VMT tax hidden in infrastructure bill

Either way you look at it this tax is going to be a burden on all. Only the idiots we elected would ever think of passing such a lamebrained bill.

They sure don't have our best interests at heart.
I've always cared but if a tax makes people think about public transportation, car pooling, alternative forms of transport, that is a good thing for everyone.
Here is an idea, if you like higher taxes so much, why don't you pay more voluntarily?

Or do you prefer forcing people to "do the right thing" since you think higher taxes are always the right thing?

Can morality be forced upon people with the barrel of a gun?
I've always cared but if a tax makes people think about public transportation, car pooling, alternative forms of transport, that is a good thing for everyone.
"use the govt to FORCE MY morality oon everyone else!"
Every federal supremacists DREAM. Your ancestors should have stayed in Europe. Dumbfuck.
So having no clue you think it is a good idea? So you want to pay more for food? You want to pay more for water? More for electricity? And damn near everything else. Because all your water comes to your city in the middle of town and has no pipes that anyone has to drive to to fix? Your food is grown at the grocery store. thank god it isn’t trucked into the city from the country. Some farmer doesn’t have to drive anywhere to produce it. Electricity is produced right next to your house and there is no electrical grid that people have to drive to fix.
I would call you ignorant but that would be a compliment
Sue me, I'm a capitalist. I think we should pay the cost of what we get. When we don't the economy gets distorted and that can have some very undesirable consequences.
"use the govt to FORCE MY morality oon everyone else!"
Every federal supremacists DREAM. Your ancestors should have stayed in Europe. Dumbfuck.
That is called "society", always been like that, always will be.
I'm a progressive and this is NOT a progressive tax, however, I like it since, as a suburbanite I don't drive nearly what a rural person would drive and they should pay for that use. If they want to live far from everyone they should pay more for their road, electricity, etc.
Do you get food and supplies from those rural areas that do not make as much as the city dwellers but still have to pay the cost to produce what city dwellers consume?
Why do libs always romanticize about socialist europe, public transit, trains, and herding people?
The part I can't figure out is why they never have anything to say when the gov't. wastes half of what they confiscate on bs like transgender studies in Pakistan.
You are a progressive who supports a tax that is not progressive?

Don't you care about the poor?

Should we assume that poor black folk, for example, should have to pay the same as rich whitey? Or maybe roads should be for whites only.

Are you a racist?
And just how is this any different than a tax on gasoline?
The part I can't figure out is why they never have anything to say when the gov't. wastes half of what they confiscate on bs like transgender studies in Pakistan.

.............."If they want to live far from everyone they should pay more ..............................."

This shows the absolute envy and hate libs have for other people.
I live in the rural area and pay extra to do so on has tax, whoop-de-doo, anything not to live in a crowded hell hole.
Let's see you name the people who don't "pay for what they get". I'm waiting. :popcorn:
Well there is me as a Virginian for instance. There are also plenty of NYers.

Federal assistance to states has come into the spotlight recently during the coronavirus pandemic, where some states have received far more money per case than others. For example, in the initial $150 billion given to states from the stimulus package, which was allocated by population, New York got less than $24,000 per positive case while Alaska received over $3.3 million.
Do you get food and supplies from those rural areas that do not make as much as the city dwellers but still have to pay the cost to produce what city dwellers consume?
Do you mean do I get my food from distant, factory farms that can compete with local farmers, in part, because the cost of transportation is subsidized? Then yes.

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