Visa to flag Firearm & Ammo purchases


I should be clear I am not happy about private companies giving up personal info.
I am glad you cleared that up. :)

What private businesses are giving up info that they are not required by law to give?

BTW, the form is from the ATF, not NICS.
It depends on the state....We have what are called ban states that ban "evil features" on common sporting rifles......You know, "the shoulder thing that goes up". ;)

Ah- you are correct. I had a brain fart.
Precautions being taken over the threats of violence and the coming storm that Trump might have to call for?

The sales and purchases of assault style rifles could pinpoint the more likely trouble areas where violence can start.
Buying guns isn't a crime. This will get struck down by the courts.

What are the credit card companies going to do? Report legal activity to law enforcement? I can't wait to see that
What do you call it when the state and industry collaborate to push the state’s agenda?
-It starts with an “F”
-It was popular in Europe from the 1920s to about 1945.

When you come up with the answer, you'll understand why Demcorats are so supportive of this.

This is a 2A work around. It is Unconstitutional.
You're probably right. However there is a simple work-around. Pay cash.
You're probably right. However there is a simple work-around. Pay cash.

This is a popular response but an inadequate solution. Many Americans purchase firearms and firearms parts in particular through online vendors; cash will do us no good there. Further, we firearm owners and prospective new owners should not be forced to dance through special hoops to practice our Second Amendment rights.
Once more they are using the private sector to gain access to deny rights... How much more criminal can you get?

Biden admin told Facebook who to ban. Mark Zuckerberg stated this.

That is a 1A violation.

Biden must be impeached like 20 times. How much bullshit has me pulled?

This is a 2A work around. It is Unconstitutional.

We register cars. What else do we register?
Cult, the CONSTITUTION is not mean to be worked around.

It is meant to be followed.


What you are pulling is total bs and you know it.
You're probably right. However there is a simple work-around. Pay cash.

Nope, not with digital currency.

Thats coming.

The government wants to track everything you do and take away your rights if you say something wrong.

What if the government sees and email you wrote to your friend that says a man cannot give birth….then the governmwnt freezes you finances.

Very similar what the fascist Trudeau did in Canada by freezing the accounts of the truckers.
There is NO REASON for CC companies to track gun purchases for the government to review.


This is a 2A work around. It is Unconstitutional.

One step closer to the Soviet/Nazi authoritarianism the left has embraced.

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