Visit the third world city known as Los Angeles

That's of course when it was mostly a monoculture.

Los Angeles hasn't been a monoculture for nearly 500 years.

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The “topic”? Oh boy. Ok…LA county has more people than most red states. It’s clearly a superior place to live. Let’s hear your idiotic view on why so few people live in Dixie.
Come back to the debate when trains in Dixie are being robbed, people are shitting in the streets, and working people and small businesses are getting gouged by egregious taxes and their paying more than $4 a gallon of gas to get to and from work.
Come back to the debate when trains in Dixie are being robbed, people are shitting in the streets, and working people and small businesses are getting gouged by egregious taxes and their paying more than $4 a gallon of gas to get to and from work

Ahh so now we're talking about economies.

California has like the 6th largest economy in the world.

Where does Alabama land in measurement of economies? Do be a good boy and look that up for us.
Ahh so now we're talking about economies.

California has like the 6th largest economy in the world.

Where does Alabama land in measurement of economies? Do be a good boy and look that up for us.
I already pointed out California’s economy. The topic and debate are not whether California’s economy is bigger than the southern states you mentioned. The topic is why is California deteriorating where by people are leaving. A big economy and good QUALITY OF LIFE should go hand in hand. You might want to argue with the people leaving California..
I already pointed out California’s economy.
Their economy is superior to the red states.
The topic and debate are not whether California’s economy is bigger than the southern states you mentioned. The topic is why is California deteriorating where by people are leaving. A big economy and good QUALITY OF LIFE should go hand in hand. You might want to argue with the people leaving California..
Deteriorating? If this trend keeps up for about 50 years, they will still be light years ahead of Alabama.
They have the same problems all large cities have. Dallas has tent cities too. Copper was stolen from the AC units on my in-law's church in Texas.

Its not as if LA has problems unique to LA.

The train robberies are a new twist...granted. LOL

No, they don't. I was born in LA. Lived in Inglewood, then East Los Angeles. Now both areas are gangland that yiu would not survive 5 minutes in.

There are some gated areas that are nice, but the rest of the region is rapidly turning into a zoo.
Their economy is superior to the red states.

Deteriorating? If this trend keeps up for about 50 years, they will still be light years ahead of Alabama.

Tell that to the 24 year old woman murdered recently.

I think she would disagree with you.
About 8 M people live in LA proper...must be doing something right.
I suppose, if you consider vastly overpopulating an area that would be a desert if it didn't have water from other areas, to be "something right".
And that water supply is dwindling
It's a great place to be wealthy, but the vast majority are poor..
I lived there for many years, I know.
Probably not. Folks in California are upwardly mobile, happy, somewhat affluent. Alabamans? Not so much... Hard to leave when you can't find parts for your 1980 caprice.

And LEAVING in record numbers you clod.

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