Voter ID: How about this?

Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?
Why require it, if there is no problem in the first place? Why increase gvt power over us, when it is not necessary? WHY?
Who said it is not necessary?
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
REAL ID Act of 2005

In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun.

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!

This brought to you from the Federal Elections Commission:

ID, please. Not just some..everyone!
Why not just set up a photo machine at polling places to make the ID on the spot? Not that hard. Make it free, do it at polling places, problem solved.

Proving identity isn't like out of line. May not prevent a major problem of voter fraud, but still seems like common sense especially close to northern and southern borders.
Having to have a government photo issued ID does not and will NOT STOP any illegal voting, if they got registered by the State, in the FIRST PLACE.
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?
Why require it, if there is no problem in the first place? Why increase gvt power over us, when it is not necessary? WHY?
Who said it is not necessary?
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
REAL ID Act of 2005

In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun.

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!
I'll ask again:
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
You want to force people to carry national identity papers, mein furher.
So what about it, Voter ID people? How about we automatically register people to vote when they sign up for welfare or food stamps?

Seems convenient and resolves questions of their eligibility
Every one of you that wants a mandatory Gvt issued photo id in order to vote, believe in having a National ID card and would accept this without the blink of an eye....
Two words:
Why do you support wasting taxpayer dollars on a government program that does not stop voter fraud?
How does verifying that the person at the poll is who he says he is does not stop voter fraud?
That's a different issue and has no bearing on the discussion at hand.

Requiring an ID at the poll allows the state to verify that the person at the poll is who he claims to be.

So, what argument do you have against the suggestions in the OP?
Why require it, if there is no problem in the first place? Why increase gvt power over us, when it is not necessary? WHY?
Who said it is not necessary?
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
REAL ID Act of 2005

In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun.

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!
I'll ask again:
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
You want to force people to carry national identity papers, mein furher.
I see.
Do you lie to your kids like you lie to yourself?

I'll ask again:
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
You can spend billions of dollars getting the right kind of Voter ID into everyone's hands, and you won't make a scratch in voter fraud.

This is the single fact that Voter ID proponents cannot get through their pointy heads.

So I really don't know how they could possibly consider themselves conservatives when they have such a hard-on for wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program.

ObAMA has announced he wanted to transform America. Well, with his immigration policies coupled with no voter ID is just what he's talking about. Watch that Democratic voter base grow, of course, all new voters will be going to the polls with a paper to match the name with the voter machine's page. The new base of Democratic voter won't be able to speak English.
This has nothing to do with the fact that Voter ID does not stop voter fraud. How do you reconcile the fact that Voter ID does not stop fraud with your obsession for spending taxpayer dollars to make sure everyone has national ID papers?
Voter ID does stop election fraud. It's just never been mandatory to find out, friend.
Voter ID proponents are like a stuck record. Even though it has been empirically proven that Voter ID does not stop fraud, they still want money wasted on it!


They cannot explain themselves. All we get is retarded responses like, "Because South Africa." Holy SHIT!!!

Because South Africa.

Never mind that Voter ID does not stop fraud, we must have it "because South Africa."

We're talking serious mental retardation here.

Voter ID. Does. Not. Stop. Fraud.
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
You don't understand the issue.

The issue concerns citizens who registered to vote 30 or 40 years ago, have remained active and eligible on the voter registration rolls during that entire time, and lack the documents today through no fault of their own to obtain a current state issued ID to comply with the new laws being enacted.

The issue also concerns the fact that there is no evidence voter 'fraud' by identity manifest to the extent justifying the undue burden to the fundamental right to vote voter ID laws represent.

The state may not presume all voters are 'guilty' of voter fraud by identity and compel them to 'prove' that they are innocent by producing ID; to presume a citizen 'might' misuse a civil liberty does not warrant the state's restriction of that right.

Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.
JEBUS Christo boe

Senior Citizens DO NOT NEED a GVT Issued Photo ID to collect their Social Security.....

We are not talking about every day ID's like your marriage certificate and your social security card, or your social security card and your latest electric bill, ALL without a photo on them.... but ALL prove who you are.....
You can spend billions of dollars getting the right kind of Voter ID into everyone's hands, and you won't make a scratch in voter fraud.

This is the single fact that Voter ID proponents cannot get through their pointy heads.

So I really don't know how they could possibly consider themselves conservatives when they have such a hard-on for wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program.

ObAMA has announced he wanted to transform America. Well, with his immigration policies coupled with no voter ID is just what he's talking about. Watch that Democratic voter base grow, of course, all new voters will be going to the polls with a paper to match the name with the voter machine's page. The new base of Democratic voter won't be able to speak English.
This has nothing to do with the fact that Voter ID does not stop voter fraud. How do you reconcile the fact that Voter ID does not stop fraud with your obsession for spending taxpayer dollars to make sure everyone has national ID papers?
Voter ID does stop election fraud. It's just never been mandatory to find out, friend.
Please provide evidence it does.

You retards have posted dozens and dozens of examples of voter fraud over the years. And every one of them has been proven not to be stopped by Voter ID.

And now you have a sudden inability to cough up even one example. Why the sudden shyness?

Because you know it doesn't stop fraud. You don't want to be caught with egg on your face yet again. So you just post bullshit bare assertions.

Have you noticed no one has posted a giant photo of that black woman any more? Yeah, because she voted SIX TIMES in OHIO, WHICH HAS VOTER ID.

You retards just can't get it through your heads that Voter ID does not stop fraud.

Your case for Voter ID is moving backwards.
You can spend billions of dollars getting the right kind of Voter ID into everyone's hands, and you won't make a scratch in voter fraud.

This is the single fact that Voter ID proponents cannot get through their pointy heads.

So I really don't know how they could possibly consider themselves conservatives when they have such a hard-on for wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program.

ObAMA has announced he wanted to transform America. Well, with his immigration policies coupled with no voter ID is just what he's talking about. Watch that Democratic voter base grow, of course, all new voters will be going to the polls with a paper to match the name with the voter machine's page. The new base of Democratic voter won't be able to speak English.
This has nothing to do with the fact that Voter ID does not stop voter fraud. How do you reconcile the fact that Voter ID does not stop fraud with your obsession for spending taxpayer dollars to make sure everyone has national ID papers?
Voter ID does stop election fraud. It's just never been mandatory to find out, friend.
WHAT voter fraud would it stop?
Possibly the most retarded reason ever given for wasting taxpayer dollars: "Because we can afford it."

Jesus H. Christ.
WHAT voter fraud would it stop?
It only stops imaginary fraud. It is all they have. Just imaginary shit that does not actually happen in real life.

Voter ID cannot stop the REAL type of fraud which occurs. It can arguably prevent dead people from voting, but we don't need Voter ID to cure the root problem of dead people being on voter registration rolls. To cure that problem, we simply need to purge dead people from the voter registration rolls.

People who want money wasted on Voter ID want voter fraud to continue.
Why require it, if there is no problem in the first place? Why increase gvt power over us, when it is not necessary? WHY?
Who said it is not necessary?
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
REAL ID Act of 2005

In time, Real IDs could be required to vote, collect a Social Security check, access Medicaid, open a bank account, go to an Orioles game, or buy a gun.

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!
I'll ask again:
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
You want to force people to carry national identity papers, mein furher.
I see.
Do you lie to your kids like you lie to yourself?

I'll ask again:
How does requiring you to show you are who you say your are when you try to vote increase government power over anyone?
Before Voter ID: I go to vote. I tell the nice lady my name. She looks me up on the registered voters list and marks me off, then hands me a ballot.

After Voter ID: I go to vote. I tell the nice lady my name. SHE DEMANDS ID. She looks me up on the registered voters list and marks me off, then hands me a ballot.

If an elderly person does not have a current ID, and it must be the right kind of ID, they must go and get one before they can vote.

There is your further government intrusion.

How the FUCK can you NOT see this is more government intrusion into your lives, you fucking retard?

You are going along with this incrementalism toward always having to carry national identity papers on you at all times, you totalitarian fuckhead.

All the trouble, all that money wasted, and it does not stop voter fraud.
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?
You can spend billions of dollars getting the right kind of Voter ID into everyone's hands, and you won't make a scratch in voter fraud.

This is the single fact that Voter ID proponents cannot get through their pointy heads.

So I really don't know how they could possibly consider themselves conservatives when they have such a hard-on for wasting taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program.

ObAMA has announced he wanted to transform America. Well, with his immigration policies coupled with no voter ID is just what he's talking about. Watch that Democratic voter base grow, of course, all new voters will be going to the polls with a paper to match the name with the voter machine's page. The new base of Democratic voter won't be able to speak English.
This has nothing to do with the fact that Voter ID does not stop voter fraud. How do you reconcile the fact that Voter ID does not stop fraud with your obsession for spending taxpayer dollars to make sure everyone has national ID papers?
Voter ID does stop election fraud. It's just never been mandatory to find out, friend.
Please provide evidence it does.

You retards have posted dozens and dozens of examples of voter fraud over the years. And every one of them has been proven not to be stopped by Voter ID.

And now you have a sudden inability to cough up even one example. Why the sudden shyness?

Because you know it doesn't stop fraud. You don't want to be caught with egg on your face yet again. So you just post bullshit bare assertions.

Have you noticed no one has posted a giant photo of that black woman any more? Yeah, because she voted SIX TIMES in OHIO, WHICH HAS VOTER ID.

You retards just can't get it through your heads that Voter ID does not stop fraud.

Your case for Voter ID is moving backwards.

LOL. You make a great argument that fingerprints should be used on voter ID cards. How do we know about this
"black woman" who voted 6 times in Ohio? No fraud, ok.
It should not be national in nature.

The Constitution gives the power to conduct elections to the states.
The REAL ID Act puts the lie to your argument.

In 2005, the totalitarians in the White House and Congress forced the states to make their IDs meet national identity requirements.
LOL. You make a great argument that fingerprints should be used on voter ID cards. How do we know about this
"black woman" who voted 6 times in Ohio? No fraud, ok.

Wow. You just get dumber and dumber.

You retards hear of a black woman committing voter fraud, and you make all kinds of retarded assumptions. You don't even know how she cheated! This much is obvious.

Hint: A thumbprint would not have stopped her.

When you will you tards finally get it in your heads that Voter ID does not stop fraud?

I did not say "no fraud", idiot. I said Voter ID does not stop the types of fraud which occur. Get that through your head.
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?
I'm with you, rightwinger. Good Idea.

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