Vlad Has Hillarys' 30,000 Deleted E-Mails


You guys realize it was a joke, right?
Cotton might have been joking, but so what if he was?

Putin does have those emails as do the Chicoms, the Israelis, the Iranian, the Japanese, the North Koreans, and the entire planet that has developed internet warfare capability.

And they may very well use them to manipulate Hillary 'The Fixed' Clinton.
Putin does have those emails as do the Chicoms, the Israelis, the Iranian, the Japanese, the North Koreans, and the entire planet that has developed internet warfare capability.
Yeah, everybody but the incompetent GOP Congress!!!
How hapless must the Republicans be if everybody and their cousins has access to her emails but them!!! :rofl::lmao:
Putin does have those emails as do the Chicoms, the Israelis, the Iranian, the Japanese, the North Koreans, and the entire planet that has developed internet warfare capability.
Yeah, everybody but the incompetent GOP Congress!!!
How hapless must the Republicans be if everybody and their cousins has access to her emails but them!!! :rofl::lmao:

That's funny. You gonna let him talk about republicans that way Ray? He says you all are incompetent. And you are helping him prove that assertion. LMAO.

Nice job edthecynic.
I hope Vlad uses his information to its best purpose.
Another America-hating Putin loving Dishonest Donald voter chimes in.
Hilly is not America. obastard isn't America. Wanting them destroyed is the highest form of patriotism. If Vlad can be the method of that destruction, he is helping America.

That was a pretty darn good thought, Tipsy. :clap:
I would only add the following: ironically Putin/Russia have a chance to be USA's friend in case Washington changes its aggressive foreign policy, but Obama and Clinton have never been and never will be America's friends.

Obama has already destroyed everything he touched inside and outside the country. And Clinton ... only an enemy of the USA would wish Clinton to be a POTUS back to back after Obama.

Trump: And, you know, I watched Hillary’s speech and she’s talking about wages have been poor and everything’s poor and everything’s doing badly, but we’re going to make it — she’s been there for so long. I mean, if she hasn’t straightened it out by now, she’s not going to straighten it out in the next four years.
Read Donald Trump's Super Tuesday Victory Speech
Of course Pooty-Poot has hiLIARy's emails. So do the Chinese, Iran, North Korea and a whole bunch of folks!

Just think of the blackmail pressure if she becomes POTUS.

As much Putin having those emails is bad for us, I still think that's generally a good thing.

It keeps lefties in check. It keeps FBI in check. If FBI says there is nothing in emails, and then Putin leaks them, then both democrats and FBI are screwed.

If FBI recommendation to DOJ to prosecute they will at least have the perception of being trustworthy to US public. If they don, a lot of people if they don't know already, are going to know the jig is up and the US has lost all shred of integrity.

Your article is telling an outright and fabricated LIE, that has been regurgitated in your right wing media propagandists over and over again, even though the right wing media at one time acknowledged the FBI said her server was NOT WIPED CLEAN and they recovered ALL of her emails, INCLUDING the 30,000 personal emails not turned over to the State Dept to be archived.

FBI Said to Recover Personal E-Mails From Hillary Clinton Server

The FBI has recovered personal and work-related e-mails from the private computer server used by Hillary Clinton during her time as secretary of state, according to a person familiar with the investigation.
Of course Pooty-Poot has hiLIARy's emails. So do the Chinese, Iran, North Korea and a whole bunch of folks!

Just think of the blackmail pressure if she becomes POTUS.

I made that point yesterday, Hillary is a national security risk if Putin is in a position to blackmail her.

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