Vivek makes a point about Israel …once we become true friends there’s no more need to send money to Israel


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There’s a lot of people in Israel who say we don’t need the money from America. We already have a very powerful military.

Vivek wants to bring together Israel and the Arab Muslim countries even more so than Donald Trump. No politician in America has brought peace to the Middle East like Donald Trump did. But Vivek can do even more.

What Donald Trump did for the Middle East was absolutely amazing. He brought together the GCC countries and Israel. Obviously everybody who knows the basic history of the current Middle East knows that there have been great reforms in Saudi Arabia. We already know that in Iraq and Syria many of the arab nationalists are Christians and there’s a lot to offer there. We need to look at the Arab Christians of the Middle East and see what they have to offer because they have a ton in common with an American, and even just the Arab nationalist in general.

Plenty of politicians in the USA many Republicans but of course also Democrats even like the squad, including AOC have all approved the funding of the Israeli “iron dome” missile defense system. Some people don’t know that but even members of “the squad” who claim to support Palestine are basically con artist politicians, they don’t do what they tell their voters they’re going to do.

Vivek Ramaswamy says he wants to have a relationship with Israel where they get to a point where Israel no longer needs any money from America. And we send billions of dollars to Israel every year that we could be sending to the homeless people in America in other words, building projects to give jobs to homeless people. Job training programs for crackheads and meth users in America. We have a horrible homeless problem in this country and even if people say “well if someone’s homeless, it’s their fault”, the truth of the matter is that homeless people can be violent, they can cause chaos for communities they live in.

Vivek is the man and I will definitely vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee. He makes many worthy points. His comments about the far left wing and their neocon supporters dividing Americans by race are brilliant.
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We sent billions to a crooked regime in the Ukraine but we have only one true ally that we can absolutely depend on in the Mid East. I like the guy and he does a good rap scene that might catch on with teenagers but he is wrong about Israel and I doubt if he is a serious candidate for president of the United States. Democrat media operatives seem to run the polling data and they have him at around 6% up from 3% .
Israel should be paying the United States "foreign aid" especially since they are the big pushers for endless $$$ and weapons to Ukraine.

Guess which country Traitor Joe cares about more, Israel or the US???

Indeed, the answer to that question describes the truth about 2/3rds of Congress and 90% of the Senate, bought and paid for Zionist Fascist shills.
So, that being said, perhaps democrats will stop giving money to poor blacks to buy their votes now?
We sent billions to a crooked regime in the Ukraine but we have only one true ally that we can absolutely depend on in the Mid East. I like the guy and he does a good rap scene that might catch on with teenagers but he is wrong about Israel and I doubt if he is a serious candidate for president of the United States. Democrat media operatives seem to run the polling data and they have him at around 6% up from 3% .

He lost me when he said that
America sends money, much of which must be spent in the US, creating American jobs. America also sends money to help the further interests of American security in the region. America also gives money to the UN for the benefit of our other friends.
Israel is the only true democracy in the M.E,.they share a historic religious relationship with the West, and,.they also share intel with ths U.S in particular where warranted, often even joint operations. Many nations receive some funding from the U.S and Israel is surrounded by MANY enemies that wish to end their existence (and.would.if they had the chance).. Beyond moral arguments it is a sound pragmatic investment as well.
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I don't know why that freaked Haley out so much.... its way past time that we begin to spend money on the American people and our infrastructure... if you travel abroad you will quickly see how far better airports and public transportation etc etc are in other nations... we are getting screwed so that retired elected people can get great jobs from their donors doing nothing....
we have only one true ally that we can absolutely depend on in the Mid East

Either you have an IQ under 5 or you are a traitor...

and you want us to believe this was not controlled demolition...

There are two types of supporters of Israel

Zionist Fascists

and their army of IQ<5 self proclaimed SUB humans, who believe exterminating all Muslims and giving all their land to Israel will result in Jesus floating down from the clouds.

And the blood of the deliberate ISRAELI attack on the USS Liberty is proof that THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT AMERICA AT ALL.... and are not good people of high character, they are not conservative, and they are not patriotic to America, they give AID AND COMFORT TO THE ENEMY

Israel is the only true democracy in the M.E,.they share a historic religious relationship with the West, and,.they also share intel with ths U.S in particular where warranted, often even joint operations. Many nations receive some funding from the U.S and Israel is surrounded by MANY enemies that wish to end their existence (and.would.if they had the chance).. Beyond moral arguments it is a sound pragmatic investment as well.
Your not antisemitic but It’s antisemitic to assume Israel needs billions from us. Clearly they don’t need our money they are technologically advanced.

Israel is a theocracy

Israel is surrounded by Allie’s thanks to Trump via Abraham accords

You’re thinking of the 1960s. This is 2023
There’s a lot of people in Israel who say we don’t need the money from America. We already have a very powerful military.

Vivek wants to bring together Israel and the Arab Muslim countries even more so than Donald Trump. No politician in America has brought peace to the Middle East like Donald Trump did. But Vivek can do even more.

What Donald Trump did for the Middle East was absolutely amazing. He brought together the GCC countries and Israel. Obviously everybody who knows the basic history of the current Middle East knows that there have been great reforms in Saudi Arabia. We already know that in Iraq and Syria many of the arab nationalists are Christians and there’s a lot to offer there. We need to look at the Arab Christians of the Middle East and see what they have to offer because they have a ton in common with an American, and even just the Arab nationalist in general.

Plenty of politicians in the USA many Republicans but of course also Democrats even like the squad, including AOC have all approved the funding of the Israeli “iron dome” missile defense system. Some people don’t know that but even members of “the squad” who claim to support Palestine are basically con artist politicians, they don’t do what they tell their voters they’re going to do.

Vivek Ramaswamy says he wants to have a relationship with Israel where they get to a point where Israel no longer needs any money from America. And we send billions of dollars to Israel every year that we could be sending to the homeless people in America in other words, building projects to give jobs to homeless people. Job training programs for crackheads and meth users in America. We have a horrible homeless problem in this country and even if people say “well if someone’s homeless, it’s their fault”, the truth of the matter is that homeless people can be violent, they can cause chaos for communities they live in.

Vivek is the man and I will definitely vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee. He makes many worthy points. His comments about the far left wing and their neocon supporters dividing Americans by race are brilliant.

Will Israel stop spying on us or stop stealing our technology?
I don't know why that freaked Haley out so much.... its way past time that we begin to spend money on the American people and our infrastructure... if you travel abroad you will quickly see how far better airports and public transportation etc etc are in other nations... we are getting screwed so that retired elected people can get great jobs from their donors doing nothing....

American infrastructure is crumbling. We have open borders …people killing themselves because of depression….huge numbers of drug addicts and record homelessness

We need to help homeless Americans…. the wasted money we give to Israel and Ukraine is better spent here in the USA. Homeless people can present a threat to those around them…we need to correct that.

Israel has a top 20 military and thanks to Trump is surrounded by Allies.

American infrastructure is crumbling. We have open borders …people killing themselves because of depression….huge numbers of drug addicts and record homelessness

We need to help homeless Americans…. the wasted money we give to Israel and Ukraine is better spent here in the USA. Homeless people can present a threat to those around them…we need to correct that.

Israel has a top 20 military and thanks to Trump is surrounded by Allies.
Oh praise da Lawd!
There’s a lot of people in Israel who say we don’t need the money from America. We already have a very powerful military.

Vivek wants to bring together Israel and the Arab Muslim countries even more so than Donald Trump. No politician in America has brought peace to the Middle East like Donald Trump did. But Vivek can do even more.

What Donald Trump did for the Middle East was absolutely amazing. He brought together the GCC countries and Israel. Obviously everybody who knows the basic history of the current Middle East knows that there have been great reforms in Saudi Arabia. We already know that in Iraq and Syria many of the arab nationalists are Christians and there’s a lot to offer there. We need to look at the Arab Christians of the Middle East and see what they have to offer because they have a ton in common with an American, and even just the Arab nationalist in general.

Plenty of politicians in the USA many Republicans but of course also Democrats even like the squad, including AOC have all approved the funding of the Israeli “iron dome” missile defense system. Some people don’t know that but even members of “the squad” who claim to support Palestine are basically con artist politicians, they don’t do what they tell their voters they’re going to do.

Vivek Ramaswamy says he wants to have a relationship with Israel where they get to a point where Israel no longer needs any money from America. And we send billions of dollars to Israel every year that we could be sending to the homeless people in America in other words, building projects to give jobs to homeless people. Job training programs for crackheads and meth users in America. We have a horrible homeless problem in this country and even if people say “well if someone’s homeless, it’s their fault”, the truth of the matter is that homeless people can be violent, they can cause chaos for communities they live in.

Vivek is the man and I will definitely vote for him if he’s the Republican nominee. He makes many worthy points. His comments about the far left wing and their neocon supporters dividing Americans by race are brilliant.

It would be surprising if he could find Israel on the map.
Your not antisemitic but It’s antisemitic to assume Israel needs billions from us. Clearly they don’t need our money they are technologically advanced.

Israel is a theocracy

Israel is surrounded by Allie’s thanks to Trump via Abraham accords

You’re thinking of the 1960s. This is 2023
It is the M.E, life changes on a dime. If you know the history of the Jewish people they are accustomed to losing their comforts fairly quickly when e wrong people get into power in any particular country.
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Will Israel stop spying on us or stop stealing our technology?
'Stealing our technology'. That's pretty funny.

Obama just gave it away, and so did Bill Clinton.

Why does anyone have to steal,what they're already getting for free?
Your not antisemitic but It’s antisemitic to assume Israel needs billions from us. Clearly they don’t need our money they are technologically advanced.

Israel is a theocracy

Israel is surrounded by Allie’s thanks to Trump via Abraham accords

You’re thinking of the 1960s. This is 2023
No, Israel is not a theocracy. It is a parliamentary democracy and some parties have religious agendas as part of their platforms. America gives plenty of money to countries that are by definition religious countries (Afghanistan is a theocracy).
Israel should be paying the United States "foreign aid" especially since they are the big pushers for endless $$$ and weapons to Ukraine.

Guess which country Traitor Joe cares about more, Israel or the US???

Indeed, the answer to that question describes the truth about 2/3rds of Congress and 90% of the Senate, bought and paid for Zionist Fascist shills.


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