Virginia - This Is Only The Beginning

There are extremists on both sides, I'm not one of them. If you can pass a background check that verifies you don't have a criminal mental health history, and you've been through some training in the safe use of your weapons, I can't imagine any law I'd support that would take away your guns.

I know of a cop who was very well trained in gun safety. He was a decorated cop (received recognition and awards.) He no doubt passed at least one "background" check and who knows what other kinds of psychological exams. . .

We was married to an extremely good looking, smart, LOVED police officer, friend of my whole family.

They divorced.

She was scared of him.

She got a restraining order.

He broke into her house, shot her in the head and then offed himself.

I have no faith or security in your much blathered about "background" checks.
Perfect is the enemy of good

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
There are extremists on both sides, I'm not one of them. If you can pass a background check that verifies you don't have a criminal mental health history, and you've been through some training in the safe use of your weapons, I can't imagine any law I'd support that would take away your guns.

I know of a cop who was very well trained in gun safety. He was a decorated cop (received recognition and awards.) He no doubt passed at least one "background" check and who knows what other kinds of psychological exams. . .

We was married to an extremely good looking, smart, LOVED police officer, friend of my whole family.

They divorced.

She was scared of him.

She got a restraining order.

He broke into her house, shot her in the head and then offed himself.

I have no faith or security in your much blathered about "background" checks.
Perfect is the enemy of good

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Will a background check stop all illegal use of electronic devices....for child porn, identity theft, or it will stop some, so before anyone can buy an Ipad, laptop or cell phone, everyone must go through a complete background check......
No....left wing asshats working in D.C and living in Virginia made it blue....
Don't forget the asshats in norfolk and richmond. Gun rights intransigence made them angry and that made VA blue. What doesn't bend will break. are wrong......the threat...give up some of your Rights or we will take all of them is exactly what you morons do......then, you come back...give up more of your Rights or lose all of them.....rinse and repeat........
Right, that's because we're such a monolithic group. We even have a newsletter and a secret handshake.
No....left wing asshats working in D.C and living in Virginia made it blue....
Don't forget the asshats in norfolk and richmond. Gun rights intransigence made them angry and that made VA blue. What doesn't bend will break. are wrong......the threat...give up some of your Rights or we will take all of them is exactly what you morons do......then, you come back...give up more of your Rights or lose all of them.....rinse and repeat........
Right, that's because we're such a monolithic group. We even have a newsletter and a secret handshake.

The leadership of the democrat party...that's one group......the various anti-gun groups, they all want to ban all guns from private say otherwise is to lie or not have a clue....
No....left wing asshats working in D.C and living in Virginia made it blue....
Don't forget the asshats in norfolk and richmond. Gun rights intransigence made them angry and that made VA blue. What doesn't bend will break.

No, moron.....left wing asshats moving in from D.C. made it blue.......the infection spreads with every left wing moron who moves into a Red state.
You might consider building a wall since there are more Blues than Reds. Prediction: as internet access continues to improve and people can work from home, more and more Blue people will be able to repopulate the Red states.
The leadership of the democrat party...that's one group......the various anti-gun groups, they all want to ban all guns from private say otherwise is to lie or not have a clue....
I guess I don't have a clue. Which anti-gun groups want to ban all guns from private citizens?
There are extremists on both sides, I'm not one of them. If you can pass a background check that verifies you don't have a criminal mental health history, and you've been through some training in the safe use of your weapons, I can't imagine any law I'd support that would take away your guns.

I know of a cop who was very well trained in gun safety. He was a decorated cop (received recognition and awards.) He no doubt passed at least one "background" check and who knows what other kinds of psychological exams. . .

We was married to an extremely good looking, smart, LOVED police officer, friend of my whole family.

They divorced.

She was scared of him.

She got a restraining order.

He broke into her house, shot her in the head and then offed himself.

I have no faith or security in your much blathered about "background" checks.
Perfect is the enemy of good

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Will a background check stop all illegal use of electronic devices....for child porn, identity theft, or it will stop some, so before anyone can buy an Ipad, laptop or cell phone, everyone must go through a complete background check......
dead is forever, all else is temporary
There are extremists on both sides, I'm not one of them. If you can pass a background check that verifies you don't have a criminal mental health history, and you've been through some training in the safe use of your weapons, I can't imagine any law I'd support that would take away your guns.

I know of a cop who was very well trained in gun safety. He was a decorated cop (received recognition and awards.) He no doubt passed at least one "background" check and who knows what other kinds of psychological exams. . .

We was married to an extremely good looking, smart, LOVED police officer, friend of my whole family.

They divorced.

She was scared of him.

She got a restraining order.

He broke into her house, shot her in the head and then offed himself.

I have no faith or security in your much blathered about "background" checks.
Perfect is the enemy of good

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.
No....left wing asshats working in D.C and living in Virginia made it blue....
Don't forget the asshats in norfolk and richmond. Gun rights intransigence made them angry and that made VA blue. What doesn't bend will break. are wrong......the threat...give up some of your Rights or we will take all of them is exactly what you morons do......then, you come back...give up more of your Rights or lose all of them.....rinse and repeat........
Right, that's because we're such a monolithic group. We even have a newsletter and a secret handshake.

Yeah, I read a Washington Post from time to time.

To your earlier statement, sometimes what doesn't bend snaps back and breaks your face.
I know of a cop who was very well trained in gun safety. He was a decorated cop (received recognition and awards.) He no doubt passed at least one "background" check and who knows what other kinds of psychological exams. . .

We was married to an extremely good looking, smart, LOVED police officer, friend of my whole family.

They divorced.

She was scared of him.

She got a restraining order.

He broke into her house, shot her in the head and then offed himself.

I have no faith or security in your much blathered about "background" checks.
Perfect is the enemy of good

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good
You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good

Non-answers are the enemy of debate.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good

Non-answers are the enemy of debate.
It was a very succinct way of saying I don't know and I don't care. It has played it's role of preventing criminals from purchasing them legally and that is enough. It hasn't solved global warming either. So?
Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good

Non-answers are the enemy of debate.
It was a very succinct way of saying I don't know and I don't care. It has played it's role of preventing criminals from purchasing them legally and that is enough. It hasn't solved global warming either. So?

Enough of what? They still get guns.
In times past Republicans decided that being Black was too dangerous to be allowed to own firearms.

Nowadays the Democrats have decided that Being White and Conservative is too dangerous to be allowed to own firearms.

I don't want other people deciding if I am worthy of being allowed to enjoy individual Constitutional rights.

Just to pick a nit, it was specifically the Ku Klux Klan that pushed for, and got, the first gun control laws, and these laws were specifically targeted at black people. And the Ku Klux Klan was a branch of the Democratic party, not the Republicans. It's always been Democrats targeting the right to keep and bear arms, and specifically trying to deny this right to those that they see as their political enemies.
Yes, but see Reagan.

to my fellow anti-gun brothers and sisters: It’s not often that you can feel a seismic political shift at the very moment it’s happening. 2019 started with bipartisan House passage of background checks, ends with landmark $25m investment in gun violence research. Our movement is winning. And this is just the start.
The unintended consequences would be limited since no other industry is protected in this way.
Of course there are

You can't sue Chevy or the jack daniels Co because some guy drank a lot of whiskey and mowed down your kid with his car

You can't sue the buck knife Co if someone stabs you with one of their knives

You can't sue Louisville slugger Co if someone bashes your head in with a bat
Incorrect. Only the gun industry is protected from lawsuits even if they are guilty of negligence.
It's not negligent on the part of the manufacturer if a person uses their products to commit crimes.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So there was no reason to pass the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act?
You don't understand how tort litigation works. Anyone can file a suit against anyone else. States run by commies can impose unprecedented strict liability on gun manufacturers to make them unpaid insurers for murder victims, overturning centuries of tort jurisprudence and placing undue restraint on the right to own arms without that protection.

It's the assholes who make such an act necessary.

And who advocates murder in gun advertisements?

No one that's who
True enough. However if they sell 1,000 guns a month to a private citizen, that should raise alarms. Just ask the Sackler family.
They could sell 1,000,000 guns to one person willing to pay and it STILL would not make a gun manufacturer liable for the willful misuse of a firearm, just like a car manufacturer should not be liable for the actions of one who intentionally runs over a pedestrian on the sidewalk with malice aforethought.

You are dodging the point.

There is absolutely nothing in a background check or safety training that will keep a criminal mind in check.
Not a bit of it. Will a background check or safety training prevent all tragedies? Nope. Will it prevent some tragedies? Of course. Some is better than none.

Nope......background checks don't stop criminals, criminals can't go to gun safety because they can't own guns.....both target normal gun owners with the intent of increasing the cost, red tape and legal jeopardy of the normal gun owner.....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) states that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has prevented over two million felons and other prohibited persons from purchasing firearms. According to the CSGV, the law also has a prohibitive effect, that deters illegal purchases.

You mean from purchasing them legally.

How precisely has it deterred illegal purchases?
Perfect is the enemy of good
Preemption is the enemy of liberty


I can't call something like that "good" no matter how many lives it does not save.


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