Voter ID: How about this?

Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

I did answer the question. I do not support AUTOMATICALLY registering people to vote when they sign up for government benefits.

Voting is political. Signing people up to vote when they are being handed MONEY BY THE GOVERNMENT is a form of emotional-political coercion performed by Big Government.

And ISSUING CREDENTIALS? Yet another form of government Photo ID? We already have those at the state level, so what you are suggesting is the Feds having a National Photo ID, with yet more centralization of power. No Thank You.
LOL. You make a great argument that fingerprints should be used on voter ID cards. How do we know about this
"black woman" who voted 6 times in Ohio? No fraud, ok.

Wow. You just get dumber and dumber.

You retards hear of a black woman committing voter fraud, and you make all kinds of retarded assumptions. You don't even know how she cheated! This much is obvious.

Hint: A thumbprint would not have stopped her.

When you will you tards finally get it in your heads that Voter ID does not stop fraud?

Oh, the little games we play. Hints away.. I don't think that mail in ballots are the way to go except for the military. Play your games with someone else.
Voter ID proponents are like a stuck record. Even though it has been empirically proven that Voter ID does not stop fraud, they still want money wasted on it!
They cannot explain themselves. All we get is retarded responses like, "Because South Africa." Holy SHIT!!!
Because South Africa.
Never mind that Voter ID does not stop fraud, we must have it "because South Africa."
We're talking serious mental retardation here.
Voter ID. Does. Not. Stop. Fraud.
G5000 has been reduced to clapping his hands over his ears and yelling "ICANYHEARYOUICANTHEARYOU!"
This makes him more useless than usual.
It is hard working with retards.

You show them that Voter ID does not stop fraud. They post examples of voter fraud as evidence Voter ID is necessary.

When you show them their example of fraud could not have been stopped by Voter ID, does it sink in? Nope. What they think we are saying is, "There is no fraud."

But that is not what we are saying. At all. Voter ID tards have this very, very weird perception filter. They hear imaginary shit.

THERE IS VOTER FRAUD. Got that, tards? Voter fraud exists. Got that? HEAR that? SEE that?

Be sure to hear and see that. THERE IS VOTER FRAUD.

Once you get that into your profoundly thick skulls, hear this; VOTER ID DOES NOT STOP THAT FRAUD.

It doesn't.

Every. Single. Example you have EVER shown could not be stopped by Voter ID.

Absentee ballot fraud. Poll worker fraud. Multiple voting. You know all the examples you have posted over the years. You crow about some poll worker committing fraud, demonstrating your unbelievable idiocy in thinking that makes a case for Voter ID.
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

I did answer the question. I do not support AUTOMATICALLY registering people to vote when they sign up for government benefits.

Voting is political. Signing people up to vote when they are being handed MONEY BY THE GOVERNMENT is a form of emotional-political coercion performed by Big Government.

And ISSUING CREDENTIALS? Yet another form of government Photo ID? We already have those at the state level, so what you are suggesting is the Feds having a National Photo ID, with yet more centralization of power. No Thank You.

Why wouldn't you want people to be easily registered to vote? Register them when they apply for social security, when they apply for welfare, when they apply for college, when they register for a gun....You can verify their documentation at that time.....the more the merrier ...right?
Give them a chance to opt out if they don't want to register

Why are you afraid of people being eligible to vote?
Voter ID proponents are like a stuck record. Even though it has been empirically proven that Voter ID does not stop fraud, they still want money wasted on it!
They cannot explain themselves. All we get is retarded responses like, "Because South Africa." Holy SHIT!!!
Because South Africa.
Never mind that Voter ID does not stop fraud, we must have it "because South Africa."
We're talking serious mental retardation here.
Voter ID. Does. Not. Stop. Fraud.
G5000 has been reduced to clapping his hands over his ears and yelling "ICANYHEARYOUICANTHEARYOU!"
This makes him more useless than usual.
I see you are dodging the truth. You cannot provide an example of actual voter fraud which was caught by Voter ID.

Gee, after all these years.

If you had an IQ over 70, it would finally dawn on you what an incredible waste of money, time, and effort Voter ID is.

Voter fraud continues unabated in Voter ID states. Therefore, you support fraud.
Voter ID proponents are also dodging the question about automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for food stamps.

So what about it? Let's automatically register them to vote. After all, you tards have long argued you have to show ID when you get food stamps!
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

I did answer the question. I do not support AUTOMATICALLY registering people to vote when they sign up for government benefits.

Voting is political. Signing people up to vote when they are being handed MONEY BY THE GOVERNMENT is a form of emotional-political coercion performed by Big Government.

And ISSUING CREDENTIALS? Yet another form of government Photo ID? We already have those at the state level, so what you are suggesting is the Feds having a National Photo ID, with yet more centralization of power. No Thank You.
So you are opposed to signing up as many citizens as possible to vote. I figured as much.
All kinds of fraud have been caught, and the Voter ID tards have gleefully posted many, many, many of them. It has never dawned on them to spend ten second thinking about the fraud examples they post and come to the realization that every single case they have ever provided could not be stopped by Voter ID.

You would think that if millions of illegals were voting, several of those sneaky bastards would have been caught by now. You would think at least one of the examples the Voter ID tards have posted over the years would have been a case of illegals voting.

There is a reason why in-person voter fraud is so rare. But the Voter ID tards cannot figure out why. They just don't have the mental wattage to get it.

You want to actually stop fraud? Then stop wasting taxpayer dollars on Voter ID and spend that money on things which would actually work. Otherwise, you are helping fraud continue. You are a rube who is actually helping to waste money and keep fraud alive.

You are also helping totalitarians to inch people toward getting the people with being comfortable with having to carry national identity papers with them at all times. This is how you begin to control the sheep's movements, idiots.
Nonsense. Those older voters must have ID to get Social Security payments.

Do you support automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for Social Security payments?

No. Voting and Not Voting are both equally valid choices. Forcing an "opt out" version is government overreach.

You didn't answer his question

You are concerned about voters having proper credentials. Do you support the issuing of credentials and registering to vote for people signing up for Social Security or Welfare?

I did answer the question. I do not support AUTOMATICALLY registering people to vote when they sign up for government benefits.

Voting is political. Signing people up to vote when they are being handed MONEY BY THE GOVERNMENT is a form of emotional-political coercion performed by Big Government.

And ISSUING CREDENTIALS? Yet another form of government Photo ID? We already have those at the state level, so what you are suggesting is the Feds having a National Photo ID, with yet more centralization of power. No Thank You.

Why not issue credentials that are acceptable to the state. Same credentials you would get at the DMV but it saves you the trip. You go to register for welfare, you show ID, they verify your residency and you are either issued a welfare card (from the state) or other picture ID that can be used to vote. You are also helped to register to vote at that time and given information on your polling place

Should make everyone happy
It is hard working with retards.

You show them that Voter ID does not stop fraud. They post examples of voter fraud as evidence Voter ID is necessary.

When you show them their example of fraud could not have been stopped by Voter ID, does it sink in? Nope. What they think we are saying is, "There is no fraud."

But that is not what we are saying. At all. Voter ID tards have this very, very weird perception filter. They hear imaginary shit.

THERE IS VOTER FRAUD. Got that, tards? Voter fraud exists. Got that? HEAR that? SEE that?

Be sure to hear and see that. THERE IS VOTER FRAUD.

Once you get that into your profoundly thick skulls, hear this; VOTER ID DOES NOT STOP THAT FRAUD.

It doesn't.

Every. Single. Example you have EVER shown could not be stopped by Voter ID.

Absentee ballot fraud. Poll worker fraud. Multiple voting. You know all the examples you have posted over the years. You crow about some poll worker committing fraud, demonstrating your unbelievable idiocy in thinking that makes a case for Voter ID.

It's really hard to discuss a topic with someone who doesn't have an argument.
Will you help them get the necessary documentation?

EXACTLY the left wing position. That the poor, especially the poor blacks, are too stupid or too lazy to be able to do anything for themselves. Bravo point made. How does anyone go through life without some sort of proof of who they are?

Don't you support the right to vote?

Why wouldn't you want to help those who are having difficulty obtaining acceptable documentation?

Do you prefer a system of "gotcha" for those with issues on their documentation?

I support the right to not have my vote disenfranchised by someone voting who is voting illegally.

Just to pick this one out by itself....
Doesn't this assume that anyone voting illegally is always voting contrary to yours?
Meaning, what if that illegal vote is the same as yours? Now you have the opposite situation. Cancels out the first one.

Just sayin'.

OK, change my vote, to anyone's vote....better?

Nope. Same result.
That is, UNLESS you're only concerned with those illegal votes that counter the way you voted. Otherwise, they cancel out and it's not an issue.
Voter ID proponents are also dodging the question about automatically registering people to vote when they sign up for food stamps.

So what about it? Let's automatically register them to vote. After all, you tards have long argued you have to show ID when you get food stamps!
If they are citizen enough to get food stamps they are citizen enough to vote

Give them an ID and register them to vote
Two options, neither necessarily to the exclusion of the other:

If you do not have or cannot afford (scoff) a state-issued picture ID....

1: Register to vote, get your picture taken. That picture goes into a database, similar to that of the BMV, if not the same one. When you show up to vote w/ your state issued photo ID. the poll workers go to the database, check you against the picture in the database, and then give you a ballot. If there is any question among the poll workers, you get a provisional ballot to be verified later.

2: Register to vote, get your thumbprint scanned. When you show up to vote w/o your state-issued picture ID,. you run your thumb over the scanner and given a green/red light to vote. A red light might be an error, so you cast a provisional ballot to be verified later.

This eliminates any cost to or burden on a low-income voter and therefore eliminates any argument regarding discrimination against same for political purposes.

What say ye?
I support either plan

How do you verify mail in ballots?

Blood. You have to enclose blood so we can check your DNA.

and a pony.

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