Volcanoes and ice

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Many here have made claims that it is volcanoes that are eroding the underside of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the falsity of that idea. It would take several dozen actively erupting volcanoes to effect an ice shelf the size of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf.

biden meltdown.jpg
Many here have made claims that it is volcanoes that are eroding the underside of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the falsity of that idea. It would take several dozen actively erupting volcanoes to effect an ice shelf the size of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf.

Next time warn us when you post something that funny!

Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
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Many here have made claims that it is volcanoes that are eroding the underside of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the falsity of that idea. It would take several dozen actively erupting volcanoes to effect an ice shelf the size of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf.

But I thought all the glaciers were melting? :bye1:
LOL That is what you assholes have been doing. 6Jan, false electors, and the multiple criminal offences in Georgia by Trump. But that still has nothing to do with the subject of volcanoes and ice.
Lol, liar.
LOL That is what you assholes have been doing. 6Jan, false electors, and the multiple criminal offences in Georgia by Trump. But that still has nothing to do with the subject of volcanoes and ice.

January 6th is the new Trump Russian colussion fable. Only the CNN watching pod people take it seriously.

As we will see in November!!


I'm suggesting to all my progressive pals already.....start stocking up on crayons and KY now. By Thanksgiving, you won't find any on the shelves!
Next time warn us when you post something that funny!

Here are the 4 main reasons why AGW fails:

1. There are no experiments. The central pillar is that an increase in a negligible atmospheric gas is generating heat that will soon end all life on Earth. Well, how much additional heat does the 120 ppm of CO2 generate? Why is there never a non-imaginary number provided by the lab work?

2. This additional planet killing atmospheric heat in 1 above is somehow also heating the oceans down 700m deep? Yet, it takes far more energy to heat water than air. Where is that missing energy?

3. So many failed predictions! Any real scientist would have had to discard the flawed theory and moved on, AGW is impervious to its graphic, public misses

4. The AGW Cult; yes, it's a Cult, because it's religion, not science, is oblivious to the fact that China generates more of this imaginary planet killing gas than all industrial nations combined and double the output of the USA. If this really was science and an existential threat, all the efforts would be on dialing back Chinese output. Instead, the AGW Cult excuses the ChiComs for being allowed to continue spewing this imaginary planet killing gas for 20 years beyond the latest alleged tipping point.
Old Rocks , So no response huh? Frank covered what you will never respond to. Hilarious and exposed for all to see. Laughing at it with no response, merely emphasizes what you are truly afraid to respond to. Actual data.
Old Rocks , So no response huh? Frank covered what you will never respond to. Hilarious and exposed for all to see. Laughing at it with no response, merely emphasizes what you are truly afraid to respond to. Actual data.
Yep....Old Rocks MO is a typical weenie stunt progressives pull all the time in here.

He'll join the discussion again after a bunch of posts move along, effectively ignoring the post that blew his shit up. So ghey

Too JC....these progressives all have a social blind spot in their make-up. Remember the social invalids in school who would repeatedly get embarrassed but do the same stOOpid shit over and over again? They got attention....only way they could get any. They grow up to be progressives....prolific social oddballs.
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Yep....Old Rocks MO is a typical weenie stunt progressives pull all the time in here.

He'll join the discussion again after a bunch of posts move along, effectively ignoring the post that blew his shit up. So ghey

Too JC....these progressives all have a social blind spot in their make-up. Remember the social invalids in school who would repeatedly get embarrassed but do the same stOOpid shit over and over again? They got attention....only way they could get any. They grow up to be progressives....prolific social oddballs.
Hey, did you see the Jeopardy clown dressed as a lady lost yesterday. Was to be his 40th win. And of course the media strings it along by calling him a her. It's fking hilarious. They should learn that a human with a prostate is a dude and will always be a dude. His brain is a dudes, his hands his feet, his gut, every physical component of the dude's makeup is man. What they are trying to promote is now his brain power is woman!!! So a woman has been winning 39 times. Hilarious Skooks.
Old Rocks , So no response huh? Frank covered what you will never respond to. Hilarious and exposed for all to see. Laughing at it with no response, merely emphasizes what you are truly afraid to respond to. Actual data.

It's not like we're asking the same questions for over 20 years now, wait, it is like that!
Many here have made claims that it is volcanoes that are eroding the underside of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the falsity of that idea. It would take several dozen actively erupting volcanoes to effect an ice shelf the size of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf.

And many here are convinced that ONLY THE USA can affect the climate.....and is the ONLY country in their crosshairs......

China? PASS!
India? PASS!


Since 2014, China's CO2 emissions have risen, those in the USA have fellen.


Maybe this whole "Climate Change" hysteria is all about an agenda and not really the planet ?
And many here are convinced that ONLY THE USA can affect the climate.....and is the ONLY country in their crosshairs......

China? PASS!
India? PASS!


Since 2014, China's CO2 emissions have risen, those in the USA have fellen.


Maybe this whole "Climate Change" hysteria is all about an agenda and not really the planet ?

China paid good money for these AGW Studies and models
Many here have made claims that it is volcanoes that are eroding the underside of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf. Mt. St. Helens demonstrates the falsity of that idea. It would take several dozen actively erupting volcanoes to effect an ice shelf the size of the Thwaites Glacier ice shelf.

what an idiotic comparison. How LONG was the Mt Helens explosion? And where is ANYONE talking EXPLODING volcanoes under the WAISheet?

Those coastal glaciers have their footers in the water on top of a toaster oven. The fissures are ACTIVE but not generating explosive magma. So about 10 W/m2 UNDER TREMENDOUS PRESSURE from the ice above is MORE than enough to LUBRICATE their slide and accelerate them to sea.

Thought you were studying Geology there OldieRocks.. Do you not understand that 10W/m2 UNDER THEIR FEET is a HELL of lot more ice destruction than 3W/m2 from GW above? If it even IS 3W/m2 at Antarctica?

And since the heating is there EVERY MINUTE, DAY, MONTH YEAR since only Gawd knows when -- I can pull the same phony stunt that your buddies at skepticalscience pull and measure that TOTAL ENERGY in "# of Mt St Helens". It's a large number which I'm NOT gonna attempt unless you MAKE ME..

:dev3: but it's more than 2!!! LOL....

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