Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
I'm not up for it these days. I can only do about 35 now. A few years ago, I would do 100 before a shower everyday. An old AC joint injury flared up and I have been weak ever since.

How about a 75 mile bicycle race in August in Texas???

to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
I'm not up for it these days. I can only do about 35 now. A few years ago, I would do 100 before a shower everyday. An old AC joint injury flared up and I have been weak ever since.

How about a 75 mile bicycle race in August in Texas???

yes, i accept. LET'S RUMBLE!
to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
I'm not up for it these days. I can only do about 35 now. A few years ago, I would do 100 before a shower everyday. An old AC joint injury flared up and I have been weak ever since.

How about a 75 mile bicycle race in August in Texas???

yes, i accept. LET'S RUMBLE!
DFW, Austin, Houston, SA, Big Bend, or South Padre Island? Pick your venue. I'll pick the course.

And I'll even let you draft behind me. After mile 30, you'll be done.

(BTW, I was on the college team before this guy got there: Chad Haga - Wikipedia)
to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
I'm not up for it these days. I can only do about 35 now. A few years ago, I would do 100 before a shower everyday. An old AC joint injury flared up and I have been weak ever since.

How about a 75 mile bicycle race in August in Texas???

yes, i accept. LET'S RUMBLE!
DFW, Austin, Houston, SA, Big Bend, or South Padre Island? Pick your venue. I'll pick the course.

And I'll even let you draft behind me. After mile 30, you'll be done.

i'll meet you on the battlefield of love. you will answer with your hate.

love will win. love will win, sir.
to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.

see me shake?

i challenge you to a push-up contest, my friend!
I'm not up for it these days. I can only do about 35 now. A few years ago, I would do 100 before a shower everyday. An old AC joint injury flared up and I have been weak ever since.

How about a 75 mile bicycle race in August in Texas???

yes, i accept. LET'S RUMBLE!
DFW, Austin, Houston, SA, Big Bend, or South Padre Island? Pick your venue. I'll pick the course.

And I'll even let you draft behind me. After mile 30, you'll be done.

i also challenge you to a game of hungry hungry hippoes. my hippo will ravenously devour all the marbles in the hippo pit, while your sorry hippo snaps impotently at the vacant aisle!
Don't forget when they start talking about the penis....they usually start that too....

There's a quote of unknown providence, often incorrectly attributed to Freud, that states that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual maturity. It is not at all uncommon for hoplophobic leftists to demonstrate the truth of this quote, by turning the debate over the right to keep and bear arms into projections of their own perceived sexual inadequacies at those who defend this right.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.


That plays into some of the nonsense from alang1216, where he raises the specter of crazies walking the streets carrying weapons that are not practical to carry or use in such a manner.

Generally, belt-fed firearms are not practical to simply carry and use while walking the street, and usually require at least two people to operate very well. You need one person to make sure the belt feeds properly, while the other person is actually firing the weapon.
Even unalienable rights are subject to limitations. We have freedom of speech but we also have libel and slander laws.

Note that laws regarding libel, slander, fraud, and other such abuses of free speech only come into play when one uses one right to violate the rights of others.

There is no comparable principle to justify the way that the Second Amendment is being attacked. One person being in possession of a weapon does not, in any way, violate anyone else's rights. Now, if someone abuses that weapon, in a way that unjustifiably harms or threatens another, then that's another matter, but such conduct is already rightfully illegal.
In my county you are not allowed to carry a weapon unless you have a permit. To get a permit you have to have the proper training to know how and when to use it. Seems like a reasonable ask to me. Likewise criminals are not allowed to possess guns. Also reasonable. When I walk the dog I don't want to be thinking is that person standing on the corner an ex-con or a loon with a gun.
What you fail to understand is ex cons or loons don't care if the gun they are carrying is legal or not. Typical left mistake.
Keep pushing and we'll all be carrying belt-fed machine guns on the streets in 10 years.

Leave well enough alone or lose it all.


That plays into some of the nonsense from alang1216, where he raises the specter of crazies walking the streets carrying weapons that are not practical to carry or use in such a manner.

Generally, belt-fed firearms are not practical to simply carry and use while walking the street, and usually require at least two people to operate very well. You need one person to make sure the belt feeds properly, while the other person is actually firing the weapon.
Well....yeah. I was threatening to be an asshole, not actually use a machine gun on American streets.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good

Non-answers are the enemy of debate.
It was a very succinct way of saying I don't know and I don't care. It has played it's role of preventing criminals from purchasing them legally and that is enough. It hasn't solved global warming either. So?

Enough of what? They still get guns.
Ahhh... You want one simple solution to a host of complex issues. I'll have to get back to you.
You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good

Non-answers are the enemy of debate.
It was a very succinct way of saying I don't know and I don't care. It has played it's role of preventing criminals from purchasing them legally and that is enough. It hasn't solved global warming either. So?

Enough of what? They still get guns.
Ahhh... You want one simple solution to a host of complex issues. I'll have to get back to you.

Very simple. Off the bad guys, lock up the crazies.
Americans having to build sanctuary cities for Americans in America.

Now that is bullshit. This is what happens when you let people lie to you that your country is a country of immigrants.

The Virginia situation is 100% down to immigrants who vote against American values.
This could either get incredibly comical or insanely violent in a matter of minutes.


And so it starts... where did the first Civil War start? Not far away... looks like we're going to have to have another go at it sooner than later.

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