time you ate MONEY to survive?

I can GROW food, I can't GROW money.

You live in a concrete jungle, you're FUCKED, period, and all the money in the world won't save you.
Except you can grow food in a city, buildings can be made that can have food grown in them...or on top of them. Anyway, I use money to survive everyday, I bet you do too. Maybe you're some rustic survivalist...but if not you only use money to survive, you don't raise your own live stock, or grow your food. Maybe you hunt sometimes, but not for everything you eat.

So chill out, of course you use money to survive, Farmers do too.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

But money is only good for what it can buy. Who would you rather be? The guy with the useless in-eatable paper or the guy with the stuff the other guy wants to buy?

You can't eat money.

But money isn't useless, every farmer wants money...they'd probably much rather have their crops worth in money then the actual crop. Its literally why they grow the stuff, to sell, not to keep and eat for themselves. There's a reason why money is more useful then bartering, it's more versatile, it's easier to carry, etc. Unless the entire world economy crashes in a doomsday like is here to stay.
Looks to me like a lot of Virginia is red...

The people in blue control all the banks and most of the money

Red areas will wake up with all their financial records erased

Damn Ma! This dang ATM card won’t work
Ya can't eat MONEY, bubble head. People don't survive and fight wars on PLASTIC, and if you haven't noticed, they DON'T GROW FOOD IN CITIES.
...What? People fight and survive on money, that's like the main point of money. People haven't used bartering for stuff in the United States as their main source of food or other things for a long time. Governments use money to buy everything Soldiers use to survive...
When was the last time you ate MONEY to survive?

I can GROW food, I can't GROW money.

You live in a concrete jungle, you're FUCKED, period, and all the money in the world won't save you.
Except you can grow food in a city, buildings can be made that can have food grown in them...or on top of them. Anyway, I use money to survive everyday, I bet you do too. Maybe you're some rustic survivalist...but if not you only use money to survive, you don't raise your own live stock, or grow your food. Maybe you hunt sometimes, but not for everything you eat.

So chill out, of course you use money to survive, Farmers do too.
'Bout time. We've been needing to purge the commies for decades. This time it needs to be a ruthless blood lust. No mercy!

But money is only good for what it can buy. Who would you rather be? The guy with the useless in-eatable paper or the guy with the stuff the other guy wants to buy?

You can't eat money.

But money isn't useless, every farmer wants money...they'd probably much rather have their crops worth in money then the actual crop. Its literally why they grow the stuff, to sell, not to keep and eat for themselves. There's a reason why money is more useful then bartering, it's more versatile, it's easier to carry, etc. Unless the entire world economy crashes in a doomsday like is here to stay.
Grow enough food on BUILDING ROOFS to feed MILLIONS OF PEOPLE...

Why do you think armies PILLAGE in a time of WAR? They do it for FOOD. But if city slickers during a civil war think that's what they're going to do in a second civil war, the FEW that are actually able to get OUT of a city are going to be shot like FISH IN A BARREL by all those DEPLORABLES they so HATE. They won't stand a chance in HELL. It would be a SLAUGHTER, and no, they won't be able to grow enough food on a ROOF to feed people... :lol: ... get real... :lol:
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.
What did I say, you IGNORANT lifeless CUCK... I SAID... YOU'D START IT, AND WE'D FINISH IT.

And it wouldn't be a war with the UNITED STATES, it would be a war with YOU worthless pieces of rat shit that you started, with US.

And I won't be the PUSSY SHITTING MYSELF, YOU WILL, ya little gob smacked pussy.
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.
What did I say, you IGNORANT lifeless CUCK... I SAID... YOU'D START IT, AND WE'D FINISH IT.

And it wouldn't be a war with the UNITED STATES, it would be a war with YOU worthless pieces of rat started, with US.

And I won't be the PUSSY SHITTING MYSELF, YOU WILL, ya little gob smacked pussy.

Come a little closer sonny, and I'll piss on your leg.
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.

few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive,

How are 'backwoods bozos' doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc?

This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.
What did I say, you IGNORANT lifeless CUCK... I SAID... YOU'D START IT, AND WE'D FINISH IT.

And it wouldn't be a war with the UNITED STATES, it would be a war with YOU worthless pieces of rat started, with US.

And I won't be the PUSSY SHITTING MYSELF, YOU WILL, ya little gob smacked pussy.

Come a little closer sonny, and I'll piss on your leg.
Excellent... you've digressed into nothing more than spewing your moronic shit.

Wonderful... idiot.
This is so romantic! I love it when our RW nutbags express their civil war fantasies!
You'd start it, we'd finish it... idiot.

You'll shit, and then fall back in it, dumb ass. If you think a few back woods bozos are going to start a war with the U.S. and survive, you've been watching too many movies, and attending too many KKK meetings.
What did I say, you IGNORANT lifeless CUCK... I SAID... YOU'D START IT, AND WE'D FINISH IT.

And it wouldn't be a war with the UNITED STATES, it would be a war with YOU worthless pieces of rat started, with US.

And I won't be the PUSSY SHITTING MYSELF, YOU WILL, ya little gob smacked pussy.

Come a little closer sonny, and I'll piss on your leg.
What are you, a fucking dog or something? Don't piss on his leg.


This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?

This isn't the verge of civil war. It is the beginning of Balkanization. It will likely go one of two ways. Either it goes down and ends like John Brown in Harpers Ferry or becomes an act of revolt similar to how our nation won its independence in the first place. If the former, heads will roll on both sides. If the latter, then the movement to resist gun laws could spread like wildfire state to state. One outcome ends in a flash of violence and imprisonment while the other ends in a draw; a standoff. Either way, both sides live and die at the pleasure of the Federal Government. That said, I can't see Barr or Trump sending in federal tactical teams to confiscate weapons from law abiding citizens, so this truly could get very interesting.

If the inbred idiots take up arms to oppose our laws, they won;t be law abiding citizens, will they?
Rebellious slaves were criminals?


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