Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.



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Yeah all, Vote for the Democrats-Progressives BECAUSE all during the Bush years they WERE SO SAINTLY, UNCONFRONTATIONAL, and really really really just wanted Bush to Govern...
oh and psssssst, they were NEVA on any type of WITCH HUNT, oh nooooooo.

man oh man, you just gotta laugh your ass off at whoever come up with this stupid shit . I guess they think they are being CLEVER or sumthing. :lol::lol:

How many people went to jail from the Haliburton meltdown costing 10s of thousands of Americans their life savings?

How many people went to jail from the 9 billion plus missing in Iraq?

How many people went to jail from the Justice Department debacle?

How many people went to jail from the "slam dunk" and "WMDs" and "Yellowcake" and "outing a CIA covert operative (some call that treason)"?

How many people went to jail from soldiers being electrocuted in Iraq from shoddy "no bid" contract work?

Fucking Republicans. Spin, lies, cheat. It's what they know. What they are good at.



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Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.

Darryl Issa......:lol::lol::lol:
Yes, the same Darryl Issa that bankrolled the effort to get Gov. Gray Davis out of office, because he wanted to become governor. Then he cried on TV when Schwarzennegger got it.
Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

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The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.

Darryl Issa......:lol::lol::lol:
Yes, the same Darryl Issa that bankrolled the effort to get Gov. Gray Davis out of office, because he wanted to become governor. Then he cried on TV when Schwarzennegger got it.


In the San Jose case, Issa, who at the time was a 27-year-old U.S. Army officer, and William Issa, 29, were arrested by San Jose police on a felony auto-theft charge in February 1980.

They were accused of a scheme in which Issa's brother allegedly sold Issa's cherry-red Mercedes 240 to Smythe European Motors in San Jose for $13,000 cash and three $1,000 traveler's checks. Within hours, Issa reported the car stolen from a lot at the Monterey airport, near his Army post at Fort Ord.

Issa and his brother pleaded not guilty. A judge ordered them to stand trial on felony charges, saying he had a "strong suspicion" that the men had committed the crime, according to the records.

DownWithTyranny!: Darrell Issa May Be A Common Thug-- But He's A Very Rich One With A Knack For Wriggling Out Of Responsibility
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Vince Fosters last words: I want to come clean about Whitewater, I'm going to talk to the AG about what really happened. This is more important than the embarrassment it will cause my political party.
Vince Fosters last words: I want to come clean about Whitewater, I'm going to talk to the AG about what really happened. This is more important than the embarrassment it will cause my political party.

Not the way I heard it..

I hear he was going to spill the beans about the moon landings
Vince Fosters last words: I want to come clean about Whitewater, I'm going to talk to the AG about what really happened. This is more important than the embarrassment it will cause my political party.

Not the way I heard it..

I hear he was going to spill the beans about the moon landings

You mean the ones where the astronauts had to talk in code back to NASA because they had to discuss stuff that wasn't there?
Vince Fosters last words: I want to come clean about Whitewater, I'm going to talk to the AG about what really happened. This is more important than the embarrassment it will cause my political party.

Not the way I heard it..

I hear he was going to spill the beans about the moon landings

You mean the ones where the astronauts had to talk in code back to NASA because they had to discuss stuff that wasn't there?


Vince Foster gave his life to protect that information
Not the way I heard it..

I hear he was going to spill the beans about the moon landings

You mean the ones where the astronauts had to talk in code back to NASA because they had to discuss stuff that wasn't there?


Vince Foster gave his life to protect that information
everyone was in on it. The Conservative Editorial Pages of the Wall Street Journal fed that story.

thank gawd, we have a voice like that. :eusa_whistle:
Did someone say Witch Hunt? Tom Delay was just cleared of all charges after a brutal six year investigation which led to him leaving Congress. A six year long Witch Hunt by Democrat A*sholes which has led to nothing. It did destroy the man's career though. So Democrats know a lot about Witch Hunts. How much time & money was spent on that Witch Hunt? How much time & money was spent on a stupid perjury conviction of Scooter Libby? Some idiot Democrats on this board still keep claiming Libby was prosecuted for leaking a CIA operative's name. That is of course not true though. Libby was convicted of perjury for supposedly lying about phone calls he said he didn't recall receiving. All that tax payer money spent and all the Democrat A*sholes got was a silly perjury conviction of a lowly aide. Delay's case was the worst case of a political Witch Hunt possibly ever seen in history. The man was unjustly destroyed. So f*ck off Democrats with your b*tchin about Witch Hunts. Personally i'm looking forward to them. Payback really is a B*tch. So buck up Dems,it's coming back around.
Vote GOP: Revisit Clinton Witch Hunt only this time, Obama

GOP takeover could make committee staff member America's 'worst nightmare'

Darrell Issa, Gunning to be Obama’s Dan Burton

If there's one congressional aide White House officials might wind up fearing most, it's Larry Brady.

He's all but unknown, but Brady is the secret weapon for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.). As minority staff director of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Brady stands ready to wield almighty subpoena power if Republicans seize control of the chamber in November and make Issa chairman of the panel.

--- --- ---

The current back story quietly spinning along brought to mind something candidate Obama said during the primaries. Talking about the “the battles of the ’90s” in order to make the case for his candidacy and turning the page from the past and what happened back then. If Darrell Issa has his way, Pres. Obama may find out that many of “the battles of the ’90s” happened beyond what Clinton could control. Sometimes it’s simply about politics and the way Republicans see their role against a Democratic president.


Yeah, the GOP take back of the US House is all about governing. The Republicans haunted the Clinton administration in order to keep them from governing. The Democrats never did this to George W. Bush, even though there were very serious disagreements.

When the Democrats won the US House back in 2006, they did NOT do what the extremists in the party wanted, and what the extremists in the GOP feared (payback) -- the Democrats started to govern.

Now the GOP is looking to win back the US House, and not only will I predict a House playing political witch hunts, but the GOP itself is running on not governing, but bringing back what is to them a winning strategy of old.

The GOP does not want Obama to govern. They would rather America go down the shit tubes before they allow a Democrat to do something and get credit for it.

The biggest problem with the "subpoena" strategy is that after the Multi Million Dollar witch hunt of Clinton, and the slightly lesser one of Bush, the standard for any witch hunt against Obama will be high.

The Clinton witch hunt actually generated some sympathy for the Clintons. Folks agreed that Clinton was scum, but the level of uproar the GOP raised actually backfired on him. I remember the polls back then, even if the GOP doesn't, that showed the backlash against the GOP for the whole Impeachment process over a blue dress. And that was all they had. They'd investigated White Water, Vince Foster, Chinese political influences, guests in the Lincoln bedroom, etc, and all they had was the blue dress after millions of dollars wasted (much of which was taxpayer money) and coutnless subpoenas issued.

The Bush witch hunt was even more embarrassing.

If the GOP goes that route at Obama, even if he has done something wrong, the standard of proof and the standard of allegation at the end will be VERY VERY high. If the GOP wastes taxpayer money again on a witch hunt and comes back with perjury of some minor official... they're toast. They'll need more than allegations to win in 2012. They need to show they've tried to do something to address the issues people are facing. Wasted money and wasted time won't win.
If the GOP goes that route at Obama, even if he has done something wrong, the standard of proof and the standard of allegation at the end will be VERY VERY high. If the GOP wastes taxpayer money again on a witch hunt and comes back with perjury of some minor official... they're toast. They'll need more than allegations to win in 2012. They need to show they've tried to do something to address the issues people are facing. Wasted money and wasted time won't win.
If team Obama was smart, they'd say: "Bring IT on!"
If the GOP goes that route at Obama, even if he has done something wrong, the standard of proof and the standard of allegation at the end will be VERY VERY high. If the GOP wastes taxpayer money again on a witch hunt and comes back with perjury of some minor official... they're toast. They'll need more than allegations to win in 2012. They need to show they've tried to do something to address the issues people are facing. Wasted money and wasted time won't win.
If team Obama was smart, they'd say: "Bring IT on!"

While Team Obama is obviously not very smart, they are smart enough to know they don't want to be investigated.
If the GOP goes that route at Obama, even if he has done something wrong, the standard of proof and the standard of allegation at the end will be VERY VERY high. If the GOP wastes taxpayer money again on a witch hunt and comes back with perjury of some minor official... they're toast. They'll need more than allegations to win in 2012. They need to show they've tried to do something to address the issues people are facing. Wasted money and wasted time won't win.
If team Obama was smart, they'd say: "Bring IT on!"

While Team Obama is obviously not very smart, they are smart enough to know they don't want to be investigated.

Its an incredible waste of time and taxpayer money when the economy is in the tubes, soldiers are at risk, and the US position as a superpower are all on the line.

Unless the GOP has something rock solid to start with and comes up with something rock solid to indict with, they'll get cruicified in 2012 if they decide to go the witch hunt route. People want help and relief now. An investigation won't satisfy them.

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