Vote Early

You forgot the other half of your motto.
Vote Early

Wow, that just never gets old. Not the 30 times it was said on this thread and not the 100s of times I hear it in an election cycle. Let me guess, you have kids pull your finger too, don't you?

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

You think it doesn't happen?

I know it happens. I also know that they get caught, pay a fine and sometimes go to jail. Willing to risk it for little to no gain?

I also know that they get caught,

ALL of them get caught?

you're a dreamer
You forgot the other half of your motto.
Vote Early

Wow, that just never gets old. Not the 30 times it was said on this thread and not the 100s of times I hear it in an election cycle. Let me guess, you have kids pull your finger too, don't you?

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

You think it doesn't happen?

I know it happens. I also know that they get caught, pay a fine and sometimes go to jail. Willing to risk it for little to no gain?

I also know that they get caught,

ALL of them get caught?

you're a dreamer
This is the childlike logic the left use in every similar argument. They're like toddlers who are only child's and tell mommy and daddy "I didn't do it" ten minutes after they broke a vase or something. If no one caught them it didn't happen.
Trump does not like Absentee voting or early voting because people may have cast their votes before his planned, October surprise drop.

& foreign actors can't mess with it either because vote by mail = paper trail.

there is no paper trail for mail in votes. There is no tracking number put on mail in votes. geez dude, stop lying.

you are lying. there is tracking available.

Wow the far right radical extremist you replied to is a very special kind of stupid.

The ballot itself is the paper trail.

All the ballots have bar codes and numbers on them for electronic verification.

Mail in ballots are easy, convenient and safe.

The person you replied to is either extremely stupid or likes to lie. Or both.
Trump does not like Absentee voting or early voting because people may have cast their votes before his planned, October surprise drop.

& foreign actors can't mess with it either because vote by mail = paper trail.
I'm not certain foreign actors can't mess with it in an early process....we know as fact, the Russians stole or broke in to state voter registration systems in 2016... we do not know what they did with the information they gathered.

So we all still need to keep our eyes wide open for fraud, by them.

Yep, and we need to be aware that the chinese and russians (who badly want Joe to win) are capable of producing millions of fake ballots and mailing them in. We can all safely go to the polls on election day, that is the only way to know that the election is not rigged, the dems and russians tried and failed to do it in 2016 and they will try again this november.
The Russians are the ones who broke in to voter registration rolls, in 2016. NOT the least not yet.

Printing ballots just isn't a concern, because most states, 41 of them, are not mass mailing to registered voters and most importantly signatures have to match for the vote to count....if the ballot sig does not match, then they are called, and given a chance to prove, the citizen is the voter who signed the envelope, by providing I'D at the election office. If they don't do this, the absentee ballot is not counted.

Absentee ballots are checked for signatures, checked to see if they are registered, checked to see if they have died, since they mailed them out....etc.

They are not accepted, willy nilly.

I was in an accident one year which caused nerve damage in my hands and arm.

The next time I voted after that accident I got a letter from the county auditor office saying there was a problem with my ballot. It wasn't counted. If I wanted it counted I had to go to the auditor's office with ID. So I did.

The signature didn't match the one on file. Which I knew it wouldn't because of the nerve damage in my hands. I showed them ID. They gave me a new card to sign. My vote was counted.

There are bar codes on the ballots along with numbers. They don't send ballots out to just anyone. You have to be a registered voter to get one.

Mail in voting is very safe, secure and leaves a paper trail to count.

Most importantly, republicans can't close a polling place, can't move one to a place people can't get to our completely out of town. They can't deny a person the right to vote or challenge it. They can't put one or two machines in a voting place. They can't put broken or malfunctioning machines in a voting place. No one has to stand in a long line all day.

A lot of the cheating the republicans do can't be done with mail in voting.

That is why trump and republicans don't want mail in voting.
No...if you are a Republican, vote at an actual polling location......that way the democrats in the Postal service can't lose your vote......

How would they purposely lose your vote when they don't know who you're voting for?
Trump does not like Absentee voting or early voting because people may have cast their votes before his planned, October surprise drop.

& foreign actors can't mess with it either because vote by mail = paper trail.
I'm not certain foreign actors can't mess with it in an early process....we know as fact, the Russians stole or broke in to state voter registration systems in 2016... we do not know what they did with the information they gathered.

So we all still need to keep our eyes wide open for fraud, by them.

Yep, and we need to be aware that the chinese and russians (who badly want Joe to win) are capable of producing millions of fake ballots and mailing them in. We can all safely go to the polls on election day, that is the only way to know that the election is not rigged, the dems and russians tried and failed to do it in 2016 and they will try again this november.
The Russians are the ones who broke in to voter registration rolls, in 2016. NOT the least not yet.

Printing ballots just isn't a concern, because most states, 41 of them, are not mass mailing to registered voters and most importantly signatures have to match for the vote to count....if the ballot sig does not match, then they are called, and given a chance to prove, the citizen is the voter who signed the envelope, by providing I'D at the election office. If they don't do this, the absentee ballot is not counted.

Absentee ballots are checked for signatures, checked to see if they are registered, checked to see if they have died, since they mailed them out....etc.

They are not accepted, willy nilly.

I was in an accident one year which caused nerve damage in my hands and arm.

The next time I voted after that accident I got a letter from the county auditor office saying there was a problem with my ballot. It wasn't counted. If I wanted it counted I had to go to the auditor's office with ID. So I did.

The signature didn't match the one on file. Which I knew it wouldn't because of the nerve damage in my hands. I showed them ID. They gave me a new card to sign. My vote was counted.

There are bar codes on the ballots along with numbers. They don't send ballots out to just anyone. You have to be a registered voter to get one.

Mail in voting is very safe, secure and leaves a paper trail to count.

Most importantly, republicans can't close a polling place, can't move one to a place people can't get to our completely out of town. They can't deny a person the right to vote or challenge it. They can't put one or two machines in a voting place. They can't put broken or malfunctioning machines in a voting place. No one has to stand in a long line all day.

A lot of the cheating the republicans do can't be done with mail in voting.

That is why trump and republicans don't want mail in voting.

Do you actually believe that the Republicans are the problem or are you lying like the rest of the democrats? You can tell us, it's just us.......
No...if you are a Republican, vote at an actual polling location......that way the democrats in the Postal service can't lose your vote......

How would they purposely lose your vote when they don't know who you're voting for?

I have also heard that the mail in ballots in California actually have Republican/democrat on the envelope...still trying to find out if that is accurate or not....
No...if you are a Republican, vote at an actual polling location......that way the democrats in the Postal service can't lose your vote......

How would they purposely lose your vote when they don't know who you're voting for?

I have also heard that the mail in ballots in California actually have Republican/democrat on the envelope...still trying to find out if that is accurate or not....

You heard wrong.
No...if you are a Republican, vote at an actual polling location......that way the democrats in the Postal service can't lose your vote......

How would they purposely lose your vote when they don't know who you're voting for?

They simply target republican zip codes....and toss votes from those areas.

And your evidence of that is where?

No evidence since we don't have nation wide vote by mail....but that would be the way to do it.....when you just get past all the built in incompetence of the Post Office that we have already seen in states with mail in voting.
If I have to, I will not only mask, but throw on a disposable rainsuit and glove up.

Can you catch a cold from touching a ballot paper?
I think I read where the virus can only remain alive on that type surface for a few minutes to two or three days, so think it is unlikely to be much of a transmission media. I will take my chances with the riskier choice of voting in public, using a voting machine at a public place, where the last voter before me could have been infected and touched the same plastic surfaces I touch, moments before. I'll take precautions, undoubtedly masked and gloved and vote in person.
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If I have to, I will not only mask, but throw on a disposable rainsuit and glove up.

Can you catch a cold from touching a ballot paper?
I think I read where the virus can only remain alive on that type surface for a few minutes to two or three days, so think it is unlikely to be much of a transmission media. I will take my chances with the riskier choice of voting in public, using a voting machine at a public place, where the last voter before me could have been infected and touched the same plastic surfaces I tough, moments before. I'll take precautions, undoubtedly masked and gloved and vote in person.

The only way to make sure your vote is counted......Postal Service incompetence alone is going to make this election a we have already seen in too many states...
You forgot the other half of your motto.
Vote Early

Wow, that just never gets old. Not the 30 times it was said on this thread and not the 100s of times I hear it in an election cycle. Let me guess, you have kids pull your finger too, don't you?

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

Go ahead and try, won't you? Please try to cast more than one ballot...

You think it doesn't happen?

I know it happens. I also know that they get caught, pay a fine and sometimes go to jail. Willing to risk it for little to no gain?

I also know that they get caught,

ALL of them get caught?

you're a dreamer
It can be corrected by New RULES of the Secretary of States..... And in person voting in a state doesn't stop the few times this can be done fraudulently.

The only thing wrong with your post is Don has NOT embraced our foes. He is constantly causing problems with Russia, China, Iran, and Venezuela. You stating otherwise is an indication you get your news from the MSM.

Secondly and more importantly, the US has no foes other than the ones the MIC and Deep State have made up, for their benefit.

Oh, do tell. What "problems" had Putin's Puppet caused for Russia?

Really? You just proved you’re completely uninformed. Get informed.
I encourage everybody to start early voting as soon as it is allowed before election day. Vote by mail if you must, but know drumpf has control of the postal service and will hold up the vote to hang on to power. If I have to, I will not only mask, but throw on a disposable rainsuit and glove up. I will vote early and in person, to make sure my vote counts.

Don't forget to duct tape up those entry points for the virus in your make shift suit there, especially the mouth.....
Nothing extreme about taking precautions. Pretty radical to ignore hazards, off hand. Son worked on 4 patients night before last. Three were covid. The third had been diagnosed Thursday, a week ago. They kept him breathing, maxed the oxygen they were allowed to, getting patient up to 80 from 50, and transported. At the hospital, during treatment by emergency room doctor the patient coded and they were unable to resuscitate. Two plus years in, it still effects my son when he is part of a losing effort on a patient. This patient was 30 years old, same as he, and seeming normal before last week. I had similar reaction to after doing CPR on the 31 year old that fell dead in the yard next door, 3 months ago. I did that without mask, gloves or equipment until relieved by EMS, who worked on the young man for over 30 minutes after relieving me. I had spoke with the young man on multiple occasions and as lately as two nights before, out in the same yard he fell dead in, and I was summoned for help. My son called me to talk after the loss of his patient. He reflected a changed perspective on the disease. He reminded me never to take chances like that again, as this disease is far more serious than he had thought and can get people at any age and especially at my age, at any time. It is different when you see it right in front of you.
The only thing wrong with your post is Don has NOT embraced our foes. He is constantly causing problems with Russia, China, Iran, and Venezuela. You stating otherwise is an indication you get your news from the MSM.

Secondly and more importantly, the US has no foes other than the ones the MIC and Deep State have made up, for their benefit.

Oh, do tell. What "problems" had Putin's Puppet caused for Russia?

Really? You just proved you’re completely uninformed. Get informed.

Why didn't you provide a link if you're so "informed". You know, like this.


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