Visions of Famous People now in Hell

This is an excellent thread to revisit and consider because we should have eternity forever right in front of us - we need to be vigilant about realizing the lateness of the hour and do all we can to win souls and snatch others hellbound out of the flames as the book of Jude commands!
There is one hell and one heaven where people will spend eternity. It is either heaven or hell. Ask yourself this question, for the sake of your soul. Why would you want to live in rebellion - doing your own thing here on earth for the span of so many years when it will cost you an eternity of indescribable suffering?.

As I said;

"They go on to teach about the devil as a reprobate disembodied entity, condemned to hell for all eternity by God, that goes around the world whispering in peoples heads and enticing them with temptations in order to steal their soul and make them rebel against God and do bad things.

What happens as a consequent of this teaching is that people, usually the very young, very old, or very gullible, are coerced through fear or conformity to profess a belief in what is irrational making it seem like any rational thought or objection to that belief that arises in their own mind is a demonic attack from the devil himself which divides the mind and sets it upon itself to disintegrate in intelligence, awareness, and function by adopting irrational beliefs in the absurd and denouncing reality and the truth as evil."

Jeri, hell is not an eternal place of torment where people who do not believe in your hysterical and incoherent rants go after they die, it is a place of confusion and the absence of light and understanding, an allegorical description of the state of mind that you already so perfectly demonstrate through your generous display of the addled condition of your endlessly tormented mind.

People who reach out to you and remind you about reality or do not agree that America is about to be destroyed by the devil or God or war or whatever and do not believe that Jesus was God are not evil, they are not hell bound, they are offering you what might be your only chance to recover from the disturbing effects irrational beliefs have had on your defiled and contaminated mind.

There is absolutely no reason for you to go down with the ship and become religious flotsam.

There will be no gifts from God, no angels singing, nor any place awaiting you when you die if while you lived you did absolutely nothing to save your own mind from permanent disintegration.

Purify your mind and be refined. Cleanse your soul from all that is false and you will recover and live.

The least you can do is try.....

Looks like you've gone off the deep end, again, Jeri.

Maybe after seven times pass over you while you live like a beast that doesn't have the sense to get out of the rain, your sanity will be restored, if ever you were sane..... maybe not.

I'll pray for you.
You know the rules, Hobelim. Personal attacks and harrassing posts meant to derail a thread are not permitted. Obey the rules.

Getting back on topic. While Satans servants use carnal weapons to attack the Believers - the Christian is not warring against flesh and blood but against prinicpalities and powers........see Ephesians 6: 10 - 20 for the list - We are to put on the full armor of God. Our weapons are not carnal but mighty........It is written:
Paul Defends his Ministry
3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,…
2 Corinthians 10 Parallel Chapters
You know the rules, Hobelim. Personal attacks and harrassing posts meant to derail a thread are not permitted. Obey the rules.

Seriously Jeri, you seem to have gone off the deep end. I'm concerned. How is that a personal attack or an attempt to derail this bizarre thread where you endlessly post links and videos and then ignore any and all relevant responses?

Are there any rules about endlessly spamming the board? Is that a form of harassment?

Have you seen the board today? Its filled with your rants.

are you feeling lonely? need some attention?

What gives?

Are you trying to demonstrate what happens to a not famous person in hell?
You are mistaken, Hobelim. I have every right to add to my threads just as you have to add to yours. Speaking of which, Hobelim. Where are your threads? Why don't you make your own threads and express your own ideas on the religion forum instead of trying to derail my threads with harrassing posts and personal attacks? You should make your own threads, Hobelim. What is it to you how many threads I have posted on the religion forum? Is there a quota on how many threads we are allowed to make? To write? To revisit or add a song or a video to? No. There isn't. So make your own threads and do not concern yourself about what I am doing.
As to another famous person who saw hell - John Bunyan the author of Pilgrims Progress also saw hell. I have made a thread about it just now but here is his video as it also is "on topic" for this particular thread!

Please watch this video. Thank you!
This is an excellent thread to revisit and consider because we should have eternity forever right in front of us - we need to be vigilant about realizing the lateness of the hour and do all we can to win souls and snatch others hellbound out of the flames as the book of Jude commands!

1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."

That is how I read you. A noisy gong without real compassion, or even understanding.

You have no right to spam this board by replying to 20 or more of your own top posts and bumping them all onto the first page.
You are mistaken, Hobelim. I have every right to add to my threads just as you have to add to yours. Speaking of which, Hobelim. Where are your threads? Why don't you make your own threads and express your own ideas on the religion forum instead of trying to derail my threads with harrassing posts and personal attacks? You should make your own threads, Hobelim. What is it to you how many threads I have posted on the religion forum? Is there a quota on how many threads we are allowed to make? To write? To revisit or add a song or a video to? No. There isn't. So make your own threads and do not concern yourself about what I am doing.

No, I am not mistaken. You have plastered your inane babbling all over the board which compelled me to ask if you are having some sort of problem. How can you possibly deny it? I never said you didn't have the right to add to or post threads, even obsessively as you have, and the question is not an attempt to derail your thread and it is not a harassing post or personal attack.

Instead of being honest about whatever emotional distress you are trying to deal with by being so obnoxious you accuse me of things that are simply not true.

What a gal!

And why would I need to start my own threads when there is ample opportunity to express my ideas when people post questions, raise topics for the specific purpose of discussion, or make ridiculous assertions such as you do? If you do not want me to respond to your posts or question your claims and the simple minded scriptural interpretations that have driven you mad, don't post the addled contents of your mind on a public message board.

Why don't you start your own church? This way no one would disturb you with rational questions and the only people there would be joyfully holding hands with you and singing songs about Jesus till kingdom come.
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I don't believe them. I don't think God gives anyone more than a passing glance at what will happen to the sons of perdition unless that is their punishment.

and I don't think many famous people qualify as a son of perdition​
This mode of thinking is why I abhore self righteous evangelical christians.
1 Corinthians 2 10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things even the deep things of God.


[URL='']Wisdom from the Spirit of God

9but just as it is written, "THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM."10For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. 11For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.…
Cross References
Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.[/URL]
Here it is:

Hell is real. Do not go there. Do not live in your sins any longer. Leave your sins behind and call upon Jesus to save you. Live holy unto the LORD. For those who are playing church and living a sinful life - repent! Without holiness no man will see God - Repent and live holy unto the LORD.

For those who serve Satan - he has lied to you - he will not give you immortality nor will he give you any rewards in hell. Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He will not keep his word to give you a place of authority in hell - you will be tormented with everlasting torments if you go to hell. Repent of your sins. Repent of following Satan and believing lies and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to save you right now. Do not celebrate wickedness any longer. Repent and call upon the name of the LORD to save you where you are right this second. Today is the day of Salvation. Do not wait. Tomorrow may be too late for you. Do not wait. Call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ right now.
It is written:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. Speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their consciences seared with a hot iron.

1 Timothy 4:1,2

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