Vlad the Impaler - Watch Out ISIS


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Following the assassination of Russia's ambassador to to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin vows revenge against I.S.I.S. by saying:

"ISIS will regret what they have done. This is not Benghazi and I am not Obama"
Following the assassination of Russia's ambassador to to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin vows revenge against I.S.I.S. by saying:

"ISIS will regret what they have done. This is not Benghazi and I am not Obama"

You bet you're ass he's not Obama. Putin will pursue them to their deaths.

Oh and I'm sure he's not on the golf course.
If he really said that, it is very damning for Big Ears.

No doubt the American media will refuse to report.

Only 2 hits I saw on google, but they weren't credible IMO. Don't get me wrong.... I laugh my ass off if he did say that to the world.

As much of a scumbag tyrant thug as Putin is, you have to respect the mother fucker.
Following the assassination of Russia's ambassador to to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin vows revenge against I.S.I.S. by saying:

"ISIS will regret what they have done. This is not Benghazi and I am not Obama"

You bet you're ass he's not Obama. Putin will pursue them to their deaths.
Claudette, there's a way you could get closer to your hero. You could emigrate to Russia. Or I guess you could just stay where you are and wait for him to tell Donald what to do.
But I really think Putin is too smart to show such a lack of class. This is just ZZPUPPS' wet dream, is all. That's the kind of talk one hears when the speaker is far away from the shooting and bombings and bears no responsibility.
Following the assassination of Russia's ambassador to to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin vows revenge against I.S.I.S. by saying:

"ISIS will regret what they have done. This is not Benghazi and I am not Obama"

You bet you're ass he's not Obama. Putin will pursue them to their deaths.
Claudette, there's a way you could get closer to your hero. You could emigrate to Russia. Or I guess you could just stay where you are and wait for him to tell Donald what to do.
But I really think Putin is too smart to show such a lack of class. This is just ZZPUPPS' wet dream, is all. That's the kind of talk one hears when the speaker is far away from the shooting and bombings and bears no responsibility.

Oh he's not my hero.

He's a thug and has always been a thug but even you have to admit he's a thug who gets things done.

Oh and if you think Trump will be following Putin's orders it just shows what a gullible idiot you are.

Carry on clueless.
all that time he spent in the KGB was just used taking home economics and pottery classes.
all that time he spent in the KGB was just used taking home economics and pottery classes.
I suspect Putin learned to not make knee-jerk decisions, or statements. I suspect he likes his revenge very cold. BTW, I have heard, but cannot verify, that he is about the richest man in the world. That's a good reason to want to remain in power, to protect a personal empire of wealth.
You bet you're ass he's not Obama. Putin will pursue them to their deaths.
Claudette, there's a way you could get closer to your hero. You could emigrate to Russia. Or I guess you could just stay where you are and wait for him to tell Donald what to do.
But I really think Putin is too smart to show such a lack of class. This is just ZZPUPPS' wet dream, is all. That's the kind of talk one hears when the speaker is far away from the shooting and bombings and bears no responsibility.

Oh he's not my hero.

He's a thug and has always been a thug but even you have to admit he's a thug who gets things done.

Oh and if you think Trump will be following Putin's orders it just shows what a gullible idiot you are.

Carry on clueless.

This is what Putin realy said a day before yesterday: This crime is undeniably a provocation aimed at derailing the normalisation of Russian-Turkish relations and the peace process in Syria, which is actively promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in the settlement of the internal conflict in Syria.

There can be only one response – stepping up the fight against terrorism – which the criminals will find out firsthand.
Meeting with Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Naryshkin and Alexander Bortnikov

Putin is not a thug, he's a great leader. You guys only know "the truth" about him from your fake news. Over 85% of Russians approve him as a leader. Ethnic Russians in Ukraine (like myself) wish we had such a leader, then the coup and breeding Nazis in our country wouldn't be possible and Soros and Obama would never invade our country. BTW, if there were more leaders like him in Europe and Washington (hopefully, Trump is gonna be the one), neither ISIS nor "refugees" tsunami in Europe would be possible.

And also if anybody wants to know how Putin acts under tough circumstances, there is a video with just one episode of his life while being Assistant Chief in Dresden:

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