VMT tax hidden in infrastructure bill

And just how is this any different than a tax on gasoline?

As the article points out, people with electric cars will now have to pay "their fair share" and it may discourage electric car purchases in the future.

All in all I think it's a good thing. They slip these taxes into everything we buy and we don't even realize we're paying for them. If you get a mileage tax every quarter, half, or even when you pay your taxes for the year, it's money coming right out of your pocket. Nothing is hidden. Write the check to the US federal government.


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I'm a progressive and this is NOT a progressive tax, however, I like it since, as a suburbanite I don't drive nearly what a rural person would drive and they should pay for that use. If they want to live far from everyone they should pay more for their road, electricity, etc.
Okay, but since they don't drive on your roads, they should not have to pay to maintain your roads. Let the suburbs tax suburbanites to pay for their own road upkeep. If they want to live clustered in with a bunch of other people, they should pay more for the increased wear and tear on their roads, their increased use of fuel to produce electricity, etc.
As the article points out, people with electric cars will now have to pay "their fair share" and it may discourage electric car purchases in the future.

All in all I think it's a good thing. They slip these taxes into everything we buy and we don't even realize we're paying for them. If you get a mileage tax every quarter, half, or even when you pay your taxes for the year, it's money coming right out of your pocket. Nothing is hidden. Write the check to the US federal government.
That goes along with what I've been saying for a long time. The fastest way to true income tax reform is two fold:

1. Eliminate payroll tax withholding. Everyone writes a check to Uncle Sam when taxes are due.
2. Taxes are due the day before the election.

Make taxes visible and people react. Make them invisible and people think they're not paying them.
Don't worry about this stupid shit tax, Americans both Dem and Rep will tell Washington to shove this up their ass or risk getting booted out in the next election and that will be all she wrote for this nonsense. The only thing these clowns in Washington fear is the wrath of voters.
Only those idiots in Washington could think up a tax every voter would hate, even the tree huggers and their electric vehicles LMAO. Tune in next week when moron politicians propose a mileage tax on bicycles.
I can see the Democrats voting for this. They're idiots. But the Republicans are another story. I guess they figured everyone was as stupid as Dems. who immediately fall for the infrastructure label even though very little goes to infrastructure. Keep an eye on the defective Rs who voted for this bullshit. They gotta go because they're obviously easily bought.
Yet people love living there. Amazing, yes?
Do they? Suburbanites always seem pissed. That's the natural nesting grounds of Karens.

I live in the city. We have community. We walk places. We see our neighbors. We talk. It's not driving in our cars from garage to strip mall and back to garage where you never have to interact with others.
Do they? Suburbanites always seem pissed. That's the natural nesting grounds of Karens.

I live in the city. We have community. We walk places. We see our neighbors. We talk. It's not driving in our cars from garage to strip mall and back to garage where you never have to interact with others.
IOW, you like where you live, other people like where they live. You choose to live in the city, they choose to live in the suburbs. You interact with your neighbors, they interact with theirs. You mock them, they mock you. That's how it goes. Isn't freedom awesome?

There is nothing superior about living in a city, which is why people who want something different find it elsewhere. And here's a shocker for you, other people choose to live in the country where they can step out on their back porch and hear nothing but crickets and frogs, where they don't worry about Nosy Nellie, the HOA president, yammering about what the color of their fence or that they have a gun to keep predators away.

Again, isn't freedom awesome? No one has to listen to you telling them how they should live and no one has to care what you think about their choices.
Living out in the country, growing your own garden, fresh farm eggs, honeybee production, flyfishing for wild trout, hiking in the mountains...............................that's dehumanizing? Lol. Who woulda thunk.
It does sound like someone is feeling a little insecure in their life choices and is denigrating someone else's to feel better.
On last night's TV news I saw a sound bite of President Biden asserting his infrastructure plan would not increase the tax on anyone earning less than $400k / year.

Hussein made the same claim. The minute he walked into the White House he instituted a tobacco tax which targeted the poor and middle-class.
Living out in the country, growing your own garden, fresh farm eggs, honeybee production, flyfishing for wild trout, hiking in the mountains...............................that's dehumanizing? Lol. Who woulda thunk.
Living out in the country isn’t suburban sprawl, goofball. There’s no nature in suburbia and good luck getting a chicken coop past the home owner’s association.
I can see the Democrats voting for this. They're idiots. But the Republicans are another story. I guess they figured everyone was as stupid as Dems. who immediately fall for the infrastructure label even though very little goes to infrastructure. Keep an eye on the defective Rs who voted for this bullshit. They gotta go because they're obviously easily bought.

I don't know which ones are up for reelection, but you can bet the ones that are, Trump will be rallying for their challenger in the primaries.

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