Visions of Famous People now in Hell

That has abl
Never heard of her (will check google) she's probably a lot more interesting than you posterboy, who just like the people who Jeri claims have seen visions of the famous in hell just suffer from an over active imagination.
While some of us take a lighthearted view of these wild claims seems some of you buffoons actually believe them! :cuckoo:

Hearing voices occurs in every culture and has often been accorded great importance — the gods of Greek myth often spoke to mortals, and the gods of the great monotheistic traditions, too. Voices have been significant in this regard, perhaps more so than visions, for voices, language, can convey an explicit message or command as images alone cannot.

Until the eighteenth century, voices — like visions — were ascribed to supernatural agencies: gods or demons, angels or djinns. No doubt there was sometimes an overlap between such voices and those of psychosis or hysteria,but for the most part, voices were not regarded as pathological; if they stayed inconspicuous and private, they were simply accepted as part of human nature, part of the way it was with some people.

Around the middle of the eighteenth century philosophers and scientists of the Enlightenment came to understand that and hallucinatory visions and voices were having a physiological basis in the over activity of certain centers in the brain and connected to mental illness.

What does this have to do with my thread, Guno? You are off topic again! These people gave their testimonies -ex mafia boss turned from satan now serves the LORD, woman comes out of prosperity preaching church which preaches lies and turns to the LORD realizing holiness gospel is the truth - God gives her visions of people in hell including those famous singer who was a Christian and did not live the life. No one is having delusions here. This is the gospel truth she is giving and it is scripturally based! Listen to the testimonies. You may learn something about Jesus!

You did not watch the full video then which is what I suspected all along. Thanks for confirming this because you are completely mistaken about this. Totally.

You are right Jeri I did not watch the full video, like you her long winded whine prompted my eyes to glaze over. As soon as she made a play for the Houston monies, I switched off, like when you get an e-mail from some wealthy Nigerian prince who claims you are a beneficiary to a huge fortune.
Those type of videos do very little to inspire me, or I bet most none believers, that there is a hell. They do however seem to inspire those who already believe...funny that!
Crikey, just had a vision of special fried rice and a curry sauce...must go get that for my tea!

You must think I do not remember how you showed up on the scene, HP. Now your first post to one of my threads was on the Jesus vs. Satan thread
Jesus vs Satan | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You were denying Christ then and today you are still doing it yet I find it interesting that you claim before you came here you were on some other religion forum writing as Peter the Roman, don't you? What's up with that? Why the big interest in religion when you have openly professed that you do not believe in Jesus or Satan? Isn't that a little odd? How about VERY ODD?! Yes. Why not spend your time on Politics? Sports? Chinese food? Sounds more up your "alley".....
Watch the video, Moonglow. Gracie, why would born again Christians who are having are serious about staying out of sin make up stories about having been given these visions by the LORD? If you saw the video about Whitney Houston you will note the beginning of video gives scripture reference to confirm that the LORD does do this - he does give visions - he does give dreams - that is how the LORD does things to warn tell his servants to warn others that hell is real! To keep us from going there!

I had a vision last night, Jeremiah. You were rowing a steel bottomed boat on a lake of fire. Your passengers were celebs..and some were strangers. You were chained to the boat via it's oars, shaped like bat wings. Tears were streaming down your face but they turned to steam before they reached your chin and you and your passengers butts were frying from the fire lake so the bottom of the boat was like a big fry pan. Why were you in hell, Jeremiah? Gosh. Bummer, eh?

I saw it clear as day. I was looking down a well, located in a beautiful pasture near magnificent trees, flowers all around and my furbabies were playing in the grass near a gorgeous clear stream as a man in white robes tossed them tennis balls. I heard the moans coming from the well and when I looked down...I saw you down there.

Since I saw that and dreamed must be true. Right? RIGHT?
Gracie, this is a thread about people who are warning others about hell and who is there already. The boat I am rowing in is trying to save those who are going in the water once the titanic goes down. Some are wise enough to abandon ship now realizing this nation is in dire trouble and her end is not good! Now it is wisdom to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Here is the testimony of a man who was given a vision of hell for 23 minutes and you will note ( if you ever watch the videos here - start with the one of the Nigerian woman who had vision of hell and Jesus and it lines up with this mans experience as well ) that the woman in the last video who says Jesus warned her that preachers preaching the false prosperity gospel, heaping up millions to themselves in these last days are going to hell and those who support them? They are going to hell too! Definitely watch that video - as I have been saying on USMB all along since day one - without holiness no one will see the LORD. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. He didn't say he'd keep them for you. He said YOU keep them. Here's the next video and this man is very, very well known for his testimony :

What I should say is people in America are like those on the titanic in that the ship is going down and the only lifeboat out there is Jesus. Jesus is the only One who can save the perishing and when this nation goes under I believe it will be 'suddenly' - without warning - something unexpected. It is better to be prepared before the day of disaster strikes rather than after.
I met a street preacher some time ago who gave his life to Christ approx 3 yrs ago. A little longer now as it has been awhile since I last saw him. This young man is newly married with a young child - he has alot of obstacles but he has alot of faith too and his heart is on fire for God. I was astounded as how much this young man knew of the LORD. I have met men who are 20 yrs in the LORD and didn't know more than this young man. God has done a quick work on him and he is preaching day and night - he also preaches online. If a person were to come to Christ right now it would not be a moment too late for the Holy Spirit to quicken them and teach them all they needed to know. Not a moment too late. It is up to the person to say yes to God and it is up to God to do the rest. God is well able to equip any person to preach the gospel. Any who would be willing. What else is there? Do we really want to be like the people in Jeremiahs day? They were getting drunk and partying on the roof tops even as the enemy was coming inside the gate and straight for them. How sad is that? Those people are in hell today! Let's not make it a point to join them! Amen? Amen!
In this series I am posting videos of people who have had visions of famous people now in hell. It was perhaps a month ago - maybe less I was listening to an old camp meeting video made many years ago. A famous evangelist was speaking about a man he had known - a man who was living wrong - living in sin with women and would not come out of that sin - this famous evangelist pleaded with him - you must come back to the LORD - the man said he could not help himself - he was not returning to the LORD - the man was in some sort of accident - perhaps it was a car accident - I cannot recall - he died. His mother contacted this famous evangelist and said I have been having dreams of my son in hell. I see his face, I see him in hell. The evangelist said in his sermon to the people that he realized that the woman was truly having visions of her son in hell - he knew this was real.

For the sake of discussion, let's assume that these were not the result of a lifetime of social conditioning. Even if their visions were genuine, how can you be sure it wasn't Muslim Hell (which of course is where they believe that those who call Jesus a deity go)?
hitler in hell...

Gracie, this is a thread about people who are warning others about hell and who is there already. The boat I am rowing in is trying to save those who are going in the water once the titanic goes down. Some are wise enough to abandon ship now realizing this nation is in dire trouble and her end is not good! Now it is wisdom to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Here is the testimony of a man who was given a vision of hell for 23 minutes and you will note ( if you ever watch the videos here - start with the one of the Nigerian woman who had vision of hell and Jesus and it lines up with this mans experience as well ) that the woman in the last video who says Jesus warned her that preachers preaching the false prosperity gospel, heaping up millions to themselves in these last days are going to hell and those who support them? They are going to hell too! Definitely watch that video - as I have been saying on USMB all along since day one - without holiness no one will see the LORD. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. He didn't say he'd keep them for you. He said YOU keep them. Here's the next video and this man is very, very well known for his testimony :

Neuroscientists have now traced such hallucinations to malfunctions of the brain. In a 1995 study, researchers led by Drs. David Silbersweig and Emily Stern of Cornell Medical School teamed with colleagues in London to scan the brains of schizophrenics in the throes of hallucinations. As soon as an imagined voice spoke, or a vision appeared, a patient pressed a button. That told the scientists when to scrutinize the scans for abnormal activity. They found plenty. When one patient reported seeing dripping colors and severed heads and visions of a hell, for instance, the parts of the sensory cortex that process movement, color and objects became active. Still, the complex visions depicted in "Beautiful Mind" are not typical. "The visual hallucinations are usually fragmentary," says Dr. Richard Wyatt, chief of neuropsychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health, "not the elaborate things in the movie. They're an outline, or a figure without features."

When patients hear voices, the auditory cortex as well as the language-processing areas became active. "These regions process complex auditory, linguistic information, not just beeps or buzzes," says Silbersweig. The voices the patients heard were therefore as real to them as the conversations in the hallways they passed through en route to the lab.

Deep within the brain during hallucinations, structures involved in memory (the little sea-horse-shaped hippocampus), in emotions (the amygdala) and in consciousness (the thalamus) all flick on like streetlights at dusk. That suggests why hallucinations are packed with rare emotional power--the power to make Chris Coles ashamed enough to venture to a deserted beach at night, the power to make Eric Williamson so terrified he ate only canned food. Sensory signals are conveyed deep into the brain, where they link up with memories and emotions. The neuronal traffic might go the other way, too, with activity in the emotional and memory regions triggering voices and visions.
Gracie, this is a thread about people who are warning others about hell and who is there already. The boat I am rowing in is trying to save those who are going in the water once the titanic goes down. Some are wise enough to abandon ship now realizing this nation is in dire trouble and her end is not good! Now it is wisdom to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Here is the testimony of a man who was given a vision of hell for 23 minutes and you will note ( if you ever watch the videos here - start with the one of the Nigerian woman who had vision of hell and Jesus and it lines up with this mans experience as well ) that the woman in the last video who says Jesus warned her that preachers preaching the false prosperity gospel, heaping up millions to themselves in these last days are going to hell and those who support them? They are going to hell too! Definitely watch that video - as I have been saying on USMB all along since day one - without holiness no one will see the LORD. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. He didn't say he'd keep them for you. He said YOU keep them. Here's the next video and this man is very, very well known for his testimony :

Neuroscientists have now traced such hallucinations to malfunctions of the brain. In a 1995 study, researchers led by Drs. David Silbersweig and Emily Stern of Cornell Medical School teamed with colleagues in London to scan the brains of schizophrenics in the throes of hallucinations. As soon as an imagined voice spoke, or a vision appeared, a patient pressed a button. That told the scientists when to scrutinize the scans for abnormal activity. They found plenty. When one patient reported seeing dripping colors and severed heads and visions of a hell, for instance, the parts of the sensory cortex that process movement, color and objects became active. Still, the complex visions depicted in "Beautiful Mind" are not typical. "The visual hallucinations are usually fragmentary," says Dr. Richard Wyatt, chief of neuropsychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health, "not the elaborate things in the movie. They're an outline, or a figure without features."

When patients hear voices, the auditory cortex as well as the language-processing areas became active. "These regions process complex auditory, linguistic information, not just beeps or buzzes," says Silbersweig. The voices the patients heard were therefore as real to them as the conversations in the hallways they passed through en route to the lab.

Deep within the brain during hallucinations, structures involved in memory (the little sea-horse-shaped hippocampus), in emotions (the amygdala) and in consciousness (the thalamus) all flick on like streetlights at dusk. That suggests why hallucinations are packed with rare emotional power--the power to make Chris Coles ashamed enough to venture to a deserted beach at night, the power to make Eric Williamson so terrified he ate only canned food. Sensory signals are conveyed deep into the brain, where they link up with memories and emotions. The neuronal traffic might go the other way, too, with activity in the emotional and memory regions triggering voices and visions.

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is of particular interest to psychologists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes; religious experiences often involve auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and those with schizophrenia commonly report similar hallucinations, along with a variety of delusions and faulty beliefs. A common report from those with schizophrenia is some type of a religious delusion - God is talking to them, they are possessed by demons, the see hell etc. In a study of patients with schizophrenia that had been previously admitted to a hospital, 24% had religious delusions.] This has led some researchers to question whether schizophrenia leads an individual to become more religious, or if intense religiosity leads to schizophrenia
Gracie, this is a thread about people who are warning others about hell and who is there already. The boat I am rowing in is trying to save those who are going in the water once the titanic goes down. Some are wise enough to abandon ship now realizing this nation is in dire trouble and her end is not good! Now it is wisdom to call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Here is the testimony of a man who was given a vision of hell for 23 minutes and you will note ( if you ever watch the videos here - start with the one of the Nigerian woman who had vision of hell and Jesus and it lines up with this mans experience as well ) that the woman in the last video who says Jesus warned her that preachers preaching the false prosperity gospel, heaping up millions to themselves in these last days are going to hell and those who support them? They are going to hell too! Definitely watch that video - as I have been saying on USMB all along since day one - without holiness no one will see the LORD. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. He didn't say he'd keep them for you. He said YOU keep them. Here's the next video and this man is very, very well known for his testimony :

Neuroscientists have now traced such hallucinations to malfunctions of the brain. In a 1995 study, researchers led by Drs. David Silbersweig and Emily Stern of Cornell Medical School teamed with colleagues in London to scan the brains of schizophrenics in the throes of hallucinations. As soon as an imagined voice spoke, or a vision appeared, a patient pressed a button. That told the scientists when to scrutinize the scans for abnormal activity. They found plenty. When one patient reported seeing dripping colors and severed heads and visions of a hell, for instance, the parts of the sensory cortex that process movement, color and objects became active. Still, the complex visions depicted in "Beautiful Mind" are not typical. "The visual hallucinations are usually fragmentary," says Dr. Richard Wyatt, chief of neuropsychiatry at the National Institute of Mental Health, "not the elaborate things in the movie. They're an outline, or a figure without features."

When patients hear voices, the auditory cortex as well as the language-processing areas became active. "These regions process complex auditory, linguistic information, not just beeps or buzzes," says Silbersweig. The voices the patients heard were therefore as real to them as the conversations in the hallways they passed through en route to the lab.

Deep within the brain during hallucinations, structures involved in memory (the little sea-horse-shaped hippocampus), in emotions (the amygdala) and in consciousness (the thalamus) all flick on like streetlights at dusk. That suggests why hallucinations are packed with rare emotional power--the power to make Chris Coles ashamed enough to venture to a deserted beach at night, the power to make Eric Williamson so terrified he ate only canned food. Sensory signals are conveyed deep into the brain, where they link up with memories and emotions. The neuronal traffic might go the other way, too, with activity in the emotional and memory regions triggering voices and visions.

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is of particular interest to psychologists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes; religious experiences often involve auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and those with schizophrenia commonly report similar hallucinations, along with a variety of delusions and faulty beliefs. A common report from those with schizophrenia is some type of a religious delusion - God is talking to them, they are possessed by demons, the see hell etc. In a study of patients with schizophrenia that had been previously admitted to a hospital, 24% had religious delusions.] This has led some researchers to question whether schizophrenia leads an individual to become more religious, or if intense religiosity leads to schizophrenia

The Biblical fanatic is further offered the promise by his dead god (Jesus) of supernatural powers, such as curing leprosy, blindness, raising the dead, miraculously answering prayers and even the power to move mountains into the sea. Of course this is a complete fantasy, just like the child who fantasizes that he/she is "Superman" or "Spiderman." No amount of rational argument or scientific argument is usually sufficient to prove to the religious psychotic that leprosy and blindness are not caused by a person being "possessed by demons."

As a consequence the Christian charlatans of the Je$u$ business who prey on the sick and the poor and gullible, offering them miracle healing are not at all considered "charlatans," since after all their dead God promised his followers such powers. Similarly they are also encouraged by the words of their dead exorcist god to emulate the exorcisms of Jesus.
For the record..I believe very much in God and Jesus. I just hate seeing this crap of FEAR being shoved down throats.
Why are religious delusions and hallucinations so prominent in patients with serious mental health diagnoses, especially schizophrenia?

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is of particular interest to psychologists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes; religious experiences often involve auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and those with schizophrenia commonly report similar hallucinations, along with a variety of delusions and faulty beliefs. A common report from those with schizophrenia is some type of a religious delusion - God is talking to them, they are possessed by demons, the see hell etc. In a study of patients with schizophrenia that had been previously admitted to a hospital, 24% had religious delusions.] This has led some researchers to question whether schizophrenia leads an individual to become more religious, or if intense religiosity leads to schizophrenia

Many people suffering from mental illness have religious ideations, auditory and visual hallucinations, because certain irrational religious beliefs are the root cause of many thought disorders.

What happens is that religious authorities of whatever persuasion make certain absurd claims that they profess are the very words of God. They go on to teach about the devil as a reprobate disembodied entity, condemned to hell for all eternity by God, that goes around the world whispering in peoples heads and enticing them with temptations in order to steal their soul and make them rebel against God and do bad things.

What happens as a consequent of this teaching is that people, usually the very young, very old, or very gullible, are coerced through fear or conformity to profess a belief in what is irrational making it seem like any rational thought or objection to that belief that arises in their own mind is a demonic attack from the devil himself which divides the mind and sets it upon itself to disintegrate in intelligence, awareness, and function by adopting irrational beliefs in the absurd and denouncing reality and the truth as evil.

mental illness of one form or another, confusion, auditory and visual hallucinations, incoherence, cognitive dissonance, etc., are the inevitable results.

That's why anyone who rejects what is false is denounced as evil by false teachers, including entire nations..

That's why the most pretentious and duplicitous person they can find out there becomes the Pope.
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Religion should be classified as a mental disorder as it necessitates the firm belief in invisible, magical people.
In this series I am posting videos of people who have had visions of famous people now in hell. It was perhaps a month ago - maybe less I was listening to an old camp meeting video made many years ago. A famous evangelist was speaking about a man he had known - a man who was living wrong - living in sin with women and would not come out of that sin - this famous evangelist pleaded with him - you must come back to the LORD - the man said he could not help himself - he was not returning to the LORD - the man was in some sort of accident - perhaps it was a car accident - I cannot recall - he died. His mother contacted this famous evangelist and said I have been having dreams of my son in hell. I see his face, I see him in hell. The evangelist said in his sermon to the people that he realized that the woman was truly having visions of her son in hell - he knew this was real.

For the sake of discussion, let's assume that these were not the result of a lifetime of social conditioning. Even if their visions were genuine, how can you be sure it wasn't Muslim Hell (which of course is where they believe that those who call Jesus a deity go)?

There is one hell and one heaven where people will spend eternity. It is either heaven or hell. Ask yourself this question, for the sake of your soul. Why would you want to live in rebellion - doing your own thing here on earth for the span of so many years when it will cost you an eternity of indescribable suffering? Why not accept the pardon of Jesus Christ at the cross, repent of your sins, live for Him and obey Him now and escape an eternity of suffering? Do you not think that if Whitney Houston could have another chance and come back to this earth that she would not immediately abandon her life of sin, using drugs, misrepresenting Jesus in her manner of dress, language, lifestyle, etc? Of course she would! In a heartbeat she would! If only she had the chance! If only the rich man in hell had a chance to help Lazarus and invite him to his table to feed him or to cover his wounds which the dogs were licking as he sat without - if only the occultists who were into spirit worship - had repented before they went to hell - in other video posted earlier - even as the ex - mafia satanist repented of serving Lucifer - and now is heavenbound......if only the people on this very board decided to call on the name of the LORD and ask Him to deliver them of their addictions - to alcohol, drugs, sin, rebellion, hating someone ( which is a big one - unforgiveness - will keep you bound in unbelief because until you are willing to ask God to forgive that person through you with you releasing that person to God- until you are willing to do that - you will remain in your sin - unforgiven ) living according to the commandments of your own life or some faux god you made up in your head - until you are willing to accept the Lord on His terms - written in scripture - there is no hope.

What does hopelessness do to people? Look back at your experience in school. The students who were studying and had a future were obedient and payed attention in class - they were not in rebellion headed to detention every other day. The students who had trouble in their life - who were unsettled in their own minds - unable to concentrate - unable to apply themselves in school and study were the ones who acted up the worst. Why did they do this? Because they felt hopeless. They felt like they are never going to be a part of that who's who in the class of such and such a year - they do not even believe they will graduate - truth be known! How do I know? I was one of those type students - who was absent more than present - who skipped class constantly because I did not believe there was even a hope of my attaining any type of achievements in school. I believed the lie that I was of a lesser IQ, stupid, incapable, oh yes, I had two parents - one a step parent that told me how stupid I was - on a regular basis from my earliest childhood I remember being told that I was stupid. Today such words roll off of me. I delight in my not having been a very bright student - because truthfully - intelligence in a general sense is not worth very much if your moral intelligence doesn't exceed it - in my opinion - it seems to me there was a reason for Jesus having chosen fishermen to go and become fishers of men. And clearly there is an art to fishing - not all fish are caught the same way. Some with a net, some require a certain bait - a certain subject to interest them - some take a very long time to come in - there is a waiting and a patience required - some do not come in that way and all at once find a hook in their jaw where they are suddenly reeled in and land on the rocks where that fisherman stands and is more what I would describe the wicked being used by God to bring upon the transgressors hard times - I would hope the last approach was not the one the lost experience but when someone is stiff necked and refuses time and time again to repent what other choice does God have? You see?

What I see is that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance and certainly for those who reject his kindness the latter may well be the result but as I have earlier stated - there is only one hell and only one heaven and anyone whose name is not written in the lamb's book of Life - will be in hell. Because this is what the scriptures tell us and the scriptures are inspired of God - not man. We can trust God to tell us the truth and we can trust those who are committed to God and trust in God to speak the truth to us so long as it lines up with the Word of God.

If someone tells you your life is alright as it is and it doesn't line up with the Word of God, you should realize you are in the presence of a liar and depart from their company at once. It is the person who is willing to speak the truth to you - gently - but firmly - the truth and nothing but the truth - that you should listen to and consider they care for your soul.

Some people only care about how well they are liked. It is all about them. They are selfish while they make exceedingly great efforts to convince others of how generous they are and helpful to others. All their works are rooted in self - love. They could care less about you. This week they are with you but next week they are not. The world is a fickle crowd. Even King David discovered that truth among his own company. Amen? Amen.
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There is one hell and one heaven where people will spend eternity. It is either heaven or hell. Ask yourself this question, for the sake of your soul. Why would you want to live in rebellion - doing your own thing here on earth for the span of so many years when it will cost you an eternity of indescribable suffering?.

As I said;

"They go on to teach about the devil as a reprobate disembodied entity, condemned to hell for all eternity by God, that goes around the world whispering in peoples heads and enticing them with temptations in order to steal their soul and make them rebel against God and do bad things.

What happens as a consequent of this teaching is that people, usually the very young, very old, or very gullible, are coerced through fear or conformity to profess a belief in what is irrational making it seem like any rational thought or objection to that belief that arises in their own mind is a demonic attack from the devil himself which divides the mind and sets it upon itself to disintegrate in intelligence, awareness, and function by adopting irrational beliefs in the absurd and denouncing reality and the truth as evil."

Jeri, hell is not an eternal place of torment where people who do not believe in your hysterical and incoherent rants go after they die, it is a place of confusion and the absence of light and understanding, an allegorical description of the state of mind that you already so perfectly demonstrate through your generous display of the addled condition of your endlessly tormented mind.

People who reach out to you and remind you about reality or do not agree that America is about to be destroyed by the devil or God or war or whatever and do not believe that Jesus was God are not evil, they are not hell bound, they are offering you what might be your only chance to recover from the disturbing effects irrational beliefs have had on your defiled and contaminated mind.

There is absolutely no reason for you to go down with the ship and become religious flotsam.

There will be no gifts from God, no angels singing, nor any place awaiting you when you die if while you lived you did absolutely nothing to save your own mind from permanent disintegration.

Purify your mind and be refined. Cleanse your soul from all that is false and you will recover and live.

The least you can do is try.....
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The least you can do is listen to the testimony of this man who became one of the most famous christian authors of all time - John Bunyan the famous author of Pilgrims Progress - at the half way mark of this video you will learn of Bunyan's vision of hell and his seeing the famous atheist author, Hobbs who wrote Leviathan -where did he see this famous author? Hell. Watch this, Hobelim.

In this series I am posting videos of people who have had visions of famous people now in hell...

For the sake of discussion, let's assume that these were not the result of a lifetime of social conditioning. Even if their visions were genuine, how can you be sure it wasn't Muslim Hell (which of course is where they believe that those who call Jesus a deity go)?

There is one hell and one heaven where people will spend eternity. It is either heaven or hell. Ask yourself this question, for the sake of your soul. Why would you want to live in rebellion - doing your own thing here on earth for the span of so many years when it will cost you an eternity of indescribable suffering?...

Some 2 billion people agree with you that yours is the only path to heaven. Another billion and a half say that yours is the path to eternal torment.
Another billion and a half say that all will be reincarnated into greater or lesser forms
I am of the billion that thinks none of these are true. Why would one find hope in the misfortune of others?!?
The least you can do is listen to the testimony of this man who became one of the most famous christian authors of all time - John Bunyan the famous author of Pilgrims Progress - at the half way mark of this video you will learn of Bunyan's vision of hell and his seeing the famous atheist author, Hobbs who wrote Leviathan -where did he see this famous author? Hell. Watch this, Hobelim.

Do you speekie English?

People who do not believe that a triune god became a man do not burn in hell for all eternity but for all eternity life will always be hell for anyone so fear ridden, insecure and confused that they would adopt and perpetuate such an irrational belief.

no one knows this better than you.

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