Voter Fraud, or Voter Suppression?

Suppression is far worse because it is government doing it to it's citizens, an insidious form of oppression that many seem to think is justified to keep the wrong kind of people from voting and an all too real tactic in our political landscape.

Voter fraud as a way to win anything other than small local elections is a myth and not worth the hyperbolic hysterics devoted to the "problem" last election cycle but it did move voter suppression firmly into the republican strategy of trying to win with a shrinking base.
When focused on one state, or one congressional district, it seems to me that voter suppression has the ability to change the course of a state or country.

Voter fraud, unless orchestrated - which would be as hard to miss as efforts to suppress voting - would seem less likely to impact the results of elections.

Clearly I'm biased, and I believe that the effort by the GOP to suppress the vote is a result of a small tent party hoping to keep the tent small and still win elections.

Every African American, Asian American, every Latino voter, every union member, every employee of fast food restaurants, Wal-Mart, Target, women and Sr. Citizen should rise up and say, "Hell No!". Every parent, every citizen who cannot afford health insurance, every government employee and every member of our Armed Forces needs to tell the party of no and the power elite who fund the GOP that a new generation of Americans no longer can be swayed to vote by the hate and fear rhetoric of the New Right.
The dims have always been way more guilty of both! JFK and BHO are the best examples. Neither would have won without them IMHO shared by many.
Outside of the obvious where the left believes the right supports voter suppression and the right believes the left supports voter fraud why would anyone consider one more acceptable than the other?
The dims have always been way more guilty of both! JFK and BHO are the best examples. Neither would have won without them IMHO shared by many.

Dude Nixon and Reagan. They had WAY more voter fraud IMHO shared by TONS of people.
i find it humorous how libs now claim voter fraud is virtually non existent, when in 2000 they claimed bush stole florida via fraud. all of a sudden voter fraud doesn't matter. why are dems so scared?

both are bad equally. as both can result in unfair elections.
i find it humorous how libs now claim voter fraud is virtually non existent, when in 2000 they claimed bush stole florida via fraud. all of a sudden voter fraud doesn't matter. why are dems so scared?

both are bad equally. as both can result in unfair elections.

Bush stole Florida through election fraud, it's where elections officials screw with the results. Not actually one of the options but still a very successful republican strategy in purple districts.
Which is worse?

Voter suppression, clearly – given the fact voter ‘fraud’ is virtually nonexistent and there’s no evidence the outcome of any election was changed as a result of ‘fraud.’

Ya cause hundreds of dead people voting just doesn't happen right? No one registers and votes in more than one State right?

Meanwhile requiring ID to vote does not suppress the vote. But yu dumb asses keep claiming it does.
Why should we have to show more ID to get ObamaCare than we do to vote?
By the way, remind us which party has a shit fit when a State tries to purge its voter rolls of dead and moved people?
If you're registered to vote how does someone suppress your vote?

Are you really that stupid?


No, he is not stupid. This rude response is merely the Liberal way of dealing with any question about the purely Socialist system that Obama is busy instituting.

Liberals don't have an answer to the question, so you are an idiot for asking it.

In Obama's frenzy to make sure every black votes for places like Chicago and Philidelphia, it appears they vote for him several times per election day...Socialists have claimed making someone prove he is the registrered voter he claims he is---by producing a picture I.D.---is voter suppression.

Liberals have nothing but sophistry and name calling to defend this absurdity (of claiming voter suppression)...and the more vehemence with which they defend it...the more sure it is that Voter Fraud is a key element of their election strategy....especially in the big rotting cities.
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If you're registered to vote how does someone suppress your vote?

Are you really that stupid?


No, he is not stupid. This remark is merely the Liberal way of dealing with any question about the purely Socialist system that Obama is busy instituting.

Libelal; don't have an answer to the question, so you are an idiot for asking it.

In Obama's frenzy to make sure every black votes for places like Chicago and Philidelphia, it appears they vote for him several times per election day...Socialists have claimed making someone prove he is the registrered voter he claims he is---by producing a picture I.D.---is voter suppression.

Liberals have nothing but sophistry and name calling to defend this absurdity (of claiming voter suppression)...and the more vehemence with which they defend it...the more sure it is that Voter Fraud is a key element of their election strategy....especially in the big rotting cities.

Are you really that nuts?
By the way, remind us which party has a shit fit when a State tries to purge its voter rolls of dead and moved people?

Is that all they purge? You know better and probably approve of how targeted and sloppy they actually end up doing it. They intentionally target democratic precincts and use private contractors to do it who get paid by how many get purged.

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